剑桥少儿英语预备级上unit 5.ppt

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《剑桥少儿英语预备级上unit 5.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《剑桥少儿英语预备级上unit 5.ppt(32页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 The falling letters.,想一想,在Unit 4中我们学习了以 Hh Ii Jj Kk开头的那四个单词呢?,horse house hen ice ice cream jacket kite,想一想,字母表中,Hh Ii Jj Kk后面又是哪三个字母呢?,The letter “L l”,The letter “M m”,The letter “N n”,This is the letter Ll.,big L.,small l.,Please read after me!,Look! The letter Ll.,big M.,small m.,This is

2、the letter Mm.,Please read after me!,Look! The letter Mm.,big N.,small n.,This is the letter Nn.,Please read after me!,Look! The letter Nn.,仔细看一下这些字母住在哪层楼,在书上的四线格里正确书写字母,Whats this? 这是什么?,lemon,lamp,mango,nose,This is a lamp.,This is a mango.,This is a lemon.,This is a nose.,apple,This is an .,banan

3、a,This is a .,orange,This is an .,lemon,This is a .,mango,This is a .,pineapple,This is a .,watermelon,This is a .,五个元音字母,Part 6 Lets chant and sing.,O I C U, O I C U, Oh, I can see you, Oh, I can see you.,让我们一起来看看课文吧!,1.This is the letter L. Please read after me!,这 是,字母 L,请,读,跟 我,2. Look! The letter L!,看! 字母L!,3.Wow!,哇!,找一找, 在图中找一找我们之前学过的单词,注意喽,有些字母在躺下休息,你能找到它们吗?,苹果 香蕉 小猫 房子 风筝,apple,banana,cat,house,kite,连一连:,下面3个单词,小朋友们只要会读就可以喽!,pineapple,orange,watermelon,练习:,打开课本,让我们一起来做做习题。,


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