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1、.英语复习-数词表示数目和顺序的词叫数词。数词可以分为基数词和序数词。一、 基数词用来表示数目,或者说表示数量的词叫基数词。最基本的基数词如下表所示:1 one11 eleven100 a/one hundred2 two12 twelve20 twenty1,000 a/one thousand 3 three 13 thirteen30 thirty1,000,000 a/one million 4 four 14 fourteen40 forty10,000,000 ten million 5 five15 fifteen50 fifty100,000,000a/one hundred

2、million6 six16 sixteen60 sixty1,000,000,000 a/one billion 7 seven 17 seventeen70 seventy 8 eight18 eighteen80 eighty 9 nine19 nineteen90 ninety 10 ten说明:1. 13-19是由个位数加后缀-teen构成。注意12,13,15,18的拼写。2. 20-90(整十)是由个位数加后缀-ty构成。注意20,30,40,50和80的拼写。3. 其他非整十的两位数(21-99)是由整十数加连字符“-”,再接个位数构成。Eg. 35: thirty-five

3、79: seventy-nine 81: eighty-one4. 101999先写百位数,后加and,再写十位数和个位数。(百位与十位之间必须加and)Eg. 108: one hundred and eight 691: six hundred and ninety-one5. 1001及以上数字:数字从右往左看,每隔三位划一逗号,倒数第一个逗号前加thousand,倒数第二个逗号前加million,倒数第三个逗号前加billionEg. 1,954: one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four 712,564,301: seven hundred a

4、nd twelve million five hundred and sixty-four thousand three hundred and one 812,067,331,991: eight hundred and twelve billion sixty-seven million three hundred and thirty-one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one6. “hundreds”, “thousands”,”millions” 后加of表示大量的不确定的数目: Eg: hundreds of people 数以百计的人 tho

5、usands of trees 成千上万的树 而表示确定的大量数目则直接在前面加上基数词,其后不加s,也不加of: Eg: two hundred students 两百个学生 five thousand years五千年二、 序数词序数词用来表示数词的顺序,除特殊情况外,序数词一般都是直接在基数词后直接加后缀-th构成。)第一到第十第十一到第十九第二十以上First secondThird fourthFifth sixthSeventh eighthNinth tenthEleventh twelfthThirteenth fourteenthFifteenth sixteenthSeve

6、nteenth eighteenthnineteenthTwentieth thirtiethFortieth fiftiethSixtieth seventiethEightieth ninetiethHundredth thousandth说明:1. 英语表示第一、第二、第三的序数词属于特殊形式:first second third2. ve结尾的改为fth 3. ty结尾的改为tieth4. 两位数以上的序数词,仅个位数部分用序数词,其余部分仍用基数词。 Eg. fifty-first (第五十一) forty-eighth (第四十八)6. 使用序数词时一般在前面加定冠词the,如:I

7、m in the third grade.但当名词前有物主代词、指示代词修饰时,the 一定要省略。如:in his third year7. 序数词可缩写为阿拉伯数字加序数词最后两个字母。Eg. 第一 the first(1st) 第二 the second(2nd) 第三 the third(3rd)第九十七 the ninety-seventh(97th) 第一百零一the one hundred and first(101st)8. 编了号的事物要用基数词表示顺序,但是基数词要后置。第三十二页:Page 32 第305房间:Room 305 第五课:Lesson Five 第12路公汽

8、:Bus No.12数词的用法:1. 分数表达法:基数词做分子,序数词作分母;当分子超过1时,分母要加“s”. Eg: 1/5: one fifth 2/3: two thirds 1/2: one/a half 1/4: a quarter/ one fourth 3/4: three quarters/ three fourths2. 年月日表达法: (1)年份用基数词表达,分两位一读。 Eg: 1999: nineteen ninety-nine 2000: two thousand 2001: two thousand and one 2012: twenty twelve/ two

9、thousand and twelve 年份前用介词in, 如:在1998年:in 1998 (2)月份名称的第一个字母都要大写,有些月份名称有缩写形式。 一月 January(Jan) 二月February(Feb) 三月March(Mar) 四月 April(Apr) 五月 May 六月June 七月 July八月 August(Aug) 九月 September(Sep) 十月October(Oct) 十一月November(Nov) 十二月December(Dec) 表示在某个月,用介词in Eg. in October in July 2003:在2003年7月 (3)日期的表达法,

