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1、自 然 拼 读 法,Phonics,金马小学西校区 赵洁,自然拼读法,自然拼读法(Phonics)是指看到一个英语单词,就可以根据英文字母在单词里的发音规律把这个单词念出来的一种方法。在美国的幼儿园和学校里,孩子们从三岁起,就开始接受自然拼音法的教育了,这种方法是美国孩子学习自己母语的方法。,为什么要学习自然拼读法?,美国斯坦佛大学研究结果发现17,008个常用词中 84%的字母与其读音是完全对应的 13%的字母与其读音是不完全对应的 3%的字母与其读音的对应关系完全无法预测,自然拼读法的优点,见词能读 听词能写 不容易遗忘 提高阅读和写作能力,元音字母脸,an,元音字母 a e i o u

2、辅音字母 b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z,apple,A a,在英语中,句子的第一个单词的第一个字母都要大写。 eg.Good morning. 字母I作人称代词时,意为“我”,在句中任何位置都必须大写。日常用语“OK”在句中任何位置都大写。 eg.Im a student. 人名,地名,国名,某国人或某种语言等专有名词的第一个字母都必须要大写。 eg. China Beijing Chinese,Name: Kitty,Meow,A,字母a的发音,一个,和,是,增加,a a a a a a,a a a a a a a,练一练,a,a,a,a

3、,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,听音,将第一个字母圈出来,写在括号里。,Letter “A” Song,A is for apple, /a/ /a/ /a/. A is for ant, /a/ /a/ /a/. Bat and mat, Man and can, /a/ is the sound of “A”. Big A, little a, /a/ /a/ /a/.,a_e,safe,bake,cake,wake,lake,make,take,case,save,base,tape,wave,date,name,same,game,gate,hate,male,pale,sale,boo

4、k,B b,Name: Kitty,Meow,B,字母b的发音,拼音练习,a b b b b a b b b b,a b a b a b b,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,b,b,b,b,把听到发音的字母圈出来。,Bread and balloons, bread and balloons, /b/ /b/ /b/, /b/ /b/ /b/. Bread in the basket, balloons on the branches, /b/ /b/ /b/, /b/ /b/ /b/. Big B little b, letter “B” is fun.,Letter “B” Song,

5、Name: Kitty,Meow,C,cat,C c,字母c的发音,拼音练习,c b c b c b b,abc,bac,cab,c c b b c b b,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,c,c,c,c,听音把首字母与图片连起来。,听音,将第一个字母圈出来,写在括号里。,Letter “C” Song,Cats on the car, cats on the cow. Cats on the cushion, /c/ /c/ /c/ Cats on the car, cats on the cow. /c/ is the sound of C C C. Big C little c, l

6、etter “C” is fun.,Name: Kitty,Meow,D,door,D d,字母d的发音,拼音练习,c d c d c d d,c c d d c d d,acd,cad,dac,bad,dab,abd,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,d,d,d,d,听音,依序为字母标上序号。,Letter “D” Song,Dogs are dancing, /d/ /d/ /d/. Ducks are dancing, /d/ /d/ /d/. Deer are dancing, /d/ /d/ /d/. /d/ is the sound of “D”. Big D little d,

7、 I love “D”.,egg,E e,字母e的发音,肘部,结束,拼音练习,e e e e d d d,e e d d e d d,deb,bed,bec,ceb,dec,ced,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,e,e,e,e,听音,依序为字母标上序号。,听音,将第一个字母圈出来,写在括号里。,Letter “E” Song,E is for elephant, /e/ /e/ /e/. E is for egg, /e/ /e/ /e/. Jet and net. Hen and pen. /e/ is the sound of “E”. Big E little e, /e/ /e/

8、 /e/.,e_e,these,Chinese,Pete,Japanese,fish,F f,字母f的发音,拼音练习,f f f f a f f,f a f a f f f,feb,bef,fed,def,cef,fec,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,f,f,f,f,听音,将第一个字母圈出来,写在括号里。,Letter “F” Song,Fairy likes flowers. Fairy likes foxies. Fairy likes froggies. /f/ /f/ /f/. Find them in the forest. Find them in the forest. /

9、f/ is the sound of “F”. Big F, little f, fun, fun, fun.,girl,G g,字母g的发音,拼音练习,cag,dag,fag,beg,leg,feg,gef,ged,gab,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,g,g,g,g,听音,依序为字母标上序号。,听音,将第一个字母圈出来,写在括号里。,Grandma got gum. /g/ /g/ /g/. Grandma got grapes. /g/ /g/ /g/. Grandma got a goose. /g/ /g/ /g/. /g/ is the sound of “G”. Big G

10、, little g, I love “G”.,Letter “G” Song,hand,H h,字母h的发音,拼音练习,hag,hab,haf,hec,hed,hep,heb,hac,hef,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,h,h,h,h,听音,将发这个音的字母圈出来。,听音,将第一个字母圈出来,写在括号里。,Letter “H” Song,Helen has a hat. /h/ /h/ /h/. Helen has a hen. /h/ /h/ /h/. Helen has a harp. /h/ is the sound of “H”. Big H, little h, lette

