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1、2020-2021 年七年级英语下册任务型阅读练习题(word)1一、七年级英语下册任务型阅读专项目练习(含答案解析)1阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。Here are some restaurants. Some people are hungry (饥饿的) . Please help them choose restaurants.A. The Steak House:It has thick steaks (牛排) , fresh salads and thebest fresh fries. You need to get there before

2、8 a. m. to get a table becauseit gets crowded after that. Its closer to the center of the city.B. The Fish House:Its really great for people who like fish. Its easierto get a table.C. Hamburger Heaven:Its popular with teenagers. Its cheap. There are manybig tables for 8-10persons. You canenjoy the p

3、op music and chat with yourfriends.D. Hot Coffee:You can listen to the latest hits, get the best coffee in town and eat the most delicious ice-cream.And you can surf the internet in it.E. Tea House:You can drink a cup of green tea. You can also enjoy a Chinese traditional tea show. You can read some

4、 books about Chinese culture in the house and listen to Liangzhu. Nancy, a seventy-year-old granny, lives near the center of the city. She often gets up early and she wants to have dinner near her house. She likes fresh salads very much. _ Jerry, a school boy who likes having dinner with his friends

5、. He likes chatting with his friends while he is having dinner. And they want to have dinner with little money. _ Charlie, an Australian art teacher. He likes drinking a cup of coffee after meals. And he often chats on MSN with his daughter when he drinks coffee. _ Lucy is a college student who majo

6、rs in Chinese Culture. She is interested in Chinese music and Chinese tea. _ Bob, a businessman from England, likes fish and chips very much. _【答案】A; C; D; E; B【解析】 【分析】 A. 牛排屋:它有厚厚的牛排、新鲜的沙拉和最好的新鲜的煎饼。你需要八点前赶到那里,因为八点之后会很拥挤,他更靠近市中心。B. 鱼屋:对于喜欢鱼的人来说,这里真的棒极了。很容易找到座位。C. 汉堡天堂:很受青少年的欢迎。价格便宜。有供8-10 人的大桌子。你可以

7、跟朋友边聊天边欣赏音乐。D. 热咖啡:你可以听最新的热门歌曲。喝镇上最好的咖啡,吃最好吃的冰淇淋。你也可以网上冲浪。E. 茶馆:你可以品尝绿茶。你可以欣赏中国的传统茶艺表演。在茶馆里你可以读有关中国文化的书,同时欣赏着梁祝( 1)南希是个七十岁的老奶奶,住在市中心,经常早起想在家附近吃晚饭,非常喜欢吃新鲜的沙拉。该段叙述跟 A 相匹配,故答案是 A。( 2)学生杰瑞喜欢跟朋友一起吃晚饭,他喜欢跟朋友边吃饭边聊天,他想晚饭少花钱。本段叙述跟 C 相匹配,故答案是 C。( 3)澳大利也美术老师查理。喜欢饭后喝咖啡,当喝咖啡的时候,喜欢跟女儿用MSN聊天。本段叙述跟D 相匹配。故答案是D。( 4)露

8、西是个大学生,主修中国文化。她对中国音乐和中国茶感兴趣。因此他应该去茶馆。故答案是 E 。( 5)英国的商人鲍勃,非常喜欢鱼和薯条。因此他应该去鱼屋,故答案是B。【点评】五选五的答案选项较少,并且给出的都是句子,因此,我们可以通过句子的完整性或者句子的标点符号来判断该句在文章中的位置。另外通过阅读选项,有可能找出更其他选项表达完全不同意思的句子,这样的话我们就可以直接将该选项排除。2 人们在梦中经常会梦到不同的动物,它们所代表的寓意各不相同。根据Andy , Mary ,Ben, Danny 和 Gina 的近况,选择在他们梦中可能出现的动物。_ Andy is worried about t

9、hefuture.His mother lost herjoband his fathermayhave to go to hospital._ Maryiswaitingforherexamresultstomorrow.She enjoyedtheexams A.Beesand thinks she will get good results.Buzzing bees mean that money is coming. Maybe_ Bengetstoknowthathis theperson who dreams will get some moneygrandfatherwantst

10、ogivehimagift of from others.$1,500._ Danny and Mike are good friends,but they just had a fight and were unhappyyesterday._ Gina started to work as a waitressin arestaurant lastmonth, butnowshe B.ButterfliesA butterfly means some news(消息) will comewants to get a new job.soon. Open butterfly wings (翅

