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1、高考绝密押题试题英语天津卷200年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷)英 语第卷第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分4分)第一节:单项填空(共5小题;每小题分,满分15分)从A、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。例:tn vr there _ youll eable osee it bettrA or B.and C. but Die答案是。1.Imtying to brea th _ogetting ptooae.A traition .conveniee C. hbt D. leisure. My paents _ i Hog Kon. They wer bornterad

2、haevrlive anywhere ee.A.live B. livd C wee vn D. wll ive. -Weeoraizing a patext Satrday, and I like u to coe.- _! have anoeroethatda. Than youjt the sameA. ood luck B. Wh a it C. ever doit agan.Well on4. _the projecn time,hesta er onat ekend.A Coting Having comle C. Tohve ompet D. To complete. Apeso

3、n _ e-mail ccountis full wont eble to se o rceie anmils.wo B. hom C. whe D.wer6. -Sorry,I have t _now.Is ti forcas.- OK, Il call ba ae.A.hang B brak up C.iv u Dhold up7. I is obous to thetdents _ hey should getelaredor their utre.A. s B.whch C. wheer D. hat. ont woryif you dont understnd everything,

4、 the ecer wl _he main pointsa the enA. recovr B.rview C. requir D.remmbr9. _ byhe adancs i echnog, aarmr hav set p wnd frms on thilnd.A eigncouaged B EncouaigC Encourgd . ang ecouagd10.The artsho was _ binga ailre; was reaucces.A. farfrm B. alog wth .nexto . regadless o11 - Putting on a hapy ace nly

5、 helpsusmake fre butlso maks us fel beter.-_. Id l to .Im with youonthat . ts pto ou D Itsmypleaure12. Iw a i house, but _ too small o a fml fliveA. rarel . fail C. ar D pret1. otrpre tha he bec a wrter. Een as a cil he ha a _ maginatio.A. cear B utious funny D. vi4. travel oth Bihai New Aea by ligh

6、 ralay edy, _ do manybsinesmen ho li in dntown iajin. as B. whih C. whe D. thgh5 This prier is ofgood qualty If it _ break down tin hefitya, w ould repr itat our pense.Aold B sul . cld D ight第二节:完形填空(共0小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Te firt tme remembr ot the ssing rdw

7、 henhewaved te as Idroy snto schoo. e 16 mewth a uzzle -al becau h wavet me ike soee does 17 seenga cle friend. big, 8sl accopaniis wave. Forte xt e dasItried 19hi ac to ee ifI knwhm I ddt. Perhaps h had0mef mnelse. y the time I contentedmysef th the 21 tt hand I we sragers, we weegeeng ch ther wrlv

8、rymornng lk ldrends.Thenoeda the 2was oved. As I 2 th sch h was tningin te midle fthe road 24 hiso sign. I was in libehnd rars 2 thkd h ecdthe sfey f t sidewalk, he lowred hi sign nd let the cas 6. To tfis hewave ad 27 in just the me wayhe had done to me over tea fedys.The kid alreay had he wndowdon

9、 and were happilyvngt rply Tesconda ot the sa 28 r the crosing uad, and he rivr, astff-okig(表情刻板的) inessan,gaveabrie, aost 29 wa bacEh flloig car of kids n tei way thol 3 more hearily.eyornin I contiud to watc the mn with 3. o far havent e ann32 to we bck.I find t iteesn hat oe prs canmke sh a()33 t

10、o o any pepleslies by doig e mple hn lie wvig and smiingwarml His34arme hesar of my day. t friedly ae nd smiling fce he a chnged th 35 o thewolenihorhood1. A. hi. disppintedC. preentedD. boe17. .on. omC. durng about8. A. falseshyC apoogeic. bight19. A. esachB tuyC. eonizD. explor20. ApsedB. blaedC.

11、msaenD.repected1 A oclusionB.escrionevluatio.intoductn2. A rgument. diagreemntC mysterD task23.A.sitdB. aroached C.passdD. eft24. A.drawn bckB. ptting onC. handing inD. holding ot25.AOceB.BeoreC. UnlsDWile26. .inB. troug.uD.dwn27. A. ciedBheeedC mldDestured28. A deaB. eplyC. ntic. getin29.A.awkwadB.

