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1、摘 要本设计为xx省xx市xxK0+000至K2+942.212段二级公路设计。设计公路等级为二级公路,设计时速为40Km/h,设计年限为12年。说明书中对整个设计过程的思路、参考依据、设计路段的地质、地物、各指标的拟定以及各个部分的计算都做了详细的说明。该说明书融合了文字说明和计算说明,主要内容为:定线、平面线形设计、纵断面线形设计、平纵面线形的组合设计、路基横断面设计、涵洞设计、挡土墙设计、路基边坡防护设计、路面结构设计、排水设计、主要参考文献等。平面线形设计包括资料整理纸上定线,平曲线要素确定;纵断面设计包括地面高程、设计高程、填挖深度和竖曲线要素;确定标准横断面,绘出每桩横断面图;最后

2、根据交通量资料及路面设计规范,确定设计方案。整个设计过程严格按照国家有关规范进行。关键词:道路设计;平面设计;路面设计;挡土墙设计;排水设计。ABSTRACTThis thesis intends to design a Second-class road from K0+000 to K2+940.212 in xxx xxx City Yunnan Province. The design speed volume is 40 Km/h, design of life is 12 years. In this instruction, it explains the designs thr

3、ead, basis of references, the sections geology, the process of working out the target, and the process of counting. The instruction is consisted of two parts: the literal interpretation and calculation specification, which include paper location, the design of flat alignment, profile alignment, asso

4、ciating flat and profile alignment, roadbed transect, culvert, babirusa, the structure of road surface; the drawing of construction budget file, drainage system ,the information of references and so on. The plane linear design includes information compiling, lines drawing on paper, fix on requisites

5、 of curves; Vertical section design is comprised of road elevation, design elevation, depth of dig and fill and requisites for vertical curve; Contents of horizontal section design are fixing standard horizontal section, mapping every horizontal section; At last make a blueprint according to traffic information and road design rules. The whole process of the design is carried out according to the criterion of nation. KEY WORDS: road design; plane design; Pavement design; structure design; drainage design.


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