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1、2010年小学四年级英语上册第五单元试卷1试题内容:I cant see your sheeps.Can you see_? Yes. A.it B is C.them D. he试题分析:sheeps是复数数,用them代它,所以选C试题答案:C2试题内容:. My mother go towork foot everyday. A. under B. in C. on D. near试题分析:on foot是步行之意,固定搭配,所以选C试题答案:C 3试题内容:Where _the drivers shoes?. A.am B do C.is D.are试题分析:shoes为复数,are正

2、好用来接,所以选D 试题答案:D4试题内容:Theres_ in my bedroom. A.nothing B.not C./ D. no试题分析:在此只有nothing合题意,所以选A试题答案:A5试题内容:There_ some pencils and some rulers in my schoolbag A.are B.s C is D.dose试题分析:因为有两种东西都是复数,故选A试题答案:A6试题内容:Please give me some_ A、apples B、apple C、breads D、breades 试题分析:在此是要选个可数名词的复数形式,所以选A。 试题答案:

3、A7试题内容:Are there some_? A、French fries B、milks C、breads D、cakes试题分析:French fries可数,而其他不可数。 试题答案:A8试题内容:Thank you very much!Jack _! A、Im fine,thank you B、Me too C、Youre welcome D、 Nice to meet you、试题分析:当别人向自己道谢时,自己应该说“Youre welcome!”即“不客气!”试题答案:C9试题内容:Can you_me your Old stamps.?. A、Do show B、showing

4、 C、show D、show it试题分析:一般疑问句的动词直接用动词原形。故选C 试题答案:C10试题内容:My sister is_the cake A、making B、doing C、playing D、does试题分析:make the cake是固定搭配,意为“做蛋糕” 试题答案:A11试题内容:Is the woman _ your sister?A. with a big ears B. with big ears C. in big ears D .for big ears试题分析:耳朵是有两只,with有有的意思,故要用复数,所以选B试题答案:B12试题内容:_ the b

5、oy _ a big nose? ThereA. Whose, with B. Wheres,with C. whose, in D. whose,on试题分析:从后面的回答中可以知道应该问的是地点,所以选B试题答案:B13试题内容:_? They are on my desk.A. Whos he B. Whats that C. Wheres the books D. which i s she试题分析:on the desk.是指在什么地方,提问要用where,所以选C试题答案:C14试题内容:Can you lend your knife to me?yes,_A. I havent

6、B. I did C. I can D. Icant 试题分析:肯定回答只有C是对的,所以选C试题答案:C15试题内容:._ is your father? A. She B.no C. Which D . none试题分析:疑问句在此只能用which提问,哪个是你爸爸?故选C试题答案:C16 试题内容:Whos the girl_ beautiful coat?She is Lily A. with B .in C. in a D. without试题分析:一件衣服,衣服是穿在身上的,而in有穿之意,所以选C试题答案:C17试题内容:Please pass me some_ . A. a w

7、atermelon B. watermelons C. the watermelon D. watermelon试题分析:watermelon单复数同型,所以选D试题答案:D18试题内容:Whats for lunch?I like eating meat ,so we should cook some _ A.apple B Cabbage C.banana D.eggs试题分析:只有eggs符合题意,所以选D试题答案:D19试题内容:Can you give me some books?Sure,_ A. here are you B. here you are C. you are he

8、re D .are you here试题分析:here you are是固定搭配,给你的意思,故B和题意试题答案:B20试题内容:How many _the pears? A. am B. are C. is D .does试题分析:pears是复数,故在此要用are连接,所以应该选B试题答案:B21试题内容:Its eihgt oclock. Itwill be late _ the meeting A. to B. in C. for D. with 试题分析:be late for 固定搭配,所以选C试题答案:C 22试题内容:She is my mothers sister Shes

9、my_. A.uncle B.grandfather C. sister D .aunt试题分析: 推理句,母亲的姐妹是?故选D试题答案:D23试题内容:Welcome_Japan. Thank you very much. A. too B. two C. to D. in 试题分析:Welcome TO 固定搭配 欢迎来.所以选C试题答案:C24试题内容:_ Mrs Black a doctor? Yes, is A. is, he B. its, He C. Is,s he D. Its, she 试题分析: 疑问句对第三人称提问用is,i要大写,女的用she回答,所以选C试题答案:C2

10、5试题内容:.Is that girl your sister? Which_one? _one in thegreen T-shirt A. the, The B. , C. , The D. the, 试题分析:前面不要冠词,后面要用冠词。故选C 试题答案:C26试题内容:早上见到老师,我们应该对老师说: _A、Good morning! B、How are you? C、Happy Teachers Day! D、Youre welcome!试题分析:考察情景交际。 试题答案:A27试题内容:Whats your job ?A、worker B、Im a worker. C、Yes D、

11、I see five phones here.试题分析:问的职业,所以选B 试题答案:B 28试题内容:Lets go to swim? A.、Im fine too. B、Im fine,thank you C、Im nine. D、Thats all right试题分析:表示赞同,所以要选D 试题答案:D29试题内容:easy的反义词是 A、cool B、sky C、difficult D、winter试题分析:考察反义词 试题答案:C30试题内容:Can I borrow your chinese book?A.Itsabook.B.MynameisLiYan. C.Here you a

