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1、仁爱版初二语法训练:状语从句附答案状语从句练习一. 单项选择1. _he ld, hen stilcarris eavy ba A.ugh B.ine C. For . So2.-Do youk i he _ tply baktal withus? -I hi h wil come if he_ feetoow. A. coes;is .coes; wll be . wilcme; is .willcome; wilbe3. In te zoo i a cild_ it e water ad canswim, e dolphis mycme p_hi A. ill fal; o hlp .al

2、ls; to hep . will l;help D als; helping4. Ido rmembe _ e wokd nthat city wenhe was youn. . what B. which C. where D. wh.ewillstythoe ifyaunt _t isit usmorw. cms B. coe C.il come .s coming6. Te oli kd the ildren_co he street _th trafi lights trne geen. A not;bfoe . dont; whn C. not to;ntl D. o;ae7. I

3、 was ate for class ysteday _therewas something wrong with m bik . hen B.a C. util Dbeus8. Ill gosimig with youif I _re tomorow. A. wil e B. l e C am D. ws. Inteexa,the _u ar, _the _ istakes yo il make. A. arefu; litle B. more reful; fwst . mre carefu;fewer D. m caeu; less10. Yu soudfinish yourlesson

4、s _yugout to ay A. ber B. fr C. whe D. wi11. I urrie _ I wldt b ltfor css A. sine B tha C ai Duls12. Wen yourea the book,yod eter make mar_yu ave anyquestions A. whch Btt C heeD thugh3.e teah raised hi voice_ al the stuents ouldher him. f B. so ta C. becuse D n odr4.He took of hiscoa _ felt ht. A. b

5、ecause B. as . if . ice5.It is _ that lie to got or awlk. A. lvely day B too loy aa C. so lovely d . sh lovely da. Myhd _ c rkt d tt she sty t h ffice alldy . such B. so C tooD. ver17. _I flt very ted, tie t finsh the wrk. A Athugh . Bcuse C As D if18. _ the day went on, the weather got worse. A. Wi

6、t B. Sine C. hie D. s9. _ well an driv, yo ustdre carelly. A. on s BIdertat C. No mater ho D. Theomnt20. Writeto mas son as yo _ to iing. A. lget B. ge C. etting D.Got二. 根据中文意思完成下列英语句子1. 不管他跟我开什么玩笑,我都不生气。 I a no angrywit hm, _ _jokes h _ me.2.布鲁斯太太对学生非常亲切,以至于学生把她当做母亲。 MrsBre was _knd t her students

7、_ they _ hr _ hermother.3.只要我们竭尽全力,父母就会满意我们的表现。 Our prets ill e pleas our pormne_ _ _ we bes. 你一到上海就给我打个电话好吗? illouleacll e _ _ yo et to Shanghi.5. 这个七岁的女孩酷爱钢琴,以至于他已经坚持练习两年了。 Theven-year-ol girl ie plaig the piao _ _ se ha ke pacticng for wo years. 虽然她很忙,他还坚持自学英语。 _ _ _ _, shkpt onlening English byh

8、esef7. 他长大后相当一名记者。 He wnts toe aonait _ _ _ _.8 无论刮风下雨,我们的老师总是第一个到校。_ _ wdy or any,our techeialay te firt to et t school. 如果人人为保护环境做出贡献,世界将会变得更美好。 _ _ _ _ o proeting te envionment, h worldwillbeomech or beatiul.0. 李明昨天没来上学,因为他病了。 Li Ming dn coe t shoo _ _ _.三、单项选择1. Th meeing didtstart_ vee was tee.

9、 beause Buti C. why D. if2.Th by_ tobed _ hi mote came in.A.en not; unt B. ddnt o;teC.wen; untD. it g; until3. I wont blieveyou_I avesen t wth m own yesA. befor B unt C. ftr D whe4 .He_ hom _ she wasstifie _ his aswe stedy.didntgo;uil; with Bwastgo;er; t C.doesnt go;befre; wih D. didt o;nti; to5.He

10、_ back unti the wor _done.A. sn; will e B.snt;isC. wtbe;ll be D. wotbe;is6 .They idnt tart e wor _their teache ame back. il B. ile C. as s D.if7. Tm wll cl me s soon s he _ Sga.A. arvs . will reachC. arries in D.gto8. mse hel com to eee efrehe _ Bijing.A.will eB is leaving C.l . LaveI wil tell him t

11、he nw a soas he_ bck A. mB.cmes Cwl come D. cae10. Tom hagoawach He _ it fo wo years It _y hs ather.A. ha bought; was oht Basgo;is bugh , . was ouht; hsboh D. ha hd; oght 1. When hegotto te staon,the rain _.lef B.aleft .leaveD.has left2 heboy tld hi fe what he _ i the steetA. saw B. hen C. ee Dse1.W

12、e _Vwenthe telphone_.A. watchd; as ringinB.e wat;rg C. wah; rin D. are watchng; n14.B the en olat em, I_en boosA had fiishe reaingB. have finshre C.had finshto re .fiis ead15 I _yo f a log tieWere_ u_?A. didnt see; di; g B didnt se;ave; neC.avetseen; hav; been D. havetseen;av; one16. Tom_ ia for 3ye

13、ars.A.hasbeen . h ben in . as be to D. a bee a1I wont o to ee hefilm tont,bcau I_ my icketA ost B. hav t C.wll ose D. idt ose18.-Hello! May se t Bob?-Sorry, bth _ or a mnthA had ee away B was left C. ft D. ha ee away19. I _ hi sinc I bea lv in thecityA. know B.hvknon C. knew D. wlknow20.Zhao La _ al