10、日期前要用介词on on June 1st :在六月1号 读作:on June (the) first (4)年月日的表达法:表示某年某月某日,按“月份+日期+年份”或以“日期+月份+年份”写,年份前加逗号隔开。年月日前面用介词on Eg: on 15 August, 2003或on August 15th, 2003:在2003年8月15日 (5)年代和年龄表达法: A. “in+the+数词的复数形式”,表示年代。 Eg. in the 1870s 或 in 1870s (在19世纪70年代,读作:eighteen seventies) B. “in+物主代词+数词的复数形式”,表示“在某

11、人多少岁时” Eg. in his twenties(在他20几岁时)3. 时刻表达法:(时刻前用介词at)(1) 表示整点时间,后面可以加oclock, 也可以不加oclock而表示非整点时间,后面绝对不能加oclock Eg. at nine(oclock) 在九点 (2)非整点时间(几点几分)表达法: A. 可用基数词按顺序表达,也可以用介词past 或to 来表达。 若分钟数少于30,用“分钟数+past+小时数” 若分钟数大于30,用“(60-分钟数)+to+(小时数+1)” Eg. at 6:18-at six eighteen或at eighteen past six Eg. a

12、t 8:55-at eight fifty-five或at five to nine B. a quarter=fifteen minutes Eg. 9:15-nine fifteen或fifteen past nine或a quarter past fifteen Eg. 9:45-nine forty-five或fifteen to ten或a quarter to ten4. 半数表达法:a/one half 一半 half an hour半个小时one and a half hours=one hour and a half(一个半小时) two and a half hours=t

13、wo hours and a half(两个半小时)练习:一、 写出下列数字1. 62 2. 113 3. 680 4. 第85 5. 999999999999 二、 选择适当的单词填空。1. I am the (two; second) child of my parents. 2. Jack is in Class (Eight; Eighth).3. There are (fourth; four) floors in the building.4. Usually it is very cold in the (one; first) month here.5. A man has (

14、ten; tenth) fingers. 6. Today is the (two; second) day of the new term.三、 用适当的数词填空。1. T is the letter in the word Christmas.2. Teachers Day is on the of September.3. Womens Day is on the of March. 4. There are days in a week.5. Autumn is the season of a year. 6. November is the month of a year.7. To

15、m is nine years old. Today is his birthday.8. There are seasons in a year. 9. New Years Day is the day of a year.10. There are months in a year. 11. The month of a year is May.12. There are minutes in an hour. 13. Half of one hundred is .14. There are letters in English alphabet(字母表).15. There are d

16、ays in February.四、 单项选择:1. He lives in .A. the Room 203 B. Room 203 C. 203rd Room D. 203 Room2. There were people in the park last Sunday. A. thousands B. thousand of C. thousand D. thousands of3. -Peter, how old is your father this year? - . And we just had a party for his birthday last weekend. A.

17、 Fortieth; forty B. Forty; forty C. Forty; fortieth D. Fortieth; fortieth4. There are months in a year. December is the month of the year. A. twelve; twelve B. twelve; twelfth C. twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelveth5. We had learned about English words by the end of last term. A. nine hundreds and fo

18、rty-five B. nine hundreds of and forty-five C. nine hundred and forty-five D. nine hundred and fourty-five6. The farmer keeps cows on his farm. A. hundred B. hundred of C. hundreds D. hundreds of7. visitors come to China every year. A. Thousands of B. Ten thousands C. Ten thousand of D. Thousand of8

19、. -Have you seen the CCTV news on TV? -Yes, children had a good festival on the Childrens Day. A. millions of; sixty B. ten million; sixty C. millions of; sixtieth D. ten millions; sixtieth9. Fathers Day is on Sunday of June. A. three B. third C. the third D. the three10. The number 999 reads nine .

