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1、,Harry potter,Have you ever see Harry Potter?Harry Potter is a name of a famous book and he is the hero of this book. He is brave, straight(正直的)and clever. He always help other people get over a difficulty. He is a famous person in their world and he has many friends in Hogwarts magic school(霍格沃茨魔法学

2、院). Their names are Ron Weasley (罗恩韦斯莱), Hermione Granger(赫敏格兰杰),Neville Longbottom (纳威隆巴顿)and so on. And now let us know about them!,Harry potter,He is Harry. A boy who six times beat Lord Voldemort(伏地魔)and at last kill him. But his parents was killed by Lord Voldemort when he is a baby. He favorit

3、e sport is Quidditch(魁地奇), he is a seeker(找球手). He play it very well.,Ron Weasley,This is Ron. He favorite thing is eating and he is a prefect of Gryffindor(格兰芬多)He is Harrys best friend. His family is big,nice but poor. So he has to use old book and old school uniform. And he is a brave, responsibl

4、e and humorous boy.,Hermione Granger,Her name is Hermione. She is good at everything and she always help Harry and Ron with their homework. She has the best grade in in Hogwarts. Every teacher likes her very much. She is a prefect in Gryffindor too.,Neville Longbottom,His name is Neville, He always

5、forget some thing. He is brave too but he sometimes is not very confident. He usually do something laughable(可笑的) .,分院帽的歌,那是一千多年前的事情, 我刚刚被编织成形, 有四个大名鼎鼎的巫师, 他们的名字流传至今: 勇敢的格兰芬多,来自荒芜的沼泽, 美丽的拉文克劳,来自宁静的河畔, 仁慈的赫奇帕奇,来自开阔的谷地, 精明的斯莱特林,来自那一片泥潭。 他们共有一个梦想,心愿, 同时有了一个大胆的打算, 要把年轻的巫师培育成才, 霍格沃茨就这样创办,,这四位伟大的巫师 每人都把自己

6、的学院建立, 他们所教的学生身上 看重的才华想法不一 格兰芬多认为,最勇敢的人 应该受到最高的奖励; 拉文克劳觉得,头脑最聪明者 总是最有出息; 赫奇帕奇感到,最勤奋努力的 才最有资格进入学院; 而渴望权利的斯莱特林 最喜欢那些有野心的少年。 。(篇幅较长,略),Gryffindor,Gryffindor is one of the academy in Hogwarts, people who is brave in Hogwarts can enter Gryffindor. Theirs colors are red and gold. And their animal is a lio

7、n. Students in this are very brave and virtuous(善良的). If I have a chance, I will choose it!,格兰芬多,Ravenclaw,Clever people will go to Ravenclaw. In my opinion, student who in this are like a fool, dont they? They only can study! Anyhow, I dont like this, but I dont hate it! Their colors are blue and b

8、rown and their animal is an eagle(鹰).,拉文克劳,Hufflepuff,Student who is honest enter this. In fact, honest friend are good. Their color are yellow and gray. Their animal is獾.,赫奇帕奇,Slytherin,At last, I have to introduce this academy. I hate it very much, because student who is 有野心的,冒坏水的 will enter this. Their students always hurt( use word or body ) . I hate this very much! Their colors are gray and green, and animal is a snake.,斯莱特林,Thank you,Bye,


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