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1、AbstractTask-based teaching is no longer a new term. However, its application in china, particularly in less developed areas, has not been heard. The writer has carried out a five-week experiment in a suburban junior middle school in a third grade class based on the concept and idea of TBA. The teac

2、hing was mainly giving students different task activities to do. After five-weeks teaching, test scores of the experimental class and the contrast class (both before and after the experiment) were compared. A questionnaire about the Teaching was also given to the students. The results of the test sc

3、ores have shown a favorable tendency towards the experimental class .The subjects responses to the questionnaires also reflect a great interest in the new method and students hope for more active and more practical classes were strong felt in the answers. It is obvious that for those young teenagers

4、, making the learning process into a process of “doing things “fitted them and benefit them well/. The study suggests that the concept and practice of TBA can accommodate a well-balanced teaching that gives learners enough space to adjust them and to follow their internal route of development. It ca

5、n also give teachers inspirations to design lessons that are fun, interesting, and more suitable for the students.Key Words: task-based teaching classroom teaching内容摘要随着全球化和信息化进程的加快,国际间交流与合作日益密切。越来越多的人们开始出国旅游,学习,工作,甚至有人长期定居国外。然而,由于各自文化背景不同等原因,出现文化撞击的现象。文化撞击是人们由于失去了自己原来熟悉的生活和社会标志,而对新文化产生的一种不适应。这种不适应既

6、有身体上的,也有心理上的。症状表现多种多样,例如头痛,肠胃不适,思乡,焦躁不安等等。这种现象并非突然出现的。人们由最初的欣喜甜蜜到不适应到厌恶到适应这种过程。面对文化撞击也一样。克服文化撞击的方法很多,你可以首先对新文化有个比较全面的了解,你可以争取熟练运用该国语言或模仿别人做事,也可以寻找帮助等等。但最重要的是面对困难保持积极的心态,这将会对你的人生起到很重要的作用。关键词:文化撞击 症状 克服方法ContentsChapter I Introduction.11.1 Background introduction .1. 2ChapterII*5ChapterIII*8ChapterIV*

7、13ChapterVI*20ChapterVII*25Chapter VIII Conclusion.27IntroductionIn almost every kind of social culture, there will be wedding coustom. The form of wedding is changing constantly with the progress of the human society. So it seems that human beings have an innate need: The wedding will be between hu

8、sband and wife relationships publicly confirmed. Since ancient times, marriage is the first human relations. The more important for people is that through the complex and brilliant Marriage Customs. We can have a clearer understanding of human society is basic law. When talking about traditional Chi

9、nese wedding, some people will think of the red tape like three Baidoa nine call. What about exotic Wedding Customs? Apart fromBridal Suite, churches, priests, there would not be too much impression. It is cultural differences that make Marriage Customs all over the world have so many significant di

10、fferences. Then these colorful Wedding Customs constitute a beautiful scenic route in human society.As China has joined the WTO, economic and culture communication with western countries is incresingly frequent. The world cnstantly accelerates pace of globalization economy and culture integrate in h

11、igh speed, western culture floods into China massivly and Chinese traditional etiquette have been impacted by western culture etiquette. How to protect the traditional Chinese etiquette and to discard the dross and integrate the western etiquette reasonably and effectively bacomes a topic need to be

12、 thought of and discussed, which made establishing a culture system which suits Chinese present society more wrgent. So I am trying to have a research on western culture and customs, in order to contribute to the society.Chaper1.Marriage customs in western countries1.1 Before marriage1.11 Engagement

13、 ringIn western countries, if the lovers want to get married, the boy should have to propose to the girl, and give her an engagement ring. The giving of an engagement ring was first practiced when the groom purchased his bride. By giving a token, such as a ring, he pledged to marry her in return for

14、 her dowry and social status, among other things. The tradition of giving adiamond began with the Italians. It was believed that diamonds were created from the flames of love and represented everlasting love. If the girl accepts the engagement ring, they are engaged.1.12 Tell their parentsAs soon as

15、 they get engaged, they need to tell their parents. And then the girls parents will announce the engagement and the wedding. Traditionally, its the girls parents who take charge of the expense of the wedding mostly, and the boys parents are in charge of rehearsal and some other things. The rehearsal

16、 is played one or two days before the wedding ceremony, ang it means to make everyone who will attend the ceremony familiar with the process of it.1.13Invitation and preparing presentSeveral weeks before the wedding ceremony, the relatives and friends will receive the invitations, and if you receive

17、 one, you must prepare a suit of formal dress. As a lady, you need a gown, and as a gentleman you need a tuxedo. Meanwhile, you need prepare some present for the new couple. Its no need of high price, something useful will do, such as a vase, a set of teacups, and so on. That will be great if you kn

18、ow what the bride or the groom likes.1.14 The rowdy bachelor partiesThe rowdy bachelor parties were the invention of the Spartan Soldiers. It became customary for the groom to feast with his friends the night before the wedding, often celebrating his last night of freedom by getting severely drunk (

