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1、小升初分班考试试题集锦一、 选出下列单词中划线部分读音不同的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内(15分)( )1. . fret . hr C work .nurs()2.A.hes. ater think Dmouh( )3. ny .atch C. lack D tamp()4. A. bok B. gooC food D.cassom( )5. pnsB. taches. apples cts二、根据所给中文、英文释义及首字母提示完成句子(15分)6. o ma_ (猴子)dos tezo ave ?. He listens to the tacer as _(仔细) as hscosin.

2、Thld mn lie i a _(not ue) treet, s hecouldnt sleep wel eve dy9.W_ (thefourt dai aweek) is mybusiet dy.0.M ideal scol sas a 9:00 am ad _ at:0 pm.三.根据句意写出所给单词的正确形式。(15分)11、oo! Oe te cdre _(sm)ithe ae.12、iy s muh_(health) than her sister.13、They _(y) t the K, ddn ty?14、s _(at) to uch good or badfor or

3、body ?15、M. Lee _ (give) us atalknth histyofChina tmrrow, isn h?四.选择最佳答案。(10分)()1.-Could youhelp me , please?-_. Ye , ase . B. Ys ,coul.C. Ys, an. Yre welcme( )17.Thee is _seep o te ill. ltle . afew C. le D. few( )18.Thereis _“h ” ,_ “”,_“u ” n _ “r”in te word “hur ”.A. an ;an ;a ;n . ;a; a; a C. ;

4、a; an; a D an; a ; an ; an( )19-I had a ealygod wekend a my ule.-_.A. O,thatsvey nicef ou .Conrulaton.C. Itsa leure D.Oh, Imgladt her ta.( )2.-Can I t u cu of a?-_.A Th vry nce ofyouBWithleasreC. Yocan, pls Thankyo fr the ta( )21-Doe shrkhere?-No, buttse dy she _ hre.A help B. hel C. i hepig D. lpi(

5、 )22 -_ toa! -es.Shall we ave a picnic the pen ir?. Wat n eaer s B. How fieeather it isC. What a fin eaher ts . Howi the eeris( )23. _tired esterday,s I _ go soppingwihe.A. am, onB. wa, amn was,t m, a ot( )2. -Col yu gttot parkbeforeoc?-_ Iltlbt heeeting the.A. I think so B es, I ouldC Im afr nD. I

6、frad s( )25. Ms Gao is_eacer. e teaches _nlsh. ou, my B. s, m C. us, orD. our,us五.根据明信片内容及2-0的提示语,将英文代号填在相应的横线上(1分)T_A_ore n eclle peonI m sureyor nw jowill be a gretucess.Best ishes frmrs BellDear_B_Wish yuery sucs in yu exams el be hinking fyou.All our love,Gan& Grandpaear_C_People like u mkethe r

7、l britr withhepecial thngyu.ve frmndyTo_D_Hopngtht good helt wil on byours.Wi vry best wsh rmeveyone at BetterBTo dar _Lifs bongithoutyou. Hrry ackLove,Angela26_ Simn is wring inanother city for our weks.2 _Mary is hst.2 _Jh as jut stare new job29 _Karen il sart her na xms exteek.3 _nn claned r frie

8、nshoue weherfrie s on holiay.六、完型填空 (1分)“Whreis te univity?” Thi is a uestthat manyvistors toCambride(剑桥)ak Bt noone gve hema_(3)_nwer, for there is o wall beod _(3)_ thunivesiy. Theuniversit ishe city.Yuan fin classroombiligs, (33)_, museus andos of th nvesity al oer e city And mst of its mbrsare t

9、he ens and(4)_of theryone cllege(学院)Cambridge as already a_(35)_ town log bere te firt stdt andtachers rried 00 ars ago. Igrew p bythe river nta, adhe rive wa one _(36)_ team. A_(37)_asbuiltovetrivras early as 87,so tow gotsname “ambi”.I the frteenth n ifteenh cntuies ore a mo ld ws usedforcolleg ui

10、ldigs. Th town gewuh _(38)_ inte ineeen entury ater th opnig fthe rilway in 4.Camridge becae a_(39)_in 951 ndowith population of ove 10,00 May youn tudents in ote counres(40)_ to stuy tamridg.( ). A. true . clear .rigt D. wong( )32. . rudB. inC. near D aou( )3. A. cine irariC.zo D. pars( )3 ArensB.f

11、rmers . teaer D.dotors( )3 A. ieresting B l C. nw usual( )36. Asaid B. calledC.spoknD. talk( )7. bridgeB. uilin C. stti huse( )38 smaller B slower C. slow D.faster().A city . colge C.unry. village( )40. A. to B. hate Cope D. dislikeTheAr Ciea is open ays a week,shwing lsof Ameanad foreign ims.Next w

12、eek t willshow an sl fimclled“Midniht Meetg”. Iis seiSdney inte 1960s Yucane tat filmfro Mnday to hursay. It ill ontwice day at 6:30and9:10 in the eengs Te fim sts twhrs ad ifteen minutes. icketsre $ 4,bt her is a specialstudt tcket at$2.0 f l te flms. Pea bring rstdent crd ifyou an te cheaper cet.T

13、h neart car park to theciema is in Hlt Street Its ustfivemnutswal fr eciema.Ifyou ed further ifrati, phone 8139 durngffceours-9 a.m to :30 p.m, Monday o Fridy.Anwer ech hefolloing uetion inno mor thaSIwod.(每题答案不超过个词)46 n whih countr s teilm“MidnightMig”ad? _.47 hecan peplese tt flm?_.48 Howny inutes

14、oeshe film last? _.9 Wha tprieostuent ticet? _.0 Ho a is it fohe nearstparktoth cinem? _九、根据文章内容及首字母提示,完成下面短文(将单词完整地填在下面横线上)(10分)Alertinsinis oneo thgetsiens who e lived.Bth couldnt findhwhome hen h weto a w 51 . oen forgt tis. Heha hethingo think abo. Science as 2 important o hm than an othe thng i

15、n life. Albert insin was born in1879 in Gem. Whn e a cild, e lerned thins vey s 53 . Alert didnt spek 5h s tee years l. H prnt wee w 55 abut . heewas 12, Alrt began r ath adciene boos. Heas ecitdabout thet 7 e learned in tse oos. He becamemore aonteted in mth an physis. Hented to find hea58tothe ues

16、tions aothenvers.Whn e ld peole abt his ideas, oher scietsts l at himat fis B hisids chaged he wod, scienst looke thniverse in a n 60 w Bcaseohim,e haveuc thin s cmpter, eleisons, ad space ravel tday.51._52._53._4._5_6._57_58._59 _6. _参考答案:一、5 C C二、6.monys 7carfuly . noisy 9 Wdndy 1finishes三、1. s simmng 1. halhier 13. flew 1. eaing 15. is going to iv四、120 CA A 2125C D CC D五、230 六、335B A BC D 3640 B A 七、4145 B DC AB八、46ustrali 47 From Mday to hurdy 48. Two hosand iftenmnte49. $2.6050. Fivemiuts walk九、. walk. mor 3. swy . uti 5 worrd


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