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1、 48个英语音标表Alan 彭老师电话:18665963625 ,可以预约试听,并有外教推荐,主讲音标,自然拼读,中小学英语,熟悉新概念,朗文,剑桥等教材,主编有MBA考试口语,词汇,阅读理解系列教材!26个字母发音表元音字母和辅音字母分类表国际音标和英语字母在书写方面的联系从音标到字母和字母组合单元音: i: e:he she me weea:tea eat meatee:see tree see ei:receive ey:key i:police policeman policewoman machineeo:peopleie:piece field believe thief: a:o

2、range cabbageay:Sunday holidaye:begin English pretty cinema ey:monkey i:it is in bigy:city very sorryu:busyui:build building ai:captaine: a:any many anyone ai:said ay:says e:pen bed yes egg deskea:bread head breakfastu:bury:a:bag am and at sad:a:class banana father afteral:half palmar:car far park a

3、rm starau:aunt laughear:heart: o: come none love otheroo:blood floodou:touch country enough young u:bus sun but cut up us:ear:learn earth early hearder:her term ir:first girl bird skirt sir thirdor:work word worldur:nurse turn hurt Thursdayyr:myrtle our:journalist journal:a:along about banana Canana

4、 Chinae:student open children differenti:holiday Aprilo:today welcome policeu:minus autumner:father mother brother sisteror:doctor forget mirror ar:sugar re:metre tired fireou:delicious previousur:surprise Saturdayour:colour ure:picture pleasureoar:cupboard yr:martyr satyru:ew:flew grew review Jewo:

5、do to whooo:too zoo food pool boot schoolou:soup group throughu:blue glue Juneui:fruit juiceoe:shoe :o:woman wolfoo:book look good footoul:could would shouldu:put sugar full push:(w)a:want wash watch whato:hot on not sorryou:cough au:Australia:(w)a:wateral:all ball call fall hall mall small talk tal

6、l wall (w)ar:warm quarterau:August autumn daughteraw:draw saw lawoor:door floorore:more before or:or for short sportou:bought brought thoughtour:four yourawe:awe awed awelessoar:board blackboard cardboardo:story双元音:a:i:time like nice fine fivey:my by whyi(g):sign high light right ie:die lie tiee:a:n

7、ame cake game faceai:rain train waitay: day may okay play todayei:veil veinei(gh):eight eighteen eightyey:theyea:great break:e:zero cereal seriousea:real really idea cerealere:here ear:ear dear hear near cleareer:beer deer pioneer:o:go no nose homeow:show know yellow windowoa:goat boatou:shoulder th

8、ough oe:woe:ure:sure oor:poor our:toura:ou:out about house blouseow:how now cowe:air:air hair chairare:care hare parentear:pear wear bearere:there whereeir:their theirsa:Mary:oi:oil toilet boil soiloy:boy toy employee辅音:清辅成对辅音:p-b t-d k-g f-v s-z - - ts-dz t-d tr-dr 清音浊化:清辅音p t k tr等在s后重读时由送气音变为不送气音

9、,即发其浊辅音b d g dr,但音标仍写成清辅音。如:sportsp:t,studentstju:dnt, skyska, streetstr i:t。但弱读时s后的清辅音仍读请辅音,不读相对的浊辅音。如:hostesshsts。p:p:pen map help cheap pencil paperpp:apple happy appearb:b:bag by bed boy bus bluebb:rabbit cabbaget:t:ten time not get tablett:bottle bottom little prettyed:watched washed cooked hel

10、ped dancedd:d:desk door day dog dd:add daddy middleed:played cleaned climbed answered arrived aired boiled emptied enjoyed criedk:c:cat come cut clock cry picture bloccc: occasion according occupy acclaim ch:school Christmas chemistry technique technology stomachk:book bike cake kite Kate lookck:bla

11、ck duck clock jacket cockq:Iraq coq que:unique techniqueg:g:go girl big getgg:egg bigger biggestgu:guessgue:dialogue gh:ghyll ghostf:f:five fish fine family fifteenph:photo phone elephant photographgh:laugh enoughff:off coffeev:v:very five havef:ofs:c:nice city cycle s:sit six some bus use us desk b

12、ooksss:miss class glass grasssc:science sceneps:psalm psywarz:s:is his please music lose husband appleses:leaves thieves knives wivesz:zoo zerozz:buzz:th:three thank month thin:th:this the with than the:breathe soythe:sh:she shoe short shop washs:sure Asiac: special sufficient delicioust:station nat

13、ional patientss:Russia professionch:machine:s:usually television pleasurez:seizurege:garagets:ts:shirts hurts coats costs goatsts:Letstes:kites gates dateszz:pizzadz:ds:beds birds hands friendsdes:decidest:ch:chair much lunch Chinatch:watcht: picture questiond:g(e):age page huge orangeg:gentle gentl

