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1、【英语】七年级英语下册选词填空专题剖析与专题同步训练(含答案)经典一、七年级英语下册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词填空,每空一词。方框中有两个词是多余选项。too goodlife also healthwalk important exercisewellDo you like walking? A 13-year-old girl called Jenny likes walking very much. She likes walkingbecause she thinks walking if good for her _My home is 6 ki

2、lometers from school. I getup at 6: 00 every morning. Then I have a good breakfast. I think breakfast is very _for us.If we dont eat breakfast in the morning, we cant do _in our studies. After breakfast, I_ to school. I can see many interesting things on my way to school. I can _ thinkabout what to

3、do or how to do things at school. Says Jenny. My father buys a new car and he wants to take me to school every morning. But I think I need to _ and I ask my father toexercise, too. Now he walks to work. After dinner, my father, my mother and I usually take a walkin the park near our house. I have a

4、happy family. And we have a healthy _.【答案】health ; important ; well ; walk; also; exercise; life【解析】 【分析】文章大意:本文主要介绍喜欢步行的一个叫珍妮的13 岁女孩和喜欢步行的原因。too太, good好的,life生活,also也, health健康,walk步行,important重要的,exercise 练习,锻炼,well好地( 1)句意:她喜欢散步,因为她认为散步对她的健康有益。根据 her 后面接词,可知 her 是形容词性物主代词,要用名词。有 walking ,可知是对健康有好

5、处,选用 health ,不可数名词,故答案为health 。( 2)句意:我认为早餐对我们很重要。根据上文为吃早餐是很重要的,选用important 。空格前有Then I have a good breakfast. 可知认 is very ,可知要用形容词原级作表语。故答案为important。( 3)句意:如果我们早上不吃早餐,我们在学习上就表现不好。修饰动词do,要用副词修饰作状语。do well in. 在 .方面做的好,擅长。固定短语,故答案为well 。( 4)句意:早餐后,我步行去学校。根据句子结构可知,缺少谓语动词。根据下文I cansee many interesting

6、 things on my way to school.可知一定是步行。选用walk。整篇文章都用一般现在时,主语是I,要用动词原形,故答案为walk。( 5)句意:我也可以考虑在学校做什么或怎么做。根据I can5 think about what to do orhow to do things at school.可知位于情态动词can 之后,行为动词之前的一定要有副词。选用also,故答案为also。( 6)句意:但我想我需要锻炼,我也请我父亲锻炼。根据下文and I ask my fathertoexercise, too.可知上文作者认为需要锻炼,选用exercise。 need

7、to do sth.需要做某事,固定搭配,故答案为exercise。( 7)句意:我们有一个健康的生活。根据I have a happy family.可知一定会有健康的生活。选用life 。空格前有不定冠词a 和形容词healthy ,要用可数名词单数。故填life 。故答案为life 。【点评】选词填空。在选择给定词语时,再考虑文章大意的前提下,还应该注意文章及句子所用的 ,以及所填写的 在句子中的位置。通 些判断,适当改 形式,以符合 目要求。2 填空both, make, they, work,successful, pieceVienna, on the River Danube,

8、is the capital of Austria. Lots of musicians went there to studyand _.Johann Strauss the elder wroteand played music for traditionaldances. His dance music_ him famous. Johann Strauss the younger was also _. He wrote more than 150waltzes. The Blue Danube waltz is one of _. Mozartwas another famous m

9、usician. Hecould play _ the piano and the violin before he was six. He wrote hundreds of wonderful_ of music in his life.【答案】work; made; successful; them ;both ;pieces【解析】 【分析】文章大意:介 了 也 的两名著名的音 家施特 斯以及莫扎特。both 两者都; make ,制造; they 他 ; work 工作; successful 成功的; piece,首,条。( 1)句意: 多音 家去那里学 和工作。to,其后跟 原形

10、,故填work 。work ,工作, ,因前面有不定式符合( 2)句意:他的舞曲使他出名。固定短 ,make sb+形容 , 某人保持某种状 ;由前文 句 Johann Strauss the elder wrote and played music for traditional dances. 提示可知,此句要用一般 去 ,故填 made。( 3 ) 句 意: 年 的 翰 施 特 劳 斯 也 很 成 功。successfully, 成 功 的 ,固 定 短 语besuccessful,成功,故填successful。( 4)句意: 色多瑙河 就是其中之一。他 ,在of 后面要用 格,故填t

