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1、八年级英语下册语法填空压轴试题分类汇编及答案(word) 1一、八年级英语下册语法填空专项练习(含答案解析)1语法填空Danny has a hobby-playing games online. He is interested in_ ( solve) puzzles. Heparticularly enjoys chatting with other gamers.Now Danny_ ( sit) quietly in front of his computer. His mother thinks he is doing hishomework,_sheis wrong. Danny

2、 is actually surfing the Internet, solving puzzles andchatting with other gamers around the world. How_( fun ) it is! Danny thinks.Why are games online so interesting?_I can pretend to be a different person. Thereare also many different_ ( kind) of games for me to play, says Danny. Other peoplelove

3、to play these games because they can play at any time.They do not need to organize a group. Someone in the world always wants_( play) .Starting a game online is not easy. Some gamers_( not ) welcome new gamers. Theywill become angry when new gamers ask them questions. Other gamers are helpful. They

4、want to make new friends. When Danny has_question, he always says, Excuse me, are you busy? I am new at this game and I need some help.Sometimes this_ ( work ). At other times, however, the gamer at the other endmakes you feel like a fool.【答案】solving; is sitting; but ; funny ; Because;kinds ; to pla

5、y ; dont ; a;works【解析】 【分析】文章大意:丹尼喜欢玩网上游戏。他对解谜感兴趣。他特别喜欢和其他玩家聊天。喜欢为网上的其他游戏玩家解决难题,和世界各地的其他玩家聊天。一些玩家不欢迎新玩家。当新玩家问他们问题时,他们会生气。其他玩家也很有帮助。他们想交新朋友。当丹尼有问题时,他总是说,“对不起,你忙吗?我是这个游戏的新手,我需要一些帮助。,有时候会得到帮助,有时候则不会。( 1 )句意:他对解谜感兴趣,in为介词,介词后的动词使用ing形式,故答案是solving。( 2)句意:现在丹尼正安静地坐在电脑前。根据now可知句子为现在进行时,现在进行时的结构是be+doing ,

6、注意是第三人称单数,be的形式为is, sit的ing形式为sitting ,故答案是is sitting 。( 3)句意:但是她错了。根据文章内容可知,他妈妈认为他在做作业,可是他实际上上网、解谜、聊天,所以使用转折连词 but 连接,故答案是 but 。( 4)句意:多么有趣啊,本句为感叹句how后面跟形容词最表语,因此将fun改为funny ,故答案是funny 。( 5)句意:因为我可以装扮成不同的人。本句是对Why are games online so interesting?的回答,应使用because 连接,故答案是Because。( 6)句意:也有许多不同种类的游戏让我来玩。

7、kind可数名词,根据many可是应使用复数形式,故答案是kinds。( 7)句意:世界上总是有人想玩。 want to do sth. 想做某事,固定搭配,因此使用动词不定时,故答案是 to play 。( 8)句意:一些玩家不欢迎新玩家。本句为直接引语句式,应使用一般现在时,主语为复数,应使用助动词do 构成否定,故答案是dont 。( 9)句意:当丹尼有问题的时候,他总是说:“打扰一下,你忙吗?我是这个游戏的新手,我需要帮助。”question 可数名词,但是使用了单数形式,且该单词首字母的发音问辅音,应使用不定冠词a,故答案是a。( 10)句意:有时候这行得通。根据sometimes

8、,可知句子时态为一般现在时,主语按照第三人称单数对待,动词使用单三形式,故答案是works 。this【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章,字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍,检查验证。2 用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的限填一词,将答案写在答题卷上。(共10小题,每小题 1 分)On Friday 15 June, the students from Futian Junior High School went to Shenzhen Nursing Home to put_a concert aft

9、er school. Futian Nursing Home is a home for old people whoneed to_ ( take) care of. The concert included popular songs like You Are My Sunshineand Over the Rainbow.Miss Xu,_music teacher, said the concert went very well. We have prepared for it allthis term, and the students sang_ ( beautiful ) .Mr

10、s. Wang, whohad lived in the nursing homefor11 years, said theconcertmade agood_ (impress) on her. I often listen to music on the radio, but it was very special tohave these_( teenage ) come and sing for us.From 3 p.m. to 4 p. m, the students_( stay) at the nursing home for afternoon tea.Mike Lee, a

