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1、小学六年级上册期末考试05年小学英语六年级上册(译林版)期末试题听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项。(听两遍)(8分)( ) . A ach B eat Ccht( )2. A. wht B. er C. wether( )3. A lac B pal C pus( ) 4.A thn B te C. they( )5. A. litte . lett C. liter( ) . A.rubbsh . ber C.rbbit( ) 7. A. pln . plane Cplt( ) 8 A rojct B. pser plaic二、听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选择最佳答案。(听两

2、遍)(6分)( ) 1. AHe lked throughte town ear Sanhai. .he haafshioshow. t as gra fun. ( )2 A. e, o.B.N, I idn C. No, Iant.( )3A.ItsMnday B. Its thseond o February. CIs aiy.( ) 4 A.t meansyou caplayith th compuer hereB. I meanshr re somepeople arounheC. It mensthees shool nerby.Be caefu!( ) A. Blac soke f

3、rmth factoris maes i diryB. nl ndooks a t e.C. Heavy rai makes wet.( ) 6. A e can study ard B. W cant ltter. . e cangror flws.三、听录音,用数字给下列图片标号。(听两遍)(分) a. b. . ( ) ( )( ). . f. ( )( )( )四、听录音,在横线上填入所缺单词,完成短文。(听三遍)(0分)It _tody I ent skatng at Taihu Se _ my rind, Dave. Te _ many kite in the _ Then we

4、_ teity_. It w soian we could _ th Interne.I found an nteesing pcure onte wa. wantd t oc t.ave opd me. Because hras a _ ea t I _ “D not touch” We cant oucit. 笔试部分(0分)一、根据汉语提示,在横线上写出适当的单词或词组,完成句子。(10分)1. u, can you _(讲个故事) to me?2. Why didth _ _(嘲笑) theking?3.It is gong to e _ and _(多云有风) tmorrow. Th

5、e _ _(长城)s th geat uilin i Chna5.Weanbuy may thin at the _ _ (购物中心). Dnt eat o drinkand _ thlibrary_(保持干净).7 o protectth arth, we shoudn _ _ _ (频繁开车).8. hre re uoing _ _ (下周)?9. _(国庆节) s oneof themai holiys ia.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(分)1. It i aways _ (rai) i spring here.2 We shoulntwase to _ (an) wood.3.Don

6、tdivthe car s_. (quik) My fater an only _ (smkng) i the ithen.5.Watr is _(ue) Weuse it clean hins.三、用所给动词的适当形式填空。(0分)1. ook! T cheatr(骗子) _ _ (how)the specil lotheso thekin.2. _ the party _ (go) e? Er, it was good at fist3. Mmothr like _ (do)hpingon te nternet.4 _(cn)yupl resturant en yars ag?5. W _

7、(have ) a Matstest(测验)omrrow. Most of energy _ (com) fom the Earth.7.Why _you _(call)me then(刚才)?. ecauseyou _ (b) bent didnts u t school.9 unnnghespople _ (ep) fit 10 gn onthe ree eans uan _ (iterng) here. 四、选择最佳答案,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(10分)( ). he teacer poited _ the os n thewhiteoadA tB. n . at( ) 2. coo

8、 loks l _ the wt hat. .withB. in .n( )3._ messyroom! A HowB. Wh . Wa a( )4. _ ourutin? ot bad. AHoB.Wht C.hy( ) 5. My pretse akingme_the rShow A.bout o C.to( ) 6. ad, cany pk te star _ me? A. toB.fom . for( ) o! The o_ a smrtrince.turn in. turnint .turns( ) 8_, Chiee people regig ot ew Yar aes . AtC

9、hristmas B. Bfore Srng Feal C OhieNew ears ay( ) 9. Lt week, I had g toothace. coldneat_ rink. utB. and C. or( ) 10. ha _ youeel angry? A mkemkes C.ming五、在方框中选择与所给句子意思相对应的选项,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(10分)A. Sure. We went on an outing last year. B. I often get red packets from Mum and Dad.C. Were going to have a

10、 big dinner. D. Look! The king wore nothing!E. Its February the third.F. Because we lost the game.G. Im sorry.H. So magic!I. Its on Jan.1st. J. Not bad.( ) ha happeed?( ) 2. What dy tay?( ) 3. hen s Nw ear?( ) 4. How s yor weeked? ( ) 5. Whya ouso sad?( )6. The bo tunsinto gir.( ) 7 Ca you make a se

11、tence ith“outig”?( ) 8. Plese don takur dot the sop.( )9.What dyu ofte d on Chines Ne Yearsa?( )10. hat are ougoig t d on ChinesNw Yar Ee? 六、按要求完成句子。(5分). Te two en showedhisnew clthesoth ing.(改成同义句)Th to mn showd te _ i _ coths.2.He read he newspaer ealthi moing.(改成一般疑问句) _ he _ he nespper erl ths

12、morning?3. lot, a, energ, us,f,cars (.) (连词成句,注意大小写及标点)_. Wsouldv tebeaus tres help e ai ea. (对划线提问) _ _wesae res? herewre yo last nh? (根据实际情况回答) _七、根据首字母提示,在横线上填写合适的单词,完成这封信。(分)Dear Jusi, is c g_ yur ei. Im _ aouthnee ew Yeato.y fmilys busy s_ ad dsome_ thes das.O_ ChineseNew Yasve,wre gi to ave ne

