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1、小学英语首字母填空专题练习及答案一、小学英语首字母填空1Dogs are good pets. They are very f 1 to people and also very beautiful. Most dogs get on very well with c 2 and their parents. Others are good watch-dogs because they cry loudly when a p 3arrives.When you buy a dog, an important thing to think about is its s 4. Buy a sma

2、ll dog if your homeis small and a bigger one if y 5is larger. Many people don t know how much to feed their dogs.Dogs eat almost everything! They like meat, rice and lots of other t 6. You can buy lots of food for dogs i 7 shops. Don t let your dogs eat too much. Feed it only once a day. Always give

3、 c8 water to your dog. It can get thirsty very quickly, especially in s 9 .Remember that dogs need exercise. You should take it for a walk e 10 day. Do n t keep your dog inside all day.1. friendly 2. children 3. person 4. size 5. yours 6. things 7. in 8. clean 9. summer 10. every2Will it matter if y

4、ou dont take your breakfast? A short time a_1_, a test was given in the United States. People of different a_2_ from 12 to 83, were asked to have a test. During the test, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts and s_3_ they got no breakfast at all. Scientists wanted to see how well t_4_ bod

5、ies worked when they had different kinds of breakfasts.The results show that if a person e_5_a right breakfast, he or she will work better. If a student hasfruit, eggs, bread and milk b_6_ going to school, he willlearn more quicklya_7_ listen morecarefully in class.The results a_8_ show that having

6、no breakfast will not h_9_ you lose weight(体重) . This isbecause people become so h_10_ at noon that they eat too much for lunch. So they will gain weight instead of losing weight.1.ago 2.ages 3.sometimes 4. their 5. eats 6. before 7. and 8. also 9. help 10. hungry3There are s_1_ days in a week. They

7、 are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, W_2_, T_3_,Friday, and Saturday. Most children go to school from Monday to Friday. Most people don t w_4_ on Saturday or Sunday and most shops are closed in England on Saturday afternoon andSunday. But in China, shops are o_5_ every day. Sunday is always a h_6_. It s th

8、e f_7_day of the week. Some people go to church on that day. The time between Friday evening a_8_Monday morning is the w_9_. It is the time for r_10_. We can t work all the time. Wehave to rest from time to time.1.seven 2.Wednesday 3.Thursday 4.work 5.open 6.holiday 7.first 8.and 9.weekend 10.rest4W

9、hen Alan was young, he played a lot of football, and he was very good at it, but then he went to work in a town, and there was no team for him there, so he s 1 playing. Then he began to get f 2 . He thought, Ive stopped playing football, and now Im getting fat. What am I going to do?he thought about

10、 it for a few days, and then he said to h 3 , I know Ill learn to play tennis. He had a few l 4and then played for a few days.He met a nice girl at the tennis club one day, and they played a game of tennis against another young man and woman. Alan played very b 5 , and was very angry with himself. I

11、ve never played as badly as this before, he said to the girl.“ Oh, she said, you have played before, havent you ?1.stopped2.fat3.himself4.lessons5.badly5Coffee has become the most popular drink in America. Today people there d 1more coffeethan people in any other country. People drink coffee at b 2,

12、 at lunch, at dinner and betweenmeals. They drink hot coffee or coffee w 3ice in it. They drink it at work and at home.Coffee is drunk by people a 4the world. Some people like coffee that is black and strong, o 5people like coffee with cream or sugar, or both cream and sugar in it. In all the ways i

13、t is served.Coffee has become an international drink.1.drink2.breakfast3.with4.around5.other6There are many living things in the air. They can be bad f(1) our food. Some things,such asinsects(昆虫) , can be s(2) by us.O(3), like bacteria(细菌) , can be seen only withmicroscope (显微镜) .All living things n

14、(4) water. We can k(5) some of our food by d(6) it. Living things can g(7) only at certain temperatures.We can also keep our feed by heating(加热) or c(8) it.We can keep some living things away f(9) our food by wrapping(包装) it.(1) for (2) seen (3) Others (4) need (5) keep (6) drying (7) grow (8) cooli

15、ng (9) from7Thanksgiving Day is o( )the fourthThursday of November. ThefThanksgiving Day was in t1621.On Thanksgiving Day, pin America get together with family and f.People efoodlike turkey( 火鸡 )and pumpkin pies( 南瓜馅饼 ). On Thanksgiving Day they s,dance and playgames at the p .Many familes like w( )

