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1、SectionA1 ,想要做某事 (3 个 )_2, 做炒 _3 ,我不确定是否_4, 煮的很好 _5 ,努力做某事 _ * 做某事 _* 尽某人最大努力做某事_6, 帮助其他人 _7 ,以 傲 ,为 自豪 (2 个 )_ 8 ,你真好 _ 某人来 做某事是很adj 的 _* 某人友好 _ * 做某事 某人来 很adj_* 帮助其他人, 你真 于助人。 _* 学生来 每天做早操是必要的。_9,煮熟的肉 _10, 非常精 地 _11 ,做的好 _12 ,需要做某事 _13, 把 A 放入 B_14, 加入水 _* 添加在 上 _* 将 A 添加在 B_* 加起来 _* 总计 _ 15 ,几分 _

2、 16 ,介意做某事 _17 ,当然不 _18, 点水 _* 开水 _19,猪骨 _ 20,切碎 _ 21, 上 _22 ,充 ,将 A 装 B_23,杯子倒水倒30%_ 24,不喜 某人做某事_25,把葱放在披 上面_26, 中心思想 ,主要意思 _第 1页本节重点 :if 和 whether 引导的宾语从句, 还要注意区分只用whether 的情况。练习测试题一,选择题1, It s very kind_him to help others.A, forB, toC, atD, of2, -Mike, we won the game again.-_.A, What a pity!B, W

3、ell done.C, I m sorry to hear that.D, How interesting!3, Lets _the meat finely to make jiaozi.A, put upB, look upC, get upD, cut up4, Be careful! Please put the eggs in the basket_.A, lightB, lightlyC, quickD, quickly5, Im not sure_I can finish the task on time.A, thatB, whetherC, whenD, if6, What s

4、hall I do next? -You need_some oil in the pan.A, puttingB, to putC, fryingD, to fry7, If you want to have a _life, you should eat_every day.A, health, healthyB, healthy, healthyC, healthy, healthilyD, health, health二,情景交际1, 你想抽烟,你询问旁人介意在这里抽烟吗,你可以这么问_?2, 你想去西湖酒店(West Lake Hotel) 请客,问吃过的朋友对西酒饭菜的看法,可以这

5、么问_?3, (选做题 )语文老师课上问我,这篇文章的中心思想是什么,她可以这样问_?4, 师傅教我说最后小心的加点糖。他要这样说_.5, (选做题 )问卷调查说很多家长不喜欢他们的孩子花许多时间玩手机游戏,可以这么说_.第 2页三,看图说话煮猪骨汤面的6 个步骤, 按图片顺序写好,同时句首必须要标明步骤顺序一,二之类的1,put,pork bones and water,soup_.2,cut, fine_.3,cook,six, another_.4,put, bowl, right_.5,fill,80% full,with,soup,slow_.6,cabbage,salt, ligh

6、t_第 3页_.四,短文填词。 (根据所给的单词或音标,或者根据句意 )(横线不限定只填一个单词)I m glad to tellyou howto cook chicken soup. _, wash the chicken andmushrooms( 蘑菇 )_(careful).Next,_ k ?tthem finely.Then,_thechicken into a large pot and fill thepot_water._that,put the pot onthe_(cook)carefully. Now, you need_put sone pepper(胡椒粉 ) a

7、nd some onionsin the pot and_b?lit for about_hour. Finally,_ ?dsome_(salt)_thesoup. It s very easy. You can cook it by_(you). _fun the cooking is!五,提高附加题1, -In winter, life_be very hard for people living in the north of Canada. Yes, the weather there_be as low as 60 below zero.A, must, canB, may, mu

8、stC, can, shouldD, should, can2, -What kind of volunteer( 志愿者 ) work would you like to do?-I d like to_sick kids in hospital.A, find outB, look upC, cheer upD, hand out3, -_Rose_Jack watched the final game of the World Cup on TV .-What a pity! They missed the exciting moment.A, Both, andB, Either, o

