四年级英语上册Unit 6 Meet My Family! 教.doc

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《四年级英语上册Unit 6 Meet My Family! 教.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级英语上册Unit 6 Meet My Family! 教.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、四年级英语上册Unit 6 Meet My Family! 教学设计与反思花园小学 周爱仪教学内容:Unit 6 Meet My Family! A. Lets talk Lets count教学目标与要求:1、通过学习,能够听懂、会说本课对话,并能在实际情境中运用。2、 能听、说、认读本课句型:How many people are there in your family? 并能在 Lets count活动中做替换练习。3、了解英语国家的一些称谓方式。教学重点:通过学习,能够听懂、会说句型:How many are there? 并能在情境中运用。教学难点:本课的教学难点是句型My fam

2、ily has seven members. / But thats only six! 要求学生能听懂、会说。教具准备:家庭照片;单词图片;教学课件;调查表格;录音机。教学过程:一、Warm-up/Review1. Lets chant:2. Sing a song : Father and Mother3. Free talk.二、PresentationT:Today we are going to learn Unit 6 Meet My Family! A. Lets talk. (1)引出新知:a.教师出示自己的家庭照片,说:“This is my family photo. Ho

3、w many people are there in my family? Lets count.”学生在教师的引导下数数。最后教师说出:“My family has three members.”b.What about your family? How many people are there in your family? Who are they?(指名出示家庭照片来回答,引导学生说出My family has members.)写板书:How many people are there in your family? Three . My family has members. (

4、教师带读,学生跟读,多带读几次members)(2)操练句型:How many people are there in your family? 及回答。 接着全班再问:Who are they? 让其回答说出My, my)(3)练习句型:How many people are there in your group?(4)学习对话:T:(教师投影图画)“Amy and Chen Jie are good friends. They are talking about family now. How many people are there in Chen Jies family? Who

5、are they?”a播放对话课件。b.(看课件并理解对话,回答问题说出)There are three people in Chen Jies family. Theyre Chen Jies parents and her. T:How about Amy?c.(学生看第二遍课件,回答问题说出)There are seven people in Amys family. T:Seven people? Lets count! (教师指着图片带领学生数,引出“But thats only six! Why?”学生理解并回答: 还有一只小狗。)(教师带读But thats only six!几

6、遍,写板书puppy,并出示图片让学生理解puppy 其意,带读这个单词。三、Practice(1)跟读对话。(2)认读对话。(3)分角色读对话。(4)表演对话,了解学生掌握情况。(5)Pair work: Make a new dialogue.(指名检查一组学生)四、Consolidation(1)Make a survey .(教师发给每位同学一张表格,如下表:)A: Hello, How many people are there in your family? B: (My family has members.)A: Thank you. NameMembersTom6(2)Mak

7、e a report.(引导学生说:s family has members.)(3)Lets counta.教师投影图画,问:“What can you see in the picture? ”(学生说出图中的物品)b.教师指着树上的苹果,问:“How many apples are there on the tree? Count!”(学生看图数数后回答。)c.学生两人一组进行问答:如:How many apples / ants are there under the tree? How many flowers are there in the picture?d. 指名检查两组学生

8、。(4)Exercise: 活动手册44页。 a. Listen, number and draw.b. Listen and write the numbers.(5) 拓展练习:找出下列句子的答句,在题前括号里写上编号. 五、Summary六、Homework(1)听录音,背熟Lets talk.(2)用英语介绍自己的家庭情况。 教学反思:一、我认为本节课的教学情景的设计能紧扣实际生活,通过谈论教师的家庭过渡到谈论学生的家庭,最后过渡到课文内容,给学生以熟悉的感受;结构安排上看,时间分配较合理,难度适中,教学活动之间的过渡自然,能合理的利用过渡语言,做到环环相扣。二、从教学过程来看,我觉得

9、本节课的可操作性较强。课前 warm up的歌曲,不是为了唱歌而单纯的唱歌,它除了激活学生的学习兴趣之外,我还通过提问题,让学生带着问题一起唱歌,有目的的培养学生听的能力,并为以下的内容做了铺垫。接着教师通过谈论家庭,并让学生猜猜老师的家庭有多少个人的游戏,在游戏中引出了本节课的重点句:How many people are there in your family? My family has three members.学完了重点句后,教师让学生带着问题听Lets talk对话内容,把问题设置为两个部分,让学生分两次听录音,而每次录音的都设置了不同的问题,问题的设置是从易到难,循序渐进,即

10、能照顾中下生也能提高优生的听力水平,然后让学生分组表演对话,通过这样,培养了学生的交际能力和语言的应用能力。 三、教学设计重视小组合作和语言的交际功能。在教完新句型后,我让学生通过pair work来进行操练巩固新句型。在学完Lets talk的对话后,我让学生分组表演,最后我通过group work让学生用新句型:How many people are there in your family?做调查活动,同学们都能积极地参与到这些活动当中,都能运用简单的英语来进行交际。 四、整节课教学思路比较清晰,教学环节比较流畅,能充分调动学生学习的积极性,课堂气氛较活跃,教学效果比较好。 五、不足的地方:学生的听力练习的拓展应加强,在练习巩固中,应加强学生的听力训练,提高学生的英语听说技能。在时间安排上,要更紧凑合理,让学生有充足的时间去发挥自己的潜力,那么教学效果会更加好。


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