外研版必修三Module6 Reading.ppt

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《外研版必修三Module6 Reading.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版必修三Module6 Reading.ppt(32页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、The Three Gorges Dam,civil reservoir structure terminal accommodate construction relic generate historical temple submerge global remove harness,民用的;国内的 水库 结构 终点站,候机厅 容纳 建筑;建造 遗迹;遗物 发电 历史的 寺庙 淹没 全球的 移走 利用,The Great Wall,The longest man-made structure ever made,Hong Kong International Airport,The big

2、gest civil engineering project of all time,The Three Gorges Dam,1. The largest hydro-electric dam in the world,2. 1.5kilometers wide,3. The reservoir is over 500 kilometers long.,The Three Gorges Dam,The Three Gorges Dam,Advantages of the Three Gorges Dam,Disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam,Descri

3、ption of the dam,People affected by the dam,Mao Zedongs dream,Fast reading,Match the main idea with each paragraph.,Part1 (Para1-2) Part2 (Para3) Part3 (Para4-5),Advantages of the Dam Disadvantages of the Dam Brief introduction to the Dam,Structure,Careful reading,Choose true or false, and correct m

4、istakes ,if possible.,1. MaoZedong once dreamed that there would be a great dam to harness the power of the Yangtze River.,2. The Three Gorges Dam will provide enough hydro-electric power for the whole country.,3. The dam will generate a lot of electricity causing much less air pollution.,.,4. The r

5、eservoir has flooded many peoples homes and 80 historical relics. 5. Some of the flooded relics are being rebuilt and some are being put into museums.,T,F,central region of China,T,800,F,F,removed,1.Whats the dream of Mao Zedong? 2.Why has the Three Gorges Dam been built? 3.What is the size of the T

6、hree Gorges Dam ?,Read Part 1 (para1-2). Answer the following three questions:,Further reading,1.Whats the dream of Mao Zedong?,更立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖。 毛泽东,His dream is to build “walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges.”,2.Why has the Three Gorges Dam b

7、een built?,To control flooding and provide hydro-electric power for the central region of China.,3.What is the size of the Three Gorges Dam ?,It is 200 metres high and 1.5 kilometers wide.,Read Part2 (para3). Whats the biggest advantage of the Three Gorges Dam?,The dam will generate electricity equa

8、l to about 40 million tons of coal without causing so much air pollution.,1 The reservoir has _ many places. 2 More than 1,000,000 people have _ from their homes. 3 About 800 historical relics have been _.,moved,Read Part 3. Find out disadvantages.,flooded,submerged,Some are being _museums.,What has

9、 happened to the historical relics near the Three Gorges?,About 800 historical relics have been _.,Some of them are being_.,removed,submerged,put into,1. Mao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of “walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges”.,毛泽东写过一

10、首词,在词中,他想象了“更立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖”的壮丽景观。,1. Mao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of “walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges”.,Practice: 他写了一封信,在信中他解释了事故的原因。,He wrote a letter _ he explained the reason for the accident.,in which,Presentation,dre

11、am of _ eg:1 那男孩一心想当飞行员。(pilot) _ 2 我真想不到能在这见到你。 _ 拓展:dream away ones time/life dream up dream a terrible dream 思考:smile a bitter smile ( ) die a heroic death ( ) live a happy life ( ),想到;梦见;希望;渴望,The boy dreams of becoming a pilot.,I never dreamed of meeting you here.,虚度光阴,构思;想出;虚构,做了一个恶梦,苦笑一下,英勇牺牲

12、,过幸福生活,hold back_ 1.听到儿子成功了,她禁不住留下了喜悦的泪水. 2 他把钱扣下不给工人们。 拓展:1)hold on for a moment 2)hold on to me tightly 3)hold out ones hands hold out until the rescue team came 4)hold up your hand (put up your hand) 5)hold ones breath (屏住呼吸)6)catch/get/grab/seize/take hold of the rope (抓住绳子),Hearing her sons suc