9、rC, Neither, norD, Not only, but also4, -Hello,Sandy. This is Jack. What are you doing?-I m watching my favorite TV program. It started an hour ago and_on for another hour.A, wasB, didn tbeC, will beD, can be5, I was _tired yesterday because of _work I had to do.A,too much, much tooB,much too, too m

10、uchC,too much, too muchD,much too, much too6, What do you think _him_all the time last Sunday?A, made, excitedB, makes, excitedC, to make, excitedlyD, to make, to excited7, -It s too hot. Would you mind_the door? -_. Go ahead, please.A, to open, OKB,to open, Good ideaC,opening, Of courseD,opening, C

11、ertainly notSectionB第 4页1,最喜欢的小吃_ 2,两片面包 _* 一张纸 _ *五条建议 _3 ,把某物切成碎片_ 4 ,向某人学习做某事_5 ,熟能生巧 _ *练习做某事 _6,让我试试 _ * 试穿 _* 试一试 _* 努力做某事 _* 尝试做某事 _7 ,对某人来说做某事是没礼貌的_ 8,我不知道是否_9 ,来吧 ,快点 _ 10 ,自取 ,自便 ,随便吃 _练习测试题一,选择题1, Tom makes fried chicken_of the three young men.A, goodB, wellC, betterD, best2, Im hungry. P

12、lease give me some _.A, piece breadB, piece of breadC, pieces of breadD, pieces of breads3, I want to know_the bike is Jack s.A, thatB, ifC, becauseD, while4, -Would you mind if I sit here?-_.Please sit down.A, Better notB, Yes, of courseC, I m sorryD, Of course not5, I don tknow_Jim will come or no

13、t.A, whyB, ifC, whetherD, that6, -Could you tell me_make pork soup?-Sure. Watch carefully while Im making it.A, what toB, where toC, when toD, how to7,-Who left_of you six yesterday? -Jane did. She was always the first to get out the office.A, earlierB, laterC, earliestD, latest二,情景交际1, 你问同学们她们最喜欢的福

14、州小吃是什么,你可以这么问第 5页_?2, 你问妈妈介意你看电视吗,你可以这么问_?3, (选做题 )老师鼓励你们说不要放弃,坚持练习,熟能生巧。她可以这样说_.4, (选做题 )你去烹饪学校报名,老师问你想学什么,她要这么问你_?5,(选做题 )你看朋友画画很好,很羡慕,问她可以教你怎么画好画画吗,你要这样问_.6,妈妈说你在公众场合制造噪音是没礼貌的,她这样说_.三,看图说话1,我要买三块面包piece,_.2,我不知道我妈妈是否会准时来学校if, time_.3,7:20 到校7:25 到校7:10 到校LucyTomMary(Lucy, late, than)_.(Mary, earl

15、y)_.第 6页(Tom, late, of)_.4,help._.5,小心地把纸剪成碎片cut,_.四,(选做题 )对话填词。 (根据所给的单词或音标,或者根据句意)(横线不限定只填一个单词)A: Did you go to a Japanese restaurant before?B: Yes, I did.A: How do you _ Japanese food?B: They look_ and _ d?l?s.A: _ your _ fe?v?r?t Japanese food?B: Oh, Japanese_(noodle) and sushi.A: What should pe

16、ople_ ?r?dj the meal?B: Enjoy the meals and eat_(nosie).A: What? What do you_ mi:n?B: It s _(impolite) _do that in Japan. It means you like the food.A: _ an _(interest) habit _ is! But its impolite to do so in Cuba.B: Of _. People have all_of _(eat)_(habit) in_(difference)countries.五,附加提高题SectionC1,