14、eman generaldge:bridge porridge judgej:jump jacket just June Jimch:sandwichtr:tr:tree trip try true truthdr:dr:dress drive hundred children 单个辅音:h:h:he her have hand head hair(w)h:who whom whosel:l:let look please lake peoplell:tell full till bell(t)l(e):whistler:r:red right threerr:sorry worry hurr

15、y carry carrot(w)r:write wrongm:m:man meat meet timemm:common communicatem(b):climb lambm(n):autumn n:n:name nice nine near under(k)n:know knifenn:Ann(m)n:mnemonics:ng:sing long young morningn(k):thank think ink pinkn(g):Englishw:w:we window work walkw(h):what why where whitej:y:yes you year yellowj

16、:Jensen ja hallelujah jaapi:onion review million billion brilliant behavioure:Europe 国际音标和英语字母在读音方面的联系 从字母和字母组合到音标.元音字母a及a+其他字母的读音a在重读开音节中读e:name cake game face a在重读闭音节中读:bag am and at sad a在辅音字母s,th,f,n,ph前读::class fast grasp ask father after dance grapha在w后读或::want what waterw:ta在ny前读e:any manya弱读

17、时读:along about banana Canana Chinaa在非重读音节中读:orange cabbagea读e:Maryai读e:rain train waitai读:captain ai读e:saiday读e:day may okay play todayay弱读读:Sunday holidayay读e:saysair读e:air hair chairal在多数辅音字母前读:(f,m除外):all ball call fall hall mall small talk tall wallal还读:l(特别当后面不是k,f,m时):also saltal在辅音字母f,m前读::ha

18、lf palmar在重读音节中读:::car far park arm starar在w后读::warm quarterar弱读读:sugarare读e:care hare parentass在重读音节中读:s:class glass grass passau在重读音节中读::August autumn daughterau读:Australiaau还读作::aunt laughaw在重读音节中读::draw saw lawawe读::awe awed aweless. 元音字母e及e+其他字母的读音e在重读开音节中读i::he she me wee在重读闭音节中读e:pen bed yes

19、egg deske在非重读音节中读:begin English pretty cinemae弱读读:student open children differente读:zero cereal seriouse读j:Europeea在重读音节中读i::tea eat meatea读e:bread head breakfastea读e:great breakea读:real really idea cerealear读::learn earth early heardear读e:pear wear bearear读:ear dear hear near clearear读::hearted在大部分

20、清辅音后读t(t除外):watched washed cooked helped danceded在元音和浊辅音后读d(d除外):played cleaned climbed answered arrived aired boiled emptied enjoyed crieded在td后读d:wanted neededee在重读音节中读i::see tree seeeer读:beer deer pioneerei读i::receiveei读e:veil veinei在gh前读e:eight eighteen eightyeir读e:their theirseo读i::peopleer在重读闭

21、音节中读::her termer在非重读音节中读:father mother brother sisterere读:hereere读e:there wherees在浊辅音(d除外)及元音后,es发z:leaves thieves knives wivespotatoes tomatoes heroes Negroes goes does families storieses在sztd后读z:buses blouses dishes garages watchesorangesew读ju::new newspaper reviewew在l,r,j后读u::flew grew Jewex读eks:

22、exercise exitex读ks:excle expensive extinctex读gz:exam examination exactlyey读i::keyey读:monkey valleyey读e:they. 元音字母i及i+其他字母的读音i在重读开音节中读a:time like ricei在重读闭音节中读:big six siti读i::police policeman policewoman machinei弱读读:holiday Aprili在非重读音节中读:taxii读j:onion review million billion brilliant behaviouri在元音字

23、母a,e,o前读a:dialogue quiet pioneeri在g前读a:sign high light righti在nd前读a:find behindi在ld前读a:childi在re前读a:fire tired retire ie在重读音节中辅音字母前读i::piece field believe thiefie在重读音节词词尾读a:lie dieir在重读音节中读::bird girl first.元音字母o及o+其他字母的读音o在重读开音节中读:go no nose homeo在辅音字母st,ld前读:post oldo在重读闭音节中读:hot on not sorryo读::s

24、toryo在辅音字母m,n,v和th前读:come none love othero读u::do to whoo在w后读:woman wolfo在非重读音节中读:today policemanoa在重读音节中读:boat coatoar读::board blackboard cardboardoar读:cupboardoe读:woeoe读u::shoeoi读:oil toilet boil soiloo一般读u::too zoo food pool boot schooloo在d,k和少数t前读:book look good footoo读:blood floodoor读::door floo

25、roor读:pooror在重读音节中读::or for short sportor在w后读::work word worldor读:doctor forget mirrorore读::more beforeou在多数情况下读a:out about house blouseou在ght前读::bought brought thoughtou读:touch country enough youngou读u::soup group throughou读:shoulder thoughou读:coughou读:delicious previousoul读:could would shouldour读:

