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1、英语八年级上册期中1.- - - - _do you exercise?-Twice a month . A. How soon B. How often C. How many times D. How long 2._homework, some students do it every day. A. As for B. With C. As D. For 3. -_? -Ive got a headache and a bad cold. A. Whats wrong with you? B. Whats trouble with you? C. Whats the matter wi

2、th you? D. Both A and C 4. After a _ vacation, he will become_. A. relaxed; relaxed B. relaxed; relaxing C. relaxing; relaxing D. relaxing; relaxed 5. After finishing _his homework, Tom decided _a walk in the park. A. to do; to take B. doing; taking C. doing; to take D. to do ; taking 6 Is her eatin

3、g _yours of different? A. the same B. the same as C. same as D. the same to 7. John stayed in Beijing for _last year. He_ went to the Summer Palace with his Chinese friends A. sometime; some time B. some time; sometimes C. sometimes; sometimes D. sometimes; some time 8. Mrs. Brown isnt here. She has

4、 to _her baby at home. A. look at B. look for C. look up D. look after 9. Milk is good _ our _. A. to: healthy B. to; health C. for: healthy D. for; health 10._shes tired, _ she has to finish the work. A. Although; but B. But; although C. Although; / D. /; / 11. My father tries _ vegetables eleven t

5、o twelve times a week. A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. eats 12._ is very important for students _ English well. A. This; to learn B. That; to learn C. It; to learn D. It; learn 13. You shouldnt drink _ water before sleep. A. too much B. too many C. much to D. many too 14._ vegetables _ good for you. A

6、. Eat, are B. Eating, are C. Eating, is D. Eat, is 15. Tony is planning _ his friend in Xian. A. visits B. visit C. visiting D. to visit 16. -Jim, Im afraid I cant go to your party tonight .My mother is ill. -_. A. Im sorry to hear that B. Thats all right C. She has to stay in bed D. Dont worry 17.

7、-_is he staying? -For a month. . A. How about B. How C. When D. Hong long 18. I cant wait _ my new bike-my birthday present from my parents. A. to see B. see C. to seeing D. seeing 19. I asked them several questions _ their family members. A. about B. for C. with D. as 20. Come here after class. I h

8、ave _ to tell you. A. anything important B. important anything C. important something D. something important II. 完型填空。 My name is Steve. I moved into this house _1_weeks ago, and I really enjoy_2_ here. Theres only one bedroom, and at the moment my sister is staying with me because she is _3_a job.

9、I work in a big company(公司). Its hard _4_, and the hours are really long, but I like it. And it pays well. I dont really _5_woorried about my work. The only thing I dont like about this house is one of the neighbors, Mrs. Snell, I think her name is. Shes really strange. She never speaks to _6_, I al

10、ways say hello to her ,and Are you all right? and What a lovely day today!, but she never says a word. _7_she doesnt like young people. My sister and I had a party a few days ago. It really wasnt very noisy(吵闹的).About ten of us were here _8_ 11.00pm ang then we went out to dance. When I saw Mrs. Sne

11、ll the next day, I said I hoped there wasnt _9_noise(噪音)for her , but as usual she didnt say anything. Funny lady. This evening my sister and I are going to visit a friend of ours who is in hospital, and then we _10_ out for a Chinese meal, 1. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 2. A. live B. live

12、s C. living D. to live 3. A. seeing B. looking at C. finding D. looking for 4. A. work B. job C. something D. matter 5. A. want B. feel C. think D. have 6. A. someone B. anyone C. no one D. everyone 7. A. Maybe B. May be C. Like D. For 8. A. After B. until C. when D. before 9. A too much B. much too

13、 C. many D. much 10. A. go B. went C. are going D. arent going III. 阅读理解. A Frederick was ill and went to the hospital. A doctor looked him over and said, Well, Mr. Green, youre doing to get some injections (注射), and youll fell much better. A nurse will come and give you the first this evening, and

