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1、最新 料推荐河北省 2017 年中考英语试卷笔试部分V.单项选择 (共 10 小题,每小题1 分,计 10 分 )先出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。26.-Is this Kate s bicycle?-No, _ is under the tree. She put it there this morning.A. hisB. hersC. mineD. yours答案 B, 考查名词性物主代词。 Hers =her bicycle。27.Just walk down this road and you ll see the museum _ your right.A. onB. inC. at

2、D. by答案 A. 考查介词。表达在左边或右边,用介词on。28.Eating dumplings at the Spring Festival is _ in China.A. patientB. luckyC. possibleD. traditional答案 D。 考查形容词。句意 : 在中国,春节时吃饺子是传统的。A 耐心的, B 幸运的, C可能的, D 传统的。29.Grandfather lives with us. We all _ him.A. look atB. look forC. look afterD. look like答案 C。 考查动词短语。 句意:爷爷和我们

3、一起住,我们都照顾他。A 看, B 寻找, C照顾, D 看起来像。30.I have travelled a lot. I _ speak four languages.A. canB. mayC. mustD. need答案 A. 考查表示能力的情态动词。句意:我经常旅游。我能说四门语言。31.Don t take the dictionary away. I _ it.A. useB. usedC. am usingD. have used答案 C。 考查时态。句意:别把字典拿走,我将于使用它。一般现在时代替将来。32. Mr. Liu is a really nice person -

4、 the _ person I know.A. nicerB. nicestC. happierD. happiest答案。考查形容词最高级。句意刘先生真是一个很棒的人,我见过的最快乐的人。是定语从句,同时也是范围,我见过的人里(三者以上),用最高级。1最新 料推荐33. Wow! You _ dinner! Let s eat now.A. cookB. are cookingC. will cookD. have cooked答案。考 在完成 。句意:哇,你已 做好 了。 在我 开吃吧。表示 生在 去, 在造成 果或影响,要使用 在完成 。34. Mom won t let Dick go

5、 out _ he promises to be back by 10:00 tonight.A. ifB. whenC. sinceD. unless答案。 考 条件状 从句。前后句的关系是条件关系。句意: 不会 出去,除非他 今晚十点以前回来。除非,如果不。35. Hangzhou _ as the City of Silk. Tourists like shopping for silk there.A. knowsB. is knownC. was knownD. will be known答案。考 在 的被 。句意:杭州以“ 城”著称。根据句意,此句是客 事 ,所以用 在 。 Han

6、gzhou 和 Know 是被 关系。 以.著名。One thorn( 刺 ) of experience is worth many times of warning.Ralph Wick was seven years old. In most things he was a fine boy, but he would cry fromtime to time. When he could not have what he wanted, he would _36_ for it. If he wastold that it would hurt him, and he could no

7、t _37_ it, he would also cry.One day, he went with his mother into the _38_. The sun shone. The grass was cut.The flowers were starting to come out.Ralph thought he was, for once, a good boy. A _39_ was on his face. He wished to doas he was told. Ralph helped his mother with the farm work and he was

8、 very happy.“ Now you must be tired and _40_,” said his mother.“ Have a good rest here and eatsome cookies. I will get a beautiful red rose for you.”htSothehisredmotherflower brougtohim.When he saw his mother still had a white rose in her hand, Ralph _41_ it.“ No, my dear.” said his mother.“ See how

9、 many thorns it has. You must not touch it, or youwould be sure to hurt your _42_.” When Ralphhatfoundhecouldt not have the whiterose, he began to cry, and _43_ took it away. But he was soon very sorry. The thorns hurthis hand. It was so _44_ that he could not use it for some time.Ralph would never

10、_45_ this. From then on, when he wanted what he should nothave, his mother would point to his hand which had been hurt before. He at last learned to do as2最新 料推荐he was told.36.A. runB. cryC. planD. call37.A. saveB. hideC. haveD. lose38.A. parkB. gardenC. forestD. field39.A. smileB. signC. fearD. mar

11、k40.A. lazyB. noisyC. hungryD. sleepy41.A. waited forB. asked forC. cared forD. thanked for42.A. armB. legC. handD. foot43.A. quietlyB. proudlyC. politelyD. suddenly44.A. helpfulB. harmfulC. peacefulD. painful45.A. acceptB. refuseC. forgetD. remember答案 36-40 BCBAC41-45 BCDDC解析本文是一个夹叙夹议的记叙文。讲述7 岁的 Ra

12、lph 在园子里帮妈妈干活时,不听妈妈劝说, 执意要拿满身是刺的白玫瑰,最终手被严重刺伤,导致数日不能用手。从此他深深记住了这个教训, 学会了听从劝导。这个故事证明全文第一句的谚语One thorn of experience isworth many times of warning.“一次痛彻心扉的经历,抵得上千百次的劝告。 ”36 B 考查上下文理解,根据上下文,的不到就哭,所以选B。37 C 考查句意,如果得不到,所以选C。38 B 考查后线索,根据下一句中 grass 和 flower 可知是 garden,此题以后后一段中 farm work 影响,考试需明确,在园子里,也可以做农

