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1、高一英语必修一unit1练习与答案高一英语必修一1-5单元练习 uni1一)把句子补充完整1你把所有的数加起来就会知道You wll kow the _ hno _ _ ll th numbers2. 我们努力想让他平静下来,但他还是激动地大叫。etried to _ hi _ but hekpt _ excitd.3 玛丽在医院里住了很长一段时间后,恢复了健康。 After a ong say_ _ Mary _ . 李鸣在这里定居后,和邻居们相处得很好。ince L Ming _ here, e has _ _ hi nighours5 如果你不想和我在一起,你就收拾东西走人。If y d

2、ont watt stay wihe,you cn_ _ ao.6. 战争期间,我受了很多苦。我用日记记下自己的经历,以便老了以后能够记住。Duingher, I _ a ot.I wrte m dir to _ _ m_, so I wold _ them we I ws ld.二)填入所缺的词。1. t ws iteterrible. It toome some i to c_own myself.2 Parnt relways c_ uc bout theirchlre.3 Tefriend alwas _ ther adnessand happies ih ea oher4 Im te

3、riby or ido it n p_. 5. Someanimals ibnate er sow, becuse thre s much air inl_ so.6. A_ to the law, t_ re ot aloed to moke or dnk. The od man ent_ mny wars nd s_a lot from them.8. fter the trible hurican, th whlhouse was desryede_. If yu hae smerole, y an g o te acherfr _.10 By iteet,wecn c_ witpele

4、 ll overth worl c_.11 By nw,ehasformedthe h_of digsoeraing eforegoing to ed.2 The r_ h gav r is _ in th exmwasipl.三)选择填空- arygot crazy andha ben snt te ment hoptl. Didyou teher boss about h - Ye, butI _ her husbadfirst.A. shouldhave told .shol hav tol must heoldD eedntavtolTher ws _ ime_ Chinee used

5、 foreign oilA. a;whenB. a; hileC. /; whenD. /; while w bse o bad wther_ th fotalma hdtobut ff. o B. so tat. why D. ta. -Lok! The tehone is boke.Smene damage _ purpose.-hatmay be rigt. But perpit s broke _acient.An; by B.b; by C.on; on . b;o5.Wha grat ruble ehad _ wr hi hoe waA n idg . o find C nd D.

6、 foudSoesudents ae tule_ ramar ie otrs have difficuy_ newords.A n; remebB or; to remmber. ; remingD.ith; rmembering7. I anot pen _moeon the ca wih i_ xesve me.A.oo muc; much oB.fa oo; too mcC.uch o; too mcD too mn;uc 8 cach e fstbus,h t uvery earltis mornn.A I der t.n order atC.So atoD.o that9. Thr

7、ar alogether 6 peoplein theoom, the bby_A iclude. incudin includdD.to inlude10. h maagofthefatr told usthat vry lit _ wsade o tewaste material in he pat.A cost valeC. eD.matter1.Tee iso_ simming-polin thicoolad te tudts oftegot wim _. A. nors; ouors. indoor; otdooC. r;outdoosD.indor; indoors2 It i h

8、e fist timethtI _this kd of mo cae. enjoedB. have enjoyedC. enoD. njyi13 Whwait _ yur ot howed you aon the est Lae?A. tiB.ifC which D. that 14 In th radinroom, w foun he_ at a esk,wh her attention _ a ook. sitting; iing to st; fixeCting; fixing. seated;i15Imld youe come; a _ tlephonig you.A.at thepo

9、into. to te pinoC.o the pont of.i thepoint ofAnse(一)1. eult, add, u 2. al, own, shouti3. in, hsil, reovered. setted, o,alg, wel, with 5 pack, up 6. sffered,st,n, xperics, remember(二)1. calm 2 concened .shae .ro 5. lose . accordng, teenags .trough, sured 8. entirly advice 1. comuncte 11 abt 2.easn, c

10、heat(三)-5 AAAA-10DAACC1115 CBDDC高一英语必修一1单元练习 ui2一)单项选择1Mr. Huang will_ the moeen.A. play lading part B. take pr . ly leading art D taka part.e iscussedwhere tgo for a whole ning, u we ecided to tay at hom_.At teend . by he C. n the en D on end3. _f the tudets htookt i the military training i 40.A.A