14、then youll have to get another one tomorrow evening. In the evening a young nurse came to Fredericks bed and said to him, Im going to give you your first injection now, Mr. Green. Where do you want? The old man was surprised. He looked at the nurse for a while, and then he said, Nobody has ever let

15、me choose that before. Are you really going to let me choose now? Yes. Mr. Green, the nurse answered. She was in a hurry, Where do you want it? Well, then, the old man answered with a smile. I want it in your left arm, please. 1.What is the meaning of the underlined phrase looked over? _ A. 照顾 B. 寻找

16、 C. 检查 D. 打量 2. How many persons are there in the story? _ A. Two B. Three. C. Four D. Five 3. From the passage, we know the old man is _. A. badly ill B. healthy C. like a child D. slightly (轻微的) ill 4. Mr. Green has to _ to be better. A. has some medicine B. have some rest C. take some injections

17、D. do some sports 5. How often does Mr. Green have to get injections? A. Twice a day B. Once a day C. Tow D. In the evening B Early to bed and early to rise(早起) makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. This is an old English saying. It means that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning

18、. If we do, we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich and clever. Is this true? Perhaps it is. The body must have enough sleep. Children of your age need ten hours sleep every night. If you do not go to bed early, you cannot have enough sleep. Then you cannot think properly and you cannot do your w

19、ork properly. You will not be wise and you may not become wealthy. Some people do to bed late at night and get up late in the morning. This is not good for them, We must sleep at night when it is dark(黑暗的)。The dark helps us sleep well. When the daylight comes, we must get up. This is the time for ex

20、ercise. Exercise keeps the body strong. Exercise helps the blood(血液) to move around inside the body. This is very important. Blood takes food to all parts of our bodies. The brains(大脑)in our heads also need blood. We think with our brains. If we keep our bodies healthy and take exercise, we can thin

21、k better. Our bodies also need air to breathe. Without air, we will die. Get up early in the morning and we can have a lot of clean, fresh air. That will keep us healthy and happy. 6. The old English saying, Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise. tells us _. A. Its good

22、 for our health to get up early and go to bed late. B. Its good for our health to get up early and go to bed early. C. Its good for our health to get up late and go to bed late. D. Its good for our health to get up late and go to bed early. 7. Its important for people to have enough sleep. If they d

23、o not sleep well, they _. A. may be wise B. may be healthy C. cannot think and do their work well D. can still think and do things well 8._ helps us sleep well. A. Daylight B. Darkness C. Fresh air D. Sunlight 9. The last paragraph but one(倒数第二段) tells us that _ helps the biood to move around inside

24、 the body. A. fresh air B. enough sleep C. good habits D. exercise 10. This passage is probably written to _. A. old people B. middle-aged people C. weak people D. children C The summer vacation is coming. Most of the students have ideas about their vacation. Here are two students vacation ideas. Re

25、ad their ideas and try to look for information from the following ads(广告) to help them. Vacation ideas I like to go out and have fun. Ill look for new CDs or books. But I also want to go to sports clubs and take more exercise. Li Li, Grade 8, No.1 Middle School.Its great to get close to nature. I wa

26、nt to fly to Hainan Island. And Ill ask my friends to go with me! Hu Hui, Grade 8, No.20 Middle School. Ad 1 Xinhua Library Books, CDs, and Videos Over 100 foreign newspapers and magazines Entrance Free(门票免费) Monday-Saturday: 9:30am-20:00pm New Rose House Museum Street Ad 2 Holiday Sports Club 27 Xi

27、shan Street July-August Monday- Sunday: 7:30am-6:00pm For young people (10-18 years) Play different sports every day Price: 25 yuan a week Ad 3 THE BEST OF HANNAN ISLAND ON A-DAY TRIP Price only 1,300 yuan including(包含): Round-trip plane tickets between Taiyuan and Haikou .Bus service(服务) Hainan. Th

