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1、名校名 推荐2019 学年度人教版选修七Unit 1Living well课时作业 ( 二 )SectionLanguage points. 词汇运用 ( 用所给词的适当形式填空)1. The _child swims well in spite of her_.(disable)答案:disabled ; disability2The rich woman with great _had an_plan to build aschool in the poor village when she was young.(ambition)答案:ambition ; ambitious3As we

2、 all know ,fresh air is_to our health andthe newpark _us all,so we should keep itclean.(benefit)答案:beneficial;benefits4Praise acts as an_to the young, and therefore they shouldbe_insteadofbeingscolded,otherwisetheywouldbe_.(encourage)答案:encouragement;encouraged ;discouraged5 He is always _from schoo

3、l.His_fromschool isworrying.(absent)答案:absent ;absence6 Iwas_atthe_interruptionbytheyoungman.(annoy)答案:annoyed;annoying7. The concertheld at the FriendshipTheatre was_by a famous_from China.(conduct)答案:conducted ;conductor8 In the dark Peter had to depend on his senses of smell and_(hear) 答案:hearing

4、. 动词专练 ( 用所给动词的适当形式填空)1What_(annoy) me most was thatI couldn t runasfastas1名校名 推荐others.答案:annoyed2As well as_(go) to the movies, I also enjoy_(watch)football games.答案:going ; watching3 Theteacherdidn tknowhow_(persuade)meinto_(change) my mind.答案:to persuade; changing4I used to dream about_(play) th

5、e piano in frontof manypeople_ (represent) my school in the annual competition.答案:playing ;representing5 I vereadsome novels bythisyoungwriter, TheGift _(include) 答案:included6. Iwas glad to findI coulddo a lotofthings ,like_(write)and singing.答案:writing7My ambition is_(work) as a professional writer

6、,_(write) interesting and instructive booksfor children.答案:to work ;writing8IfIhad a chance to say something to children,I_(tell)them notto makefun of those _(need)help.Instead, tryyourbestto help them.答案:would tell;needy. 选词填空in other words,adapt to , cut out , out of breath,in addition, allin all,

7、 sit around,as well as,in many ways ,make fun of1It is unfair that some people_with nothing to do,while I do all the work.答案:sit around2名校名 推荐2By the time I got to the top of the hill,I was quite_.答案:out of breath3As a soldierwho once took partin World War , Williamhas feltglory _ pain.答案:as well as

8、4Simon said he was full._ ,he didn t want tohave more.答案:In other words5_, his English has improved a lot.答案:All in all6 Though inhis40s , Gordon stilltriestolearnnew thingsto_the new environment.答案:adapt to7 Plastics have found wide applications_:dishes for one,machine parts for another.答案:in many

9、ways8 Thosegirlshaveverysharptonguesandtheyliketo_others.答案:make fun of9You had better _the last two paragraphs of yourarticle.答案:cut out10The companyprovidescheap Internetaccess._,it makes shareware freely available.答案:In addition. 阅读理解Nick Vujicicwas born withno arms or legs ,but he doesn t letthi

10、s3名校名 推荐stop him.The brave 26-year-oldmanplays footballand golf ,and swims,in spiteof the fact that he has no arms or legs.Nick has a small foot on his left side,which helps him balance andmakes him able to kick.Heuses his one footto type ,writewith a pen andpick things up.“I call it my chicken drum

11、stick (鸡腿下段 ) ,” joked Nick,who wasborn in Melbourne ,Australia,but now livesin Los Angeles. “I d be lostwithout it.When I get in the water I float because 80 percent of my bodyis lungs and my drumstick acts as a propeller (螺旋桨 ) ”“Hes very modest ,but he gets marriage proposals ( 求婚 ) fromwomenall

12、the time,” said Nicks friend Steve Appel.“He would love to get marriedand starta family ,but hes waitingfor the right girl to come along.”WhenNick was born his fatherwas so shocked thathe leftthe hospitalroom.His distraughtmother couldn t bring herself to hold him until hewas four months old.His dis

13、abilitycamewithoutany medical explanation,which was a rarecase.Nick and his parents spent many years asking why this cruel trickwould happen to them.“My mother was a nurse and she did everythingrightduringpregnancybut she still blamed herself,” he said.“It was so hard for them ,but right from the st