12、re D. Im fine,thank you试题分析:借东西,故选C试题答案:C31试题内容:Its cloudy today, _ it? Theyre good students, _ they? A. isnt isnt B. is are C. isntarent D. isnt .is 试题分析: 反问句,固定搭配,所以选C试题答案:C32试题内容:.Bin Boy _a new football player. He _ it at school. A. is plays B. areplay C. is plays D. isplay 试题分析:单数人称,故用is,he也是单数

13、第三人称,所以动词也得加s,故选C试题答案:C33试题内容:_ is your father?A. Whose B. Who C. What D.How试题分析:此题中只有who用来提问比较合适,所以选B试题答案:B34试题内容:.Do they like some _?A. orange B. an orange C. oranges D . a orange试题分析:题中的some可以看出看出是复数,故应选C试题答案:C35试题内容:What time do you go _?A. park B. there C. to there D. to here试题分析:名词要接to,而副词直接接

14、动词即可,故选B试题答案:B36试题内容:.Is _your mother. A.his B.he C.me D.she试题分析:第三人称宾格,所以选应该选D试题答案:D37试题内容:Iwant to play _volleyball today. A.a B.the C./D.an试题分析:打排球不用修饰词,所以选C试题答案:C 38试题内容:Do you often play together_ your home. A.in B.at C.on D.with试题分析:在家里常用at搭配,所以选A 试题答案:A39试题内容:._does he go towork,by car or by

15、motor? A.What B.Why C.How D.which试题分析:一般对交通工具提问,用how,意为怎么,怎样,所以选C 试题答案:C40试题内容:Where are my_? A.pencils B.rubberC.book D.egg试题分析:复数名词,所以选A试题答案:A41试题内容:Where do you like to do at saturday? I like being_home. A.in B.at C.with D.on试题分析:在家一般用at home 所以选B 试题答案:B42试题内容:将下列不同类的单词找出来A. desk B. chair C. penc

16、il D. Cabinet试题分析: pencil是铅笔的意思,其他的都是家具,所以选C试题答案:C43试题内容:“切肉”:_the meat A.do B.have C.make D.cut试题分析:考察动词 试题答案:D44试题内容:Milk,juice and coffee_in the bridge. A.is B.do C.put D.are试题分析:主语包括多种饮料,故助动词be用复数试题答案:D45试题内容:Where is Zhanlei? He is _home A.on B.at C.in D.under试题分析:问句问“詹磊在哪里”, “在家”应表达为“at home”试

17、题答案:B46试题内容:Whatsyour cousins name ?_name is Jim. A his B. . His C. hes D. it is试题分析 男单数第三人称的宾格是his,所以选B试题答案:B47试题内容:.What are they doing?They are_? A.read B. reading C. readed D. do reading试题分析:现在进行时,所以选B试题答案:B48试题内容:.How _are the peaches? Ten A. much B. many C. old D .do试题分析:从后面的回答可以推知是对价钱提问,所以要选A

18、试题答案:A49试题内容:How do we go to _school ? A. the B. a C. / D. an试题分析: 学校这一词很特殊,一般在英语交流中说学校不用一所,就直接说学校就行,在此不能用特指,所以选C试题答案: C50试题内容:How many _can you see in the tree? A.pear B.orange C.peaches D. banana试题分析:pear在此是单数,而.peach 复数为.peaches 。故选C试题答案:C51试题内容: He want to come our home _ tomorrow morning.A. at

19、fiveB. at ninth C. on two D. till tenth试题分析: 时间用at 并且是基数,所以选A试题答案:A52试题内容: We all like the girl,she is_.A. of six years old B .six-year-old C. at six old D. of age of six试题分析:形容词修饰动词试题答案:B53试题内容: There are_ days in a week. Monday is the_day of the weekA. seven; two B. seven; second C. seventh; two D

20、. seven; second试题分析:基数词表示有七天,星期一是一个星期的第二天用序数词 试题答案:D54试题内容: During_ century, the world population will reach 200 billion.A.this B. next C. last D.a试题分析:从题中可知是将来时,故应该选B试题答案:B55试题内容: Friday is the_ day of the week.A. seventh B. first C. second D. sixth试题分析:在英语中星期五就是一周的第六天!试题答案:D56试题内容_you a teacher? N

21、o, am not. A. is, he B. its, He C. Are, I D. Its,试题分析: 疑问句型,否定回答,回答应该是第一人称所以选C试题答案:C57试题内容:What is your mother doing now in livingroom? She is_? _ A. to clean B. cleaning C.cleaned D.do clean 试题分析:从提问中可知是现在进行时,答案中只有cleaning是现在分词,所以选B试题答案:B58试题内容:Where are your books?They are in my_A. kitchen B. schoolbag C.book D. diningroom试题分析:根据常识可知书应该是在书包里,所以选B试题答案:B 59试题内容:.May I _your kinfe? Because I. Want to cut my pencilA. borrow B. look C. seach D.break试题分析:根据经验可知,应该是借刀削铅笔,所以选A 试题答案:A60试题内容:What do you want to eat when you have dinner?_ A meat B water C apple D. rice 试题分析:根据常识应该是吃肉,所以选A试题答案:A


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