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1、一、 听力测试。a. 把你听到的那组字母或单词的序号写在题前括号内。(如把字母或单词写在括号内不扣分)(听两遍)(10%)( )1. a. bdb. dbc. bp( )2. a. hab. hkc. ka( )3. a. ilb. lic. ai( )4. a. cab. scc. ac( )5. a. air b. iarc. alr( )6. a. dadb. bedc. and( )7. a. lookb. goodc. book( )8. a. blackb. bikec. bag( )9. a. lesson2b. lesson 12c. lesson 20( )10. a. mi

2、ssb. nicec. classb. 把你听到的句子的序号写在题前括号内。(听两遍)(5%)( )1. a. what is this in english?b. what is that in english?c. what colour is it?( )2. a. good morning, class.b. good afternoon, class.c. good evening, class.( )3. a. it’s a brown and green toy.b. it’s a green and brown toy.c. it’s a g

3、reen and black toy.( )4. a. is that your english book?b. is this your english book?c. is this my english book?( )5. a. can you see a car?b. can you spell car?c. can you clean the car?c.根据你听到的句子,选择正确的应答,把序号写在题前括号内。(听两遍)(5%)( ) 1. a. fine, thanks.b. how are you?c. yes.( ) 2. a. this is my pen.b. it&rs

4、quo;s a pen.c. yes, it is.( ) 3. a. i’m fine, and you?b. this is lin tao.c. i’m lin tao.( ) 4. a. it’s my green chair.b. it’s orange.c. it’s nice.( ) 5. a. yes, i can.b. all right.c. yes, it is.d. 根据你听到的内容,完成对话,每格一词,缩略算一词。(听一遍)a: look at the_, li lei.b: oh, how nice!a:

5、what’s _ in english?b: it’s a_.a: is this _?b:_, it _.a: can you see that toy _?b: yes, i can.a:what _is it?b: it’s _ and_.二、字母。(10%)a. 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。(5%)1. _r_2. _j_3. _g_4. _c_5. _l_b. 根据读音归类,把各类中所却缺少的字母填入横线。(只写大写形式)(5%)a jk_e dcgt_i_o_u_fns_三、 语音。(5%)( ) 1. a. greenb. bedc. meet(

6、) 2. a. niceb. finec. this( ) 3. a. cleanb. nightc. morning( ) 4. a. canb. namec. that( ) 5. a. boxb. goc. tomb. 判断下列各组单词中划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的打√ ,不同的打× 。(2.5%)1. mum2. dad3. nightbusstandbag4. boy5. tootoylooka.完成下列单词,并在括号中写出该词的中文意思。(10%)1. br _ _n ( )2. b _ _d ( )3. cl _ _sroom ( )4. d _ _r

7、( )5. yell _ _ ( )6. wind _ _ ( )7. yo _ _ ( )8. b _ k _ ( )9. m _ ( )10. pen _ _ _ ( )b. 选择缩略词的正确汉语意思,把序号写在括号中。(5%)unukusacdcctv1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. ( )英国美国联合国中央电视台光盘c.英汉互译。()1. 用英语 _ _2. 一只玩具狗_ toy _3. have a seat _4. my favourite colour _5. go to the zoo _五、填空。a.选择填空。( )1. _ a nice sharpene

8、r.a. thisb. this isc. this’s( )2. _ spell it? yes, i can.a. canb. are youc. can you( )3. what’s your name? _.a. it’s jiang hong.b. this is jiang hong.c. i’m jiang hong.( )4. look _ the animals.a. inb. atc. to( )5. my bike is _.a. blackb. a blackc. a green and grey( )6. _is yo

9、ur favourite colour?a. whatb. what’sc. what colour( )7. clean the desks and chairs, boys and girls. _.a. that’s right.b. that’s all right.c. all right.( )8. can you see the playhouse over there? yes,_.a. i amb. i canc. you are( )9. that’s _my new purple pen.a. ab. /c. is( )10

10、. _, is this your bed?a. excuse meb. see youc. thank youb.口语运用。()( )1.晚上睡觉前和父母晚安,说:a. goodbye, mum and dad.b. good evening, mum and dad.c. good night, mum and dad.( )2.你想知道对方能否拼某个单词,你问:a. what’s this?b. what’s it?c. can you spell it?( )3.要值日生把教室打扫干净,你说:a. clean the classroom, please.b. c

11、lean the chair, please.( )4.你想知道对方身体怎么样,说:a. have a seat.b. how are you?c. how nice!( )5.想证实这是否是对方的猫,你问:a. is this your cat?b. what’s this?c. is that a cat?c.匹配:在第二栏中选出第一栏的应答语。(10%) ( )1. nice to meet you. a. no, it isn’t.( )2. look at this sharpener. b. it’s brown.( )3. what&rsquo

12、;s that in english? c. oh, how nice.( )4. is this your toy car? d. nice to meet you, too.( )5. what colour is your bag? e. it’s a pen. ( )1. let’s clean the desks. a. thanks.( )2. can you see the animals? b. yes, it is.( )3. sit down, please. c. ok.( )4. good morning, class. d. yes, i can.( )5. is that a nice zoo? e. good morning, miss ding.


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