11、 Grade 8 student, said, We were_( please) to meet the old people. Theytold us what life was like_theywere young. It is good for us_( communicate )with each other.【答案】A; A; A; A; A; A;A;A; A; A【解析】 【分析】大意:六月 15 日,星期五,来自福田高中的学生放学后去深圳养老院举行音乐会。学生们唱得很动听,给老人们留下了深刻的印象。( 1)句意:六月15 日,星期五,来自福田高中的学生放学后去深圳养老院举行

12、音乐会。此处表示举行音乐会,用put on ,上演,动词短语,故填on。( 2)句意:福田养老院是提供给需要照顾的老人的地方。关系代词who和 take care for直接是被动关系,用动词不定式的被动语态关系,且结构为to be+过去分词,take 的过去分词是taken,故填be taken 。( 3)句意:徐小姐,音乐老师,说音乐会进行得很成功。此处表泛指一位音乐老师,且music 以辅音音素开头,其前加a,故填a。( 4)句意:我们准备了一整学期,学生唱得很动听。副词修饰动词,修饰词, beautiful ,美丽的,其副词是是beautifully ,令人满意地,美妙地,故填( 5)

13、句意:生活在养老院11 年的王夫人说这次音乐会对她留下了很深的印象。sang,用副beautifully 。good 后接名 , impress 印象, ,其名 是 impression,可数名 ,根据 a,可知用其 数形式,故填 impression 。( 6)句意:我 常通 广播听音 ,但是有 些青少年来 我 唱歌正是非常特殊的。these后接名 复数,teenage青少年的,其名 teenager ,青少年,可数名 ,此 用其复数形式,故填teenagers。( 7)句意: 些学生呆在养老院喝茶从下午3 点到 4 点。描述 去 生的 作,用一般 去 , stay,呆, ,其 去式是sta

14、yed,故填 stayed。( 8)句意:李麦克,一位八年 的学生 ,“我 到 些老人很高 。他 告 我 他 年 的生活是什么 子的。 于我 而言,相互交流很好。were 后接形容 ,构成系表 构, please 使高 ,其形容 是pleased,高 的,故填pleased。( 9)句意:李麦克,一位八年 的学生 ,“我 到 些老人很高 。他 告 我 他 年 的生活是什么 子的。 于我 而言,相互交流很好。”挖空前后是以一个主从复合句,空后是一个 状 从句,引 ,用when ,当 候,故填when 。( 10)句意:李麦克,一位八年 的学生 ,“我 到 些老人很高 。他 告 我 他 年 的生活

15、是什么 子的。 于我 而言,相互交流很好。”communicate 交流, , it is +形容 +for sb+to do sth ,做某事 于某人而言是的,故填 to communicate 。【点 】考 法填空。首先理解文章大意,答 的 程中,注意考 句型、 法、搭配、 境等因素,最后得出确的答案。3 下面短文,在空白 填入一个适当的 ,或填入括号中所 的整确形式(最多限填 3 个 )。When Mr. Jones went to a restaurant one day, he left this_ near the door. There was_ ( something ) in

16、 the pockets of the coat when he left. So after his meal, he was very_( surprise ) to find that all the pockets were full _ money!There was a waiter near the door, so Mr. Jones said to him, Someone_( make) amistake. He put some money in my coat. When he comes back, please give it _ to him.The waiter

17、 took it and went away. Suddenly, another man _( come) in with a coatjust like Mr. Jones. I am sorry I made a mistake, said this man. I took your coat and you got_ ( me) . Please give me my coat and money. Mr. Jones answered, I gave the moneyto the waiter. He _ (give) it to you.Mr. Jones called the

18、manager ( 理)of the restaurant, _ the manager said, Wehave no waiters here. We only have waitresses. You gave the money to a thief (小 ) ,shouted the man.What a terrible day for Mr. Jones!【答案】coat; nothing ; surprised; of; made; back; came; mine ; will give ;but【解析】 【分析】 本文介 了 斯先生在自己的口袋里面 了 多 ,没有据 己有,

19、却 的交到了 的手里面。( 1)句意:有一天, 斯先生去了一家餐 ,他把外套放在 。left后是名 做 根据the coat when he left,可知是大衣,coat是名 ,故填coat 。( 2)句意:当他离开时,口袋里什么也没有。根据我的外套里放了一些钱, 可知此时兜里没有东西,He put some money in my coatnothing ,没有,不定代词他在, 故填nothing。( 3)句意:所以饭后他惊讶地发现所以的口袋里装满了钱。根据下文满了钱可知,此处会感到惊讶,was 系动词后是形容词,surprise发现所有的口袋都是名词, surprised ,是形容词 ,