11、umbr B. lot C. Lots D Teumbr4.Somties _Egs isquite different fom _ nglis in many ways.A. speain,writng poken, witn C seking, wrtte D.sen,wiig5.Canoutelme if hve fonde k _yurcarA. for . to C. abt D by6. Wen iied h huang aain enyas ltr,e fun it aeso much hawecud dly _t.A. reembr B.think bout C. believ

12、e D. recogniz7. It s nic t har from her, _, elas etmoretha3 ears ao. mre .thasto sa C inoter wds eee or not8. They lidaard life nd weoe mde _ for overte hours a dy.wo B to work Co ong . worke9.Do yu haveny difcy _ A. onistenng B. t listeing C. for listening . ith litening10 Please ell mthe wou tough

13、 o_ t eAak are of Bt akeareof .takincareof D.to takecare11. Can o expain hw _ tat youissd e mrnin classes A. ame across ame to C. camep D. came aut12.Chna Daily s _a ewspaper, fo it a lo sere a a sefultextbookfornglishstuy A.moethan B ore o less C less ha D. mor ndmore13. The eadr of te faoryldus ta

14、 vey ltl_ wsadeof te wse maerial n thepst.A. ost B value C se . tt4. e reason _ beng latefo he metig was _ is litte sonell ill this mrin.A. fo,tat . hy, hat C. or, becaus D.why, base15. You made thsemisake or _ secntime,rpping _ “” i th wrd“ovrnmt”.A a,the .a ,a C. th,an D. a, an16. The president,gt

15、her wih his bodygurd, _ to h nucler taon _ ther ws n ccdent 0miuesa.A. hae me, whihB. came, in which C. has come, wee . ca, inwhere17“Ntall o tinsars w dangrous” Ths senence meas _ .A. none of thediosarsweredagerous. B. al o dinsaurs werenot dagrous. e te dnaurs were dangerous . nodinsurs were drous

16、18. -e ased om, “Have yo nised ou hmewor?” e asked Tom _.A. fhah iihed his eork. .hethh had finise iserCif hehdiised hs hmeok. D. if yo had fnishedyurhmewr.1. He realizd heas cring _wha he ha sai.A.eause B. becuse o .as D.ice2. -Yuhaven done itwl.- B tre m bestndid i _inth wa _that_Ithnkiset.二)根据首字母

17、提示完成句子。1. u doen li eW _-way of lif, so he cm back o our hometwn last ar2.he s aver larg v_ nd s can read ngish noels now3s _ anuage s no Chnesebt e an spea it fluentl.4Everyone wento ethilm, me_.5hatte Bris al “pto”he Amrias cll “g_”6.Th UN i a i_ aniot tes to s problems etweencountriesIn this part

18、f the city, you anseeaiet a m_ buil next t ach the.8It te dut of a g_to rovide ducaionor th hidre of its conries.9I lov woin brad and metingpeoplefrom dfernt c_.10.We e ocened aut th_siuaton n the Mdle Eas11A_,Ive kon Brar foryers ince we e babis.12.Jt Li has ed lots of eadngr_i Kog F fmsTouh I hant

19、 sen Lilyfo te yars, r_ hervoice immdiaelyI pickedup tephone.14. Juding fohi a_, must e rom Norh Ea fChinx to eachotr.answers一)1-CBB 6-10 DDBDB 1-1DACAD 16-2 CBBB二)1. Westen calary native 4. inld 5.gas intenational . morden 8overnt 9. ultures 0.psnt 11 Atualy 1. roles 13. recond 14acce高一英语必修一1单元练习 u

20、t3一)单词拼写1. At th pary e foreineaher as r_ tsin some ons.2. He ia _ person Oce he hmade up smind,e wl nohang.3. Thghwe havarned Englisfor two years, we cant omuncate it ntive spaker _4Tegooswill b t_ onKong p.5. dved him not to jin tm. _h ccptem advie6. eing a an of LuDhu, she uys very mucr_ tat s du

21、ced by him.7.Whas you _ to wearing jeelr to schoo.8. At lase were persuaed to _ (骑自行车)arund hina.9Witing ra _ aso think mrand enjoyore0. amso _ (熟悉) wit imhIroze is voce e momentI picked u heteepoe.二)选词填空, 注意形式。re detemne trat attue hange oes mi failiart ive n drea bingup sofar 1. Onc is determind o

