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1、2011届高考第一轮总复习满分练兵场高一册Unit2.单词拼写1She is an _(自立的) woman and earns her own living.2There is _(广泛的) support for the governments policies.3Teachers will never be _(取代) by computers in the classroom.4Living in a town cant _(比较) with living in the country in many respects.5I think it necessary for us to h

2、ave an _(交换) of views on the matter.6He is _(相等的,平等的) to me in strength but not in cleverness.7With no rain for three months and food supplies running out, the _(形势) here is getting more serious.8In English class, our teacher always teaches us how the new words are _(发音)9With so many people _(交流) in

3、 English every day, English will become more and more important.10The _(大多数) of children in our class are nearsighted.答案 pare5exchange6.equal7.situation8.pronounced9communicating10.majority.完成句子(湖北专用)1Dont telephone him. He _(在开一个重要的会议)(attend)2Trees after trees went down, cut down by the water, _(一

4、定有三米深)(which) 3Ecotravel is a way to find out what can be done to help _(动植物以及人类)(well)4Have you _(很多经验) dealing with students?(experience) 5_(我突然想到) we should stay here for the night.(strike)6The manager asked his secretary _(在机场给客人送行)(see)7The city _(我成长的) is very hot and damp in summer.(grow)8He

5、_(被认为已经赢了) the game by all the people present.(consider)9_(别靠近火), otherwise you may get burnt.(close)10Some films _(把教育结合) entertainment.(combine)答案1is attending an important meeting2which must have been three meters deep3animals and plants as well as people4had much experience in5It strikes me that

6、6to see the guests off at the airport7in which(where) I grew up8is considered to have won9Dont get close to the fire10combine education with.单项填空1Hes got himself into a dangerous situation _ he is likely to lose control over the plane. A. where B. whichC. while D. why2I know nothing about the young

7、lady _ she is from Beijing.A. except B. except forC. except that D. besides3_ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesnt seem big at all.A. Compare B. When comparingC. Comparing D. When compared4Make yourself _ home and help yourself _ anything that youd like to eat.A. in; with B. at

8、; toC. at; with D. in; to 5(2009石家庄质检)I couldnt do my homework with all that noise _. A. going on B. goes onC. went on D. to go on6Children never want to go to bed at the proper time, they always want to _ late.A. sat up B. stay up C. stand up D. take up7You look very pale. You _ very tired.I didnt

9、sleep at all last night.A. must be B. must have beenC. can be D. can have been8Although we had been out of touch for ten years, I recognized her _ I met her.A. first time B. for the first timeC. the first time D. by the first time9Mike didnt understand _ made his wife so upset this morning.A. what w

10、as it B. why it was thatC. how that was D. what it was that10How did it _ that you made such a silly mistake?I myself havent figured it out yet.A. bring about B. come aboutC. come across D. come on11It was in the park _ they often walked in the morning _ they fell in love at first sight.A. which; wh

11、en B. where; thatC. that; that D. which; where12Do you know the difficulty he had _ the work?A. on finishing B. to finishC. finishing D. having finished13Dont worry about the present situation in the world; _ of people prefer peace to war.A. the most B. the great partC. the majority D. the number14W

12、hen I was a child, my parents often taught me how to deal with dangerous _.A. organizations B. situationsC. regulations D. positions15(2010安徽芜湖调研)From the top of the building, you can see at least _ distance of 100 kilometers on _ clear day.A. a; the B. /;aC. the; a D. a; a答案1A。这是一个定语从句。先行词为situatio

13、n“境地”,所以要用where来引导。2C。句意:除了知道她是北京人之外,我对这位年轻女士一无所知。依据题意,此处应排除besides; except后可接that引导的宾语从句,但that不能省略;except for和except that同义,但前者后面不能接句子。3D。the biggest ocean与compare存在逻辑上的被动关系,所以须用过去分词短语作状语,其前的when用来突出时间的意味。4B。make oneself at home“别拘束”;help oneself to“自行取用(食物等)”。 5A。with所引导的结构在句子中作伴随状语。“withn.doing/d

14、one/介词短语”为固定结构。noise与go on之间为逻辑上的主动关系,故选A。6B。stay up“熬夜”;sit up“迟睡,熬夜”;但sat为过去式,不可用于不定式中。7A。对现在情况的肯定推测,用must be形式。8C。the first time在此是连词,连接时间状语从句,表示“当的时候”。9D。本题考查含特殊疑问词的强调句作宾语从句。由句式分析,所填入部分为understand的宾语从句,因此要用陈述语序,且被强调的特殊疑问词在主句中作主语,故要用what来充当。10B。本句考查短语和句型用法。come about“发生,产生”,用于How did it come abou

15、t that.的句式中,意为“怎么发生的?”。bring about“使发生,导致”;come across“偶遇,不期而遇”;come on用于督促对方或鼓励对方,意为“赶快,快点”。11B。第一空为where引导的定语从句,修饰park;而第二个空则要求填入的是强调句的连接词that。12C。该题是have difficulty(in)doing sth.结构的变形形式,he had作后置定语。13C。the most表达不正确,应为most of the people; the great part不与people连用,表示“一部分”常用a great part of; the numb