20、故填surprised。( 4)句意:所以饭后他惊讶地发现所以的口袋里装满了钱。be full of,固定搭配,装满,故填of。( 5)句意:门口有个服务员,琼斯先生对他说:有人弄错了。描述过去用一般过去时,make 的过去式是made, 故填 made 。( 6)句意:当他回来的时候,把它给他。give back to ,固定搭配,归还, 故填 back 。( 7)句意:突然,另一个男人拿着一件和琼斯先生一样的外套进来了。“对不起, ”这个人说。 “但我犯了个错误”描述过去用一般过去时,come 的过去式是came, 故填 came 。( 8)句意:我拿了你的外套,你拿了我的。此处用名词性物

21、主代词指代my coat, me 是宾格,我, mine 是名词性物主代词, 故填 mine 。( 9)句意:他会给你的。归还的动作还没有发生,故是一般将来时,故填will give 。( 10)句意:琼斯先生立刻打电话给餐厅经理,但经理说:“我们这里没有服务员。我们只有女服务员。”此处是表示转折关系,故用但是,but ,是连词,故填but 。【点评】考查语法填空,注意谓语的时态,代词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。4语法填空New York, London, Paris and other big cities are exciting places_ many interesting thin

22、gs to see and to do. You can go to different _( live)(kind )in. There are of museums,plays and films. You can _buy things all over the world._there are serious problems in big cities too._is expensive to live there, andthere are many people in some places of big cities. Every year many people move t

23、o the cities to find jobs, to study at good schools and receive good _ ( medicine ) care. But sometimesthese people cannot find work _good places to live in. Also it is hard to keep the citiessafe and clean.Some people enjoy _ ( live) in big cities; _ ( other ) do not. _theymove to a big city, they

24、should think about the problems of living there.【答案】to live ; kinds ;also; But; It; medical; or ; living ; others ; Before【解析】 【分析】本文介绍了在大城市生活的优势和缺点。( 1)句意: 纽约、伦敦、巴黎和其他大城市都是令人兴奋的可以居住的地方。不定式做后置定语,故填 to live 。( 2)句意:你可以去不同种类的博物馆、戏剧和电影。名词,故填kinds。different后是名词复数,kind是( 3)句意:于句中,故是你可以买到世界各地的东西。此处是副词修饰动词

25、also,也,故填 also。buy,表示并列关系,位( 4)句意: 但是大城市也有 重的 。此 是 折关系,故用 折 比大城市的好和 ,故填 But。but ,表示 ( 5)句意:住在那里很 ,有很多人在大城市的某些地方。it做形式主 ,to live there是真正的主 ,故填It 。( 6)句意:每年都有 多人搬到城市去找工作,去好学校学 ,接受良好的医 保健。care 是名 ,其前是形容 ,medicine是名 ,medical是形容 ,故填medical。( 7)句意:但是有 些人找不到工作和好地方居住。根据cannot ,可知 接否定关系,表示并列用 or ,故填 or。( 8)

26、句意:有些人喜 住在大城市,有些人不喜 。enjoy doing ,固定搭配,喜 做某事,故此 是 名 ,故填living 。( 9)句意:有些人喜 住在大城市,有些人不喜 。some.others ,固定搭配,一些另一些,故填others 。( 10)句意:他 搬到一个大城市之前 考 住在那里的 。此 是 ,引 状 从句,考 住在那里的 是在去大城市之前,故是before , ,故填Before 。【点 】考 法填空,注意 的非 , 性, 搭配等多种用法。5 下面短文,在空格 填入一个适合的 或填入括号中所 的正确形式。Are you feeling very busy all the ti

27、me? If you always think much work to do, it will make you_( feel ) bored. You should know that well have endless (无止境的) things tomorrowif we live. Why not_(do) the things you have to do today? So if you have a little timeto relax, just enjoy _( you) . It doesnt mean you are lazy. That is because onl

28、y_ you are relaxed, you can do best. Here are some _ for you to relax.Firstly, show love to everyone you meet. Make time to talk to your friends or smile to a_( strange )or volunteer at a hospital. The more you give, the_you will receive._, take away the old things you dont _or send them to someone

29、who needsthem.Thirdly, watch the world as a child does. Go for a walk in a park and have a picnic. Lie down on the grass and look at the blue sky. Just sit down _( listen )to your favorite music or even dance to it. Youll find your life more interesting.【 答案 】 feel ; do ; yourself ; when ; ways/sugg

