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1、.暮光之城高频单词【双语释义】【暮光原版例句+翻译】1 wry/wryly (6次)【双语释义】If someone has a wry expression, it shows that they find a bad situation or a change in a situation slightly amusing.情况很糟糕却觉得有一点好笑, 有些“啼笑皆非”“哭笑不得”的意味【暮光例句】I always say too much when Im talking to you thats one of the problems. Dont worry I dont underst

2、and any of it, I said wryly.“在你面前我总是口无遮拦,这也是个问题。”“放心吧,反正我也听不明白”我苦笑道。2 grimace (16次)【双语释义】To grimace is to make an ugly expression with your face to show pain, disgust, etc.做鬼脸或丑相(表达痛苦,不悦,反感,气愤等等)【暮光例句】Thats not it, he disagreed, but his eyes were too innocent. They dont understand why I cant leave y

3、ou alone. I grimaced. Neither do I,for that matter.“那倒不是”他反对道,眼神极度无辜的样子。“他们只是不理解为什么对你我就是不能放任不顾。”我做了鬼脸道:“说到这个,我又何尝不是呢。”3 pout (5次)【双语释义】If someone pouts, they stick out their lips, usually in order to show that they are annoyed (or to make themselves sexually attractive.)撅嘴(表示不满,或展现性感,暮光中只有前者)【暮光例句】I

4、 was glad to leave campus, so I would be free to pout and mope before I went out tonight with Jessica and company.能避开校园我自然求之不得,在今晚和Jessica一行人出去玩之前,我就可以自由自在地先撅着嘴郁闷一阵子了(避免被Jessica发现Bella的异常)。4 unreadable (9次)【双语释义】If somebodys face or expression is unreadable, you cannot tell what they are thinking or

5、 feeling.尤其常用于表情,表示无法解读的,看不出心思的【暮光例句】Honestly, Im not hungry, I insisted, looking up to scrutinize his face. His expression was unreadable.“说实话,我一点也不饿”我一边坚持道,一边抬头端详他的神色。他的表情却深不可读。5 wistful (7次)【双语释义】Someone who is wistful is rather sad because they want something and know that they cannot have it. 有

6、点“徒然神往”之意味,有种欲求而求不得的哀怨,呵【暮光例句】He rolled his eyes. I could walk home faster than this truck moves. You dont have to leave, I said wistfully.他眼一翻不屑道:“我步行回家都比你的车快。”“其实你也可以不走。”我幽幽道。6 stagger (12次)【双语释义】1. If you stagger, you walk very unsteadily, for example because you are ill or drunk.摇摇晃晃2. If someth

7、ing staggers you, it surprises you very much.使受到很大的惊吓【暮光例句】1. I staggered along sideways across the wet sidewalk until we reached the Volvo.我晃晃悠悠地过了一条又一条道,直到我们走到了那辆Volvo的旁边。2. He looked up then at my staggered expression as I tried to absorb his bitter memories.他抬头看着我惊愕的表情,我还在努力消化着他那苦涩的回忆。7 chuckle

8、(39次)【双语释义】When you chuckle, you laugh quietly.低声的笑,呵呵的笑【暮光例句】If I dont want to sleep? He chuckled. What do you want to do then?“要是我不想睡觉呢.?”他低声笑道:“那你想做点什么呢?”8 hiss (10次)【双语释义】If you hiss something, you say it forcefully in a whisper.发出嘶嘶声/带有怒意地或者用力地低声说【暮光例句】Lie down! he hissed. I couldnt tell where

9、he spoke from in the darkness.“躺下!”低喝一声。黑暗中我也弄不清他的声音从哪里传来。9 appal (6次)【双语释义】to shock somebody very much使惊骇【暮光例句】His eyes flashed up to mine. I was appalled. I couldnt believe I had put us in danger after all, put myself in your power他的眼光射向我。“我很吃惊。我不能相信我竟屈服在你的力量之下,不敢相信我竟然还是让全家面临了风险”10 peek (19次)【双语释义

10、】If you peek at something or someone, you have a quick look at them, often secretly.窥视,偷看【暮光例句】I stubbornly refused to be the first to break it this time, fighting hard against the temptation to peek at his expression.这一次我固执地不去先打破沉默,强忍着去偷瞟他表情的冲动。11 mumble (24次)【双语释义】If you mumble, you speak very qui

11、etly and not at all clearly with the result that the words are difficult to understand.咕哝道【暮光例句】Hey, I didnt see you there, he mumbled. I guess Ill see you around, Bella. He stepped back, waving halfheartedly.“嘿,我没看到你在那儿,”他咕哝道:“下回见吧,Bella”他一边后退着,一边淡淡地摆了摆手。12 mutter (50次)【双语释义】If you mutter, you spea

12、k very quietly so that you cannot easily be heard, often because you are complaining about something.低声抱怨【暮光例句】He shook his head and muttered something unintelligible. 他摇了摇头,兀自嘀咕着什么我听不太懂的话。13 groan (11次)【双语释义】If you groan something, you say it in a low, unhappy voice.愤愤地低声说,不悦地咕哝【暮光例句】He leaned over