20、 A. hundreds and ninety ninth B. hundreds and ninety-nine C. hundred ninety and nine D. hundred and ninety-nine11. The word in the word “possible” is “i”. A. five B. second C. two D. fifth12. -Whats the population of China? -Its about . A. thirteen billion B. one billion, three thousand million C. t

21、welve billion, hundred million D. one billion, three hundred million13. -Good news! Bill won medal in the long jump just now. -Really? Thats his one at our sports meeting. A. a; four B. an; fourth C. a; fourth D. an; four14. Today is my mothers birthday. I will buy her a gift. A. fourteen B. fourtee

22、nth C. forty D. fortieth15. More than two years ago, people knew little about the universe. A. thousands B. thousand C. thousand of D. thousands of五、 写出下列时间(除整点外,其它时间写出两种表达方式。)1. 4:00 6. 8:30 7. 3:45 10. 12:37 六、 翻译短语1. 在1997年10月1日 2. 第六单元 3. six nine 4. 第三小学 5. 202室 6. eight to twelve 7 九点半 8. 第十九号

23、大楼 9. No. Twelve Road 10. 三点一刻 七、 单项选择1. of the boys in this school are fans of Lin Shuhao. A. Two fifths B. Two fifth C. One thirds D. Fifths two2. They moved to Beijing . A. in 1980s B. in the 1980 C. in the 1980s D. on the 1980s3. She is looking after a . A. five-month-old baby B. five month old

24、baby C. five-months-old baby D. five-months-old baby4. -Its 10:45 now, isnt it? -Yes, its . A. fifteen past ten B. forty-five past ten C. a quarter to ten D. a quarter to eleven5. Can you imagine what life will be like in time? A. 20 years B. 20 years C. 20-years D. 20-years6. I was born . A. in Oct

25、 8th, 1969 B. in 1969, Oct 8th C. on Oct 8th, 1969 D. on 1969, Oct 8th7. -There are sixty students in our class. And of us are boys. -Wow! You have forty girls. A. one fourth B. one third C. two fifths D. two thirds8. -There is a wrong word in Line . -You mean it is in the line? A. Two; two B. Two;

26、second C. second; two D. second; second9. About of the workers in the factory born in the . A. two-thirds; were; 1970 B. two-third; was; 1970 C. two-thirds; were; 1970s D. two-third; was; 1970s10. My friend gets up at in the morning. A. half past seven B. seven past half C. past half seven D. half s

27、even past11. There are fifty students in our class and are boys. A. second three B. three fifth C. two quarter D. three quarters12. He said he was going to be free in . A. one and a half hour B. one hour and half C. one and half hours D. an hour and a half13. The Peoples Republic of China was founde

28、d . A. on October the first, 1949 B. in October the first, 1949 C. on October one, 1949 D. on October first one, 194914 -Which class won the match in the end? -Im not sure. Perhaps did. A. Class Third B. Third Class C. Class Three D. Three Class15. I got a good present on my birthday. A. nine B. nin

29、th C. the nine D. the ninth八、 单项选择1. These potatoes are for . A. we two B. three us C. three we D. us three2. She cant do so much. She is only . A. a twelve years old girl B. a twelve years old girl C. a girl of twelfth D. a girl of twelve3. Mrs Lee goes to help Mr Black . A. once a month B. a month

30、 once C. a month one D. one a month4. Water covers the of the earth. A. two third B. two three C. one thirds D. two thirds5. Look, are shouting at him. A. hundred people B. hundreds of people C. hundred of people D. hundreds people6. Christmas is on of December. A. twenty-five B. the twenty-fifth C.

31、 twenty-fifth D. the twentieth fifth7. -How can I get to the supermarket? -Go along this street and turn left at crossing. A. the two B. the second C. two D. second8. I spend yuan on this shirt. A. ten two B. ten second C. tenth two D. twelve9. His birthday is on . A. 1995, April 6 B. April six, 199

32、5 C. April 6, 1995 D. 1995, 6 April10. -What day is it today? -Its . A. April B. Fine C. Wednesday D. Cool九、 翻译句子1. 20年前,Tom离开了家乡。Tom left his hometown ago.2. 我们乘坐52路公交去故宫博物馆。We went to the Palace Museum by .3. 1975年3月4日皮特出生在巴黎。Peter was born in Paris on .4. 现在让我们把书翻到第43页。Now lets turn to .5. 今天是三月三

33、日。It is the of today.6. 下周,我们将学习第八单元。We are going to learn next week.一、 根据问句找答语。( ) 1. How long are you going to stay there? A. There are three.( ) 2. How old is the boy? B. The Halloween is on October ( ) 3. Whats three plus two? C. Its nine oclock.( ) 4. When is Halloween? D. Hes ten.( ) 5. How many pictures are there on the wall? E. Eleven yuan.( ) 6. How much is the dictionary? F. Its April 12.( ) 7. Whats the time? G. About one kilometer.( ) 8. Whats the date today? H. About three days.( ) 9. How far is the airport from here? I. Five.精品


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