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1、名校名 推荐Unit 2 Working the land reading 课时作业第一节:单项填空1. -What a great cook your sister is!- Yeah! We_ never have enough of her cookies.A. mayB. mustC. shouldD. can2. He hurried home, never once looking back to see if he _.A. was being followedB. was followingC. had been followedD. followed3. In 1963 th

2、e UN set up the World Food Program, one of _purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation.A. whichB. itsC. whoseD. whom4. Can you make a clear _ between the two terms? I feel very confused.A. descriptionB. distinctionC. distanceD. discussion5._ he misunderstood my position on the question is obvious f

3、rom his remarks.A. WhatB. WhichC. ThatD. How6. On top of the hill_, whose style dates back to the Song Dynasty.A. there standing a templeB. does a temple standC. a temple standsD. stands a temple7. - I want to see Mr. White. We have an appointment.-I m sorry, but he is not _ at the moment, for the m

4、eeting hasn tended.A. concernedB. convenientC. accessibleD. available8. -Since keeping positive is beneficial to the progress of our work and study, we should struggle not to let negative ideas _.A. take offB. take overC. take upD. take on9. I haventgot the reference book yet, but I llhave a test on

5、 the subject next month. Dontworry. You _ have it by Friday.1名校名 推荐A. couldB. shallC. mustD. may10.These two countries are similar _ they both have a high snowfall in winter.A. due toB. because ofC. in thatD. except that11.I can t remember _made the teacher give Mary the permission to leave the clas

6、s earlier.A. that it was whatB. what it was thatC. what was it thatD. that was it what12.Although I know the choice will affect every_ of my life, I still want to have a try.A. aspectB. accentC. analysisD. approach13.You ve just worked in the company. How can you say that to a person who is_ to you?

7、A. seniorB. contraryC. uniqueD. amazed14.He _ to escape from the prison, but he couldn t findelp himanybody. to hA. succeededB. attemptedC. managedD. offered15-Albert s birthday is on next Saturday, and I m planning a surprise party for him.- _. I ll bring some wine. 来源 :Zxxk.ComA. Sounds like f unB

8、. It dependsC. Just a minuteD. You are welcome第二节完形填空阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项中(A 、B 、 C、 D )中,选出最佳选项。It was a winter afternoon. Some friends and I were eating at a restaurant and taking. We talkedand talked and soon16became the topic. Suddenly I hit upon an idea. “Wouldn tit be fun togo17? Others go in win

9、ter, but whycouldn twe?18, we could b healthier if we did. ”I told them about this, and they all said it was a good idea19. Early the next morning, we fourwere standing at the bus stop, with bags in our hands,20for a bus to take us to the21.The sky was clear; the sun was shining. But it was very col

10、d all the same.22our heavyovercoats were not enough to keep us warm. We all felt we should go back, but no one wanted tospeak out.2名校名 推荐We soon reached the sands. There was23there, but we were not discouraged. Instead wewere 24 that we were the only ones that dared to challenge the weather.25we cha

11、ngedour clothes quickly. But things were not going so26 . The freezing sea wind was blowing. Wefelt very cold and trembled all over. At27we made up our minds to go into the water. Weput our feet in first28 to take them back very quickly. The water was unbelievably cold.Then I suggested we all jump i

12、n 29 . We all went back ten steps. I gave the30 , and we allrushed forward and jumped in. I shall never forget the moment I was in the water. I wasup31 and rushed again to the shore.32it was with my friends. We put on our clothes asquickly as possible.On the way back home, we talked about this unfor

13、gettable 33. The four of us didnot34 school for the following three days. We all suffered a lot35a very bad cold. Butwe thought it was all worth it.16.A filmB musicCsportsD play17.A swimmingB skatingCskiingD camping18.A SpeciallyB BesidesCReallyD Clearly19.A indeedB fullyCcertainlyD truly20.A lookin

14、gB searchingCwaitingD asking21.A riverB lakeCpoolD sands22.A EvenB YetCButD Just23.A somebodyB nobodyCeverybodyD anybody24.A excitedB happyCproudD lonely25.A SoB ButCStillD Yet26.A wrongB rightCbadD smooth27.A firstB allClastD once28.A justB thenConlyD but29.A one by oneB one after another3名校名 推荐C s

15、eparatelyD at the same time30.A messageB orderCmarkD information31.A slowlyB nervouslyClateD immediately32. A NorB AndCSoD Or33.A ideaB experimentCchanceD experience34.A attendB reachCenterD go35.A byB withCfromD of第三节:单词拼写根据首字母或汉语意思,在句中填入适当的词。1. A lot of buildings were _ during the Wenchuan earthqu

16、ake.2. You can come and have a chat with me whenever you feel it is c_ to you.3. The Chinese language c_ of many words borrowed from other languages.4. He has lots of d_ in making himself understood in English.5. I s_ that there was someone in the classroom with me.6. The English in this story has b

17、een _( 简写 )to make it easier to understand.7. They were waiting _( 焦虑地 )to see who will succeed him.8. At the top of the mountain I felt the stars were much brighter than usual when I _(观察 )the sky.9. The man made great _( 贡献 )to his hometown.10. He was born in a _( 富有的 )family.第四节书面表达根据以下汉语提示,写一篇短文

18、(120 字左右),要点如下,可适当添加自己的观点:假设你是李华,你校的新高一交换生Tom 对共享单车感到新奇,请你写一份邮件,邀请他去体验共享单车。内容包括:1现象:当今社会,共享单车(the shared-bikes)很受无论男女老少的欢迎,因此随处4名校名 推荐可见共享单车;2共享单车兴起的原因:有效地解决了 “最后一公里” 问题( the last-minute problem ),而且绿色无污染,健康环保。3约 Tom 周末骑共享单车。_参考答案单选1-15 DACBCDDBBCBAABA完形填空: 16-20CABAC21-25DABCA26-30-DCCDB31-35DCDAC单

19、词拼写1. destroyed2. convenient3. consists4. difficulty5. sensed6. simplified7. anxiously8. observed9. contributions10. wealthy书面表达Dear Tom,Learning that you have a strong fancy for the shared bikes, I am glad to tell you some relevant information about it.Currently, the bike-sharing program is popular

20、 among people ranging from the old and the young, as a result of which such a bike can be seen here and there.The shared bikes come into being for the reason that it solves the last kilometer problemefficiently and makes contribution to reducing air pollution.So beneficial is the shared-bike that we ought to have a try. I sincerely invite you to ride theshared-bikes with me this weekend. Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua5


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