Unit 13 Marriage习题答案综合教程四.doc

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1、.Unit 13 MarriageKey to the ExercisesText comprehensionI.Decide which of the following best states the authors purpose of writing. BII.Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1.T (Refer to Paragraph 1. The conventional people didnt have the falsely optimistic

2、 expectation that marriage would be easy, which can be seen from their enthusiastic response to the Dont advice which Punch gave to those about to marry.)2.F (Refer to Paragraph 2. It is said that in the nineteenth century, the horrors of marriage were depicted especially cruelly, but still there we

3、re songs, though rare, occasionally sung about happily married people, which could bring respectful silence to the drunken husbands. )3. F (Refer to Paragraph 4. It is indicated here that the clergy would only say that marriage was made in Heaven, but it wouldnt necessarily end in Heaven, too.) 4. T

4、 (Refer to Paragraph 7. Dr. Johnsons quote shows that he believes that marriage is not something natural for man and woman, so however they try, it is still hardly enough to keep them together.) 5. T (Refer to Paragraph 8, which tells us that almost everybody seems to have painted the troubles of ma

5、rriage in the darkest colours. And it is also mentioned that in modern times nearly everybody, single or married, is imagined to be unhappy.) 6. T (Refer to Paragraph 9, which argues that, though it is believed that the ostrich can never escape his pursuers by burying his head in the sand, actually

6、many of them do survive by this practice. It suggests that ignoring the difficulties will be the advisable practice for all the married people.) III.Answer the following questions.1.Refer to Paragraph 1. By denying the existence of the conventional people as depicted in Bertrand Russells quotation w

7、ho like to pretend that difficulties in regard to marriage are a new thing, the author intends to show that everyone in this world agrees that marriage is difficult, from as early as the beginning of human society to the present day. 2.Refer to Paragraph 2. According to the songs sung in music-halls

8、, marriage was like a hell where the married couple were constantly troubled by the wifes twin sister and mother.精品.3.Refer to Paragraphs 2?. The humour in comic papers, songs in music-halls, and plays and novels are all examples to illustrate that horrible situation of marriage. Then quotations of

9、reputed philosophers, writers, scientists and essayists are used to prove that even the wise painted marriage in the darkest colours. 4.Refer to Paragraphs 5?. By unconventional people, the author refers to philosophers, writers and scientists, who have knowledge, talents and wisdom. What they thoug

10、ht of marriage could be derived from the essence of human experience.5.Refer to Paragraph 8. Since social reformers are keen to maintain the positive development of society, of which marriage and family are the most important building stones, they try to convince people to pursue happiness in marria

11、ge by recommending changes in their lives; while thinkers and seekers of beauty are more realistic about the chances of achieving what one desires, and they explore the essence of life through meditating over its miseries and difficulties.6.Refer to Paragraph 9. The ostrich, when pursued, hides its

12、head in the sand and believes itself to be unseen. The logic in the ostrichs practice is that one can avoid danger or difficulty by refusing to face it. The author hopes that someday a naturalist will find out the ostrichs logic is valid, so that people can follow this practice by ignoring the diffi

13、culties in marriage, or pretending that they never exist. The metaphor is used to propose that, to a difficulty-conscious generation who are too much burdened with the thought of difficulty, it will be advisable to pretend in its non-existence. Otherwise, they will never enjoy the rosy side of marri

14、age. If marriage is really both Heaven and Hell, one will never be in Heaven because of his fear of Hell. IV.Explain in your own words the following sentences.1.From the way they enthusiastically received the Dont advice given in the magazine Punch, we can tell that they adopted a sceptical attitude

15、 to marriage.2.Although the humor might sound offensively rude, it was readily accepted by people in the Victorian era.3.The marriage state, whether there is love involved or not, is a combination of the happiness and misery we may encounter in life. Structural analysis of the textThe text falls int

16、o three parts: in Part 1 (Paragraph 1), the author, after quoting Russell on the subject, puts forward his own argument that difficulties in regard to marriage have been an old issue for centuries. In Part 2 (Paragraphs 2?), the author analyzes the roots of such difficulties by listing quotations fr

17、om famous literary works and famous people. In Part 3 (Paragraphs 8?), the author assigns the causes of unhappy marriages to the excessive consciousness of difficulties in human beings, and encourages people to face the difficulties in marriage bravely.精品.Rhetorical features of the text卼he reputed s

18、aying of the henpecked Socrates, . Burton is far from encouraging! Pepys scribbled in his diary ?The pious Jeremy Taylor was as keenly aware that marriage is not all bliss. The sentimental and optimistic Steele ?Dr. Johnson, ?devoted husband though he was, ?Vocabulary exercisesI.Explain the underlin

19、ed part in each sentence in your own words.1.inexperienced; unsophisticated; immature2.troubled 3.welcome; response 4.rude; harsh5.calamity; disaster6.lengthen in durationII.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase from the box in its appropriate form.1. standing2. make answer to3. u

20、nder no illusions4. In regard to5. beset6. went home to his heart7. prolong8. hithertoIII.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. comedian 2. exaggeration3. reputation 4. repentant5. poker 6. desirous7. civilizations8. imaginaryIV.Choose the word or phrase that can replac

21、e the underlined part in each sentence without changing its original meaning.1. D 2. C3. A 4. B 精品.5. B 6. A7. C 8. DV.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used. 1.Synonym: ordinary (commonplace, conformist)2.Antonym: impious (profane, undutiful) 3.