16、the Thanksgiving Day parade( 游行 )on TV. They have a g time on that day.on firstthe people friends eat sing party watching great8John gets up early from Monday to S, because he must go to school before 7:30 onweekdays(工作日 ) and go to the DClub at 8:00 on Saturday mornings. He draws very well.He usual

17、ly goes to the bto look at the new books on Saturday afternoons, and after supperhe watches TV until( 直到 ) m. He doesn t get up early on Sundays. John s parents bwork on Sundays. John always watches TV after he gets up. Then he usually goes to KFC to have ahand some juice for lunch. After that, he g

18、oes back home and bto play computergames until his parents come back. He does his homework after supper. He usually has a lot of w homework, so he must s three hours on it. He usually goes to bed at about 11:00 p.m. onSundays. He often complains( 抱怨 ) he has too mhomework to do.Saturday ; Drawing ;

19、bookshop ; midnight; both; hamburger; begins; weekend ; spend ; much二、完形填空9完形填空 完形填空Today it is1to get on-line(上网 ).2people use the Internet every day. People cando many things at home with the3of the Internet, for example, shopping, seeing a doctor,booking a plane ticket.4you want to know some info

20、rmation but the library is far away,the Internet can give you a hand.5E-mail is more and more popular among people. TheInternet is important in our work and life.1.A. easyB. difficultC. different2.A. MillionsB. Million ofC. Millions of3.A. computerB. helpC. need4.A. IfB. BecauseC. why5.A. SendingB.

21、BuildingC. Making【答案】 ( 1) A;( 2) C;( 3) B;( 4)A;( 5) A;【考点】 完型填空【解析】 【分析】这是一篇介绍网络用途的短文。( 1)句意:今天上网很.。 A 选项是:容易的;B 选项是:困难的;C 选项是:不同的。根据后面叙述和实际,A 选项正确。故答案为:A。( 2)这是考查短语的题目。这是短语 Millions of “许许多多的 ”, A 选项和 B 选项结构和用法错误。故答案为: C。( 3)这是短语 with the help of “在 .的帮助下 ”, computer “电脑 ”和 need “需要 ”意思搭配不合适。故答案为

22、: B。( 4)这是条件状语从句,用 if 如“果 ”正确。 because 因“为 ”引导原因状语从句,这里意思不合适。Why 不引导状语从句。故答案为:A。( 5)句意:. 邮件在人们中越来越流行。这里是短语send E-mails(发电子邮件)。buid :建造 和make“制作 ”都不合适。故答案为:A。【点评】这是考查所学知识综合运用的题目。要注意句意和句子结构的提示。10 完形填空 完形填空What do you do at the weekend? Some people like to1at home ,but others like togo out2a walk (去散步)

23、 or play football. My friend Jack works hard(工作努力)in a factory (工厂) during the3. At the weekend, he always4the same(相同的) thing. On Saturday he5his car and on6he goes with his familyto a village by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isnt a7one, but there arealways8things to do on a farm(在农

24、场) . The children help with the animals andgive them their9.Jack and his wifehelp in thefields (在田地里). Atthe endof theday, they areall10and Jacks aunt gives them a big meal.1.A. playB. stayC. live2.A. toB. inC. for3.A. weekdaysB. timeC. autumn4.A. doesB. makeC. borrows5.A. watchesB. washesC. sells6.

25、A. MondayB. SaturdayC. Sunday7.A. bigB. smallC. hard8.A. littleB. manyC. fast9.A. clothesB. placesC. food10. A. cleanB. lateC. hungry【答案】 ( 1 )B;( 2) C;( 3) A;( 4) A;( 5) B;( 6) C;( 7) A;( 8) B;( 9)C;( 10)C;【解析】 【分析】( 1) stay at home 意为呆在家里,固定短语,故选(2) go out for a walk 意为出去散步,固定短语,故选C。(3)句意:我的朋友杰克在工