30、estions ; stranger ; more ; Secondly ; need/want ; to listen【解析】 【分析】本文介 了人只工作不休息的坏 ,以及 出放松的建 。( 1)句意:如果你 是想做大量的工作,它会 你感到无聊。make sb do sth,固定搭配,是某人做某事,故填 feel 。( 2)句意: 什么不做你今天必 做的事情?why not+ 原形,固定搭配, 什么不做某事,故填do 。( 3)句意:所以,如果你有一点 放松,就好好享受一下吧。enjoyoneself ,固定搭配, 得快活 ,主 是you,故反身代 是yourself ,故填 yoursel

31、f 。( 4)句意:那是因 只有当你放松的 候,你才能做到最好。根据you are relaxed, youcan do best.可知,此 是 状 从句,故填引 when,当 的 候,故填when 。( 5)句意: 里有一些 你放松的方法。根据some, 可知前后是可数名 复数,下文都 是 给 的 建 议 和 方 法 ,故 应 是 方 法 , 建 议 , way/suggestion, 是 名 词, 故 填ways/suggestions。( 6)句意:抽 和你的朋友聊天,或者和陌生人微笑,或者去医院做志愿者。根据orvolunteer可知是名 数,故填stranger。( 7)句意:你付出

32、得越多,得到的也就越多。根据 The more you give, the 可知是比 , the more , the better 句型,越 越 ,此 指更多,故填 more。( 8)句意:第二,把你不需要的旧 西拿走,或者把它 送 需要它 的人。根据Firstly可知此 是第二,副 ,secondly,故填Secondly。( 9)句意:第二,把你不需要的旧 西拿走,或者把它 送 需要它 的人。根据takeaway the old things you dont可知是不需要或 想要,需要,need ,想要,want ,助 dont后是 原形, 故填need/want。( 10)句意:只要坐

33、下来听你最喜 的音 ,甚至跳舞。根据favoritemusic可知是听音 ,不定式表示目的状 ,故填to listen 。【点 】考 言 合运用能力,注意非 , 性, 搭配等多种用法。6 下面短文,在空白 填入一个适当的 ,或填入括号中所 的正确形式(每空不多于 3 个 )。Do you rememberhow you get your English name? Your English teacher gave it to you_ you looked up the dictionaryto get it? Have you ever _( think ) whetheryour Eng

34、lish name will bring you good luck or bad luck?A study found a name that _( other ) felt difficult to pronounce might influence apersons future. The study shows that the _( easy) your name is to pronounce, themore trustworthy( 得信 的)people will think you are. The research also shows thatpeople _ more

35、 familiar names are probably to hold higher positions in society. In otherwords, a weird (古怪的)name may stop someone from _( go) to be a leader or aboss. You may think about your name again. If your first name sounds strange and you cant change it, you can do as the following _ (suggest) .Try using _

36、 middle name if its not hard to pronounce. _ you dont have amiddle name, you can use a nickname ( 号) . And when you get to the interview, you can explain that you often use a nickname because people find your _ ( really) name difficult to pronounce.Your name may mean more than you think.7 法填空Mrs Pet

37、ers works in a bank. She has two_ ( child ) -Sammy and Annic. Sammy is_ boy.He is seven years old. His sister Annic is four. Sammy goes to the school near his home andstudies _ ( hard) . When Sammy stays at home, he often plays games with Annie whileMrs Peters is busy doing housework. Sammy loves hi

38、s sister very much and he is usually nice toher. _sometimes something unhappy may happen.One Saturday morning, Sammy and Annie were playing in the garden. Their motherwascooking. Suddenly Annie_ ( begin) to cry and ran to her mother in the kitchen. MrsPeters asked, Why are you crying, Annie?Sammy ha

39、s_( break) my toy horse, Annie answered, crying loudly.How did he break it? her mother asked. Annie stopped_( cry) , but did not answerfor a few seconds. Then she said, I hit _( he) on the head _it. Tearing this,Mrs Peters _( understand ) the whole thing.8 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词或词组)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案

40、填写在答题卷的相应位置。Now more and more Chinese teenagers find life more difficult without their parents. They dont know how _( do ) housework _ their parents almost do everything at home. That is a big problem.Joy is a fourteen-year-old girl. One day, her parents went away on a trip, so she was alone at home. At first she _ ( think ) she would be happy because her parents were not in. Shecould do what she liked. But whenit was six oclock in the afternoon,she felt _( hunger ) .Oh, its time _ ( have) dinner. Where can I get my dinner? she said to_( she) . Later she found some meat and vegetables i


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