六年级第2单元教案56课时Unit2 What ’s the matter, Mike.docx

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1、课题年级教学目标第5课 时Unit2 What s the matter, Mike?课型会话六年级班级六年级( 1) ( 2)1. 能 掌握四会句子: How are you? You look so happy. You look sad today.2. 能 听懂 Let s try 和 Let s check 部分,并能根据 音内容正确 号。1. 能够掌握四会句子:How are学生能 述 生某种心you? You look so happy. You教学重点教学难点情的原因。look sad today.主备人2. 能 听懂 Let s try审核人再备课记录邓红玉1、Warm-up

2、 and review( 1)播放 If you are happy的歌曲。( 2)日常口 :T: How are you today?S: I m fine.T: I m glad to hear that如学生回答 :“I amsad/bored. ”教 可 : I m sorry to hearthat. Can you tell me why? 学生 述原因。2、PresentationReview and lead in (1)Let s try. 教 播放 音,学生看 ,静听并 号。 Check the answers 。( 2)教 出示 Let s start 部分的教学挂 ,

3、: Look at thepicture. What are theydoing? What s the matter with them?They look so tired. Im sure they have had a hardtrip.教学新 trip 。教 并板 ,学生跟 ,然后 度到学 短 :a hard trip,a big trip。Let s talk( 1)教 放 Let s talk部分的 音,学生听后回答 :HowisLiu Yun? Is she happy? Is she excited? Why?教 帮助学生回答: Yes, she s excited. She

4、 is going on a big trip.1(2) 教 提 : Is Sarah happy today? How does she feel?Why? 教 帮助学生回答: She s sad. She failedthe math test.并板 : fail the math test。准 一 很糟的数学 卷,使学生了解 意。 一步教学其他短 a Chinese test,an English test ,并 学生了解pass the Chinese test, pass the English test,pass the math test.( 3)教 学生扮演 Sarah, 生

5、如下:T: Hello! Sarah, how are you? You look sad today. Sarah: Yes, I failed the math test.教 接着 : I m sorry to hear that. 学生理解意思。并引申出句子: I m glad to hear that.(4) 学生分角色朗 。3Let s check.(1) 学生看 Sarah ,Amy 的表情,回答 :How do they feel? Why? What should they do/not do?( 2) 出正确的答案。4.EngagementPair work学生用 笔画的形式

6、画出自己的面部表情,然后和搭档描述。如 : A:Lookatthepicture.HowdoIfeel?B:Youlooksad/happy .A:Yes, because I failed my math test/I got a new picture book .5.Feed backActivity book( P14)Look, read and write.6、Homework( 1)学生听 Let s talk 3遍。( 2)学生背 和抄写重点句型。7、板 :略课后反思2第 6课 时课题年级教学目标教学重点主备人Unit2 What s the matter, Mike?课型阅读

7、课六年级班级六年级( 1) ( 2)1能够听说认读Let s read部分,并能回答短文后的问题。2能够理解story time的故事。3能完成 Group work 部分的小组活动。能听说认读 Lets read 部分能充分理解并大致讲述Let s的故事并回答问题。教学难点read 的故事邓红玉审核人再备课记录1、Warm-up( 1) 生共唱歌曲“ The way I feel ”。( 2)日常 :How are you feeling?Do you like sports/football?Whats your favourite sports?What class are you in

8、?2、Presentation and practice( 1)教 出示 球,教学 basketball 及短 a basketballmatch,适当 展 a volleyball match, a football match 。并 学生熟悉与球 相关的 ,如: pass the ball, throw the ball, catch the ball 等。然后将学生分成两 Team A 和 Team B, 行投球比 ,呈 : a ball match, between, goal, win the game. 其中 betweenand教 站在学生中 , I am between A a

9、nd B.( 2)学生 短文,回答 :Which class won the game?3How many goals did they get?Who got the first goal?Who got the second goal?( 3)学生自由朗读 1-2 篇,然后完成短文后的问题,并与同桌互相讨论、交流。教师校对答案。( 4) Story time. 教师向学生展示 story time 的教学挂图,指着图中的人物提问: How is Zoom? How is Zip? Why is Zip happy and Zoom unhappy? 播放录音,听录音跟读。( 5)最佳解说员活动过程:全班同学跟读录音,模仿课文中的语音、语调,感受当时比赛的气氛。将全班分成几大组,组员轮流朗读课文,选出朗读最好的同学代表该组参加小组间比赛,后班级中评出最佳解说员。3、Consolidation and extension( 1)学生听读 P21 五遍。( 2)复习第二单元 3 遍。五、板书设计:Unit2What s thematter,Mike?a footballmatcha ballmatch,between,goal,winthegame课后反思45


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