12、 angC elegan.patint30. cameB.epneC. uried. appaed3A. surpseB.rusrationC. iterest. dubt32. A. faiB try.ish.bthr33. A. of. sacifie. roiseD.iferene3. A ffivenesB. cheefulnC. carefunes. serousness35 A. trends.obervins.regulatoD. felngs第二部分 阅读理解(共2小题;每小题2分,满分4分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ASoceties

13、all ovr he wlae plac inimlarwas. uite ftnthereis nicial namig cemon bupacee to e caled mesas points of referece by pople. en orgne boysps inandgives eplae a nae. Frquntl t happen hat a ple hs wo ams: One inamedby the po and the oher b th govermet.As in many areas,oldhbis didhard, ad the aceotin tobe

14、 calledbyisunffcl am lg after the maning ost.Many rads ad pc in Sinae(新加坡) arnamed ordr tha the piones wl be reebrebyftue eneratins. Thus we have ames ucha Stmord oad and Rffle Place.This is n keping wihtraditionsin many countre - n ohte t ndheEa.other ay namgplcs s amin them ae ohr places.erapsthey

15、 werenamed t roote friendshi beween t wo lacs or i cld behat te popl who used toivethee wee originayfrom the plethtte road wee named after he mtey i clearer whe we e some of t ads name in frme Btish bases If yu step into Seector irbae yu will see PicaillyCicus - obvounmed byome hmesick ol A Force pe

16、rsonelSme places eenamed t th ativts tat usedt g on at those paes.BrasBah Road is intetng exampl,“BaBasah” meas“wet rce”n May(马来语). Now wh wudanyne wnt to ae ro“WetRice Rod”? Theeason i sml. Dring the pionerin d,we rice ws lad ou to dy alo hi rad.Afewad nSngapor are named bytheir ap.Therei“ircar Rad

17、” for one. Othr roadsma e pr of ter ames to ecibethershapes, lke “Pya Lear Crecent” Ti radis cale rescent(月牙) cusit bgins n thema oad, mae a rsentandcomes ak o join t a rod agan.36. We earn frm araraph1 that _.A. the gernen is usually thfrs tonm leB. my plces tendtoae mehnoe naeC. cereony will e ed

18、wen placeisnae.peopleprefe he plc nas given y the goernment37. What does he unelined rase “de har”in Paarp robablmen?A. Chge dnl.B.hage significantly.C. Dispar mysteriousyD Dsae ery loy.3. Wih f thefolloinpceis namedfter apersn?A affeslacSelec Arbse.C.iccaily Crcs.D. PaLebar Crescet.9.BrasBsa oad i

19、m _.A. ater arson. afta paceC after anactivtyD.byits hpe. Wha ane iferred from the passage?. omepae nms i ingaor r te ame si Britan.B. Sme paes i Sngpoe ae amed for militry upose.C. The Sngapeans nme theirlasis uiq. oung Sigporeans fogottenhe pioneersI m a wrter. I spda great del omy ime tiin ouhe p

20、w of anguagethe way can evke(唤起)an motio, a visualimae,a complex ida, or a simpl truhLanuag is thtol o my trade. Ad Iuse thmall the Englhes I grew up ithBrn int a Chinese fmilythata recently arien Cifria, Iveben giving oe thugt oh kindo Engish m mother pea. Lik others, I haedesribed it o peole as“bk

21、e” nlis.Butfeel embare tosay tha. t ha aay otere tatIcn thk ofoway to deie it oher than “roen”, as if t ere maged ad neededt bixed, a if it ackd cerain whoenss. Iv hear othe trms ue, “liitedEni,” r examle.Bu esm ju sbad,asi veythnis limited, cludinpepl perceptions(认识) th liit ngi seaker nw tis fo a

22、, bcauewhen Iwas growing up, my mothers “lite” Enlis imtd mrcepto of her. wa ahamed ofhrEngish. I belied that her Enish reletedt qulity o wha shd to . That ,because she expressed them imperfectly er thugts wr imperfc. An had lenty of evidenceo uppor e: hefat that eplin ertmetstoes, t baks, and atret

23、aurnts t takehrseriously, di no give h oo srvice, ptended no to undersnd her, orevencted as i they dd not ea her. startd witingiion in 95. Adfor resons Iwot e into ta, begn owre storiessng all t nglishes I grew upwih:the lishsesd with , which fo lac f abtr terht e decribe as“oken”, n ht magine to b

24、he rnsltion of hehnee, he intenal(内在的) ane, and o tht I souht opreev the ne, but nehr an Engish nor a Cne stture: I wntedt catch hat lngge ability ess ane shw; hr intntion, er felgs, the rhthm of hrspeech and henaturof heroghts.41.By saing“Lanuagis thtoo y tra”, e auor men ht _. she uses Englisin fi