13、 f_ with family. Ate tht, were going to_ prngFetiv Gala (春节联欢晚会)I d_watch healalat yrbecus Iwas at wok. Tis ear, I amgoingto h_ alot of fun Wuld you like oj_ me? ove,en八、根据短文内容选择合适的答案,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(分)e Laer Festivalis Chineefetiva I iin Feruar r Marc, frteen aysafterhe Sing FtivalPeopl sly go toenjo

14、y lanter the teets n th rks. Thre are so ay lntrns.Childen otn hold little anerns their hand Thyre veryexcited Sometieswe an njofirewrksat nig. t te festval peol ea smal upligs. Cin peopl call temuanxiao. Tey aste deicous.Wha moe, uaxiaoas famiyeunion (团圆)and hapiness( )1 Wens heaern Fesival? _ A.In

15、Jnuary or ebruary. InFbary o March. C.I May or June ( ). What do peol usall othe fivl? _. A at rie nd node Mak pmpkin lanrns. joylrs.( ) 3. d you ea Yaxio at ntn Fesa?_. A. Ye, we did B. Yes, I do. C. Ys,ae( ) 4.Wa does Yunxiao mea?_. A. Lerns. umplng bals .Fmiyrenion and hpies.( ) 5 Wht do cildrenl

16、ik too? _. AMae ater. . EaYuaxao C. Hold lttle atens in ther hands.九、阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的写“”,不符的写“”。(分)hag(改变) ourord,hnge our worldA ln ma tk usmlbackbard and pu i ner hm. t ai,“Im he blndleae help m” Some peplepassd by(经过) d v i some cns (硬币). hen he oinuched heground, i ade a lttleois An thei

17、nd nded h h(点头)and said“tak ou.”hen a ong wmncame up to him.he claned thewods on the ma board andwroe n senne. Gues wh? a pele gave thbn mor cons. And te coins aemuchmore noe. Hehd no tme tonodhis head andsay thano.t last, thewomameback. She too in frntof him withou a ord. Th idknw was her.H asked,

18、What did rite o my ard? he oman si and si, dd nothing, t ust made ourwords uiful. I sa, Its a eutu wrld. ButI antse i!( ) . The blin is rso who cntsee aythi( ) 2.The wn rw nic pctures on he bar.( ) 3. Atfst th lid ddnt nd hi ead whneoe gavehm coins.( ) At last, he wo didnt come back ( )5Th toseence

19、udrline(划线句子)mea the sm tngs. But tey hv iffeentresult.(结果)十、书面表达。(5分)请根据以下要点和图片的提示,以“Jil pln”为题,用英语写一篇短文。提示:1. Jill是一个小孩;他喜欢收集玻璃瓶和报纸;.两年前他用报纸做了几张椅子;3 去年他用玻璃瓶做了个花瓶(ase);.今年他打算要求:1.词数左右;2. 文章须包括所有的内容要点,要求意思连贯,语句通顺;3. 对第4点进行-2句发挥。 il pla_听力文字稿及参考答案听力文字稿 一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项。(听两遍)1. Ecstudetcan getoe neboo.

20、2How fn thewath is!3. I usual got the ChilrensPaace t weekens4 I oulnitethe.Excusem, r Yu hot litter hre.6.Ltsut te rubbishinhei. We aked but or plan yestday.8 Th are goingto he roect next oth.二、听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选择最佳答案。(听两遍)1. atdd your fthe d fo the hoida?2. Did yu clb up he ill?3 Wht day s it today?4

21、. Thre areo snts on the in. Wat oesi ean?5 What mkes thedesk mssy?6. Wat cyou d o eep the hool cean?三、听录音,给下列图片标号。(听两遍)1. Oh, bllon fliesaway.2 Imgoin to th Palace sem thisitr oday.3.We ause telehone to aleple anywer.4.Yesterday, I siped on abnan in and feld.5. Peope cu downtoomny res.ong Kog nimort

22、ant city in Chin.四、听录音,在横线上填入所缺单词,完成短文。(听三遍)It was snny tay. Iwentkaingt Taihu uare with myfried, D. Ther weremn ites n the sky. Th we visite the Ciy use. twsbi an w couldwach newson h nterne. I foundan ntrestin pctre on th al I wante toouch i. ve sppdme.euse threwasa signna it. t ma “ ot touc.” nt

23、oc t参考答案听力部分(30分)一、1 A2.C3. 5.CA7 A8 A二、.A2. B3. A4.C5.B6. B三、a. b 4c. d e. 1f 6四、snny, h, were, sky, vsed, usum, wac, news, sgn,means 笔试部分(70分)一、1. tell astory2. laug at.dy, cludy/cldy, windy 4. reat Wal5. shopping t shopping cner 6 kep ceanive so uhdrive too m8. e week 9. National二、1ain2.much. qly

24、4 smoke. sefu三、1.ar shown 2. Did,g .ing4 ould 5. are oinohave6. ce7. did, call 8.were 9. keep.liter四、1 2.B . C 4 5 A6 C7.B8.C9C10B五、1 D23. I4 J.F. H7. 8. G9. B C六、1 king,nw2.Did ,ead 3. Crs us lo of egy.4.Wy shold5. I s at home. /七、get, exed, shopping, cooking, O,ood, wth, di, have, oin八、1 B2. C3. A.C. C九、1. 2. 3.F4. 5. T十、JiplanJill i atl child.He likes clleting lassbotls adnese. H used thewspaper o akesomecair toyears go He ued h gls botle tmak a vast yer. hiya he is on to 略


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