11、膀)mean goodnews.C.CatsA sleeping cat means problems with a good friend.Its not easy to get them over.D.DogsAbarkingdogmeansproblemsarecoming.Maybe its about theperson himself/herselforhis/her family. What a bad luck!E.HorsesA running horse means the dreamer wants to getsomething new inhis/her life.F

12、.BirdsFlying birds mean love and kindness. A singingbird is often asymbol of love.【答案】D; B; A; C; E【解析】 【分析】文章大意:本文分别介绍了5 个人现在遇到的困难,然后罗列了6 种不同动物代表的意义。( 1)根据下文意思:Andy有很多担心,遇到很多困难。可知与其匹配的选项为D,提到A barking dog means problems are coming,梦到狗表示有很多问题,故选D。( 2)根据下文意思: Mary 要考试,并且她很自信,可知 B 选项提到 Open butterfly

13、wings mean good news. 蝴蝶展翅意味着好消息,故选 B。( 3)根据下文意思:Ben 知道他的外公要给他礼物。根据A 选项提到Buzzingbeesmean that money is coming,可知梦到蜜蜂代表收钱,故选A。( 4)根据下文意思:两个人之间发生了口角,可知C 选项提到A sleepingcat meansproblems with a good friend可知,梦到猫表示人际有问题,故选C。( 5)根据下文意思:她想换工作,可知E 提到 A running horse means the dreamerwants to get something n

14、ew in his/her life, 表示将有新事物出现,故选E。【点评】考查任务型阅读,做此类题首先熟悉文章大意,熟悉各个选项,结合上下文,确定空缺的意义,选出正确答案。3从下面五个选项中选出最佳选项完成短文。Do you like to eat noodles? Come to Mr. Whites Restaurant. Our restaurant is big and clean._You can order beef noodles , mutton noodles, chicken noodles, vegetable noodles ,etc. They are all at

15、 good prices. _ A bowl of mutton noodles is only 7 dollars. A bowl ofchicken noodles is only 6 dollars. A bowl of vegetable noodles is only 5 dollars. _ The fishsoup is a very popular special in our restaurant. The tomato and egg soup is delicious ,too. Many people would like to eat in our restauran

16、t.Our restaurant is on Center Street. _ It is open from 11: 00 a. m. to 8 : 30 p. m. everyday. If you order meat noodles , fruit is free. _ You will get the food in about half an hour.A. A bowl of beef noodles is only 8dollars.B. If you are too busy to come ,please call us at2788-8998.C. We have dif

17、ferent kinds ofnoodles.D. Its between the Land Park and theKing Supermarket.E. We also have different kinds ofsoup.【答案】C;A; E; D; B【解析】 【分析】文章大意:主要介绍怀特先生的餐馆的位置和内部环境、经营面条和汤的种类价格、营业时间。A. A bowl of beef noodles is only 8 dollars. 一碗牛肉面只有8 美元。B. If you are too busy to come , please call us at 2788-8998.

18、如果您太忙不能来,请打 2788-8998 给我们。C. We have different kinds of noodles. 我们有不同种类的面条。D. Its between the Land Park and the King Supermarket. 在陆地公园和国王超市之间。E. We also have different kinds of soup. 我们还有各种各样的汤。( 1)根据下文 You can order beef noodles, mutton noodles, chicken noodles ,vegetablenoodles, etc. 您可以点牛肉面、羊肉面

19、、鸡肉面、蔬菜面等。可知上文应该有各种各样的面条,故选 C。( 2)由上文 They are all at good prices. 价格都很好。可知谈论总的价格。下文具体谈论各种各样面条的价格,上下文是总分关系,故选A。( 3)根据下文 The fish soup is a very popular special in our restaurant. The tomato and egg soup is delicious , too. 具体说明几种汤。可知上文总体谈论各种各样的汤,上下文是总分关系。故选 E。( 4)根据上文 Our restaurant is on Center Str

20、eet. 我们的餐馆在中央大街。可知下文应谈论具体的位置,故选 D。( 5)根据上文 If you order meat noodles, fruit is free. 如果你点的是肉面,水果是免费的。和下文You will get the food in about half an hour.你大约半小时后就能拿到食物。可知怎样订餐,故选B。【点评】考查任务型阅读,我们可以通过句子的完整性或者句子后面的标点符号来判断读句在文章中的位置。另外通过阅读选项。有可能找出跟其他选项表达完全不同意思的句子,这样的话我们就可以直接将该选项排除。4阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成表格(每空词数不限)。My

