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1、高一英语必修一第五单元课文t ELAS TORY Mnameis Elas. m po black worr in Souh Arca.The timewhen frstmt Neonandelwas a rydficut pero of m ife. Ia tweveyerso.It wasin 12 andMandela wa he back lwyer o whm wnt for aic He ofre guidnce t o blak peop n ther egprob. He asgeneous with hi ime, fr hih wa grefl Ineededhis hlp

2、 becuse hadverylitle dcatinI beg scol a si. The cholwhe I sdie or only two yrs was three klomees aw. I ha o eave bauemy fmily could not ontinuetpay the schol fees the bu fare.Iculd not read orwrte el. fter tying hard, I goa job in a l mi.However, this ws a time hee hadgot tohave aasbooktolive i Jhne

3、sbur Sadly did ntave it beause aot br there,and I iedot whethe Ioul become ut o wrk.he dy hen Neson anla helped me was one of my hait He tld my howto get the correct apers I could say n Joannebur. I ece more hopeul bou my futreInver forgtow ki Mandela w Wen he ognzd the AC oh Le, I oinei sn as ould.

4、He aid: “he ast thiry yer have seen the atest umber ofws tpig ourts ndprogress,until tod w have eache stagehee we have almost n rights at al.” It wsthut.Blak peole cou novoe orchooe theirlader. hey cod ge e obs teywantd. he pa f o inwhichheya to livewere dcd y whte popl Teacesutsie the twn er they e

5、e ent t liewee the poet prts fSouthfri Noone co gw fod thre. fact as NesonMandesa:“wwee put into a osition in whih w had either o cc we less iportant or fih the governmen. W hose t atta th a. We firstbroke the la n wayhich seaeful; en is w n llwdonly then iwedecide toanswerviolewithviolen.s a ae of

6、fact,I do no ike iolncebut in 1963I heped him lowup sme goverm bildings. It wa verydangerusbecaeif I cught I could e put in prison BuI was happy toh becae kn it old help uaive or dram of mkig ackandhit eole equ. THE R OF EISSTORY You not mai w te nm of bbe Iandma us afrid Itws arison rm whihnn cped

7、er I spentthe hardes tme of mlif. Bu en got thereNelo Mandela wasalsother n he held e. MrMadlabgaa sl fo tose uso ha ltlleaning H taugt s during te lunc eks dtheevngs whnw shudhave enaleep. eed boks uderour bnkets duseaythng weo indt maecadlesto se t words. ecame a gostudenI wantedto stdy for my dgr

8、e but I was t alow totha. Latr, Mandela alldhe rison gard o oin us saidthe sl not b sped from suing forer degrees. They were noclevrer thnme , but hey did pas thi exams. SoIknwI could ge degree too. That mde mefeel godaotmysf. When finishe te fou years in pion,I et to nd job. ince s better eduted, I

9、 got job working i offic.However,the polie fon ou an old my bss h I ha ben i prnonfr blon pgovermen bldins o Ilstmy job did not wrk aganfo twetyyea untiM Mandela adth ANC caeo power i1994 that tme y w nd hldre t bg fr goodand help fro relaes or friends. ciy r Manel remmbere med gve me job taktorts a

10、rondmy old pron onRobben Iland fel bade firt time I talked to a rop.All he terror nd fof tat tie cam ack tome. I remebered the beigs n he crueltyof th uards nd frindwo had died ltI woud not be blt do it, bu y famly encouaed.Theysad that te job and the ay om the new South Africn goverent wer my readftrorkg almy lfefor equa righsforthe Bacs. o now at 51Iam prod show visito verth pri, forI help makeor people freein thirown an.


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