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1、语法复习 虚拟语气部分随堂测验10minutes,one for 4 points()1.If youthat late movie last night,you wouldn困倦t的be )nowdozy(.A.haven t watchedB.didn t watchC.hadn twatchedD.wouldn t have watched()2.Had I known it,Iyou.A.have toldB.had toldC.wouldn t betoldD.would have told()3.the storm,we should have reached our destin

2、ation.A.For butB.But forC.In spite ofD.In case of() 4.She insisted that what she had doneright.A.wasB.isC.beD.had been() 5.I wish youme yesterday.A.tellB.could tellC.would tellD.had told()6.It is important that youtodean(主任 )beforeleaving for yourvacation.A.speakB.spokenC.haveD.speaks()7.It s about

3、time peoplenotice of what women did during the war.A.tookB.takeC.have takenD.will take()8.He talks as if hethe incident.A.had witnessedB.witnessedC.witnessD.have witnessed()9.The boss asked that the letterimmediately.A.be typedB. typedC.witnessD.being typed()10.Don t uyothink it is time that yousmok

4、ing?A.give upB. would give upC.gave upD.must give up()11.Without computer,wethe tremendous(巨大的)medical advancementin the last few decades.A.would not makeB. will not have madeC.could not makeD.couldn t have made()12.for your laziness,you could have finished the assignment by now.A.Had it not beenB.W

5、eren t itC.It were notD.Had not it been()13.I dhave come with youI am so busy.A.except forB.provided thatC.but thatD.so long as()14.It is strange that such a thingin your company.A.will happenB.happensC.happenedD.should happen1()15.It is essential that these application formsback as early as possibl

6、e.A.must be sentB.will be sentC.are sentD.be sent()16.It was arranged that theythe following week.A.leaveB.must leaveC.willleaveD.shall leave()17.He made the suggestion that a deadlinefor handing in the plan.A.be sentB.must be sentC.is setD.will be set()18.I wish Ito see the film last night.AwentB.w

7、ill goC.should goD.had gone()19.If only Ihow to operate a computer as you do!A. had knownB. would knowC. should knowD. knew()20.The young man insisted that henothing wrong andfree.A. did ; setB. had done; should be setC. do; be setD. had done; must be set()21.If you _ him yesterday, you _ what to do

8、 now.A. asked would knowB. had asked wouldhave known C. asked him know D. had asked would know()22. Without the air to hold some of the sun s heat, the earth at night _, toocold for us to live.A. would be freezing coldB. will be freezing coldlyC. would be frozen coldD. Can freeze coldly()23. If only

9、 he _ quietly the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so muchnow.A. liesB. layC. had lainD. should lie()24. If you had _ your test paper carefully before handing it in, you wouldhave made fewer mistakes.A. looked upB. thought aboutC. gone overD. gone round()25. What would have happened _, as far as the river bank?A. Bob had walked fartherB. if Bob should walk fartherC. had Bob walked fartherD. if Bob walked farther2Keys:CDBADAAAACDACDDAADDBBACCC3


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