
上传人:罗晋 文档编号:8574845 上传时间:2020-11-27 格式:DOC 页数:6 大小:37KB
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1、四年级升五年级英语五年级英语试卷一、将方框中的单词放入相应的类别。将字母标号填入括号中。分A. jeansB. sheepC. canteenD. tallE. closetF. mathG. warmH. strictH. eight ibrry gm clasrom science at Englis skts ocs jckets cold col ht mr ptty ic lamb dog li strong tin ho shlf dsk bd二、词汇搭配。将字母标号填入括号中。12分两个词合成一个词Play A. roomSchool B. groundclass C. manf

2、oot D. ballwalk E. booksnote F. bag动作搭配Open A. dinnerclean B. the doorWatch C. the floorHave D. the windowsweep E. TVPlay F. computer games三、找出划线部分发音不同的单词,将序号填入括号0分 . A. fan B lamp C k D. cat 2. A e . h C. e D be . A ki B. knd C. ix . thi 4 hot B.lon . ot ol 5. A much B cu C. funny un四、单项选择10分 1Its

3、.Pu n yo rincoat. A. winy B. unn . aiy . Nick is a active bo H is . A s stro asan ox. B. a ntle aalam. C.a st aose -Who you tacher? -r. hao. Amath B. ho C.funn 4 I nt like . They r smell. . otatoes B. tmatoes . onions . -Is eyoscence her?- . A Yes,hei. B. Yes, seis C ,shint. 6. -Where MsHeart rom?-S

4、he frm . .Cada B. in C. china 7Its 9:0. tstime got bd. A. t B.fo C.t 8-What h lik?-Hes A. hort B. t C. stdent 9. -s heyour roth?-es,h s n tudet. A Hichool B.unirsiy. C. ddlshoo 0. - ist.?- Its 9:0. Let hve mat class . What class B. Wt time C. Wat oou五、连词成句。15分 1 many hw there in as r sudnts ?2 he th

5、i shrt nd s .3. ho mth is your acr ? 4. suc ow this dress ?. wa i it Kunin is .六、情景对话。10分A: Wos your 1 ?B:Mi Li.:Whatse like?:hes 2 . A:s he 3 B: N, sh is vry 4 .A: Whos your mahtear?B: M li. He tl and 5 An hes fter. : Raly?. 2. 5. A. kind B. strong C. principal. D. strictE. old七、读一读,选一选。1分 - i yor

6、math bok? A. Whattime -ts inm scholbag. 2. - is t? B. H an -ts 8:00 Itsime tofor ngish. 3. - is o sweer? C.How ch -Is pink 4. - s this T-shit? .Wha clou -It tweny-ne yuan. 5. - lers do you av? E.Wee - Ihveleven 八、排序。分 Is se strit? No, shes ry kd. o atong ady? Is actve? Shes ou rincipal. o, she que.九

7、、单词填空。5分 1. To, this s ysster Shesq . 2. My Enlseaher svey a . . eou tacher? 4. Look at e s man,es my. ear. 5 My bother is a u s . 十、阅读理解。5分AeautifulSnn Dayts a beautif uy ay. Treinta cudin the sky. Srh wans t hav lunchanc.But we decidto have simfrer swiming,we hv a pcnic lnc uder t tree. Theie in t

8、hsun rail. I the trnon, t begins t oudy. t fie clock, wehave t go bak bause t begin tori . rahwantto frt. .hebrakfat B. havedie . av lunh we cid to a first. A.ave,si B.have, dram . hae, leep .Is nthe ftenoon. A. windy B nn Ccoudy . fe simng , we hae under t tre A. pty B. pic . spr welieinthe sun . A. for awhil Boa long tim for oe da


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