14、art they did their best to make me independent. My dad put me in the water at 18 months andgave me the courage to learn how to swim.”语篇解读Nick Vujicic出生于澳大利亚的墨尔本市。在出生时,他没有四肢。但是,现年 26 岁的 Nick Vujicic会踢足球、打高尔夫球、 游泳和打字等,他的生活几乎与正常人一样。1We can learn from the text that Nick_.Ahas a poor sense of balance4名校名

15、 推荐Bunderstands his mother very wellCconsiders his small foot uglyDis disappointed with his health condition解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知,Nick 非常理解自己的母亲。答案:B2What can we learn from what Steve Appel said?ANick Vujicic is serious about his marriage.BNick Vujicic is not popular with women.CNick Vujicic is afraid

16、of starting a family.DNick Vujicic is not willing to get married.解析:推理判断题。根据第五、六段的内容可知,有很多女子向Nick 求婚,他本人也渴望结婚成家, 但是他目前还没结婚是因为他还没有找到合适的人选。由此看来, Nick 对待婚姻非常慎重。答案:A3The underlined word“distraught” in the text probably means“_”Acold-bloodedBbad-temperedCreally shyDextremely upset解析:词义猜测题。 根据第七段可知, 母亲一开始

17、无法接受孩子残疾这个事实,直到四个月大,母亲才开始抱Nick 。由此可见,母亲当时非常烦恼。故推测 distraught意为“忧心如焚的,心烦意乱的”。答案:D4Which would be the best title for the passage?AHow does Nick play sports?BLife without arms or legsCWhat to learn from Nick?DNick and his parents解析:标题归纳题。 B 项概括的比较全面,而其他三项都只涉及其中的某一方面,不够全面,故选B 项。答案:B5名校名 推荐WhenGina was a

18、bout two,she hadnt startedto speak.Her doctorsdidtests and decided that Gina had autism (孤独症 ) Autism caused Gina todislike making eye contact with others.She was afraid in public.Ginastarted therapies (治疗 ) right away.One was music therapy,which usedsongs to help herlearn words.Shebegan by humming

19、( 哼) pieces ofmusic,and intime , sheadded thewordstothesongs.Gina sfamilywason_cloud_nine.Music had helped their daughter find her first words.Whenshe was about five ,Gina had a CDof songs from a singershe reallyliked.She listened to it over and over.It felt really good to sing,and she got really go

20、od at it.One day,Gina saw someone singing at abasketball game on TV.Her mom told her that maybe she could do that oneday, too.Gina liked that idea.So when her momfound out thata major league baseballteam was holdingtryouts( 预赛 ) forsingersto perform at theirgames,Gina,who was six ,decided to go for

21、it.She did feel very nervous about singing in front ofa lot of people she didnt know.But her whole family and many of herfriends showed up to support her.After the tryout,she wasnt nervousany more.Then the team picked her to perform at a game.She did it.Since thatfirst game, Gina has given more than

22、 100 public performances at ballgames.As a young star , she shows people a few thingsabout autism and howkids who have it can follow their dreams.Gina has just turned nine, andright now her dream is to be a singing teacher.As a singing teacher,shed help kids who need helpthose kids who are different

23、,like her.语篇解读患孤独症的女孩Gina 在音乐中找到了自己的位置,她也希望将来长大后能帮助像自己一样的孩子们。5What do the words “on cloud nine ” in Paragraph1 probablymean?6名校名 推荐AFrightened.BPatient.CVery happy.DVery angry.解析:词义猜测题。看到Gina 能够唱出一些单词,她的父母应感到非常高兴。他们担心Gina 不会说话,而现在Music had helped theirdaughter findher first words,故可推测 on cloud nine是

24、“非常高兴”的意思。答案:C6 Ginasang forthefirsttimebeforemany strangerswhen shewas_.AtwoBfiveCsixDnine解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的Gina,who was six 和 sing in frontof a lot of people she didn t know 可知, Gina 六岁时第一次在很多陌生人面前唱歌。答案:C7 It can be inferred that when Gina sang at the first game shefelt_.AnervousBcalmCshyDsatisfied解析

25、:推理判断题。根据第三段末句After the tryout,she wasntnervous anymore 可知,这次表演之后, Gina 再也不紧张了。由此推断,她第一次为比赛演唱的时候,也不紧张。答案:B8Why does Gina dream of becoming a singing teacher?AShe wants to train more singers.BShe thinks the job is very interesting.CShe likes to spend time with children.DShe wants to help children with autism.解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段的those kids who are different,like her可以推断, Gina 将来想当一名音乐教师是为了帮助那些像她一样患孤独症的孩子们。7名校名 推荐答案:D8


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