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1、八年级英语阅读理解阅读理解1 ne here lived an oldann ton. He away frgot a of things. So is ie always ad to say to him,“Dont forget this.” One day e wento a lng wy alneBefore he left hme,his ife said,“Now y hav al thes tngs. Yu eed temn ouway. Tak care ofyouthngs onthe wy”H wn tesatin He ught tict and got on the t

2、ranwitit. Aboutan holae,theonducor began to e te ticets. He ae totelman ad d,“Wil ou plaeso me our tiket?”he oldmaookfr histicke ina his pcketsbut heoud no ind it. H as very rid. “I cant fnd myticke. I raly bugh tet beforI goto rn,”said te old mn “Iik you aeriht Ibliev yobught a ticke. All ght,you d

3、ohave to buyaother ticket,”sai thconductorkdly. But thold mn still(仍然) lookedworriedand sadsadly,“ou dontknow whyIm wried f dot find my iket,I cantremeber y sion Wherm Ioing?”1 T old manbuha tickt _ . aftrh ot on te tin B.before e g o the tai C. enh cout tol im t by ne D. when he foun d oticet i him

4、 2. bu nhouaer,h cnducto begn_ .tobuy thetickets B.to lokforth tcks C. t chk(检查) h tickts D. t how te ticket 3he cnductor old te old man tha he didnt ned to bu anoter ticket bcaus_ A te ma wsver od B hought teold man had n moy wihm C the od man showed him thticket . he beieedtheol mn 4.Th ol ma sil

5、looke wrrie ecause _. A he coulntget nthe ain. B. h t his ticket an alo ofmyC. e hought his wife would get anry with him D. e fogot wheehe ws going 5.hc f the flowi(下列) is right? A. Te old ma wnon the ti whhis w B. Theolandint find histiket C. heondutr as alo anold The old man ad to anoher tcket阅读理解

6、2 he be way learing lnguaeis uin t.T bestayof learin Enlishisalkng nEnglish a muca ossible. Sometims oull et or words mixed (混合) an peop ll not undrtanyou. Someis peoplewill saythigst quicy and ouct unerstn thm Butf yu eep ou sense o humr(幽默感),you an alwyshave goo laugh at th mistasu ake Dont be nhp

7、y i pepe seemto e laugngayou mistaks.ts btter f eopleto laugh at or mstes tanto e nrwih you,becus thedont uerstad wat ou are sayn. he most orant nfolarnin Elish is:“Dot be afraid of makng mstakes becaseveryonemakes mistakes.”1.he wrierthiks that the bs wa f you tolaalangug is _ A.itng B. ltng C. usg

8、 it D.aning ramr 2. Watshuldyou o n leanng English? A. Be funt tomke aymiake. .Wrta qucky as you can. C Luh moe ofn. D. SpeakEis amchas you can.3.hen peole lauh at you mistaks,you shul_ A.n care B. be hpp .eorredD be uhapp4. Whe yo ke a mistae,youshold _. A kep qiet B.ke your sen of hmr C. be knd ge

9、t ngry 5The story tels us:“_” AOly folish(愚蠢的) eole make mistae. Few eople me mtakes . Pople nver ke istaes D.Therei no on esntmak makes 阅读理解12 Do youno wh th Whte Huse is?Pehaps some of yo d,hile ohers dot ThWhe oe s hous inhinton. h presidtof te U.A es in t. t eall white.But do youno why the Whi H

10、ose iswite? h sory hppnd in1. Tht yer ngand as a war ith Amica. heBrtishry gttoWahonand set te residentsuse onie n 181,n oerto he hearks te fi,tesn walls of the siens ouse weepainted itandit asbeenthe “hit ous”ver since. 1 Whte Hus i ahous r_. . h Aeric eople. . the sodies of U.S.A. C. tepresidento

11、U.A. D. th pates o U.SA.2. Enand foghtwhAmrica i_.A. 110 B 1812 . 14 D. 191 3. Th house isclld “hiteHue” becaue_. A. it overd with so B.hehoue is vry len C. t ston waohhouewere painedwhit D. they like whieoour 4. The hitHue ws paintedwhite bcause _. A.he hous s d B. the houe is ew C it ws once on an