26、作日时,在工厂里努力工作。故选A。(4)句意:周末时,他也在做相同的事情。do things 意为做事。故选(5) wash his car 意为洗他的车。故选B。(6)根据前文知,下面介绍星期日做的事,故选C。B。A。(7)句意:它不是很大,但是里面却又很多事情需要做。故选A。(8)应用 many 修饰 things,故选 B。(9) give ones food 意为给某人喂食。故选D。(10)根据下文,杰克的阿姨给他们做了一顿大餐可知,他们都很饿。故选【点评】考查阅读能力及短语搭配。C。11 完形填空 阅读对话,选择正确的答案填空Ben: What are you going to do

27、 next week?Susan: Im1to take a trip with my parents.Ben: Have a good2!Susan: Thank you! How3you? What are you going to do?Ben: Im going to4my grandparents.Susan: How can you get to their home?Ben: I want to get there by5. Its not far.Susan: Good idea!1.A. goB. goesC. going2.A. dayB. timeC. night3.A.

28、 areB. aboutC. do4.A. visitB. visitingC. visits5.A. planeB. trainC. bike【答案】 ( 1) C;( 2)B;( 3) B;( 4) A;( 5 )C;【考点】 完型填空【解析】 【分析】这是谈论下周活动计划的对话。( 1)句意:我.和我父母一起去旅行。问句是一般将来时,这里答语也用一般将来时,这里是 be going to 结构, C 选项正确。故答案为: C。(2)句意: .高兴。这是对对方活动的祝福。用常用口语“Have a good time!玩得高兴! ”B 选项正确。故答案为:B。(3)句意:你 .?根据对话语境

29、这里是询问对方情况,用“Howabout you? 你呢? “。 B选项正确。故答案为:B。(4)句意:我打算 .我的父母。这里是 be going to结构,后面跟动词原形,A 选项正确。故答案为: A。( 5)句意:我想乘 .去那里。根据下句 “不太远。 ”,可知可以骑自行车去,不用飞机或火车。 C 选项 “自行车 ”正确。故答案为: C。【点评】这是考查完型填空的题目。根据上下文句意提示或句子结构来选择合适的选项。12 完形填空 阅读短文,回答问题。Dear Amy,I want totall21 your friend. Let me introduce my family to yo

30、u. My father is a doctor. He is strong. My mother is a teacher. She is think and kind. My brother Sam is 6 years old.Hes short and funny. We3in a big city. However, we usually go4on theweekends. I have a small and nice room. There is a bed and a desk in my room. I like readingbooks. I have many book

31、s5my desk. Welcome to my home.Yours,Lucy1.A. amB. isC. be2.A. andB. orC. but3.A. livesB. liveC. living4.A. hikingB. hikeC. to hike5.A. inB. onC. at【答案】 ( 1) C;( 2)A;( 3) B;( 4)A;( 5) B;【解析】 【分析】( 1) want to do sth 想要做某事,固定搭配,故 C。(2) 个句子是肯定句式,而tall 和 strong 都是形容 ,故用and 并列。 (3)句子的主 是we ,复数,故 用复数形式,故 B

32、。(4) go+ving,表示去做 , 定俗成的用法,故 A。( 5 )句意:在 桌上,我有很多 。按照人 的 ,是把 放桌子上面。面, on 在 上面; at 在 ;故 最佳答案on。A。in在 里13 完形填空 , 正确的答案填空。Sally: What are you1?Linda:2. Do you have3plans?Sally: I hearthereis a new filmatSunshine4at 7:00 tonight. Would you like5with me?Linda: Id love to.6are we going there?Sally: Its not

33、 far. Lets go7bike. OK?Linda: OK.8shall we meet?Sally: Lets meet at the cinema gate.Linda:9shall we meet?Sally:106:30.Linda: See you then.Sally: See you.1.A. doB. doingC. to do2.A. NothingB. SomethingC. Anything3.A. someB. anyC. a4.A. BookstoreB. CinemaC. Restaurant5.A. goB. goingC. to go6. A. WhenB

34、. WhereC. How7.A. byB. onC. in8.A. WhatB. WhereC. Who9.A. WhenB. WhereC. Which10. A. AtB. OnC. In【答案】( 1) B;( 2) A;( 3) B;( 4) B;( 5) C;( 6) C;( 7)A;( 8) B;( 9)A;( 10) A;【解析】 【分析】( 1)句意:你 什么? A 做, 原形,没有be+ 原形, 种 构,排除, B 正在做, 在分 ,由于 在 行 ,be+doing , C 做, 不定式,不能做 ,排除,故答案 B.( 2)句意: 。根据后句 方是否有什么 划,可知琳达没有