22、Synonym: withhold (abstain, restrain)4.Synonym: write (scrawl, scrabble) 5.Synonym: sarcastic (biting, scornful)6.Antonym: dispassionate (unemotional, hard-hearted, pragmatic) 7.Synonym: restriction (control, limit)8.Antonym: real (genuine, factual)VI. Explain the meaning of the underlined part in e

23、ach sentence.1. discontinuation 2. form3. economically 4. wrong5. in an awkward position6. professionalGrammar exercisesI.Explain the meaning of the words in italics in the following sentences.1. result 2. enumeration3. addition4. exemplification5. contrast6. concession7. contrast8. additionII.Compl

24、ete the sentences with appropriate conjuncts in the box.1. above all2. still3. all in all4. moreover5. However6. in other words7. On the other hand8. RatherIII. Correct the errors in the following sentences.1.You see lots of trees in Oregon. Yet, there are few in Arizona.2.We took the extra class. A

25、s a result, we understood the material completely. 3.I saw the movie although I wouldnt recommend it to most people. 精品.4.Crystal glasses are very fragile. In contrast, plastic glasses are stronger. 5.If he tells me how to get there, I will follow his directions. 6.John has always been a top math st

26、udent. However, he failed history this quarter. 7.A planned economy does not produce new jobs. On the contrary, the existing empirical data strongly argues that the exact opposite occurs.8.Malaysia and Indonesia rely on open markets for forest and fishery products. Conversely, some Asian countries a

27、re highly protectionist.IV.Choose the most appropriate contrastive sentence connector for each sentence below.1. However2. Conversely 3. Alternatively 4. Nevertheless 5. By contrast 6. On the other hand V. Select the correct word from those given in brackets.1. clean 2. cleanly 3. high 4. highly5. d

28、irect6. directly 7. sharp8. sharplyVI.Make sentences of your own after the sentences given below, keeping the underlined parts in your sentences.(Reference version)1.Some drugs have at least the possibility, if not the hope of cure, of stopping the spread of the virus. 2.On the whole, I think it was

29、 quite right to act as he did. Translation exercisesI.Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1.当我读这句话时,我忍不住想问,在哪里能见到这些像常人一样思考或者假装像常人一样思考的常人。2.他声称:“婚姻比单身生活少一份美感,却多一份安全感-它有更多的关心,却减少了风险;它令人更加快乐也更加伤心;它充满了更多的悲哀,也充满了更多的欢乐。”3.“先生,”他说,“要让一个男人和一个女人生活在婚姻的状态中,根本不是一件自然的事情,我们发现能让他们保持这种关系的各种动力以及文明社会强加于他们

30、的种种约束,都不足以保证让他们厮守终生。 精品.4.作为社会改革家,我们支持婚姻会给人们带来幸福,但作为思想者和审美家,我们更认同婚姻充满了痛苦。II.Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and phrases given in brackets.1.Nigerias oil industry is beset with corruption. The result is higher oil prices and human rights abuses.2.Were under no illusion

31、s about the seriousness and the size of the challenge.3.Even if you refuse our suggestion, I still want to say something in regard to your ignorance. 4.We have noticed how his poem went home to her heart.5.If the world were populated with all upright men, we would be able to refrain from many ceasel

32、ess arguments.6.Do not be desirous of having things done quickly. Desire to have things done quickly prevents their being done thoroughly.7.The guard near the big clock cannot be decoyed away from his post.8.Taking a regular walk every day is probably one of the most feasible forms of exercise to pr

33、olong life for the elderly. III.Translate the following passage into Chinese. 许多妇女对自己在家里的地位感到不满。她们埋怨说,作为一个典型妻子的妇女承受着沉重的负担。她理应照料好丈夫和孩子。孩子有病的时候,她即使损失自己的收入也要守在孩子身边,因为丈夫的工作或学习决不能有任何影响。她理应包揽大大小小的家务事,保持房子整洁,准备一日三餐,买好所有的食品杂货。她理应照料好丈夫社会生活的细枝末节。当丈夫的朋友来家做客时,她应准备一餐有特色的饭菜,并且满足他们的需要,使他们感到惬意,以示好客。她应该随时准备满足丈夫的需要,毫

34、无怨言地竭尽全力使丈夫高兴。她的幸福似乎完全来自丈夫和孩子的幸福。Exercises for integrated skillsI.Dictation To be called beautiful / is thought to name something essential / to womens character and concerns, / in contrast to men, / whose essence is to be strong, or effective, or competent. / It does not take someone with advanced

35、feminist awareness / to find that the way women are taught to be involved with beauty / reinforces dependence and immaturity. / Everybody knows that, / for it is everybody, a whole society, / that has identified being feminine with caring about how one looks, / and being masculine with caring about

36、what one is and does / and only secondarily about how one looks. / Given these stereotypes, / it is no wonder that beauty enjoys, at best, a rather mixed reputation.精品.II.Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE appropriate word.(1) as (2) desire(3) that (4) marry(5) than (6) seem(7) to (8) consequence(9) marriage(10) confidence如有侵权请联系告知删除,感谢你们的配合!精品


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