
上传人:李医生 文档编号:8623496 上传时间:2020-12-07 格式:DOCX 页数:2 大小:67.26KB
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1、Far over, the Misty Mountains riseLeave us standing upon the heightWhat was before, we see once moreIs our kingdom, a distant light巍峨的雾山耸立远方我们伫立于此处的山冈曾经的过往,定会重现我们的王国,路尽头的光Fiery mountain beneath a moonThe words unspoken: well be there soonFor home, a song that echoes onAnd all who find us will know t

2、he tune孤月轮下山林在燃烧复仇的誓言,沉默中萌生吟唱家乡的悠长曲调流落的故人都熟悉那歌声Some folk we never forgetSome kind we never forgiveHavent seen the back of us yetWe will fight as long as we live一些人我们绝不遗忘一些事我们无法宽宥还未亲见我们的归来我们奋斗竭尽一生所有All eyes on the hidden wayTo the Lonely Mountain paveWell ride in the gathering stormUntil we get our l

3、ong forgotten gold众人瞩目的隐秘道路通向孤山的山岩深处暴风疾雨我们日夜兼程夺回遗忘已久的宝藏We lay under the Misty Mountains coldIn slumbers deep and dreams of goldWe must awake, our lives to makeAnd in the darkness, a torch we hold藏身寒冷的雾山苍莽沉酣于梦乡的金碧辉煌快快醒来,生路漫漫黑暗之中我们手握火光From long ago, when lanterns burnedUntil this day, our hearts we ye

4、arnedHer fate unknown, the ArkenstoneWhat was stolen must be returned从久远之前灯火初燃至今不渝,灵魂的呼唤未知的命运,阿肯宝石被窃的宝物必当偿还We must awake and make the dayTo find our song for heart and soul快快醒来,前路漫漫寻找心和灵魂的歌谣Some folk we never forgetSome kind we never forgiveHavent seen the end of it yetWell fight as long as we live一些人我们绝不遗忘一些事我们无法宽宥一切苦难尚未结束我们奋斗竭尽一生所有All eyes on the hidden doorTo the Lonely Mountain borneWell ride in the gathering stormTil we get our long forgotten gold众人瞩目的隐秘之门通向孤山的山岩幽深暴风疾雨我们日夜兼程夺回遗忘已久的宝藏Far away, the Misty Mountains cold遥远的雾山寒冷苍茫


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