11、r “H” is fun.,ice cream,I i,字母i的发音,在里面,如果,拼音练习,hig,hib,hif,bic,hid,dig,did,dic,bif,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,i,i,I,i,听音,将发这个音的字母圈出来。,听音,将第一个字母圈出来,写在括号里。,Letter “I” Song,Ink and inchworm. Ink and inchworm. /i/ /i/ /i/, /i/ /i/ /i/, Fish in a dish. Pig in a wig. /i/ /i/ /i/, /i/ /i/ /i/, Big I, little i, /i/

12、/i/ /i/.,i_e,bike,time,rice,bite,five,nine,kite,mine,nice,ride,side,tide,juice,J j,字母j的发音,六月,跳跃,拼音练习,jig,Jim,jif,jab,jam,jag,jed,jef,jet,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,j,j,j,j,听音,依序为字母标上序号。,听音,将发这个音的字母圈出来,Letter “J” Song,Jack and Jill. Jack and Jill. /j/ /j/ /j/, /j/ /j/ /j/. Jolly Jack is jumping, Joyful Jill i

13、s juggling. /j/ /j/ /j/, /j/ /j/ /j/ Big J, little j, /j/ /j/ /j/.,kite,K k,字母k的发音,善良的,拼音练习,kig,kit,kid,bak,hak,fak,ked,kef,keg,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,k,k,k,k,听音,将有k音的图圈出来。,听音,将第一个字母圈出来,写在括号里。,Letter “K” Song,King likes ketchup. King likes a kitten. King likes a koala. /k/ /k/ /k/. Keep them in the kitch

14、en. Keep them in the kitchen. /k/ is the sound of “K”. Big K, little k, I like “K”.,lake,L l,字母l的发音,鞋带,看,拼音练习,lid,lip,lif,lab,lad,lag,leg,lek,let,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,l,l,l,l,听音,将有l音的图圈出来。,听音,将发这个音的字母圈出来。,Letter “L” Song,Look at a leaf. Look at a lock. Look at a lemon. /l/ /l/ /l/. Look at a leaf. Look

15、 at a lock. /l/ is the sound of “L”, “L”, “L”. Big L, little l, I love “L”.,mouth,M m,字母m的发音,拼音练习,mit,men,mif,him,mid,lam,man,met,mad,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,m,m,m,m,听音,将有m音的图圈出来。,听音,将发这个音的字母圈出来。,Letter “M” Song,Mike makes milk. Mike makes music. Mike makes money. /m/ /m/ /m/. Make it for his mother. Make

16、 it for his mother. /m/ is the sound of “M”. Big M, little m, fun, fun, fun.,nose,N n,字母n的发音,现在,名字,拼音练习,fin,nib,nip,fan,nil,nit,nap,nag,net,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,n,n,n,n,听音,依次为字母标上序号。,听音,将第一个字母圈出来,写在括号里。,Letter “N” Song,Nails and notebooks. Nails and notebooks. /n/ /n/ /n/, /n/ /n/ /n/. Ned needs a note

17、book. Ned needs a new nail. /n/ /n/ /n/, /n/ /n/ /n/. Big N, little n, I love “N”.,orange,O o,字母o的发音,在上面,奇数,十月,拼音练习,gob,not,job,dot,got,god,lot,rob,hot,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,o,o,O,o,听音,依次为字母标上序号。,听音,将发这个音的字母圈出来。,Letter “O” Song,Orange octopus, Orange octopus, /o/ /o/ /o/, /o/ /o/ /o/. Fox on a box. Dog

18、on a log. /o/ /o/ /o/, /o/ /o/ /o/. Big O, little o, /o/ /o/ /o/.,o_e,home,zone,bone,note,hope,vote,role,nose,rose,mode,pole,tone,code,joke,Rome,cope,pencil,P p,字母p的发音,公园,拼音练习,pot,pen,pan,pat,map,pin,top,pet,hop,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,p,p,p,p,听音,依次为字母标上序号。,听音,将发这个音的字母圈出来。,Letter “P” Song,Pizza on a pan,

19、/p/ /p/ /p/. Peaches on a pan, /p/ /p/ /p/. Pencils on a pan, /p/ /p/ /p/. /p/ is the sound of “P”. Big P, little p, P is fun.,queen,Q q,字母q的发音,小测验,快速的,退出,安静,拼音练习,quiz,quit,queen,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,q,q,听音,依次为字母标上序号。,听音,将发这个音的字母圈出来。,听音,将第一个字母圈出来,写在括号里。,Letter “Q” Song,Queen likes a quiz. Queen likes a

20、 quilt. Queen likes quarters. /q/ /q/ /q/. Queen likes a quiz. Queen likes a quilt. /q/ is the sound of “Q” “Q” “Q”. Big Q, little q, I like “Q”.,ruler,R r,字母r的发音,比赛,拼音练习,rat,rid,red,rag,rib,rip,rob,rot,rod,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,r,r,r,r,听音,将有r音的图圈起来。,听音,将第一个字母圈出来,写在括号里。,Letter “R” Song,Race for roses, /

