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1、北京城市学院语言学部考核试卷2010-2011学年第二学期期末课程名称:英美文学选读 使用班级:08英本1-7、10英语专接本 考试时间:两周 考核方式: 论文 考核内容及要求一、考核内容:请从下列问题中任选一题作答1. What are the general features of American literature in the Colonial Period? Use some examples to illustrate. 2. What are the general features of Local Colorism in American literature? Use

2、Mark Twains works to illustrate.3. What are the general features of Transcendentalism in American literature? Use some examples to illustrate. 4. Give a detailed analysis of the novel Moby Dick.5. Give some comments on the character Hester in The Scarlet Letter. 6. Give your own comment on the use o

3、f symbolism in The Scarlet Letter. Use some examples to illustrate.7. Make a detailed introduction of characteristics of Robert Frosts poems. Use some examples to illustrate.8. What is American modernism? Give some examples to illustrate.9. On the analysis of Ernest Hemingways code heroes and grace

4、under pressure.10. On the Themes of The Great Gatsby 11.An analysis of the main character- Gatsby in The Great Gatsby 12. What are the general features of Thomas Stearns Elliots works in American literature? Use some examples to illustrate.13. What are the themes of Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser

5、?14. An analysis of Henry Jamess international themes and use specific examples to prove it. 15. What are the general features of naturalism in American literature? Use Jack Londons novels to illustrate.二、要求:(1)字号:小四;字体:Times New Roman;行距:1.5倍;纸张:A4;(2)英文撰写;字数:1000以上英文单词;要求用自己的语言表达,切忌抄袭。(3)满分:100分。(

6、4)最后要附上参考书目。三、各任课老师在第14周随堂将该试卷告知学生,第16周收回。评分细则一、分值比例: 格式:10分;语法30;论文内容60分。二、具体评分标准:1.格式(10分):1)10-9分:格式完全符合要求,无排版和打印错误2)8-6分:格式基本符合要求,有少量的排版和打印错误3)5-0分:格式不符合要求,有严重的打印错误。2.语法(30分): 1)30-27分 语法正确,语言通顺恰当,句式用词富有变化,有闪光点基本无语言错误。2)26-18分 语法正确,语言通顺恰当,少量语法错误。3)17-9分 语法基本正确,语言基本通顺恰当,少量严重错误,一些词使用不当。4)8-0分 语句不完

7、整,较多语言错误, 只有少数句子可以理解,许多词使用不当,词汇拼写错误严重。 3.论文内容(60分)1) 60-54分:内容切题,完整,条理清楚,论文结构严谨,要点全部正确答出并加以详细阐述;2) 53-36分:内容基本切题,完整, 条理基本清楚,文章结构基本严谨,要点基本答出并略加阐述;3) 3518分:内容基本切题,完整, 条理不够清楚,较明显的母语痕迹,部分要点基本答出并略加阐述;4) 17-0分:内容偏题,不完整,思路混乱,基本没有回答。三、一旦发现抄袭或雷同卷,该试卷做零分处理。成绩组成及比例平时成绩40%(出勤10%、作业20%、课堂表现10%),期末成绩60%注:请从以下类型中选填:论文或大作业、单独实验、课程设计、学年论文、实习、实训、作品(表演、摄影、设计、绘画)、其他。试卷命题人(签字):王新刚 审核人(签字):范玲 审核日期:2011-5-16


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