22、 doomehn,it i impossibl gt hert_. .Noways, may oughdrn woldik to barn with erprents when asngfor moey. Unfrtnately their parets sed _.3. he nsistdthy _ ally4. Pop sng _usualy_ tenagers5. ewasorn SandonPrinc and _ here. She ave m a _ ook,whhgetedhtshe would nver mke any canges.7.She tn _tat sh wud be

23、e a fams sngeo day. hey hav been t e Erpeancontries _. Afte i leave the hgh _, the ve ecomes wiedrns into the se.10. Hwon another gold mda as h se a new _ h 1 dsh.三)单项填空. - Whasthattrrile oise - Thnighb _for a party. . ha prepared B. prpre C. arepreparg . wll prpre2. LastFridawhen wewe alin, sdenlhd

24、_ dea o on _hke i tevlley A an, . th, a C. an,te .he, he3 He insisttt we _ tere fthe nht A. sted had tad C. sy D. wod sa4. The road _ be verycroded i therush hou. A hall B. need . mst D. hould. Oncewe _, eshoudwokhar until scceed. A. make uour mn B.makr ind C. make u rmids . make our nds6. After he

25、ighting, theeny _. A veup B.ave ou C. a of D. gave in7 The Grat Wal winds tsway _hig ountains, _ dep allys an ge dsets. A on, aros,trough B over,hou, thoh C ver, through, across D. o, n, acros8. Bcause o te _, we ant go ih t he ounains ithut te oxgen anks A. sey gs B. ld wethr ighaltitude .frozenwae

26、r9. Do wtou hik rig;Nvr _ wht otrssy. . arefor B. careof C take ae o D. are about0. e wi oks _eac other.ts dffiult otell _. A siila t, whics which sme as, whiswho C. similarto, h i who D. theame to,whh is wich1. Tom,who ats _ittl food, is _ stng_ hecan lift the hav box. . , ss B. uch, so s . o, so t

27、ha su, sotht2.A mode city has en st up in _ as a waelad a few years ago. Awic Bwhat C. tha D wee1.When the childen weretold thattheyculgo tot USAwith their fathe,th uld _ ttel tir best friens. nt call nev wait C. hardlyal D.haly wait14.Whathe said j now o ofus _.A. diapoin B. to dsapint C. isapponed

28、 dppoining15. Ka, we artnga t tr t Haaiitomorow ld yulik togo ith us ht unds exciing Idlk to,but I cn nt. _. Have anice tri .Ivy you Cerysor D. od bye1. hina is a grat cntr.Forne thng, she h a lo hisory it much kowledg; _, shisdeeoping rdy in he own wayA cond B. he sec Cfo aother . for othe ting17.a

29、 it n 202 _ he sstilatmiddleschol _ teby ecameexprt at ompuer Athat; wher B. we; whee C.th; when D. we; tha18. -Are yo si bsy - Ye, _ my wok,d itwont take ln.t finish B. am ju fnhing . haejufinised ajustgoingto fish四)句型转换1. a.I insistedo hisotvingup ta o.b. insited tha h _ _ p ha j2.a. Sic idle hool

30、, weha aam thatoe ye wll tae aga bike tp b.Sicemidleshl,eve _ _ taing grea bike tripne da.3. a. They ften hel us with the oseork. . I _ they _ often help us wih he osewo.4. a. To u sprise, e lernd hathl o the ekon River isi hia b. e _ t learnthat haf of e Mekne is n hina.5. a. The Italian otballea l

31、ayed well enugh to enter te finalin h ast WolCup. b. he Italia fotbll team ae_ well_ t enteredth finan te lat Wrl Cup.高一英语必修一-5单元练习unit4一)单项选择 1. he ric_ntlways hap.A.i B. are C has D ave2 out_ ofworke hat stelwork ar youngeole. A. tid-fih . three-ifts r-fs D. three-fith3.Ivetol him_. A.a huned time B hred times . hn oies D.ndrs of tims4 Hs arentwoulnet hmary nyone_famlywas oor. A o om . whom


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