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1、精读单元测试 Level 3 Unit 1ListeningDirections:There are ten statements in this section. Number 1 to 6 are based onthemain textwhile the rest are based on the passage inReading Activity. Listen carefullyand decide if each of the following is true or false. (10 points)1.TrueFalseThe author was looking for

2、a job to earn some money for his university tuition due in October.正确答案: F得分: 1 分2.TrueFalseThe authors casual and conversational tone confirmed the police that he was a thief.正确答案: T得分: 1 分3.TrueFalseThe author asked his father to find a good solicitor to defend the case.正确答案: F得分: 1 分4.TrueFalseAf

3、ter a brief trial, the magistrate set the author free because he had pretty wealthy parents.正确答案: T得分: 0 分5.TrueFalseThe policemen were charged to be liable for the costs since the solicitor showed the court that the author had a brilliant academic record.正确答案: T1得分: 0 分6.TrueFalseThe author has com

4、e to understand that, in order not to be arrested, one must look very angry rather than cool and unconcerned when getting into trouble with the police.正确答案: F得分: 0 分7.TrueFalseKerry Rudman shot at the surrounding people when he was dragging his girlfriend into his apartment.正确答案: F得分: 1 分8.TrueFalse

5、During the six years in prison, Rudman spent his time reading law books.正确答案: F得分: 0 分9.TrueFalseRudmans insurance company finally agreed to pay $6,000 to Smith because they knew the ex-gunman did owe the ex-cop some money.正确答案: F得分: 0 分10.TrueFalseThe gunman might turn out to be the person who can

6、get some awards from the case of shooting a policeman.正确答案: T得分: 0 分Compound DictationDirections:In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is readfor the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read2for the second time, you are r

7、equired to fill in the missing information. You can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. (10 points)In 1961, president Kennedy decided to send Amer

8、ican troops to Vietnam to stopthe11of Communism and to show the United States strength of12 . At the time hedid not know the disturbance he would bring to his own country. The United Stateswas13between those who believed it was our part to get14in Vietnam and thosewho thought it was none of our15 .

9、As the war continued, peoples opinions16 ,especially students. Youth protests during the 1960s changed the way manyAmericans17the Vietnam War.In the early 1960s, protests first became a way of change for the civil rights movement.Then18 , it became a way of displaying activism (激进主义 ). Cities with b

10、ig universitieswere the first to experience the anti-war movement. The cities of Ann Arbor, Bloomington,Chicago, East Lansing, Madison, Milwaukee, and Minneapolis19 . Some people believedthat the protesters were20 .11.正确答案: spread得分: 0 分12.正确答案: resolve得分: 0 分13.正确答案: split得分: 0 分14.3正确答案: involved得

11、分: 0 分15.正确答案: business得分: 1 分16.正确答案: intensified得分: 0 分17.正确答案: viewed得分: 0 分18.正确答案: as men started going off to war得分: 0 分19.4正确答案: saw the movement in full effect得分: 0 分20.正确答案: a shame for not being faithful to their own country得分: 0 分Reading ComprehensionDirections:There are two passages in t

12、his part. Each passage is followed by somequestions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices. Click on the best choice. (20 points)Passage OneThe youth of today . A lost generation? No, they are not, as a whole. You cant makea sweeping generalization like that. Yes, there ar

13、e, sadly, many of our youth whoapparently have never been given any values or navigational (航行的 ) skills with which tochart their lifes course. There certainly seems to have been an alarming increase in thenumber of youths that are, at best, wandering aimlessly or, at worst, lost in an evil,involved

14、 in wilderness of fear, depression, rage, and corruption (堕落 ) from which they maynever find a way out.Others may be lost for a time but find their way early or later in adulthood. So, whilethey may for a time contribute to the high statistics (统计数字 ) of a generation that someregard as lost, they ma

15、y help improve the statistics as they mature.Then there are a fairly large number of youths who are far from lost. I am frequentlyimpressed and heartened by the evidence I see that there are still many young people whoare firmly on the right track in life.I think of a couple of young girls I have se

16、en on Australian TV current affairs shows. Inboth cases, the mother died young, leaving a few kids behind without any father or otherfamily members to take over bringing up the children. So the eldest girl then aged nomore than 18 has taken this enormous responsibility on her own shoulders. She wasa

17、bsolutely resolved to see the family stay together and was doing an amazing job offulfilling her self-appointed task. If there are others like them out there (as there surely5are), then you certainly cant say their whole generation is lost. (Note: The passage is to be continued on Passage 2 of this

18、test.)21.The author _ the young people who are lost.A.shows strong disapproval ofB.holds a tolerant (宽容的 ) attitude towardC.feels guilty of not having given proper guidance toD.both B and C正确答案: B得分: 0 分22.The author is positive that some of the lost young people will _ when theyare grown up.A.be sa

19、iling in the sea of life without any directionB.return to the right track in lifeC.learn the statisticsD.master navigational skills正确答案: B得分: 2 分23.Some youths are wandering aimlessly (Para. 1). That means _.A.they are not at school nor having a jobB.they are lazy, killing their time by walking up a

20、nd down streetsC.they are confused about their futureD.they are not able to understand the society正确答案: C得分: 0 分24.The author tells the story of a couple of young girls in order to show that _.A.such girls are rareB.such girls are typical in our society6C.the society doesnt show enough concern for t

21、hemD.it is wrong to say the whole generation is lost正确答案: D得分: 2 分25.If a young person has mastered the navigational skills (Para. 1), he _.A.is a good sailorB.gets a means for livingC.wont get lost in his life courseD.wont get involved in wilderness正确答案: C得分: 0 分Passage TwoThen there are many young

