商务英语谈判 支付方式.doc

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1、A:Hello Mr Dong.Very nice to see you again!(您好,很高兴再次见到您!)B:Hello,Mr Yang.I am glad to meet you too!(您好,杨先生。我也很高兴再次见到您!)A:Now, Lets continue to last coversation,please.(现在,让我们继续上次的谈话吧)B:OK.Mr Yang, We hope the term of payment is DAP.(好的。杨先生,我们希望用DAP支付。)A:Ms Zhao,What do you think about it?(赵小姐,你怎么看?)

2、B:I think wed better do our usually practice L/C.DAP may too risks for us.(我认为最好用L/C支付。DAP会给我们带来更大的风险。)A:I think so.(事实上,我们通常都用L/C支付的。)B:open the L/C costs are too high ,on the other hand procedures in trouble.(我们不想支付太多的费用给银行,开立信用证也比较麻烦。)A:Its our first time to cooperation .We have make great conces

3、sion in the price. And We also hope can have a long-term cooperation in the future.(这是我们第一次合作。我们已经在价格上给了最大的优惠了。我们希望将来能与贵公司有更长远的合作关系。)B:Of course .We hope too(当然我们也希望如此。)A:But we have no precedent.(但是我们没有先例)B:How about 30% DAP and 70% L/C?(那么30%DAP,70%L/C怎么样?)A:en. 30% DAP and 70% L/C.OK.That is deal!(嗯,30%DAP,70%L/C啊。那好吧。就这样定了!)B:Oh, Thank you very much! When shall we start to sign a contract?(好的,非常感谢。那我们什么时候签订合同呢?)A:At any time.(随时可以)B:Thanks. Well prepare everything.(谢谢,我们将准备好一切)A:We are looking forwad to good news.(悉听佳音)


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