12、d wawit mrk D. teyaeeough pant5. “ever sinc” an _. neer B. once . from theno D. befo 阅读理解8 Oneof this Ilys beev i hat nomatter ow badsomethngi, yo can esmhingpostive out of it. he oneimIasnsreof tt ws onSeptember 11.I sly wakeup 6:30 or 7:00 n theonng. That day,I hnd towa uperlie. Iurnd the andI s h

13、a a pa hdcrsed (撞击)no h NrhToe of the Wl TraeCnter fist ratin(反应) as tha it as a erible acient. enI saw antherpane fly iothe Sout owerand realizedthatI stnessng(目击) anacoftrrrism. Myife ad I ent the day wahi hetibl purs ove agin. WnI wtedfamily mebes ooingo heir lov es,th pin hir eyes wassomethin I

14、wl eer foge. couldnt unrtandw omethng ths errible ould have happend. t asnt ntil few week te ptmb 11tht Ibegnt see thatperhaps soe od id come rom thi tagdy (悲剧).People sem diffent now,mor undrstading, mor tlera(宽容的). Ltle tngs that semed to b sch rouble before are no lnr bgthings.Personally, I m mre

15、toleant han I was. I realize if is oo shrt, and t precous(珍贵的), to le myelf get id over ml hg.Iveleaned alotht yo nt tak thin fr rnte. hings cane in tebin of an eye. Pople go twok ad dont cm bak. e mn thr living and te ext minuteteyre not.Ad, it doen mtter who yo are, threis nothg yo ando bot t.W ne

16、verknw when our tim her will be ove, so e ll nedt mke he mt oevr inute wehae.Youry to lear fro wathapen. ou can be ued ubyt. Yunt ie byit. Al you ca do is just liv. heord “postie” i the paage prbay me _ terrileB. ad C. good D.real 2 Wht did th te see fer hetrned on th T hat oig? A A fire sartig B. A

17、 planeflying C A trible accidn Aactof errim. 3. Frm Sptber 11, thewriter d riedh_. . peopleshould make themost of every mtehy hae h abecome less tolerantoars ohs .e holet orrieabout little thg D lieis to shortto crebot ters. 4. Wats t best tite th passg? A. A Reor bout Setebe1 B. TheTrady f Steber11

18、 C Septemer 1 ad M Fmly .Sepember 11 and Turn. 阅读理解4“ool” iword withany meanings. Its dmeaning is e xesatemperature tha isa littlebt cold.s the world ha anged, th d as had manydiferent meaigs. “Cool”aneued oexpresfeelns iterest in almotything hen you seea famo cr in te reet, mybey willsy“Its cool.”Y

19、um hink, “Hssocol,” whn u ee yo favourte foobller. We amaxiize (扩大) he meanng of “coo”.Yucanue it nsted f manrds suhas “ew” or “surpisig”es aniterestisoy wecanuseto sow the way theword s use. A teache asked er sudeso rite abut thewerfall (瀑布)heyad visitd. n ne students paper wa justth one sente, “It

20、s sooo”. Maye h tugttwas the bet ay to show wha h awand flt But thestryao show scriy (缺乏)of words. Wihout“col”, omeoplhae wrd to how the smemean. S i is qitmportato kepsoerdblity (可信性). Ca you think many ter words thatmake ourlife as oourfu as te wod “cool”? I can. A Ithnk they r lso ve col. 1 Wekw

21、atthe wor “col” has _. A. onl oe meanin .nmanings C nydifferet ms . teme mann 2. In the passag, th word “epress”eans“_” A.se B show C. kn D.f ,.n/ 3. If youare _ omhing, you mays, “Is col.” A.interst in B. angr abut C. aad of D unha wih 4. he riter aesa exmpl toho he is _ tewayt ord isuse. A.pleasedwih B stane toC. wredabt crefuit 5.In he passage, thewrte suges (暗示) that the word “cool”_. A c uednteaf many wods B.usually mas somhin intresg C. mkeyolif colouful D y ot be s coolas it sees


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