25、 tradB.he facaeby anguagC.she woks as a tanslrD. sh s wrieryprofession42The auhor ud t think of mhrs Elih as _.A. impolt. msingC. impfectD. ractical43. ic of the foloi is TREccorn o aragrah3?A. Americn d notundrstad boke Enlis.B The authootherwast respected somti.C Te utho motr hd poitive inflencon

26、hD. rokenEngh always reflects imrfect thoughts4. h o gaualy ealizes hr mters Elshs _.A wel structuredB.in the ol sye. easy to trnslate.rich in meaning45.Wht s h passae many aout?A Teages f the authorstitude to he othrs Englis.B Thlimaton f the uhorercepion of her mote.C. The tos midestandig “limi” E

27、glisD. Th athr experiencesf ugbroken Engish.CTns of tusands f tate tiets will be givenawa to yong people next yar patof agvennt capg pr lielngle or thatrThe lanto offerree seats t peope ge between 18 to26undd ih 2. millinof taxayrs mnywas announc yestrda by Andy Bunham, th Cultre retry. Itevedacauti

28、os elcome rom somin herts rd, whoexpres cocern e tketsmyot rech temotnerpriiled.The pances WstE hr re enjoyng rcordadices, tharey o musicals teamngu itheleson tantshos. Attendances eahe. 136 milion i 007,up 10 percenton 2006, itse a rrdea. Tal ae weru 8 pet 2006 tolmost 7 milin.Onetheareurcecritcize

29、d he Gmnts prioritis(优先考虑的事) in ningee ticts whn penioner er sgling o buy fo and fuel, sayng: “I ont knowhy h Gvernments wasting monyon his TheYong Vic, as The Tie epte today,ffers excelletperformances heaprie”Thre asraise r theornmntsan from omc Cke of he Roy Court Thatr,w said: “I support any o o

30、gtyon eole io heare, an spcilly oe tataims todo it al ove Egland, not jut in Londo.”nety-ivpublilfun thatrescoud appy f fudng nderthe tw-yar pln. In retur, thy wil offerfre tikts on a leatoe day eahwekto 18 to 26-yer-ds, irst-ome, first-srvd. Itis lly to on Mons,ationlly quet ng for he thatre.M. Buh

31、am ai:“ you erntedg thehr ani it n excitig erience, andb ispire to exlore a ne ord. Bt oiespepe i out on itcausethey ear is not fr tem.Is te ochagethis prcetion.”Jeremy Hn, the hado ClturSecretary,sai: “Te reassueis otgettngenthsiasticchdre into te theare, bt improingarts edcation s tt o oung peope

32、wat o ithe fist place. For toomanychienthtres are ano-o aea.”6.tics of te plan agued tat _.A. te hatrs woud be ovrcrowded. it wud b waste f myC. pesonrs uldtget free ice thovenment wouldn e ae t afford i4.Acording tothesupporters,th pla sould _.A. bnefit thtelevision istryB.focuso pdcng btte playsC.

33、 hlnceasethe sls of ticketsD. involve all the yougpople in Eglnd8. hhof thefolloing s TRUE aot t plan?A. inetyfie hatres have rcevedundin.B. Everonwl ge at laston free ticket.C.Itmay no benfit all the ug pele. Feetcketsare fferedone eday.9. We ca inferrom the passg atin Engn _Aany plays ae not for y

34、oun peopemany yong people o like theareeople w ite abot hplanD childrn us t recee go arts edcatio50. ccodingoe pasag,th iueto fer free tickts o young peopleseem _A. cntroversilB. inpirngC xciinD. unraonbleDNext ime customom t you office, offr acup ooffee. Andwheyure doinyur oliday shoping online, ak

35、esue youreodng alarge lass of icedtea. The physicalsesati(感觉) of warmth nourages motionwarth, whie acld dink han preents o fro making unwis deisonthose re he prticallssn ben dran from reent researc bsychologst Jn A. Bar.ycolgists have nown at oepersons eption(感知) of anotrs “wrth” a powerful detrmier n cial reltionshipsJuig omeoe to be ether “arm” o“cold” isriary cosidration, eentrupingedence hat a “cold” persomayb mre cale. uchof this rood in very ealclhoodeperices, Bagh gus,when babie


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