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1、 博立教育国际音标第七讲课前练一练一、 读一读1. mouth think thin thank theatre bathroom three third thirteen thirty thirsty anything something2. brother father mother the this these that those they them their then with there than3.The chlidren dont like fish.Please give them some chips.What are you talking ,Paul?I am tal

2、king about sport.My father is tall.He likes playing football with Paul.二、 写出下来单词中字母组合的发音。并读一读sh she sheep fish short British shelf wash fresh th these this those father mother brother grandfather th three thank with thin think /them bothck black duck clock wr write wrong博立教育国际音标第七讲一、后元音u: Oo在单词中发长音短

3、音的区别在于:后面的字母是清辅音的发短音后面的字母是浊辅音的发长音u:1. oo o u u:oo food moon room gloom broom doom goose tooth o shoe do two u true truth blue full (少) soup group juice fruit grew flew读一读Blue moon The goose is in the swimming pool.One is never too old to learn. (活到老学到老)2. oo ou u o oo look good foot book oul should

4、could u put full bull pull push u women whose 读一读A good book The cook is cooking some cookies.A good wife makes a good husband.二、 辅音(鼻腔音) /m/n/1、m mm /m/ Mother small swim Summer common swimming2、n nn /n/Nose nute newManner funny 3、n ng /Pink link monkey Sing thing running king读一读:Sing a song A warm

5、 room Make me mad Hand in hand My name is Mike Jim is doing nothing.Exercise:一、写出音标并找出发音不同类的词。1.( ) food good zoo moon 2.( ) football look soon cook3.( ) classroom bedroom room goodbye4.( ) horse worker word world5.( ) brother girl nurse term 二、 读一读 ,并根据音标写单词。 fu:d kaind :dn bdmintn drik ik hum mbju:lns


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