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1、最新 料推荐高考英语必须掌握的10 个连接副词1.BesidesBesides 用作副词主要表示补充说明,意思是“此外 ”“而且 ”。如:I don t want to go shopping. Besides,I havn t我got不想any去money购物,.再说,我也没有钱。She wontmind your being late-besides,itshardly your fault.她不介意你迟到 -况且这也不能说是你的错。2.howeverHowever 主要用于转折或对比,意思是“然而” “可是”“但是”。如:Some of the food crops failed. Ho

2、wever,the cotton did quite well.有些粮食作物长得不好,但棉花长得很不错。His first response was to say no. Later,however,he changed his mind他.最初的反应是不同意,但是后来他改变了注意。3.insteadInstead 主要表示取而代之,大意是“相对” “而是”,有时需根据具体语境来翻译。如:It will take days by car, so lets fly instead.开车去要好几天呢,咱们还是坐飞机去吧。My husband asked why I couldntjust abou

3、t dieting all the time and eat normally instead.丈夫问我为什么就不能不整天想着节食,转而正经吃饭。4.neverthelessNevertheless主要表示对比或转折,意思是“尽管如此”“不过”“仍然”。如:There was no news; nevertheless we went on hoping尽.管毫无消息,我们仍抱着希望。Its a difficult race. Nevertheless,thousands of runners participate every year那.是艰难的比赛,但每年仍有数千人赛跑者参加。5.mea

4、nwhile( 1)表示时间,意思是“其间” “同时”“在此期间”。如:The flight will be announced soon. Meanwhile,please remain seated航.班很快就要广播登机,在此期间请继续坐在座位上。Carls starting college in September。 Meanwhile,hes travelling around Europe卡.尔 9 月将开始大学生活,此间他将去环游欧洲。(2)表示对比,意思是“相比之下” “然而”“而”。如:Stress can be extremely damaging to your healt

5、h. Exercise,meanwhile,can reduce its effects压.力会严重损害你的健康,锻炼则可以减少这些影响。He had always found his wifes mother a bit annoying. The mother-daughter relationship, meanwhile,was close他.总是觉得丈母娘有点烦人,然而他们母女之间的关系却非常亲密。6.moreoverMoreover 主要表示补充说明,意思是“此外” “而且”,与 besides大致同义。如:The firm did the work very well. More

6、over,the cost was not too high.这家公司做得十分出色,而且费用也不太高。Bicycling is good exercise; moreover,it doesntpollute the air.骑自行车时很好的运动, 而且它不会污染空气。7.otherwise1最新 料推荐Otherwise 主要表示否定的条件,意思是“否则” “要不然”。如:Youll have to go now,otherwise youll miss your bus. 你现在得走了,不然你会赶不上公共汽车。Id better write it down,otherwise Ill fo

7、rget it. 我最好把它写下来,要不然我会忘记的。8.thereforeTherefore 主要表示结果,意思是“因此” “所以”。如:We were unable to get funding and therefore had to abandon the project我.们无法筹到资金, 因此不得不放弃计划。Muscle cells need lots of fuel and therefore burn lots of calories肌.肉需要很多能量, 所以会燃烧大量卡路里。9. ThusThus 主要表示结果,意思是“因此” “所以”。如:No decision had b

8、een made, and thus the situation remained unclear由.于没有作出决定,所以事态并不明朗。Fewer pupils will attend the schools,and they will thus have fewer teachers上.学的学生人数会减少,因此他们将会减少教师的数量。10. Anywayanyway 的用法比较复杂,同学们在备考时主要应注意以下五种用法:( 1)表示“尽管如此” “无论如何”,含有 despite something else的意味。如:This idea probably wontwork,but lets

9、 try it anyway.这个办法可能行不通,不过我们还是试试吧。 Her parents were opposed to her giving up her course,but she did it anyway她.父母反对她放弃学业,但她还是没有听。( 2)对前面所说的话起补充作用,或使其听起来无关紧要,意思是“反正”“话又说回来”。如:Of course I don tmind taking you home-I m going that way anyway. 我当然可以把你送回家 -反正我也是顺路。( 3)用于谈话中表示改变话题,回到原来说的话题或者即将谈到最有趣的话题,意思是

10、“对了”“好吧”“不管怎么说”“无论如何”“再说”。如:I donthave time to go and anyway its too expensive我.没有时间去,而且也太贵了。Anyway ,lets leave that for the moment and look at this months profit figures.好吧,让我们把那个问题放一放,我们来看看本月的利润额。( 4)用于表示略去一些细节转到下一个主要话题,意思是“总之”。如:I went to college anyway,as a part-time student,paying my own way总.之

11、我上了大学,半工半读,自食其力。Anyway ,to cut a long story short,we had this argument and I haventseen him since总.之,长话短说吧,我们发生了争执,我以后再也没有见到他。( 5)用于限制或纠正前面所说过的话,以使其更准确符合事实,意思是“至少”。如:Its something I canttell you-not just now,anyway.这事我不能告诉你,至少现在不行。There seem to have been a technical problem-anyway,thatswhat they told me.好像出了个技术故障,至少他们是这么跟我说的。2最新 料推荐3最新 料推荐4


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