19、not much has changed it seems). In modern times, women have decided they also want their night of fun, so now it is traditional for women to have Stagette or Bachelorette parties as well.1.2 On wedding day1.21 Dressing of the brideUp until the 1400s, the bride usually wore her best dress regardless

20、of the color. It was Queen Victoria who began the present day fashion of wearing white as the wedding dress. In Bible, the combination of the man and woman is considered to be saintly. It means the start of the procreating. So it mustuse white to decorate it. Thus in western countries, the bride wea

21、rs white dress and take white lily and also with white glove.1.22 The bridesmaids and ushersThe idea of having bridesmaids, pages, a best man and ushers origins from the belief that evil spirits, envious of the couples happiness that would be out to harm the bride and groom will be confused by so ma

22、ny similarly dressed people.The custom of the best man probably goes back to the days when the groom took a friend with him when he went to kidnap the bride from her home. Bells were originally rung at weddings to frighten away the evil spirits, and noisy celebrations were held beforehand to try and

23、 drive them from the community. These were the ancestors of our stag and hen parties.1.23 The main process off the wedding dayFirst the groom will take the brides hand from the brides father, and then he will uncover the veil of the bride. Later the priest will pray for then and the will follow prie

24、st to say like this:I (Tom/Susan), take thee (Susan/Tom)to my wedded wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish , till death us do apart, according to Gods holy ordinance; and thereto I plight

25、thee my troth.(quote)Then they will wear the ring for each other, and the groom will kiss the bride, The Wedding Kiss dates back to Roman times. The kiss was to seal the marriage legally between the couple and must be witnessed by another person. After the kiss, they will go out of the church and ha

26、ve a party. Usually the new couples will go to have a honeymoon later that day.Chaper2.Marriage customs in ChinaChinese marriage was systemized into custom during the Warring States period. Due to the vast expansion and long history, there are different customs that are followed in different places,

27、 although they are generally thesame. We can still get chances to witness traditional marriages in the countryside. (Quote)Compare to the western marriage customs, here will display the old Chinese ones and the difference between them.Chapter3. The reason of the impactChinese marriage customs have c

28、hanged in many aspects, and its more and more similar to the western ones. There are many elements which made Western marriage customs have impact on Chinese marriage customs.Chapter4. The changes western wedding brings to China4.1 Western weddingWestern wedding is romantic. The entire wedding is fu

29、ll of romantic from the beginning to the end. The brides dress is generally white, and the grooms is black, which make the whole wedding serious and solemn. Holding the wedding ceremony in the church is the most important link in the entire wedding. First, the bride comes to the groom holding her fa

30、thers hand to the wedding march rhythm. Then her father delivered her to the hands of the groom, and pastor will ask the bride and groom make a lifelong promise to each other, which is the climax of the whole wedding. Then they will exchange the wedding rings and kiss each other in the blessing of t

31、he priests and guests. The flowers ball in the brides hands is not an ordinary furnishing. At the end of the wedding, the bride would throw it to the female guests arrived at the scene, the one who received the flowers is the next person to get married. Then the wedding comes to the end in the laugh

32、 of the guests.ConclusionThe differences between Chinese and Western marriage relates directely to the differences of ideology and thinking. Chinese people are moreconservative, and they like liveness, so therere not many changes on the wedding customs through a period of housands of years of time.

33、After the introduction of modern Western culture, Chinas traditional culture began to transform to the West. But to a large extent Chinas wedding customs are still maintained a traditional style. Wedding stress ostentation and a series of premarital courtesy is most dazzling. But The Western wedding

34、 customs is romantic, and the wedding ceremony lays stress on the courtesy rather than ostentation. Pre-marriage rites are not so complexe. Everything is going on under a relaxed atmosphere. Culture also applys in the law of survival of the fittest. In the process of globalization today, the culture

35、 which is not suitable for development of the times in every country will be impacted by other advanced culture, shrinking or even disappearing, which is a normal phenomenon. If you do not have no courage to admite being backward and absorb in a good cultural absorption, how can you exceed other cou

36、ntries and create a higher and more advanced culture? We should dare to embrace the advanced culture that is suitable for the development, and to abandon the bad and outdated culture, no matter the culture is Chinese or foreign. We should hold an attitude of “The sea contains every river, and the gr

37、eatness containseverything, discard the dross and select the essential” towards culture.(另起一页)Notes1 Leonard Unger, ed., American Writers, Vol. IV (New York: Charles Scribers Sons, 1974) 192.2 Louis J. Budd, ed., New Essays on Adventures of Huckleberry Finns (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1985) 3.3 Mark

38、Twain, Mark Twains Notebook (New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1935) 400.4 Sherwood Cummings, Mark Twain and Science (Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State UP,1988) 123.15 John C. Gerber, Mark Twain (Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1988) 199(另起一页)Bibliographylair, Walter. Mark Twain & Huck Finn. Berkeley and Los Angeles: U ofCalifornia P, 1962.Bloom, Harold, ed. Mark Twain. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986.Dyno,VictorA.WritingHuckFinn:MarkTwainsCreativeProcess.Philadelphia:


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