26、:four yourour读::journalist journalour读:colourour读:tourour读a:our hourow读a:how now cowow读:show know yellow windowowe或ower读a:towel floweroy读:boy toy employee. 元音字母u及u+其他字母的读音u在重读开音节中读ju::student Tuesdayu在重读闭音节中读:bus sun but cut up usu处于开音节位置,又在辅音字母j,l,r,s后读u::June fluency February Sueu在重读闭音节中还读:put sug

27、ar full pushu在非重读音节中读:minus autumnu读:busy minuteu读e:buryui读ju:或j,ju::suit suicide l,r,j+ui时,ui读作u:或,u::sluise fruit juice fluid ruin ui读:build buildingur在重读音节中读::nurse turn hurt Thursdayur读:surprise Saturdayure读:sureure在非重读音节中读:picture pleasureure在重读音节中读j:cure.21个辅音字母及辅音字母组合的读音b读b:bag by bed boy bus

28、 bluebt,mb在词尾时,b不发音:debt climb combbb读b:rabbit cabbagec在字母e,i,y前读s:nice city cyclec在字母a,o,u,l,r,t前或在音节末尾读k:cat come cut clock cry picture blocc+ia,ie,io时,c读:special sufficient deliciouscc+a,o,u或l时,cc读k:occasion according occupy acclaimcc+e,i时,cc读ks:accept accidentch读t:chair much lunch Chinach读k:scho

29、ol Christmas chemistry technique technology stomachch读:machinech读d:sandwichck读k:black duck clock jacket cockd读d:desk door day dogdd读d:add daddy middledge读d:bridge porridge judgedr读dr:dress drive hundred childrends读dz:beds birds hands friendsdes读dz:decidesf读f:five fish fine family fifteenf读v:offf读f:o

30、ff coffeeften读fn:ofteng读g:go girl big getg在e前读d:age page huge orangeg读d:gentle gentleman generalgg读g:egg bigger biggestge读:garagegh在i,ei,ai,ou,au后不发音:right eight straight bought daughtergh读f:laugh enoughgh在词首时,读g:ghyll ghostgn,gm在词尾时,g常无声:sign phlegmgu在词首读g:guessgu在词中读gw:languagegue在词尾读g:dialogueh读h

31、:he her have hand head hairh不发音:hourwh读w:what why where whitewh在o前读h:who whom whosegh在词首时,h不发音:ghyll ghostj读d:jump jacket just June Jimj读j:Jensen ja hallelujah jaapn在k g前读:pink Englishn在k后读n:know knifen在m后读n:mnemonicsnn读n:Annng在词尾读:sing long young morningng在词中读g:English fingernk读k:thank think ink pi

32、nkp读p:pen map help cheap pencil paperpp读p:apple happy appearph读f:photo phone elephant photographps在词首时,p常不发音:psalm psywarq读k:Iraq coqqu在词首读kw:queen quickque在词尾读k:unique techniquer读r:red right threerr读r:sorry worry hurry carry carrotwr读r:write wrongs在词首读s:sit six somes在清辅音后读s:books likess在浊辅音和元音后读z:a

33、pples windowss读z(尤其是在两个元音字母之间):his is please music元音字母+s+无音e:n.,adj.读s:base use v.读z:lose use词中的s,其后跟清辅音字母时,s读s,其后跟浊辅音字母时,s读z:desk husbands读:sure Asias读:usually television pleasuresion读n:television decisionsten读sn:listenstle读stl:whistlesure读:pleasuresc+i,e,y读s:science scene scythesc+a,o,u读sk:scarf s

34、core scudss读s:miss class glass grassss读:Russia professionssion读n:expressionsh读:she shoe short shop washt读t:ten time not get tablet读t:picture questiontch读t:watcht+ia,ie时,t读:martial patientsten,ften,stle中,t无声:listen often whistletes读ts:kites gates datestt读t:bottle bottom little prettytion读n:station na

35、tional patients+tion时读tn:questionth读:three thank month thinth在pron.,art.,prep.,conj.中读:this the with than词尾the读:breathe soythe词尾ther读 :father mother brother sistertr读tr:tree trip try true truthts读ts:shirts hurts coats costs goatsts读ts:Letsture读t:picture v读v:very five havew读w:we window work walkw不发音:

36、twowh读w:what why where whitewh在o前读h:who whom whosewr在词首读r,w无声:write wrongx读ks:box six excuse nextx读gz:exam exact exampley在重读开音节中读ai:my by whyy在重读闭音节中读i:city very sorryy在词首读j:yes you year yellowyr读i::myrtleyr读ai:martyr satyryre读i:tyre byrez读z:zoo zeroz读z:seizurezz读z:buzzzz读ts:pizzaAlan 彭老师电话:18665963625 ,可以预约试听,并有外教推荐,主讲音标,自然拼读,中小学英语,熟悉新概念,朗文,剑桥等教材,主编有MBA考试口语,词汇,阅读理解系列教材!- 15 -


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