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1、一根据提示填空(每空一词)1)I felt _ (complete) relaxed.2)哪个城市人口最多,上海、香港还是青岛?Which city has the _ _, Shanghai, Hong Kong or Qingdao?3)The school bus _ (safe) has become a hot topic(话题).4)We should learn from each other. (改为同义句) We should learn from _ _.5)he decided to give away her c_ (某些) toys to the poor child

2、ren.6)When people dance, they express(表达) their_ (feel) about life and love.7)她知道和孩子沟通的重要性。 She knows the _ _ communicating _ her child.8) 他看起来和其他每个人都不一样。 He looks different from everyone _.9) 即使意味着冒着她的生命危险,你的天使也会保护你。Your angel will_ you even though it means risking her _.10) She is a bit nervous. (

3、改为同义句) She is _ _ _ nervous.11.) 他看起来和其他每个人都不一样。 He looks different from everyone _.12.) 这辆自行车不是我的。它属于她。 This bike isnt mine. It _ _ _.13) Tom caught a very small bird and h_ (握住;抓住) it in his hands.14.)There are many foreign _(visit) to go to the Great Wall every year.15.) Yao Ming is a _(success)

4、player in NBA.16) Thanks for your _(invite). But Im sorry I cant visit you this week.17) My _(hobby) are traveling and collecting.18) There will be _(few) jobs for people because _(many) robots will do the same jobs as people.19) In English, we say that sharing a problem is like _(cut) it in half.20

5、) Taking a train to Wuhan is more fun than_(take) a plane.21) If you can go closer to the birds, you can _(easy) watch them.二选择1He told the interviewer that he hadrun out ofmoney to buy old bikes.下列哪一项可以代替加粗部分?A.put awayB.turned offC.taken outD.used up2Everyone expected us to-the match, but we lost.

6、 A.beatB.winC.hitD.develop3A new shop-for a week nearby. Lets have a look there.Good idea. But it doesnton Mondays. A.opened; openedB.has been opened; open C.has opened; openedD.has been open; open4My teachers often encourage me-more friends but I find it difficult.Your teachers idea is right. The m

7、ore friends you make, -you will be.A.to make; the more happyB.to make; happierC.making; the happierD.to make; the happier5. Is that Annas car?It-be hers. She has gone to the theater for the new opera.A.cantB.mustnC.mayD.must6. You arent a stranger(陌生人), are you? Dont you remember-me at the school ga

8、te ten minutes ago? A.to seeB.seeingC.sawD.sees7)Lindas mother looks young, but actually she is in her-.A.sixtiethB.sixtiesC.sixtyD.sixty years old8). Lisa is-than her sister.A.more smarterB.much smarterC.more smartD.very smarter9) We stopped-and-because we were tired and thirsty.A.working; to drink

9、B.to work; drinkingC.to work; to drinkD.working; drinking10.) Who can sing the most beautifully? -.A.Its up for youB.Thats up to youC.It decides for youD.It decides to you11 )Of all the students, Angie is the-but studies-than others.A.shorter; bestB.shortest; betterC.shortest; bestD.shorter; better1

10、2) Do you think the accident-the driver?A.have to doB.aboutC.has to do withD.has nothing with13) At first she-like the new subject physics, but now she.A.didnt; didB.doesnt; doesC.doesnt; didD.didnt; does14) You are always studying. Why not have a rest?I study hard, so that I-fail the math test. A.c

11、anB.mayC.needntD.may not15)Does Mary have P. E.-Friday?No, she doesnt. She has P. E.-the afternoon of Monday and Thursday.A.on; inB.on; onC.in; onD.on; at16)Tom asked my friend-. A.where was he fromB.that the earth is bigger than the moonC.when did he came backD.not to be so angry17) Please take the

12、se-to your sister. A.bookB.keysC.dictionaryD.photoes18)-healthy, we should keep exercising and eat less every day.A.To keepB.KeepC.KeepingD.Kept 前4页一、根据提示填空(每空一词)1、Jane doesnt like comedies. She thinks they are _(无聊的).2、It is n_ for all of us to do enough exercise every week.3、昨天我遇到许多问题,比如丢了钱和衣服。I h

13、ad many problems _ _ losing money and clothes yesterday.4、Children, please help _(you) to some fruit.5、在上课一开始,老师让我们问问题。 At the _ _ the class, the teacher told us to ask questions.6、When people watch the show, they usually play a role in _(decide) the winner.7、Cleaners clean the streets every day. Th

14、eir work is _(true) common.8、他想当一名厨师并去上厨艺学校。 He wants to be a _ and is going to study in a _ school.9、The _(win) in the talent shows get good prizes.10、To our _ (惊讶), the factory is still pouring waste water into the river near it.11、People who eat a balanced diet should be_ (健康) than those who only

15、 eat biscuits and hamburgers.12、Susan was so careless that she made many m_(错误) in the test.3、Thank you very much for your _(invite). But Im so sorry that I cant come to your party tomorrow.14、After the rain, the village looks_(wonder) from the top of the hill.15、He invited her to his birthday party

16、 but she _(拒绝).16、Does Gold Theatre have_(comfort) seats of the five in your city?17、How _(care) you are! Youve knocked the cup off the table again!18、He took out the coin, surprised, and looked at it _ (care).19、Will you join us in the _ (讨论) about the teenage problems?20、Today people can use the p

17、hone to talk with others almost _(somewhere) on the earth.21、Susan says she _ _ (become) a teacher when she _ (grow) up.22、Whats_ (happen) outside now?23、My best friend is very _ (善解人意的) and she often helps me with my work.24、_ _(is) sad if you fail the exam.25、连词成句(每空一词) jeans, in, teacher, you, if