21、 favorite animals are swans (天鹅) . They are white. They can swim very well. I think theylook like beautiful girls in white dresses(连衣裙) . They have a pair of wings(翅膀) andthey can also fly(飞) well. I believe(认为)they are angels (天使)from the sky(天空) . They bring us love and make (使) us happy. They are

22、 always friendly to us. We cant kill them, because they are our friends. I love them!I also like dogs. They are not beautiful, but they are the best friends. They keep the thieves(小偷)away. Dogs have the best hearing and eyesight. They can hear(听见)in the noise(喧闹声) and see in the dark (黑暗) . If we ar

23、e in danger, they will help us at once(立刻) . So, I love them.Animals Why I likeCharacteristics (特征)Can doSwansThey are white, and look like _.They can _.They have a pair of wings.They can bring us love and make usThey are friendly.happy.DogsThey are not beautiful, but they arethe They can keep the t

24、hieves away. Theycanbest friends._.They have _.They can help us when _.【答案】 beautiful girls in white dresses ; swim very well and fly well / swim and fly very well;the best hearing and eyesight ; hear in the noise and see in the dark ; we are in danger【解析】 【分析】本文是介绍了为什么作者喜欢天鹅和狗。( 1)根据 I think they l

25、ook like beautiful girls in white dresses,可知她们看起来像穿白衣服的漂亮女孩 ,故答案是 beautiful girls in white dresses 。( 2)根据 They can swim very well和 they can also fly well,可知他们游泳很好,飞行也很好 ,故答案是swim very well and fly well / swim and fly very well。( 3)根据 Dogs have the best hearing and eyesight ,可知狗有最好的听觉和视力,故答案是the bes

26、t hearing and eyesight 。( 4)根据 They can hear in the noise and see in the dark,可知他们能在噪音中听到,在黑暗中看到 ,故答案是hear in the noise and see in the dark 。( 5)根据 If we are in danger, they will help us at once,可知如果我们有危险,他们会立刻帮助我们 ,故答案是we are in danger 。【点评】考查任务型阅读,关键在看懂文章,然后根据题目要求作答,注意尽量用文章的语言填写答案。在文章中找不到答案时,要完全理解

27、句子,根据同义词,句型转换的方式找到可以替换文章中的单词,短语或者句子的词。5请从 A 一 E 项中选出与小题中的描述相匹配的图片。Some students are going to some different places this weekend. Where are they going? Can you find their places they want to go?_Sally: I have a pen pal in Wenchuan. Some days ago, I got a letter from her. She said sheneeded some schoo

28、l things. I bought some and I want to post them to her. So this weekend, where will I go? Do you know?_Ricky: I dont like weekends. For me, I have no weekends. My parents usually ask me togo to evening school to learn English and other subjects. I always feel tired. Thats why I dont like weekends._B

29、arbara: I love weekends. I can do what I want to do. I want to go to a quiet place tostudy because Mid-term Exam (期中考试) is coming. I want to borrow (借) some books from that place and return (还) some to that place. Do you know where I want to go?_Angle: This weekend will be an exciting one for me. My

30、 parents are going to take me tohave something special in the place. It is said that we can try some Indian food. Isnt it interesting?_Stella: I want to relax myself on weekends. This weekend, I want to do somethingdifferent. I want to go to this place. There, you can see many kinds of animals there

31、. And children like to go there with their parents.A.B.C.D.E.【答案】B; C; D; E; A【解析】 【分析】本文介绍了周末不同的学生去的不同地点。( 1)根据 I want to post them to her,可知图B 是邮局,故应是去邮局,故选B。( 2)根据go to evening school to learn English ,可知图C 是英语入门,故应是去英语夜校,故选C。( 3)根据I want to borrow (借) some books from that place and return(还) som

32、e to thatplace ,可知图D 是图书馆,可以借书还书,故应是去图书馆,故选D。( 4)根据 we can try some Indian food ,可知图E 是餐馆,故应是去餐馆,故选E。( 5)根据 you can see many kinds of animals there. 可知图 A 是动物园,可以看到很多种类的动物,故应是去动物园,故选A。【点评】考查任务型阅读,可以将整个文章首先浏览一遍,大概理解意思。答题过程中,根据所提供的图片进行匹配作答。6下面文章中有五处需要添加小标题,请从以下选项(A、 B、 C、 D、 E 和 F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,选项中有一项

