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1、新版人教版小学英语三年级g下册期中考试试题三年级下册英语期中试卷 姓名_ 等级_一、写出下列单词的汉语意思。Chn ( ) e( ) he ( ) pil( ) o ( ) eacr ( ) ir( ) ne( ) frend( ) tdy( ) fahr( ) man( ) woma( ) mthr( ) sse( ) bother( ) family( ) grandmother( ) ndfter( ) thin ( ) at ( ) tall( ) short( ) o ( ) smal ( ) big( ) girffe( ) chilen( ) Til ( ) K ( ) USA(

2、 ) mum( )二、选出不同类的单词。 ( ) 1 . at se Che( ) 2. A gir B ew( ) . A SA B stdent C ppil( ) . A hia B eacher C Caad( ) 5. A Amy B Joh fiend ( ) 6 A fter B amiy C oher( ) A big pig C all( ) 8 A giraff B short C ehan( ) 9 Arohr B hand C radp( ) 1 dog B my C yu三、选择正确的答语,填序号。( ) 1Were are youfrm ? A Sure.( ) 2

3、 .Hi Ay. B.I rom the USA.( ) 3.ie to mee u . K!( ) 4.ets play a game!. S i ister.( ) 5wo ta gi? es , h is.( ) 6 Is se your mther?F. o, he isnt.( ) 7 Is he you faher? G. Hi ! M Jones( ) 8. lok at the bar H t is a.( )9.ow ld re yo? I. Nie o meet you ,.( ) 10.hat yor name? J . My nam Liing. 四、选择恰当的单词填空

4、,把正确答案的序号填在括号里。 ( ). ereare you rom ? A I m frm he USA. Welcome!( ) 2 hos gil? A. hat . see( ) 3.This is John ANic toe you,Jon. B Hi,r Jos( ) 4.Who that ? :Shes my randmoher A.man .woan ( )5.A:Whotht _? B: Shes myter. A. ma B. wman C gil D. oy( )6 A:hos hat man? B: _ is m ath. He B Sh . he she( ). T

5、 _ myfien, Ann She _ from America.A. is am B.s is C.Is m D Is is( )8.ss or mher?A. Yes,sis . B.Yes,ta .( )9 :Lk athe_? B:ts s tall. A. girff B.ct( ) 0.A: oo at t elephat A. Oh ! No. B.Wow!It aslongnose. 六、请找出下面句子的中文意思,将其编号写在前面的括号里。( )、ts sllan thn. A看那只猴子,它很肥。( )2、It has a lngtail andbi ees. B.它又小又瘦

6、。( )3、Lo attt mnkey.tat! C来这儿,孩子们。( )、Look a my ct! D. 它有一个长尾巴和一双大眼睛。( )5、Thi is y aer. E.看我的猫。( )6、keour eys bi. .这是我的朋友,艾米。( )7、Com re ,hide . G这是我的爸爸。( )、This is myfied,Am. H让你的眼睛变大。七、翻译下列句子。 We have two newstuents oay. _2.Welom back! ie tee o again. _3.wher are yu from? _4. Wai a ine! _ Whos tha

7、 oman? _6. Is se yor teacher? _7 No, e i He s y ad. _lk atthat gaffe . Is o tall. _9. Come hre, children! Loo at th tig! _ It ha a n body nd shot legs. _1 .ake yrrs short. _1.It as a lg til nd ig eyes _13 .t.s small and tin. _14 .I shot and fat _八、把方框里正确单词的字母代号填在横线上。A. from your C. ave D. ee E. at1.

8、 as,e _a nw riend oay2. Hi, Im _ England.3. -Wats _nam? -My aei Xingxing4. Lok _myag5. iceto _y九、根据所给的情景,选择正确答案。( )1. 不知道那个男孩是谁,你会问: A. Wo tat man? BWhos that boy? C. Whos she?( )2 向妈妈介绍你的朋友迈克,你说: A.This isyfrend, Mik. B. Wa our nam? Hi ( ).下午见到怀特小姐,你说: Goodorning, Miss hte. B.Goo afternoon, Miss it

9、e. C. Goo evening, Ms Wite( )4请别人稍等片刻,应该说: A. at oent,ase. B. ve asea,please. ( )2、第一次与别人见面时,可说:A、Howo reyou? 、 Im sor. C 、Nieto eeyo.( )、如何介绍你的朋友: A、My ames Chen e.B、 Im from eri C、Thisis my frien,my.( )6、当班上来了新同学,你要表示欢迎时,该说: 、Welom 、Watso name? C、obye. A、Im fromCina. B、Im rm America C、m frm Cnada.( )7. 当你刚见到一位新朋友,你应该说:_ . How old re u? B ood by! C. e tmtyou!( )8. 送别人礼物时,你应该说:_。 A. his isfor ou. . Thi is or e. C Tis is for Jim( )9、如何询问“你来自哪里?” A、Where are yofom?. B、w are you?、Nc to meet you.( )1、如何表达“我来自美国。”


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