18、, let, wear, the, wont, you_ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _26、用if, unless, as long as选词填空Your handwriting will certainly improve_ you practice it every day.27、如果你有问题,你应该跟其他人聊聊。 If you have problems, you _ talk to other people.28、Today is my birthday. There are many g_(客人) here.29、妈妈们迫不及待地见到孩子们。 The mothers _ _ _ s

19、ee their children.30、_ _ (not, speak) with your mouth full of food and _ (be) polite.31、There are many_ (difference) between country music and classical(古典) music.32、当我们达到学校时,天开始下雨了。、When we got to school, it _ _.33、Jim went to the moviestwice a weekwhen he was young.(对加粗部分提问)_ _ _ Jim go to the mov

20、ies when he was young?34、I like _(swim) very much, but I dont like _ _(swim) today, because the water is so cold.35、Wevisited a museumon vacation.(就加粗部分进行提问) _ _ you _ on vacation?36、乔不够高,不适合打篮球。 Joe wasnt _ _ to play basketball.37、那些洗碗机真棒,我想给我自己买一台Those dish washers are great. I think Ill get one f

21、or _.38、你今年暑假有没有去什么有意思的地方?Did you go _ interesting this summer vacation?39、虽然他们是双胞胎,他们之间还是有很多的差异。Although they are twins, there are many _ between them.40、他比我认识的任何人都聪明。 He is cleverer than _ I know.41、I went tosummer campduring my holiday. _ _ you _during your holiday?42、We wanted to walk up to the

22、top, but then it _ _ (开始下雨) a little,so we _ _ (决定) take the train.43、We _ _ (等待) the train _ (超过) an hour because there were too many people.二选择1、-a day makes!A.What differenceB.What a differenceC.How differenceD.How a difference2、Why dont you-your friends to the party? I want to meet them.A.bringB

23、.bringsC.leaveD.take3、You are unhappy all the afternoon. Maybe you need-to make you smile.A.nobodyB.everyoneC.anybodyD.someone4、Why dont you-your friends to the party? I want to meet them.A.bringB.bringsC.leavesD.take5、Morning, class. Is-here today?No, sir. Tom is absent(缺席). He is ill at home. A.an

24、ybodyB.everybodyC.nobodyD.somebody6、When-Julie-her room?Last night. A.does; cleanB.did; cleanC.is; cleanD.do; clean7、I think coffee tastes good, but not-likes drinking it.A.somebodyB.anybodyC.nobodyD.everybody8、How often does the train run to Zhengzhou?-twenty minutes.A.AnyB.EachC.EveryD.Some9、do yo

25、u use the Internet a week?Twice.A.How oftenB.How soonC.How longD.How many times10、Dont forget-thanks when other people help you. A.to sayB.sayC.saysD.saying11、The summer vacation will begin next week. David-to stay with us. A.will be comingB.comesC.cameD.is coming12、Will there be any paper money in

26、100 years?-. Everyone will have a credit card.A.Yes, there isB.No,there isntC.Yes, there willD.No, there wont13、There-a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.will be going toB.will going to beC.is going to beD.will go to be15、I-hard from now on. A.studiedB.will studyC.studyingD.studies16、-exercise you take,-

27、youll be.A.The fewer; the fatterB.The less; the fatterC.The less; the more fatterD.The fewer; the more fatter17、-his father works!A.How carefulB.How carefullyC.What carefulD.What carefully18、It hardly snows this winter,-?No, the weather is too dry. A.is itB.doesnt itC.does itD.isnt it19、If we-take e

28、nvironmental problems seriously, the earth-worse and worse.A.dont; will beB.wont; isntC.wont; isD.dont; wont be20、If there-no buying and selling of animals, thereno killing in nature.A.is; will beB.will be; will beC.is; isD.will be; is21、Bob cant come to the club today because he-help his father wat

29、er the flowers in the garden.A.canB.mustC.has toD.have to22、-exercise you take,-youll be.A.The fewer; the fatterB.The less; the fatterC.The less; the more fatterD.The fewer; the more fatter23、He can speak English as well as his father-. A.doB.doesC.isD.did24、I once(曾经) worked for a travel magazine f

30、or one year and the-helped me get a job as a reporter.A.experienceB.eventC.experimentD.excitement25、He looked for his watch yesterday, but he didnt find it-. A.at firstB.in the endC.at the end ofD.then26、Lucy, what about going camping if it-tomorrow?Sounds great! A.didnt rainB.doesnt rainC.wont rain

31、D.rains27、-Would you please help me to take these books downstairs? -.A.Yes, pleaseB.No problemC.Thats rightD.Lets go28、Do you know-?A.what he happenedB.what the matter is with himC.what happened to himD.what did he happen29、This computer is really cheap.The-, the better. I need money, you know. A.c

32、heapestB.cheapC.cheaperD.dear30、-it is to have a break between classes!I agree with you. I can have a chat with my friends.A.What a great funB.What great funC.How great funD.How a great fun31、Are you going anywhere?I-about visiting my sister, but I have changed my mind.A.thinkB.have thoughC.will thinkD.thought32、You must look-yourself and keep.A.for, healthB.after,healthC.after, healthyD.for, healthy33、The story is about Lei Feng. Its very-.A.boringB.meaninglessC.educationalD.enjoyable34、Please be. Theres an important meeting in the next room.A.quicklyB.quiteC.quietlyD.quiet10


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