11、hem 。oneof+名 复数形式,其中之一;they ,( 5)句意:他六 以前就能 琴和小提琴。固定短 ,both and ,两者都,故填both 。( 6)句意:他一生中 作了数百首美妙的音 作品。piece ,首,可数名 ,由 干中的hundreds of 提示可知, piece 要用复数形式,故填pieces。【点 】此 考 在 境中的运用,需要根据 在 境中的 性 行必要的 形,同 熟 固定短 与基本句型。3 填空carry,enter, cry, happy, thing, animalOnce there was a man in the town. He had two _:

12、 a dog and a donkey( ) . The dogwatched the house. The donkey _ things here and there.One night, a thief(小 )_ the house. The man was sleeping. The donkey saw thethief and _. The man got up and looked around. But the thief ran away, so he didnt seeanything. His _ were all in the house. The man though

13、t the donkey was too noisy(吵 的) . He was not _ and beat (打) the donkey badly.It was the dogs work to watch the house, not the donkeys. 【答案】 animals; carried ; entered ; cried; things; happy【解析】 【分析】文章大意:从前,一个人家里养了一条狗和一头驴,狗负责看家而驴负责做事。一天晚上一个贼闯进家里偷东西,被驴看到了,驴大喊,把主人吵醒,贼也吓跑了。家里没有丢东西,主人认为驴太吵,把它狠狠地打了一顿。carr

14、y 拿 , enter 进入 , cry 哭 , happy 开心 , thing 东西 , animal 动物( 1)句意:他有两只动物:狗和驴。根据后文中的dog and a donkey,可知此空表示的是动物animal ,因是可数名词,故填animals。( 2)句意:驴子负责搬运东西。 carry things ,搬运东西;因描述的是以前的事情,要用过去式 carried ,故填 carried。( 3)句意:一天晚上,一个小偷进了房子。enter the house,闯进家里。要用过去时,故填 entered 。( 4)句意:驴看见小偷就哭了。根据下文语句 The man thou

15、ght the donkey was too noisy (吵闹的) .可知,这驴喊叫,故填 cried。( 5)句意:他的东西都在房子里。thing ,事物,可数名词,表示泛指常用复数形式,故填 things 。( 6)句意:这人很不开心,狠狠地打了驴一顿。根据后文语句and beatthe donkeybadly,说明主人不开心,故填happy。【点评】考查选词填空,考查词汇在语篇中的运用能力,答题时要跳过空格通读全文,了解大意,然后细读文章对所缺部分逐一解答,注意要考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素,最后通读一遍,并逐一验证。4选词填空worryyetjumpfarmsheep( 1) T

16、he _showed us around the farm.( 2) I fed _at a farm last weekend.( 3) He _that he would be late for school.( 4) Im not sure_.( 5) She was so scared that she started_up and down.【答案】 ( 1) farmer( 2) sheep( 3) worried( 4) yet( 5) jumping【解析】 【分析】worry ,担心, yet,还, jump ,跳, farm ,农场, sheep,绵羊( 1)句意:那个农民

17、领着我们在农场四处看。定冠词the 后是名词,根据around the farm, 可知是农民farmer ,故填 farmer 。showed us( 2)句意:上周末我在农场喂羊了。fed是谓语其后应是名词做宾语,根据farm可知是羊, sheep,此处表示泛指,用复数,sheep 的单复数形式一致,故填sheep 。( 3)句意:他担心他会上学迟到。根据he would be ,可知时态是一般过去时,根据belate for school可知是担心,worry的过去式是worried ,故填worried 。( 4)句意:我还不确定。副词yet用于否定句句尾,故填yet。( 5)句意:她

18、如此的害怕以至于她开始来回跳。start doing ,固定搭配,开始做,jump upand down ,固定搭配,来回跳, 故填jumping 。【点评】考查单词在语境中的运用,注意词性,时态,同时熟记固定搭配。5选词填空befriendeitherbasketballbegin( 1) Please put these_ into the room.( 2) My brother doesnt like this movie, and I dont like it_.( 3) Bill is very_because he is always ready to help his frie