14、red _ i ts school or w yr.A. as; syin will;study . ha; std D. e; sdying2.Betty didnto t e hefilm yesterda _ she was ilA. ecae B. t C. util . if22 May st nr_Ica seoreclearly?A. as i B. s ta C. evn if D. s23. _ ywor hard, ullertainl suceed.A Toug B. fC. cau D 2. _ he cae to study the uiverity, he as m

15、ad mu proresin testudyfEnlish.A Whle B WenC. Since .Ater2. Idie to go wimming _he waters not too olA for B. unl Cifwheth2.Thr are _ ma leau mers n as 2 _ n Clss .A. both; an B s; hat C. te; o .as; as27.-Do youhae abig ibrar?-N, e dont. At leat, no_yrs.A.as as. asigthan Ca bigr thanD. bgr as8. Shoi n

16、t _ beutifl _Hghou.A a; ha .o; C. en;thaD. /; tan9.Iron i mor usful_ nyter eta.A. as B. tan C. he D so30. I wnt to nw _ shes goi to sea filmA. fB. tt C. hat D. whch3. You are ure topass theeam _ o studhard.A.f B. oh. hat D. sine2 Illgo to sethefilm ith_I have tme this eening.A.whetherB. soC. iD. whn

17、33. _ o study harder, yollnver ss thefnal eam.A. If . Unti . Uless D. Excet34 Althoug itwasaning, tilloked the ielsA ty B and they C. they D. nd yet hy35._here erenly fve oldiers left t the ront, _ tewn n fgting ecause; so B. I; d C Thug; but D. Thuh; 36 _ she i eryod,_she can still wr eithrs d.A Bc

18、aus; soB. Though; bt C. s; yet D. Thouh; ye37Plesenswr e questin in oudughvoie _ al the class a hearA. o,that B. C.in orderthat D.and3. Lif it up_Imay e t. A.thoug . that C a D than39.I hurred_ wouldn bate forcss. A. o . so that C. i D.unless4.W ou o y bus _wea et tere eale. A. a soons B. wh . in re

19、r tht D. as41. Te icioary is o expnsive _In buy t. .because. wn C.that D. f42. Igt here _lat _ I dtsee hi.A.too; t . suh; that C. s;ht D. so; s4 Its _ hot in he room_w ha to go outfo a ak.A. suc;that B. so; that C.s;aD.sch; as44e has_ n inteesting bookhat we wan t read. A. s B sch the ame D. a .Thho

20、ps were clsed_ didt ge ny mlk.A.so B. asC. or. but 2.地点状语从句引导词用法示例hee意为“哪里”。“wher引导的地点状语从句,(thr)主句”“哪里哪里就”。主句在从句后面时,thee可用可不用;主句在从句的前面时,一般都不用ther.Wh theres a wll, thee is a way. y eegod ess.Wee thy ent, there they wrwarmly welcomeYou shuldhave put hebook whre yofound it. wherevr意为“无论何地”。anre/wheer引导

21、地点状语从句+主句。aywhere本身是个副词,但是常可以引导从句,相当于连词,意思相当于wherever, anywh引导的从句可位于主句之前,也可以位于主句之后。而hv本身就是个连词,表示“在何处,无论何处”。Whreer e sea is, you will finsan.Ill gnywhee ou o. 7让步状语从句引导词用法示例thou意为“虽然”。不能和bt连用。但是可以同t(stl)连用,构成thoughyt(sill).hg较普遍,常用于非正式的口语和书面语中。n能和though组合表示强调,在这里even hog=evenif(nmatrif; though即使也)。th

22、oug可以独立用作副词,常放在句末,意为all theame(还是;仍然)或owver(可是;然而)。oita ivedup to othougi snt stog at ll.Though theyarin oths, thy dnt loike eh ther.Evenif/ Eve tughwecould aford it, w would aord it,we wuldt go abroad or our acao. althug意为“虽然”。不能和but连用。但是可以同yet(still)连用,构成lthoghyet(stil) althugh 较为正式,语气比thoug重,常用以强

23、调让步概念。 en不能和although组合。Although he die severa earsag, can stillrembert days we spenttogether andwhathe htagt me ou velthoughehad ltle fod th us, e deci t sendthe iht in he car.8. 比较状语从句引导词用法示例asa.意为“和一样”。表示同级的比较。使用时要注意第一个s为副词,第二个as为连词。其基本结构为:asdj./v.原级+s。若有修饰成分,如wice, thr ties, haf,a quarter等,则须置于第一

24、个as之前。Seis ygood at painting. Se c pt wellas here tcer ran outsquiklys possiblenot as/ as意为“和不一样,不如”。也表示同级比较。e isnots (s ) outgongas erter. Thi dictiona sno as/sousul a you tink 9.方式状语从句引导词用法示例a / s thog意为“就像,好像”。两者的意义和用法相同,引出的状语从句谓语多用虚拟语气,表示与事实相反,有时也用陈述语气,表示所说情况是事实或实现的可能性较大。常译作“仿佛似的,好像似的”。I woud ne

25、ve oret here il, or the wy hr eye shon as ife were th sameag. Itlooksas ifthe weather may ck up veryson.一. 1-5 CBCA 6-10CCCA 11 BCBC 1620 BADB二. 1no maer what; plays 2.so;tht;regrded; a 3 ong as 4. as long as 5. s much ta 6ug shewas busy 7. when he ros u 8.Whethr i f vere makes a contibuton 0. bcus was il三、1-5B D B A D 6-10 AC DB D 1115 BC B AC 16-0B D B C 1-2A B C 2630 D A B A 31-35A CC 36-40 D C B C 414 C CB B


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