13、 to kiss the top of my head, and then groaned. I looked at him, puzzled. You smell so good in the rain, he explained.他靠过来吻了我的额头,突然低喝一声。我不解地看着他。“你的气息在雨中实在太棒了”他解释道。14 growl (11次)【双语释义】If someone growls something, they say something in a low, rough, and angry voice.低吼【暮光例句】He growled, a low sound in th

14、e back of his throat; his lips curled back over his perfect teeth.他由喉后发出一声低吼, 咧开嘴, 现出了完美的牙齿. 15 wary/warily (8次)【双语释义】If you are wary of something or someone, you are cautious because you do not know much about them and you believe they may be dangerous or cause problems.(因为未知的危险而)提防,警觉,谨慎,小心翼翼【暮光例句

15、】Im open to alternatives, I allowed. But I do have a favor to ask. He looked wary, as he always did when I asked an open-ended question. What?“我可以接受其他提议,”我同意道。“不过我也想请你帮个忙。”“什么忙?”他很谨慎的样子,他对我提出的开放式问题的态度一向如此。16 glum (5次)【双语释义】Someone who is glum is sad and quiet because they are disappointed or unhappy

16、 about something.郁闷难过不语(因失望或不悦)【暮光例句】He smiled at my glum expression. Actually, I do. After you get rid of them他笑笑看着我郁闷的表情,“事实上,我会。不过要等你摆脱掉他们再说。”17 scowl (11次)【双语释义】When someone scowls, an angry or hostile expression appears on their face.做出气愤或有敌意的表情【暮光例句】Im trying, he whispered, his voice pained. I

17、f it gets to be too much, Im fairly sure Ill be able to leave. I scowled. I didnt like the talk of leaving.“我在努力,” 他低语道,声音中淡淡的痛。“假如那感觉太强烈时,我想我一定可以离开的。”我面露不悦。真不喜欢谈到“离开”这个话题18 glower (6次)【双语释义】If you glower at someone or something, you look at them angrily.气愤地看,怒视【暮光例句】Well, its no irritable grizzly I

18、 murmured, ignoring him when he glowered. I was still wondering why he responded that way when I mentioned Alice.“不过,可没有什么易怒的灰熊(给你吃)”我低声说道,完全不理他愤愤的眼神。我的思维还停留在刚才我提到Alice时他奇怪的反应上。19 blush (12次)【双语释义】When you blush, your face becomes redder than usual because you are ashamed or embarrassed.脸红【暮光例句】 And

19、 I blushed. The darkness was no help Im sure he could feel the sudden warmth under my skin.我脸红了。黑暗也不能帮我遮挡因为他一定能感觉到我皮肤下瞬间袭来的热度。20 flush (12次)【双语释义】If you flush, your face goes red because you are hot or ill, or because you are feeling a strong emotion such as embarrassment or anger.脸红【暮光例句】That color

20、 blue looks lovely with your skin, he said, watching me. I was surprised; I looked down, flushing, of course.“蓝色很衬你的肤色,”他看着我说。我没想到他会这么说,低头不看他,当然了,脸也是红红的。21 grin (55次)【双语释义】When you grin, you smile broadly.露齿而笑;咧着嘴笑;龇着牙笑【暮光例句】I smiled at Jacob warmly, and he grinned back.我冲Jacob友好的笑笑,他报以一个大大的微笑。22 cr

21、ooked (13次) 【双语释义】A crooked smile is uneven and bigger on one side than the other.(暮光用法)撇嘴笑(笑的时候两边不均衡,一边嘴咧起来许多)【暮光例句】He smiled the crooked smile that I loved. Ill be back soon, he promised.他以我超爱的方式撇嘴笑笑,答应道:“我很快就回来。”23 flicker (17次) 【双语释义】If an expression flickers across your face, it appears very br

22、iefly.(暮光中用于眼神)表情,眼光的闪现【暮光例句】His eyes flickered back to the porch, and then he leaned in to swiftly kiss me just under the edge of my jaw.他向门廊处扫了一眼,俯过身来,嘴唇敏捷地啄在我的颌下的颈上。24 gulp (9次)【双语释义】If you gulp, you swallow air, often making a noise in your throat as you do so, because you are nervous or excited

23、.(因害怕紧张兴奋惊讶而)倒吸气【暮光例句】He said James was lethal. What if something goes wrong, and they get separated? If something happens to any of them, Carlisle, Emmett Edward I gulped. If that wild female hurts Esme“他说过James是致命的。万一出了什么差池,他们走散了呢?万一Carlisle, Emmett还有Edward他们有个三长两短的”我倒吸一口凉气,“万一那个疯女人伤害了Esme又该怎么办?”2

24、5 shrug (24次)【双语释义】If you shrug, you raise your shoulders to show that you are not interested in something or that you do not know or care about something. 耸肩 (表示无所谓,不敢兴趣,不屑)【暮光例句】You dont have to breathe? I demanded. No, its not necessary. Just a habit. He shrugged.“你们都不用呼吸的吗?” 我追问道。“是没有必要呼吸。只是习惯了而已。”他耸了耸肩道。.


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