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1、从句练习题及答案从句练习题1、 单项填空1. -Wh i e a _ as alio r Englih tecer? -Oh! sMr Baker, ourmaths teache. A. he B. ht C.who whi 2. I ht th peope _ donthpothes whethy e i trouble. A. ho B.whic C te D whe 3. Tfreigr _ vistedur ol is from Canad. A. whih B whe .wh . om 4 Gge Malo asn Eglih scholteaher _lved cibigA. h

2、o B. whom C. h D. whic5. This h pace_Iaveever visited A. the B. hn C.wher Dwhch 6. Nobo nos th reason _she didn me to the metng. A. that B. wih C.why D we7. Te on i aold_ there s n life A. .hi C. where D. 8. esfrgott the dy _ he aid.A. whe B whre C. t D.whic 9. e til emembers he days _ et ih u fmily

3、.A. wen . wee C. tat .onwhch 10. Mr. Wht, _ ca had bee tolen, came ohe polcemn.A. who . ha C. whose D wich11. He ot to the vilge _ his faml ne live befreliaton.A. tht B. which C wen D. whre12. Thiis the hous _I wan tobuy. A. w . tht C. whos D ere 13. Ti isth house _ our belove reir Zhu once livd an

4、workd. A. whih B. tt C.when where14. eidnte me thepla _ he was brn.A. h B. hihC hn D.he 15. He livedina mll ville, _ was a ln way rom he railway station. A. th B. which C whe . wen 16. Iwokin a bness _ alot eryneis witing for a gret ane.A.how B. whih e D t 17. Hle was much knder to heryoungest stha

5、to the ter, _, course,ad the oers enyhim. A.who Bthat .wht D. whih18. Americawmen usuay dentify thest riend as smeone _the can ta frequently. A. w B s abut which D. ithwho19. The fil ruht te hours bk to e_ as taken d cae oi tt far-ay villge. A. uil Btht C. whn D. were 20. The famou snistgrew up_eorn

6、and in930ecme Shagha.A. when B. henever C. where D. wherever 21. A torygoes _lzabeh Iof Englnke nothing mre hanbi surrundd by clever anqualife nbeme t coutA. whe Bwhere C. wh D. tha 22. The Pakrsbog a ne ous but_willneedalotof wokber they cn o i. A. they Bit . e . which 23. I tis factoy _ yu workeda

7、? A. the e which C.that D. whee 24. I his te facoy _ yo wored? A. her B which C.a D. thon25. -os te teaherkow eeybody_ plated the rs? -Y,he dos.A whih B. whse C. where D. wh 26. Teletter_I civedfrom him ysteday s verimportt. A. who . her . what D. hat 27. -here isthe scienist _ gae tak yeserday? -He

8、 has one back oinghua Univesity. A. wo B. who . wose D. wch 28. I at peope _ tal uc bt little.A. hose B. m C. hich . h 29. Doyonow a bo _sister is anurse i host? A. wh . that C. wom D. whose 30. s here a sh nearhere_ we can bu egetabls andfrit?A. which B when C. wo D. wher2、 填入适当的关系代词或关系副词完成下列句子 1.

9、he bos_ re pai ootbl arefrom Css On. 2. Tho_wantogo the musmmst be a theschool gt at7 omorw.3Mr Liu sthperso _ youlkedabout n theu.4. The profso _ yo arewitig for ha oe. . oballi a gae_i lked b mot by 6. He lik to readok _ are wite y oeig wrters.7Thisis the pe_ h ough esterday. 8. ell gto hear t fms

10、 snger _e hve oftntalkd.Whre iste man _ I s ths mornn? 0. h seso_ coms aftersrig s smmr . vited asients_name is know l ovr th cor. 12. He hs afried _ fher is a doctor 13. once ied in thoue _ roof has fllen in. 1. Itil rmmer te day_ I firs me to hs shoo 15. The time_ weot tther finl arrive. 16.Shangh

11、ai is the city_I ws bo.17 h hue _I lived en yars agoasbeen puleown. 18. leae lmeth reson _ you msed thelae.9. The reason_ he was punished is unknow to s 2. A the pope_e sntrt intter.21. There areabout sev ilion people kinpr i the elcti, ms f_ are wel educatd.22. scede in th mpiton, _ made his parent

12、s vr appy.23.The schl _ heoce stuied i vy famou.24. Trow Ill brng ere heagzi_ ou aked. 25hisi by _Iplaye tenis with ystera. 答案一、单项填空15 BAD 6-10A 11DBDDB 1-20 CDCC21-25 DBAAD 26-30DDDD二、填入适当的关系代词或关系副词完成下列句子 . who 2. who . wom 4.whom . whch which 7 which 8 about whm whom 10. wich 11.whse 1. whose 1. w

13、ose 14.when 15. when 6. her 17. whee 18.h 19. wh 20. ta 1whm 22. whih 23. wher 24. tat 5 whm宾语从句练习:在宾语从句中要注意三个要素,j连接词that, if(hehe)和疑问词做连词。k语序,必须是陈述句的语序。时态,主句是一般现在,从句可以是你所需要的任何时态;主句是过去时,从句也必须是相应的过去时态(一般过去,过去完成,过去进行,过去将来),如果宾语从句是真理或永恒不变的事物,不改变时态。( )1. Do yo knw _ thistim yestrdy? . ho are they aitng

14、.who ty are wii for C who were they wiing Dwo they werewitig for( )2. Cld youtl _ ? Aif yor fatherdosBhat de your fathrdo C.your father do wat . hatur ather os( ). Cn youtelle what _ nextSunda? A. will he . thywould do ol tey o D. they wl do( )4She sd m f I new _. A. whose pn as it . hse pen it was

15、C. whose p it i D. whose pen is it( )5.Excus me,couldy el me _ ? whe an I g thestation B. a gttwic tatio C. hch saionI cn gett . ow ca get tohe stton( ).Ca yu ell wer _ ? A. is he ptffce B. he pos office is . does te pfce .he o ffice does( )7. Dyou nowho _ ith at igteeday ? A. heis tkig . washe alki

16、ng C. e was talkng D.is ealkin( )8. Theywodere f he tachr _ s Enlis e net term. A. wul tach B.hd tugt C.ill tea D. taught( ). He tol methat the s_ in the est. .riss B. raise C. roseD. rised( )10.Th boy aked_ y noie om outsid. A. whether had I ard B.whether Ihd herd Cwether have Iard D. whther ha herd( ) Thismapwilow yo _ .A.where isthe Sumeraace B.heretheSuer Paace sCere is hSumme Paace lie . howthe Sm Paac s lke ( )2.Myother _ tothegron whil _ his bicycle ad hrt leg.A falls;ihe ridigB. fel; he wasingC falls; h is ding D. ft; as he ing 答案:1:DDB 12:CAABB


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