17、正式的西餐 _2, 第一次 _第 7页3 ,最好 (不)做某事 _ 4 ,了解 _5,餐桌礼 _ 6,有礼貌的做某事_7 ,在桌旁 _ * 吃 _8, 开始做某事 _9,在左手 _* 在左 _ 10 ,以 开始 _11 ,吃光 _* 喝完 _* 用完 _12, 杯 _喝太多 _* 烟 升起 _ 13 , 某人干杯祝福 _14,15 , 得 (不) 做某事 (事情未做 )_ * 得做某事 (事情已做 )_* 我不 得昨晚关 了。 _16,只要像其他人做的那 一起做 _17, 大声 _* 安静地 _18, 吃 期 _19, 在法国 _*10 个法国人 _* 法国文化 _20,在泰国 _*3 个泰国

18、人 _21, 我不知道是否不需要刀和叉_* 没必要做某事 _22, 指着 _* 指向 _23,在大部分美洲国家 _ 24 ,做完某事 _25,五个美国人 _26, 腿 _练习测试题一, 1, When you finish_the book, please remember_it to the labrary on time.A, reading, returningB, reading, to returnC, to read, returningD, to read, to return第 8页2, It s polite to_the food on your plate in _ Eu

19、ropean country.A, eat up, aB, eat up, anC, cut up, aD, cut up, an3, It s polite to raise your cup when you_someone.A, drink toB, drink withC, drink forD, drink by4, When you are at table, you shouldn ttake_food than you need.A, lessB, littleC, muchD, more5, We studied in_for 3 years, and made a lot

20、of _friends.A, France, FranceB, French, FrenchC, France, FrenchD, French, France二,情景交际1, (选做题 )你问 Tommy 是否知道在中东(Middleeast)国家点猪肉是有礼貌的,你要这么问_.2,老师说我们最好在离校前打扫完班级,她可以这样说_.3,我很迷茫,跟朋友说我不知道是否该相信他。我可以这样说_.4, ( 选做题 )我跟同学说我觉得没必要骑车去鼓山。我可以这么说_.5, (选做题 )你问老师能否告诉你是否你们应该更多了解美国人的餐桌礼仪,你可以这么问_.6, ( 选做题 )我们想知道是否这这晚会(

21、evening party) 以唱歌作为开始_.三,看图说话1,四,Different countries have different table _(manner). Dont think whatis right inyour country is also right in other countries.If you are going to_part in_(a)American dinner, youd better_? be?theseadvice:1, Put the napkin on your lap when you sit down_the table , and p

22、ut it on the table to the leftof the plate while_(leave).2, Dont leave the_spu:n in the bowl while eating something in a bowl. Put it on theplate under the bowl.3, Accept or_ r? fju:z, give the hostess(女主人 ) a clear answer, if she offers you food.4, Say Please pass me the . if you cant reach somethi

23、ng you want.5, Dont spit_(something)into the napkin.SectionD1,全世界 _ 2,不同的饮食习惯_3,在欧洲 _* 一个欧洲国家_4, 中国南方 _远离 (有具体数据多远 )_5 ,远离 (没有具体数据多远)_ _ *6,用某物做某事_ 7,拿起 ,捡起 ,接某人 _8 ,一点也不 _ *根本 _* 不用谢 _9,他们两个都 _ *A 和 B 两者都 _10, 同时 _11 ,A 和 B 不同 _,12, 中心的城市 _练习测试题一,选择题1, -What would you like? -Two pieces of bread_eno

24、ugh.A, areB, isC, wasD, be2, The cakes in this shop are different from_in other shops.A, onesB, thoseC, /D, them3, Ted_the phone and called his father.A, put upB, cut upC, ate upD, picked up4, We shouldnteat_in western restaurants.A, noiseB, noisesC, noisyD, noisily5, Mary doesn tknow her European f

25、riends_to Fuzhou. If he_here, she will meet him.第 10 页A, comes, comesB, will come, comesC, comes, will comeD, will come, will come6, There is a wallet lying on the ground, _ it _, please.A, look, upB, pick, upC, turn, upD, put, up7, We donthave enough money, so we cantbuy two cars_.A, at timesB, in timeC, on timeD, at the same time8, -Who is the best in the exam?-Tom is. He work


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