19、nds.( 4) _ your mother at home every day?( 5) Jon always_to do homework at 7 : 00 p. m. on school days.【答案】 ( 1) basketballs(2) either(3) friendly(4) Is(5) begins【解析】 【分析】be 连系动词,是;friend 名词,朋友; either副词,也; basketball 名词,篮球; begin 动词,开始( 1)句意:请把这些篮球放进房间里。做提供的单词只有两个名词,friend 不符合语境,应使用 basketball,根据 t

20、hese 可知应使用复数形式basketballs,故答案是basketballs。( 2)句意:我弟弟不喜欢这部电影,我也不喜欢。根据这两句意思可知空缺处单词的意思是 “也 ”,否定句中的 “也 ”是 either ,故答案是 either 。( 3)句意:比尔很友好,因为他总是准备帮助他的朋友。根据he is always ready to help his friends.可知比尔友好,因此将friend改为friendly , 故答案是friendly。( 4)句意:你妈妈每天在家吗?在家be at home,主语your mother是第三人称单数,be动词使用is,故答案是Is。(

21、 5)句意:在上学的日子,乔恩总是七点开始做作业。用 begin,根据 always,可知句子为一般现在时,主语形式 begins,故答案是 begins。begin to do sth 开始做某事,故使 Jon 是第三人称单数,动词使用单三【点评】考查单词在具体语境中的运用。先弄清楚选词的意思和词性,然后根据语境,语法,固定搭配确定单词的意思和形式。6选词填空betoowearcleanmake( 1) Can we_ hats in school?( 2) Justin should _his bed every day and do the dishes on weekends.( 3)

22、 There_ a lot of books on the desk.( 4) You must remember_ the classroom.( 5) You dont like singing songs. I dont like it, _.【答案】 ( 1) wear(2) make(3) are(4) to clean(5) either【解析】 【分析】 be 是; too 也; wear 穿; clean 打扫; make 使,让,制造。( 1)句意:我们在学校能戴帽子吗?wear ,穿戴,动词;因句中有情态动词can,谓语动词要用原形,故填wear。( 2)句意:贾斯汀应该每

23、天整理床铺,并且在周末洗碗。固定短语make ones bed ,整理床铺;因句中有情态动词should ,谓语动词要用原形,故填make。( 3)句意:桌子上有很多书。固定句型therebe 结构表示某处有某物;因主语a lotofbooks 是复数,系动词要用复数形式,故填are。( 4)句意:你必须记得打扫教室。 clean,打扫,动词;固定结构 remember to do sth ,记得去做某事,故填 to clean。( 5)句意:你不喜欢唱歌,我也不喜欢。 too ,副词,也,常用于肯定句中;在否定句中要用 either ,故填 either 。【点评】此题考查单词在语境中的运用

24、,需要根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定短语与基本句型。7选词填空mountain walk hard work cool go soon fun weather Europe Dear Mike,Hows your vacation _? Are you studying _or are you having _? Imhaving a great time in _! My family and I are on a vacation in the _. I want to callyou but my phone isnt _, so I am writing to yo

25、u. The _ is hot in your countrynow, isnt it? The weather here is _and cloudy , just right for _.See you _.Yours,Lucy【答案】 going; hard ; fun; Europe; mountains ; working ; weather ; cool;walking ; soon【解析】 【分析】( 1)句意:你的假期如何?固定句式Hows+主语 +going? . 进展如何?,故填 going。(2)句意:你是努力学习还是在玩耍?修饰study 应使用副词 hard,故填 h

26、ard 。(3)句意:你是努力学习还是在玩耍?固定搭配have fun 玩得高兴,故填 fun。(4)句意:我在欧洲玩得很高兴。表示地点,结合上下文可知,故填Europe。( 5)句意:我和家人在山区度假。根据下文中的电话没信号可知应是在山区,故填mountains 。(6)句意:我想给你打电话但是手机没信号。work 不及物动词表示运转, is doing 正在做的事情,故填 working 。( 7 )句意:现在你的国家的天气炎热是吗?,根据句中的hot可知说的是天气,故填weather 。(8)句意:这里的天气是多云凉爽的。cool 形容词凉爽的,故填cool。(9)句意:正好适合散步。

27、根据上文可知因为散步,walking 动名词,故填 walking 。( 10)句意:再见!,固定搭配see you soon 再见,故填 soon。【点评】选词填空一直是英语考试中的难点,得分率比较低。解答此类题型的方法一般就是根据句子上下文推断出词义,结合所给单词判断出所缺单词,然后根据该单词在句子中的句子成分,所起作用,进行适当词形变化。8选择合适的短语填空。fly a kite , in the swimming pool , anything interesting , have dinner , go to the library( 1) In the morning Lisa_a