13、活。39 A 考查对上一句的理解,上句提到他首次感到他是个好孩子,对自己满意。因此本句就会微笑出现在脸上。选smile 。40 C 考查后线索, 根据下一句中eat some cookies.可知是选hungry 。 A 懒惰的;B 吵闹的;C 饥饿的;D 瞌睡的。41 B 考查后线索,根据下文,可知他讨要,选 ask for。42 C 考查对上下文理解,用手拿,所以选hand。43 D 考查常识, 他妈妈不给他, 于是他就出其不意攻其不备,突然抢过来。 所以选 suddenly 。A 静悄悄第;B 骄傲地;C 礼貌地;D 突然地。44 D 考查对上文的理解,上一句说他被刺伤,所以本句选pai

14、nful 。意为“伤口如此疼,以至于他数日不能用手。 ”A 有用的;B 有害的;C 和平的;D 疼痛的。3最新 料推荐45 C 考查上下文理解。句意:他永远不会忘记这次教训。A 接受;B 拒绝;C 忘记;D记得。VII.阅读理解 (共 15 小题,每小题2 分,计 30 分 )阅读 A、 B、 C 三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。ADavid walked down the street. All he wanted to do was to play basketball with Jim. But hismother told him to return his sis

15、ter s books to the library on his way to Jim s house.In his eyes, boo ks and summertimejust don got together. He thought he had read a lotduring the school year. And he had never set foot inside a public library. Today he d justbooks off in the outside return box, but it was locked. He had to go ins

16、ide to return them.David walked inside the building a few minutes before closing time. He put the books intothe return box. After a quick drink of water and a short stop in the toilet, he d be on hismeet Jim. He walked out of the toilet. The library lights were turned off. He was locked - in alibrar

17、y.David tried to use the telephone, but he couldn findt one. As the sun began to set, hesearched for a light and found a little one on the desk. He used a pencil to write a note on a bigpiece of paper. It r ead,“ I m locked inside. Please call for help.” He put it on the front door. Surely,someone p

18、assing by would see it. He then turned his attention to the library itself.He was surprised to discover that this place was not so bad. Rows and rows of books! Whenhe saw a book about Michael Jordan on the desk, he picked it up. He opened the book and beganto read. He felt that being locked in the l

19、ibrary didn t seem to be such a terrible thing.46.What did David s mother want him to do?A. Play basketball with Jim.B. Take a walk in the street.C. Read books in the library.D. Return his sister s books47.David thought he had read a lot during _.A. a visit to JimsB. the school yearC. the closing ti

20、meD. the summertime48.David went inside the building because _.A. the sun began to setB. he wanted to use the telephoneC. he needed to go to the toiletD. the outside return box was locked4最新 料推荐49. Which of the following sentences could be added to the chart(图表 )?He wrote a noteonHe opened the book

21、and?a big piece of paper.began to read.A. He searched for a light.B. He put the books into the return box.C. He had a quick drink of water.D. He turned his attention to the library.50. David discovered that _ after he was locked in the library.A. he was very afraid of the dark.B. he became intereste

22、d in this placeC. his mom was worried about himD. His friend became nervous about him答案46-50 DBDDB解析本文讲述了一个无心插柳柳成荫的故事。原本不喜欢在暑假读书的David,因为她替妹妹还书,阴错阳差被锁在图书馆,在等候帮助的过程中,随手打开一本书,结果发现读书也不是很糟糕的故事。事实证明,上帝把你锁在图书馆,你自己可以打开一扇知识之窗。46D 细节理解题。 根据第一段第二句But his mother told him to return his sister s books to thelibr

23、ary on his way to Jim可知s。house.47B 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句He thought he had read a lot during the school year.可知。真题演练48 D 细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第二句可知。49 D 细节理解题。考查事件发展顺序。根据最后一段第一、二句可知。50 B 推理判断题。根据最后一段中描述David 的行为和心理活动,可知他逐渐对图书馆感兴趣了。2 说明文类BYou Can Make a Windsock(风筒 )Have you ever seen a windsock blowing in the wind?

24、 Well, you can make one of your own!5最新 料推荐This is a fun project that you can do with things you may have. You just need to follow a few easysteps.You will need: one piece of heavy colored paper five ribbonsstrong tape a string a pencilWhat to do:Step 1: Draw pictures on the paper. You can write you

25、r name on it. Do anything thatwill make it special to you.Step 2: Make the paper into the shape of a tube. Hold one of theshorter edges(边缘 ) over the other. Then make them together with the tape at each end and in the middle.Step 3: Use a pencil to make a hole into both sides of the tube. The holess

26、hould be only on one end of the tube. Pull the string through bothholes. Then tie the ends of the string together.Step 4: Now make five holes around the top of the other end of the tube.Put a ribbon through each of the holes. Tie a knot in the ends.Make sure the knots are bigger than the holes.Now y

27、our windsock is ready to use, but how does it work? The shape of the tube plays animportantpart. Wind blows throughthe tube and makes it fly and dance around. Hold thewindsock up in the air by its string and run around. It will fly behind you. You can also hang itoutside and watch it dance around on