22、 people who are caring for their parents who are sick ordisabled. They make big sacrifices from an early age to carry out all sorts of practical tasks that many of their peers would never have a clue about. Our society owes a lot to these fine young citizens. They are already the salt of the earth.T

23、here are youths who are involved in all kinds of voluntary ( 志愿的 ) roles in their communities too. Just a few nights ago, we heard on TV about an attempt to save a life bytwo young life-guards. When it became apparent that the victim had drowned, they continued to recover his body. One of these admi

24、rable young men was only 19 years old and it was obvious that he was deeply affected by their inability to save that life.There are also many youths who are choosing careers in the caring professions. I have been impressed when I have heard about the children of people I know who are training to wor

25、k with the disabled. It certainly brings back ones faith in our youth to know that so many of them have the desire to take on such careers, which are far from attractive and dont pay as well as many others.I have also known a number of young people who have taken a year or two out of their own cours

26、e in life to go and work with tasks to help the poorest, most desperate people in the world. Then there are young folk who will perform, upon the necessity of the moment, an act of courage and heroism to save someones life. They may not be as common as they once were but they are nonetheless still t

27、o be found.It really is unfair to blacken a whole generation with one brush. There are still a lot who are on the right track.26.Based on the first paragraph, we can figure out that if someone is the salt of the earth, he/she _.7A.cares for sick or disabled parentsB.does all sorts of practical tasks

28、C.has many peersD.must possess great qualities正确答案: D得分: 0 分27.Which of the following can best describe the 19-year-old life-guard?A.braveB.energeticC.highly responsibleD.guilty正确答案: C得分: 2 分28.The fact that many youths choose caring careers shows that _.A.these careers are popular nowB.these career

29、s are well-paidC.they are not ambitiousD.they are full of love and willing to help others正确答案: D得分: 2 分29.What does the author say about the young people who bravely save someones life?A.They are just common people.B.There were more of such heroic youths in the past.C.There are more of such heroic y

30、ouths today than in the past.D.Our society is in bad need of such youths.正确答案: B得分: 0 分830.Saying that the youth of today is a lost generation is like _.A.blackening something with one brushB.declaring there is no salt of the earthC.having no clue about truthD.pushing someone off the right track正确答案

31、: A得分: 2 分Vocabulary and StructureDirections:Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the onethat best completes the sentence. (60 points)31.They can _ afford to buy a bigger apartment.A.worldlyB.reproachfullyC.presumablyD.gloomily正确答案: C得分: 2 分32.Lincoln had very little

32、 formal schooling, but he did possess a(n) _ mind andgreat moral strength.A.brilliantB.educatedC.legalD.simple正确答案: A得分: 2 分33.The key _ for the prosecution (起诉 ) was offered police protection after shereceived death threats.9A.evidenceB.proofC.juryD.witness正确答案: D得分: 2 分34.Shes French but she speak

33、s with a slight English _.A.senseB.accentC.touchD.brush正确答案: B得分: 2 分35.He called at her house in the _ that she would lend him the money.A.beliefB.trustC.faithD.confidence正确答案: A得分: 0 分36.Although close to tears, she tried to make her voice sound _.A.obscureB.arbitraryC.casualD.brilliant正确答案: C得分:

34、0 分1037.I had a _ with the customs men.A.clashB.brushC.battleD.war正确答案: B得分: 0 分38.The meeting has been cancelled due to _ beyond our control.A.countercultureB.circumstancesC.conditionsD.situations正确答案: B得分: 0 分39.The first prize was _ to Mary Smith for her excellent performance.A.rewardedB.assigned

35、C.orderedD.awarded正确答案: D得分: 2 分40.The ceasefire will only provide a _ solution to the crisis.A.temporaryB.permanentC.consistentD.lasting正确答案: A11得分: 2 分41.We spent the morning _ around the old part of the city.A.wonderingB.visitingC.wanderingD.getting正确答案: C得分: 2 分42._ people objected to the propos

36、al, but the vast majority approved of it.A.Plenty ofB.A couple ofC.A lot ofD.A number of正确答案: B得分: 0 分43.It took me ages to _ enough money to buy a new car.A.catch upB.call upC.get upD.save up正确答案: D得分: 2 分44.We might _ a chance of winning if we continue to play as well as we didtoday.A.standB.earnC

37、.get12D.lead to正确答案: A得分: 0 分45.The next meeting is _ to be held in three months time.A.ended upB.subsequentC.dueD.given正确答案: C得分: 0 分46.Photographs show him wearing the T-shirt and jeans that were the students_ of the time.A.clothB.uniformC.clothingD.dress正确答案: B得分: 0 分47.The truth _ to be stranger

38、 than we had expected.A.turned againstB.turned overC.turned onD.turned out正确答案: D得分: 0 分48.Arent you going to _ your glasses _ to go swimming?A.take / offB.saving / up13C.giving / inD.putting / off正确答案: A得分: 2 分49.You shouldnt _ in other peoples business.A.interplayB.invadeC.interfereD.investigate正确

39、答案: C得分: 0 分50.They would rather die than _ to the invaders.A.shootB.surrenderC.reproachD.turn against正确答案: B得分: 0 分51.There were over 100 _ on duty at the demonstration (游行 ).A.copsB.magistratesC.witnessesD.solicitors正确答案: A得分: 0 分52.If you charge as much as that, youll _ customers away.A.scarce14B.alarmC.scareD.threaten正确答案: C得分: 2 分53.The _ doesnt cover you for household items.A.insuranceB.circumstancesC.investmentD.alternative正确答案: A得分: 0 分54.A car accident could _ a man permanently.A.preventB.d


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