33、是多余选项。A. I learned lots of things.B. We learned how to go boating together.C. We became friends again.D. I set off to have a summer camp with my classmates.E. The first time to be away from home, we played happily.F. Swimming class was my favorite._I had a summer camp with my classmates last year. E

34、arly in the morning, we gathered at the bus station. After saying goodbye to our parents, we got on the buses. It took us more than two hours to arrive at the camp ground._We got off the buses cheerfully. Laughing and shouting, we jumped and ran all over the place.It was the first time for us to be

35、away from the parents. Some of us started to feel homesick.However, when the night party and dances began, the homesickness (想家) was gone._The next day, everybody rushed to the boating class, hoping to be at the head of the others. At first, my friends and I worked hard, but the boat wouldnt listen

36、to us and kept going round and round. Then the teacher taught us how to work together. After many tries, we did much better._Swimming class was my favorite. It was about the hottest time of a day and the best time to stay in the cool water. The swimming teacher was a funny man, and during the class

37、he often made us laugh happily._During the week I learned a lot of new things and made many new friends. I also learned how to take care of myself.【答案】D; E; B;F;A【解析】 【分析】本文介绍了去年的一次夏令营活动。A. I learned lots of things. 我学习到了很多东西B. We learned how to go boating together. 我们学会了怎么一起划船C. We became friends a

38、gain.我们再次成为朋友D. I set off to have a summer camp with my classmates. 我开始和同学们一起去夏令营E. The first time to be away from home, we played happily. 第一次离家出走,我们玩得很开心F. Swimming class was my favorite.游泳课是我最喜欢的。( 1)根据下文是清晨。我们聚集在汽车站。在跟我们的父母说再见之后,我们坐上了公共汽车。我们花了两个多小时才到达露营地。可知此处应是D. I set off to have a summercamp w

39、ith my classmates.我开始和同学们一起去夏令营,故选D。( 2)根据下文是我们高高兴兴地下了车。笑着喊。我们跳了起来,跑遍了整个地方。这是我们第一次远离父母。我们中的一些人开始想家了(想家)。然而,当夜晚的聚会和舞蹈开始时,思乡之情就消失了。可知此处应是E. The first timeto be away from home, weplayed happily. 第一次离家出走,我们玩得很开心,故选E。( 3)根据下文是第二天,每个人都赶到了划船班,希望能成为其他人的头。起初,我和我的朋友都努力工作,但是船不会听我们说话而且不停地往前走。然后老师教我们如何一起工作。经过多次尝

40、试,我们做得更好。可知此处应是We learnedhowto go boatingtogether. 我们学会了怎么一起划船,故选B。( 4)根据下文是可知这是一天中最热的时间,也是留在凉爽水中的最佳时间。游泳老师是一个有趣的人,在课堂上他经常让我们开心地笑。此处应是F. Swimming class was myfavorite. 游泳课是我最喜欢的,故选F。( 5)根据下文在这一周里,我学到了很多新东西并结识了许多新朋友。我也学会了如何照顾自己。是可知此处应是A. I learned lots of things. 我学习到了很多东西,故选A。【点评】考查任务型阅读,可以将整个文章首先浏览

41、一遍,大概理解意思,找到可以匹配信息的选项。7阅读短文,根据短文内容,从方框中的 A-F 六个选项中选出适当的选项补全短文,使文章完整、通顺(其中有一个选项是多余的)。Ma Wanqing, 13, is a Junior I at Chengdu No.3 Middle School. By looking at this kid, you would never think hes a scientist._ He got patents (专利) this month for two inventions (发明): a feet-washingmachine and an easy t

42、rash can (垃圾桶) .The feet-washing machine looks like a toy, but it really works. Just hit the button, and thats all it takes: the machine washes and dries your feet for you, said Wu Di at Chengdu Zhongya Patent Office._ Its something his mum makes him do every day._ He drew many pictures, and he made

43、 many changes to his first ideas. After lots ofthinking and hard work, he is finally finished._ Its all because Im too lazy, he tells them.But his mother, Wang Xiao lin, thinks differently. Hes hard-working. _A. It took Ma a year to make the machine.B. Ma invented the machine because he hates washing his feet.C. Now, lots of other kids want to know how Ma gets such great ideas.D. Its very easy to use the trash can.E. When he gets an idea, he works very carefully and doesnt give up.F. But in


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