13、cess, she couldnt _ _ _ _ tears of joy.,He _ the money _ from his workers.,阻止:控制:隐瞒;扣留,请稍等,紧紧地抓住我,伸出手,坚持直到救援队的到达,hold back,held,back,2.The dam will generate electricity,equal to about 40 million tons of coal,without causing so much air pollution.,2.The dam will generate electricity equal to about 40

14、 million tons of coal without causing so much air pollution.,但却不会造成那么严重的,大坝将要生产,电量,相当于燃烧4000万吨的煤,所产生的,空气污染。,仿写 这次龙卷风发生在美国,没有造成人员死亡。,The tornado occurred in the USA, _ any deaths.,without causing,A Quiz(小测试),梦见;希望 2. 阻止 3. (梦想的)实现 4.为.提供 5. 最大的建筑工程 6. 发电 7. 与.相等 8. 过着幸福的生活 9.历史遗迹 10. 控制洪水 11. 全球变暖,dr

15、eam of,hold back,I,come true,provide for,the biggest construction project,generate electricity,be equal to,live a happy life,historical relics,control flooding,global warming,II.Find errors and correct them.,1. His dream has been come true.,2. The power of the Yangtze River, that is the worlds third

16、 largest river, has been harnessed by the Three Gorges Dam.,which,3. Billions of tons of coal was used for heating and generate electricity.,generating,4. The Three Gorges Dam was built to provide hydro-electric power to the central region of China.,for,III. Complete sentences with proper words or e

17、xpressions.,1. The government has tried many ways _ (harness) the river which used to flood every year.,to harness/of harnessing,2. I hope that he proves equal _ the challenge.,to,3. Jim was able to hold _ his anger and a quarrel between the two boys was avoided.,back,4. Thousands of men died and ma

18、ny people _( 过着悲惨的生活),lived a terrible life,5. When I was young, I _ (梦想)becoming a scientist.,dreamed of,6. His dream of becoming a designer_ (实现) last summer.,came true,7. He mentioned a book, _ _ the title I cant remember.,He mentioned a book, _ title I cant remember.,of which,whose,8. The driver

19、 late for work was _ _ by a hold up. (hold),held,up,Remember not to remove the dishes from the table before the customers leave.,9. 记住,顾客离开之前,不要从桌子上端走盘子。,_ _,IV. Fill in the blanks with proper forms.,The Three Gorges Dam, the biggest _ (construction) project, has been built _ (control) flooding and

20、provide hydro-electric power for the central region of China. The dam is nearly 200 meters high and 1.5 kilometers wide. It is the largest hydro-electric power station and dam in the world and _(cost) more than any other construction project in history. The dam will _ (generate) electricity equal _

21、about 40 million tons of coal without _ (cause) so air,construction,to control,costs,generate,to,causing,much air pollution. The reservoir _ (flood) 2cities, 11 counties, 140 towns and more than 4,000 villages . More than a million people have moved from their homes and they _ (live) a new life in d

22、ifferent areas. The Three Gorges Dam is one of the _(beautiful) areas of China and the project has flooded some of Chinas most famous _( history) sites. Some of them are being removed and some are being put into museums.,has flooded,are living,most beautiful,historical,Writing,海边的一位工程师梦想着发明一台利用风能来发电

23、的机器。随着风车(windmill) 的普遍使用,他的梦想实现了。风车帮沿海地区供电而又不会造成污染,并且帮当地人民过上更好的生活。他为阻止全球变暖的进程做出了大的贡献。他很称职是无可争辩的。因此人们对他评价很高。,An engineer on the coast dreamed of inventing a machine that can harness the power of the wind to generate electricity. His dream came true with the popular use of the windmill, which helped p

24、rovide electricity for coastal areas without causing air pollution and make the local citizens live a better life. He made great contributions to holding back the process of global warming. It was beyond argument that he was equal to his job. Therefore, people spoke highly of him.,Interview,Suppose you are a journalist, you are interviewing the local citizens, letting them talk about the advantages or disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam.,


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