28、ree nights stay in good hotels. Best guide service. Places to visit: Day 1 Haikou: A city visit. A visit to Hairui Tomb. Day 2 Sanya: A chance to see surprising, colorful sea animals. A wonderful place for swimming. Day 3 Xinglong : A nice experience to see different kinds of paints. Day 4 Qionghai:

29、 A full day visit Wanquan River and other places of interest. 11. According to Hu Huis vacation ideas, he can look for information from_. A. Ad 1 B. Ad 2 C. Ad 3 D. Ad 1 and Ad 3 12. If Li Li goes to the Xinhua Library,_. A. she can go there on Sunday B. she can find new clothes C. she has to pay fo

30、r her entrance D. she can find CDs and videos there 13. Holiday Sport Club is _. A. at Museum Street B. in Hainan Island C. open from July to August D. for both the young and the old 14. If Hu Hui takes the trip,_. A. he has to come back by train B. he can get some books C. he can enjoy the best gui

31、de service D. he can stay in New Rose House for three nights 15. During the first there days in Hainan, Hu Hui can take part in _kinds of activities. A. five B. six C. seven D. eight D(任务型阅读) 你的好朋友要去英国,他想了解在英国如何去看病,读下面的短问比较两国的差异。 There is a National Health Service in Britain. People usually call it

32、the NHS. When people are ill, they can get free treatment(治疗). The government pays for the treatment. In Britain everyone has a local doctor. The local doctor is a general practitioner(全科医生)(GP). A GP is a doctor who treats patients with all kinds of illness. He may not have special training in one

33、field of illness. If a man is ill he always goes to his GP first. The GP will treat him or send him to see a specialist(专家). Specialists usually work in hospitals. If a man is ill and wants to see his doctor, he calls to make an appointment first. If he is too ill and he cant go out, his doctor will

34、 come to his house. If the patient has to take medicine , the doctor gives him a prescription(处方). The patient has to pay some money for the prescription. He goes to the chemists shop and buys the medicine there. The price is the same as any kind of medicine. But children, students, old people of pe

35、ople without work dont have to pay for their medicine. 任务一: 从文中找出下列各词 16. medical (名词)_ 17. different(反义词)_ 任务二: 把文中化纤处改为一般疑问句. 18._ the government _ for the treatment? 任务三: 把文中画线处翻译成汉语. 19. _. 20. _. IV.根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子. 1.My favorite p_ is Animal World. 2.The r_ of the game is five to three. 3.What

36、are the d_ between this city and that one? 4.She is b_ her little brother at home. 5.There are many t_ visiting the Great Wall every year. 6.-Whats the matter with you, Tom? -I have a _(胃痛) 7.His father is a _(牙医). 8. Its important for us to have a healthy _(生活方式). 9. The island is _(着名的). It was a

37、lot of fruits. 10. You must try to eat _(更少的)meat. V.选词填空(选择括号中所给词的正确形式天空) (visit plan stress exercise relax health hike) 1.He plans _ his grandparents during the summer holiday. 2.Dont get too _ out when exam is coming. 3.Its _ for us to eat too much junk food. 4.He hardly ever _in the morning. 5.H

38、ow about going _ this weekend? VII. 书面表达. A)根据中文意思和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯,符合逻辑的英文句子.所给音问提示词必须全部用上.王平非常喜欢旅游.他打算下周和他的父母去澳大利亚旅游,在那里他打算 1.Wang Ping, travel very much 2.Australia, parents, next week 3.meet, foreign people, trio talk, English 4.stay there , two weeks 5.decide, study English, harder, back, school 1._ 2._ 3._4._ 5._ B)你有健康的饮食习惯吗?请你谈一下自己的饮食习惯,以 Healthy Food, Good Health为题,写一篇关于如何饮食才能得到见看的文章.要求:不少于60词.提示用词: eating habit, hardly, not good, junk food, healthy food _文 章来


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