28、 its own!51. You draw pictures on the paper to make the windsock _.A. funB. heavyC. strongD. special52. Which of these things do you need for Step 2?A. Tape.B. Ribbons.C. A pencil.D. A string.53. What do you do after you put ribbons through the holes in the tube?A. Make holes in the tube.B. Tape the

29、 tube together.C. Tie knots in the ribbons.D. Put a string through the hole.54. What is probably the most important to make a windsock work?6最新 料推荐A. Its shape.C. The color of the paper.55. What is the main purpose of this article? A. To tell an interesting story.C. To teach an important lesson.B. I

30、ts size.D. The number of the holes.B. To explain how to do something.D. To show what a windsock is like.答案 51-55 DACAD解析本文是一篇讲解如何制作风筒的说明文。语言简练,步骤详尽,图文并茂,使得制作讲解过程兴趣盎然,简单易学。一张彩纸,五根丝带,一卷胶带,一根绳,一支铅笔足以让人尽享风的乐趣。51 D 细节理解题。根据step 1 中最后一句可知。52A细节理解题。根据step 2 最后一句可知,用胶带把彩纸的两头中间都黏上。53细节理解题。根据最后句可知。5细节理解题。根据最后

31、一段第二句The shape of the tube plays an important part.可知。5 主旨大意题。考查文章目的。根据第一段可知本文是教授怎样制作风筒。但答案选项并没有直接答案, 而是以同义句型的形式出现的。和制作风筒意思接近,所以选本题最容易误选,的意思是解释怎样制作某物,不具体,范围太大,所以不选。3 议论文类CHere is a story: A man sees a butterfly( 蝴蝶 ). The butterfly tries to get out of its chrysalis(蛹 ).Feeling sorry for it, the man

32、decides to help. He cuts the chrysalis and the butterfly comes outeasily. Surprisingly enough, the butterfly is unable to fly. If the butterfly doesn挣扎;奋 t strug斗 ) to leave the chrysalis, it canfly!t The struggle develops the energy in the butterfly whichmakes it fly. Similarly, the challenges of l

33、ife bring out the best in young people and make the fly.When people are young, meeting and overcoming challenges will make them strong and ready to face life. When we look at successful people, we see that the most successful of them7最新 料推荐are people who have had to struggle. One famous businessman,

34、 who now owns many bigsupermarkets, used to carry clothes on his back and sell them from door to door when he was young. Anothe r successful man is Dennis. His father died when he was only twenty. His fatherdeath forced him to mature fast. He had to bring up a family of nine people. He took up the c

35、hallenges and overcame them. Today his brothers and sisters are leading successful lives.Sometimes challenges do not appear to us because we keep away from them. So some parents and teachers actively encourage young people to face challenges. They might organize some activities for young people whic

36、h provide them with challenges, like rock-climbing, camping,volunteer work and so on. However, just passing exams will not prepare a person for life. Wemust meet and overcome challenges. The young people of today will become the leaders oftomorrow. For countries to continue to become successful, it

37、is important that the young people learn to meet challenges and overcome them.56. From the story we know that the butterfly can A. it gets out by itselfC. it tries to challenge itself t fly because _.B. the man feels sorry for itD. the man helps it come out57.Dennis s example shows that successful p

38、eople should _.A. overcome the difficultiesB. take up business earlyC. become the leaders of tomorrowD. sell clothes from door to door58.The meaning of the und erlined word“ mature ” in the passage is“ _ ”.A. wake upB. give upC. grow upD. bring up59.What is the writer trying to do in this passage?A.

39、 Describe where a butterfly comes from.B.Encourage youngpeople to facechallenges.C. Suggest how to become a successful businessman. D. Explain what will happen if a person fails the exam.60. What is the best title for this passage?A. Successful People Have a Sense of AchievementB.YoungPeopleMustDeve

40、lopTheirEnergy ActivelyC. Countries Should Continue to Become SuccessfulD. Challenges of Life Bring Out the Best inYoung People8最新 料推荐答案DACBD解析本文以某人善意帮蝴蝶破茧,却弄巧成拙, 毁了蝴蝶终生的故事开篇,论述了努力奋斗、迎接挑战才是通往成功的道路。正如古人所言,宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。正如人们常说,不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。56细节理解题。 考查因果关系, 根据第一段单数第三句If the butterfly doesn t struggle

41、toleave the chrysalis, it can,蝴蝶不t能fly!飞是因为它没有奋斗,和D 是同义表达。57 A 细节理解题。根据第二段Dennis 的故事, He took up the challenges and overcame them.可知。58 C 猜测词义题。根据文章中划线词下文句子,可知。下文解释mature 。或者用排除法。可以排除 B。59主旨大意题。 考查写作目的。 根据最后一段最后一句,作者写该文章的目的是鼓励年轻人奋斗。60 D 主旨大意题。考查最佳标题。根据文章大意可知。或根据全文主题句- 最后一句。IX.任务型阅读 (共 5 小题,每小题2 分,计 10 分 )阅读短文,并按要求完成66-70 题。At many Thanksgiving dinners, everyone around the table shares something they arethankful for. As we know, most can do this easily. It s more important to know how to be thankfulpeople all the time.


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