35、 划,A 没有什么,否定形式, B 一些事情,肯定形式,C 如何事情,由于疑 句或否定句,故答案 A.( 3)句意:你有 划 ?本句是一般疑 句,plans 是名 复数,A 一些,由于肯定句, B 一些,用于否定句或一般疑 句,C 一个,后面接名 数,故答案 B.( 4)句意:我听 今晚7 点阳光 影院有一部新 影。根据film 影,在 影院看 影, A 店, B 影院, C 店,故答案 B.( 5)句意:你想和我一起 ? would like to do sth想要去做某事,此 用 不定式,A 去, 原形,B 去, 在分 ,C 去, 不定式,故答案 C.( 6)句意:我 去那里?根据 bik

36、e 自行 ,指方式,可知 怎么 去那里,A 什么 候, B 在哪, C 怎么 ,故答案 C.( 7)句意:我 自行 去。 by+交通工具,固定搭配,故答案 A.( 8)句意:我 面?根据下文 the cinema gate 影院大 ,指地点,可知上文 在哪 面, A 什么, B 在哪里, C ,故答案 B.( 9)句意:我 将 面?根据下文 6:30 ,指 ,可知上文 面的 ,A 什么 候, B 在哪, C 哪个,故答案 A.( 10)句意: 6点半。在具体 前面用介 at 在,故答案 A.【点 】本 考 了完形填空,先翻 ,然后根据句意, 出恰当的 填空,使 完整。14 完形填空 完形填空B

37、ob is an American boy. Hes1years old. Now he is in China2his grandma. Histudies in a middle school. There are twelve boys and twenty girls in his3Bob has a goodfriend. His4is Jack. Jack can speak Chinese very5However, Bob cant. So Jackoften helps Bob. Both Bob and Jack like6. They often borrow books

38、 from their schoollibrary. They like China.1.A. fortyB. eightyC. thirteenD. twenty-five2.A. andB. bothC. togetherD. with3.A. classB. schoolC. homeD. China4.A. homeB. nameC. teacherD. class5.A. goodB. badC. wellD. nice6.A. footballB. talkingC. readingD. eating【答案】 ( 1) C;( 2)D;( 3)A;( 4) B;( 5)C;( 6)

39、C;【解析】 【分析】这篇短文介绍了 Bob, Bob 的教室,以及 Bob 和好朋友 Jack 的一些事情。( 1)句意:他 .岁了。根据上句 “ Bob是一位美国男孩。 ”和后面的 “他在一所中学学习。 ”可知他是一名中学生, C 选项 “13岁 ”正确。故答案为: C。( 2)句意:现在他.他的奶奶在中国。根据句子结构这里不是并列,and 和 or 都是并列连词,淘汰,together “在一起 ”是副词,用在这里不合适。只有介词with “和 .一起 ”,用在这里正确。故答案为:D。( 3)句意:在他们.里有12 位男生和20 位女生。根据句意用class 班“”正确。故答案为: A。

40、( 4)句意:他的 .是 Jack。 home“家 ”, name“名字 ”, teacher 老“师 ”, class 班“”。根据上句“Bob有位好朋友。”可知这是介绍这位朋友,用name 合适。故答案为:B。( 5)句意: Jack 汉语讲得非常 .。根据下句 “可知 Bob 不行。 ”可知这里是讲得好。这里修饰动词用 well 。故答案为: C。( 6)句意: Bob 和 Jack 都喜欢 .。根据下一句 “他们经常从学校图书馆借书。 ”可知喜欢阅读。故答案为: C。【点评】这是考查知识综合运用的题目。首先通读短文,了解大致意思,然后根据上下文意思提示和所学语法知识选择合适的选项。15

41、 完形填空 完形填空It was Saturday morning. Li Ping1no class. He ate breakfast and went out. He was goingto see a good friend of2His friend was ill in bed. Now Li Ping was on his3thehospital. There was a river in front of4. He walked along the river5. It was notwide. He saw a board6the river. Li Ping walked onto the board. But he fell into the river.Help! Help! He7It was early in the m


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