剑桥儿童英语基础一级 Unit5.ppt

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1、Unit 5 My birthday party,Review,How old are you? Im eight years old. Nick is one year old. Alice is two years old. The baby is one year old. The girl is two years old. The boy is three years old. She s four and hes five. Happy birthday to you.,你多大? 我八岁。 Nick是一岁。 Alice是两岁。 这个婴儿是一岁。 这个女孩是两岁。 这个男孩是三岁。

2、她四岁并且他五岁。 祝你生日快乐。,Enjoy a movie,Peppa Pig,birthday present doll,dress magic show,robot,party ball cake,robot,present,doll,dress,ball,cake,doll,doll,dress,dress,ball,ball,cake,cake,robot,robot,present,present,Lets play,对话练习,Sentences,Welcome to Anns birthday party. A: Happy Birthday to you. This pres

3、ent is for you. B: Its a doll. I like it very much. Thank you for your present. A: Youre welcome.,元旦节 New Years Day,圣诞节 Christmas Day,儿童节 Childrens Day,教师节 Teachers Day,国庆节 National Day,愚人节 April Fools Day,春节 the Spring Festival,中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Festival,本课回顾,单词:birthday present doll dress magic show party ball(s) cake 句子: Happy Birthday to you. This present is for you. Its a doll. I like it very much. Thank you for your present. Youre welcome. Welcome to Anns birthday party.,Homework,1. 重点单词:cake ball doll dress robot mum 2.同步练习unit5 3.口语打卡: 书本29第1题共八句话,


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