16、er ofn.作主语,表示“的数量”,谓语动词应用单数形式。14B。situation“情形,境遇”;organization“组织”;regulation“规章,条例”;position“位置,职位”。15D.阅读理解AA British freshman, who launched a business selling tiny advertising space on a website, is going to be a millionaire from the project.Alex Tew, 21, sold the first spot on his Million Dolla

17、r Homepage at the end of last August. A few months on, the project has taken the Internet by storm, attracted the attention of big businesses, and made Alex richer than he hoped for in his wildest dreams.Alex studies business management at Nottingham University. Although he worked parttime in a fast

18、food restaurant, he found it difficult to make ends meet. Soon an idea came to him.Like all great concepts the idea is simple in itself. The homepage is divided into 10,000 boxes, each made up of l00 pixels(像素). Companies or individuals are invited to buy one or more boxes for$100 each$1 a pixeland

19、put on a logo. When a websurfer clicks on the logo he is transported to the company or persons website.In the first few days he sold a few hundred pixels here and there, mainly to friends and relatives, but within weeks the site was a huge talkingpoint on the Internet. A range of businesses from a b

20、ig international phone company and media companies to small businesses offering computer games have signed up!Companies, many of which only signed up for a bit of fun, have been amazed at how many people have been directed to their businesses from the site. Hundreds of imitation sites have now sprun

21、g up.Alex planned to try to sell all one million pixels, earning himself a cool 568,000($1 million). On average 700 pixels a day are soldso Alex could have been a millionaire in this January.Does he have any plans to spend his cash?“Im not going to do anything silly,” Alex said. “I know how quickly

22、the money could disappear. Its hard to believe what happened. The sites success is a real testament(证明) to the massive power of the Internet.”1When Alex Tew first made his Million Dollar Homepage, he _.A. was sure that he would become rich soonB. didnt expect to make moneyC. just wanted to make ends

23、 meetD. wanted to take the Internet by storm2Which of the following words can best describe Alex Tew?A. Clever and lucky.B. Realistic and learned.C. Imaginative and attractive.D. Intelligent and creative.3What happened after Alex Tews success?A. He didnt know how to spend the money he had made.B. He

24、 kept a cool head about the money he had made.C. He set up more similar sites on the Internet.D. More similar sites were combined with his.4What would be the best title for the passage? A. Milliondollar student and his simple ideaB. A British freshman and his wild dreamC. The Internet made a student

25、 millionaireD. Want to be a millionaire? Be creative!BHave you heard the recent good news about digital music? Sure, music sales are declining. Record companies are accusing kids and grandparents of downloading music. But impressive reform is also under way, from more portable(轻便的) digital music pla

26、yers and software for collecting and listening to music to improve music quality to easytouse new online services. Youll find more choices than ever in players. The Creative Labs Normad MuVoV100 is small, but thanks to the flash memory, it can hold many hours of music.The larger Apple iPod, still on

27、ly about the size of a deck of cards(一副纸牌), can store 160GB of musicabout 10,000 songs. And thanks to hard drives that are more compact(紧凑的), the midsize models can store 16GB of musica couple hundred songs.The new online services are even more impressive, and the best is yet to come. Real One Rhaps

28、ody 2.1 cleverly combines a monthly streaming service with permanent downloadssplendid, if youre willing to pay a monthly fee. If not, Apple has led the way with its Apple iTunes Music Store, the first service to offer songs for individual sale, with no monthly fee. Other services, such as BuyM, hav

29、e followed in its footsteps. Im also impressed by the song downloads and the musicplaying software offered by MusicMatch. And I recently saw a preview(预告) of the upcoming Napster 2.0, which will offer a monthly streaming service as well as song downloads. Meanwhile, EMusic continues to offer the bes

30、t selection of independent music.These services are very effective choices for people who want to download music legally. And thats a very good thing indeed.5The good news of the digital music is that _.A. digital music is available on the InternetB. digital music will be protected in the futureC. r

31、ecord companies are permitted to download musicD. better music players and software are available 6Why can Creative Labs Normad MuVoV100 hold so much music?A. Because it is tiny.B. Because it has a hard drive in it.C. Because it uses the flash memory.D. Because of the musicplaying software.7What can

32、 we learn about Real One Rhapsody 2.1?A. It doesnt offer a constant service.B. It doesnt support permanent downloads.C. It is not free of charge.D. It is difficult to produce.8Which of the following statements agrees with the passage?A. BuyM is the first service to offer songs for individual sale.B.

33、 Napster 2.0 has not yet been released(公布)C. MusicMatch continues to be the best selection of independent music.D. EMusic provides better conditions for song downloads.答案1C。综合理解文章第二段和第三段可知:Alex Tew成功的程度连自己都意想不到。后面又提到之前他打工挣钱难以维持生计,突然产生了建立网站的念头,因此他开始建立网站的意图就是为了“收支平衡”。2D。从Alex Tew打工和独出心裁创立网站这两点可以看出他既“勤奋”又“富有创意”。3B。从文章最后一段判断,Alex Tew对自己赚得的钱显得十分冷静。4A。文章介绍英国一年级大学生通过创建自己的网站获得成功。他的创意非常简单,但却非常成功,使自己马上成为了百万富翁。5D。由第一段第四句可知。6C。由第一段末句中的“thanks to the flash memory.”可知C项正确。7C。由第三段第二句可知它是需要付月功能费的。8B。由倒数第二段倒数第二句中的will一词可知B项正确。


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