28、nd got some books ( 2) Is there_in todays newspaper?( 3) Look! A ball is_ ( 4)一 Is your brother playing in the park?一 YesHes_ there ( 5) Theres no food at home We have to_outside 【答案】 (1) went to the library( 2) anything interesting( 3) in the swimming pool( 4) flying a kite( 5) have dinner【解析】 【分析】

29、(1)根据后半句and got some books可以推断应该是“去图书馆 ”,故选go to the library,got 是过去式,为了保持时态一致,动词go 也用过去式went ,故填 went to the library。句意是:早上Lisa 去了图书馆借了一些书。(2)根据句意 “今天的报纸上有些有趣的东西吗”可知选择短语anything interesting 。( 3)根据句意 “看!游泳池 i 有个球。 ”可知选择短语 in the swimming pool 。( 4)问句 Is your brother playing in the park? 意思是 “你弟弟正在公

30、园里玩吗? ”,是现在进行时的句子,故选择短语 fly a kite ,并用现在进行时 flying a kite 填空,意思是 “是的,他正在那里放风筝。 ”( 5)根据上文 Theres no food at home 的意思 “家里没有吃的了 ”,可以推断 “我们不得不去外面吃饭 ”,故选 have dinner 。【点评】选词填空一直是英语考试中的难点,得分率比较低。解答此类题型的方法一般就是根据句子上下文推断出词义,结合所给单词判断出所缺单词,然后根据该单词在句子中的句子成分,所起作用,进行适当词形变化。9选用所给的单词填空。surpriseflewjumpintostartedfo

31、rest( 1) The monkeys always _ up and down in the tree.( 2) She got a _ when she heard the news.( 3) The snake moved slowly _ the river.( 4) The man got unhappy and _ to shout.( 5) There was a tiger in the _ long time ago.( 6) They went to the park and _ kites last Saturday.【答案】 ( 1) jump( 2) surpris

32、e( 3) into( 4) started( 5) forest( 6) flew【解析】 【分析】( 1)根据句意 “猴子们总是在树上跳来跳去 ”可知选 jump 。( 2) get a surprise 是固定短语,故选 surprise 。句意是:当她听到这个消息时她吃了一惊。(3)句意是:这条蛇慢慢地移动到河里去了。根据句意可知选介词into 。(4)根据句意 “这个人感到不高兴了,开始大喊大叫”可知选started 。 start do so sth 意为“开始做某事 ”。( 5)老虎应该是在森林里,故选forest 。句意是:从前森林里有一只老虎。( 6) fly kites 是

33、固定短语,意为 “放风筝 ”,故选 flew 。句意是:上个星期六他们去公园放风筝。【点评】本题考查选词填空,解答此类题型的方法一般就是根据句子上下文推断出词义,结合所给单词判断出所缺单词,然后根据该单词在句子中的句子成分,所起作用,进行适当词形变化。10 选用所给的单词填空。delicious, studying, tomorrow, use, house( 1) They are not playing. They are _ for the test.( 2) What is she doing?She is cleaning her _.( 3) My mother can make

34、_ zongzi.( 4) Must I come _?( 5) Many students can _ computers for the homework.【答案】 (1) studying( 2) house( 3) delicious( 4) tomorrow( 5) use【解析】 【分析】( 1)和 “玩耍 ”对应的是 “学习 ”,根据前一句 They are not playing. 可知选 studying 。句意是:他们没有在玩耍,他们在为考试而学习。( 2) clean the house 是固定短语,意为 “打扫房子 ”,故选 house,句意是: 她在干什么? 她在打扫房子。( 3)根据句意 “我妈妈会包美味的粽子 ”可知粽子应该是美味的,此处缺少形容词修饰粽子,故选 delicious。(4)根据句意 “我必须明天来吗”可知此处缺少时间状语,故选tomorrow 。(5) can 是情态动词,后面跟动词原形,故选use,句意是:许多学生会用电脑做家庭作业。【点评】考查选词填空,解答此类题型的方法是根据句子上下文推断出词义,结合所给单词判断缺少什么内容,选择合适的词使句子完整通顺。


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