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1、unit4 Pygmalion,Isabella Guan Miao Middle School,pygmalion,Pygmalion,Based on classical myth, Bernard Shaws Pygmalion plays on the complex business of human relationships in a social world.,Bernard Shaw,社会心理学效应之皮格马利翁效应 皮格马利翁是古希腊神话里的塞浦路斯国王,他爱上了自己雕塑的一个少女像,并且真诚的期望自己的爱能被接受,这种真挚的爱情和真切的期望感动了爱神阿芙狄罗忒,就给了雕像以

2、生命。 虽然这只是一个神话传说,但是,在现实生活中,由于期望而使“雕像”变成“美少女”的例子也不鲜见。美国心理学家曾做过这样一个实验:研究人员提供给一个学校一些学生名单,并告诉校方,他们通过一项测试发现,该校有几名天才学生,只不过尚未在学习中表现出来。其实,这是从学生的名单中随意抽取出来的几个人。然而,有趣的是,在学年末的测试中,这些学生的学习成绩的确比其它学生高出很多。研究者认为,这就是由于教师期望的影响。由于教师认为这个学生是天才,因而寄予他更大的期望,在上课时给予他更多的关注,通过各种方式向他传达你很优秀的信息,学生感受到教师的关注,因而产生一种激励作用,学习时加倍努力,因而取得了好成绩

3、。 积极的期望促使人们向好的方向发展,消极的期望则使人向坏的方向发展,人们通常用这样来形象地说明皮格马利翁效应:“说你行,你就行;说你不行,你就不行”。要想使一个人发展更好,就应该给他传递积极的期望。,pygmalion effect,my fair lady,窈窕淑女,Phonetics Professor Henry Higgins tutors the very Cockney Eliza Doolittle, not only in the refinement of speech, but also in the refinement of her manner. When the

4、end result produces a very ladylike Miss Doolittle, the lessons learned become much more far reaching. The successful musical My Fair Lady was based on this Bernard Shaw classic.,A Brief Introduction (简介) 亨利.希金斯(Henry Higgins)是一名固执傲慢的语言学教授。有一天他遇到了言语粗俗的卖花女伊莉莎.多莉特(Eliza Doolittle),告诉她一个人的语音标志着这个人的社会地位

5、,如果她改进发音就可能会有一份体面的工作。教授回家后,遇到了同行皮克林(Pickering)上校,他告诉上校他能在六个月内把一个下层社会的女子培养成为上流社会的淑女。上校与教授打赌此事不可能。第二天恰好伊莉莎来了,在上校的帮助下,她成了教授的学生。经过刻苦学习,她取得了巨大进步,变得谈吐高雅、仪态端庄。最后在一次大型舞会上,她被介绍给上层社会,赢得了众人的赞美,并被皇家语音专家认为是某国的公主。教授回家后,兴高采烈地向上校索要赌金,完全忽视了伊莉莎,伊莉莎一怒之下,忿然离去。此时若有所失的教授才感到伊莉莎已成为自己生活的一部分。,a poor flower girl,reading task1

6、,Listen and read to divide the act1 into parts,Part1 Eliza & Gentleman Part2 Eliza & Higgins Part3 Higgins & Colonel Pickering Part4 Eliza & Higgins,reading task 2,respect,Sir, capin,Rude to the lower class Polite to the same or upper class,You silly girl, my dear man,Confident, polite, praise,Of co

7、urse, extraordinary, congratulate, acquaintance,Henry Higggins,impatient, rude, confident, superior, self-important,Colonel Pickering,kind, polite, generous, enthusiastic, eager, confident,Eliza,anxious, eager, emotional, ambitious, unsure,language points of Act One,be ambitious to (improve oneself)

8、,1.有志于,e.g. Bernard Shaw was ambitious to write classic musicals.,2. 雨:,下着大雨,It is pouring with rain.,It is raining heavily,It rains cats and dogs.,躲雨,hide from the rain,shelter from the rain,3.犹豫了一会儿,hesitate for a moment,4. 把当作,take for ,e.g. 别把我当傻瓜.,Dont take me for a fool.,language points Of Act

9、 One,5. in disguise 伪装,He is in disguise.,He is a policeman in disguise.,系表,定语,6. pass off as 把冒充成,in amazement,He is in amazement.表语 He said in amazement.状语,骗子把自己冒充为织布工人.,The cheats passed themselves off as weavers.,7.make ones acquaintance,结识某人,make the acquaintance of sb,译:我在一晚会上认识她.,8. a handful

10、 of 一把,a mouthful of , a spoonful of,类似,MAKING THE BET,1. What do they make a bet on? (就什么赌?),2. What is the bet? (赌注是什么?),thinking problems,Language Points of Act Two,1. fancy oneself (as sth) (口语) 自命不凡,查字典-fancy: n. 想象力、渴望、喜爱、带装饰的小蛋糕, adj. 悦目的、 可口的、精致的、过分的、 V. 想、想象、渴望、喜欢、表惊奇、自负,语意类 比,Page32/learni

11、ng about language/1,congratulate oneself on sth为而沾沾自喜,2. show sb in,show,show in(to),show out,show off,show up,炫耀,出现(通常在耽搁一段时间后),Language Points of Act Two,3. (be) resigned to听从,推理,听天由命,be resigned to ones fate,5. take away 把带(拿)走,4. the other day几天前(时间状语),例:几天前他冒充成政府官员.,The other day he passed hims

12、elf off as an officer,e.g. Dont take my antique away.,高中英语课程标准词汇表: ask for a favour, treat as, ignore, offer,Review(复习),注意生词词意,compromise, horrible, disgusting,折衷(道), 可怕的、糟糕的, 令人生厌的,Language Points of Act Two,6. once more,once again,7. be in need of,8. fade out,Yesterday once more,Recite: I am in ne

13、ed of your help.,fade away(逐步褪色、凋零、衰退),die out 灭绝,die down逐步减弱、降低,( 色、花、身体),(火、风、疼痛),summary,This play is an _ of a Greek story. One day, when _ from the rain, Professor Higgins, an expert in _ , and Colonel Pickering, an _ in the army, and a London flower girl, Eliza, came across each other. Eliza

14、was trying to sell her flowers to every passer-by, each for only a few _. But the _ was disappointing. Some people were made _ and thought her _. Professor Higgins was taking a note of Elizas pronunciation. The girl was therefore _, and _ Higgins for a policeman. The professor had to explained that

15、he was just studying and (11) _ some peoples phonetics. He said that peoples pronunciation could (12)_ them and let out the secret of their origin(出身). He declared that the bad English which Eliza spoke would (13)_ her to poor life, but if she was(14)_to speak proper English, she would be able to (1

16、5)_herself _ in three months _ a duchess at an (16)_ garden party. Colonel Pickering, who was also studying language and phonetics, had come all the way from India to England to (18)_ _ _ _ Professor Higgins. The officer was deeply impressed by what the professor said and he persuaded the professor

17、to make an experiment with the flower girl. Finally Professor Higgins (19)_ and agreed to teach Eliza. They would begin with the English (20)_.,adaptation,sheltering,phonetics,officer,pence,outcome,uncomfortable,troublesome,mistaken,took,classifying,betray,condemn,educated,pass,off,as,ambassadors,make the acquaintance of,compromised,alphabet,prediction 预测,prediction1 What s the result of the bet? A. Colonel Pickering won B. Henry Higgins won,prediction2 Whats the result of the musical? A. Eliza married Higgins B. Eliza left Higgins,


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