21、r/ /r/ /r/. Race for rockets, /r/ /r/ /r/. Race for ribbons, /r/ /r/ /r/. /r/ is the sound of “R”. Big R, little r, I love “R”.,school,S s,字母s的发音,天空,拼音练习,sat,sit,sad,sag,sib,sip,sob,sop,sod,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,s,s,s,s,听音,将第一个字母圈出来,写在括号里。,听音,将发这个音的字母圈出来。,Letter “S” Song,Sea and sailboats. Sea and sailb

22、oats. /s/ /s/ /s/, /s/ /s/ /s/. Sister sing a song. Sister sing a song. /s/ /s/ /s/, /s/ /s/ /s/. Big S, little s, letter “S” is fun.,tea,T t,字母t的发音,顶部,十,拼音练习,tin,nit,tip,tan,tap,fit,fat,tag,net,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,t,t,t,t,听音,将有t音的图圈起来。,听音,将第一个字母圈出来,写在括号里。,Letter “T” Song,Timmy takes a taxi. /t/ /t/ /

23、t/. Timmy takes a TV. /t/ /t/ /t/. Timmy takes tomatoes. /t/ /t/ /t/. /t/ is the sound of “T”. Big T, little t, fun fun fun.,umbrella,U u,字母u的发音,在下面,我们,叔叔,拼音练习,bug,mug,cut,but,bus,sun,fun,mud,cup,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,u,u,听音,依次为字母标上序号。,听音,将发这个音的字母圈出来。,Letter “u” Song,Up, up, up, umbrella. Up, up, up, bu

24、g and mug. Up, up, up, cup and tub. /u/ is the sound of “U”. Big U, little u, I love U.,u_e,cube,dune,mute,use,mute,cute,tune,mule,muse,fuse,fume,tube,vegetables,V v,字母v的发音,投票,声音,山谷,拼音练习,vin,vac,vip,van,vab,vit,vat,vag,vet,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,v,v,v,v,听音,将发这个音的字母圈出来。,Letter “V” Song,Vase on a van, /v/

25、/v/ /v/. Violin on a van, /v/ /v/ /v/. Vacuum on a van, /v/ /v/ /v/. /v/ is the sound of “V”. Big V, little v, fun, fun, fun.,window,W w,字母w的发音,冬天,风,拼音练习,win,wit,wip,wan,web,wet,wak,wag,wep,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,w,w,w,w,听音,将发这个音的字母圈出来。,Letter “W” Song,Witch wants a windmill. Witch wants a watermelon. Wi

26、tch wants a walnut. /w/ /w/ /w/. Wish them in a warm house. /w/ is the sound of “W”. Big W, little w, I like W.,X-ray,X x,字母x的发音,传真,税,修理,六,拼音练习,six,fox,fax,box,fix,tax,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,x,x,x,x,听音,依次为字母标上序号。,听音,选择正确的单词,并写在横线上。,yellow,Y y,字母y的发音,连接,年轻,你,庭院,年,拼音练习,yak,yon,yam,yet,yep,yip,yap,yes,you,练

27、一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。,y,y,听音,将发这个音的字母圈出来。,听音,将第一个字母圈出来,写在括号里。,Letter “Y” Song,Yellow yoyo. Yellow yarn. /y/ /y/ /y/, /y/ /y/ /y/. Yacht in the yard. Yacht in the yard. /y/ /y/ /y/, /y/ /y/ /y/. Big Y, little y, I love Y.,zoo,Z z,字母z的发音,地带,区域,快速移动,拼音练习,zax,zip,zed,zan,zap,zig,zen,zag,zoo,练一练,请将字母写一遍然后跟着念。

28、,z,z,听音,将发这个音的字母圈出来。,听音,将第一个字母圈出来,写在括号里。,Letter “Z” Song,Zebra in the zoo, /z/ /z/ /z/. Zero in the zoo, /z/ /z/ /z/. Zipper in the zoo, /z/ /z/ /z/. /z/ is the sound of “Z”. Big Z, little z, fun, fun, fun.,I can read,add,an,am,big,bend,and,bell,ax,bad,as,at,bag,bug,box,Bob,bit,cut,cat,can,bun,I can

29、 read,dad,did,Dan,fell,fed,dig,fat,elf,end,duck,egg,fan,fox,fog,fit,fig,god,gas,gap,fun,I can read,got,gun,gum,hum,hot,ham,hop,hen,him,hat,help,hit,ink,in,ill,hut,jell,jam,jab,it,I can read,jet,Jim,jig,let,leg,job,lamp,kill,Kim,kick,kid,lamb,lug,luck,lot,lock,men,mell,map,mad,I can read,mill,mod,mit,ox,on,mop,of,nun,nut,mum,not,odd,pet,pen,pass,pat,pot,pop,pig,pick,I can read,ran,red,rat,set,sell,rib,sat,rub,run,rock,rod,Sam,tap,sun,sit,sick,Tim,ten,tell,tax,I can read,tip,top,tod,yam,wig,up,wick,wax,well,van,wag,wet,zag,yes,yell,yap,zoo,zed,zip,zen,Thank you!,


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