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1、名校名 推荐Unit 5 Travelling abroad grammar课时作业.阅读理解A2019 河南质评 On a hot evening in September, the Highland High School team was pronouncing to win its first game of the season.“I was really excited,” said Highlanders linebacker Ryan Ferrini. “This was the game when it finally came together.” With several

2、 seconds left in the fourth quarter and the Tompkins High School team upto seize a dramatic comefrom-behind victory.On the previous play, after the Highlanders had driven the ball deep into the Tompkins territory (防守区 ), quarterback Will Gentry had connected with receiver Austin Brauweiler at the th

3、ree-yard line. As Brauweiler turned upfield, a Tompkins defender delivered a hit, knocking them both to the ground at the oneyard- line.“ There was a huge force, as if a truck had hit me,” saidBrauweiler, who suffered from the collision (撞击 ). But it was the Tompkins player who got the worst of it.

4、He lay still on the ground and a doctor had been called. Thats when the Tompkins coach walked across the field and told Highlanders coach Colschen that his players were too upset to finish the game and they would lose the game.“ In life, the well- being of others is whats important, not the scoreboa

5、rd,” said Colschen. He gathered his Highlanders and told themit was time to support their grieving ( 悲伤的 ) competitors. They agreed.After the injured player was airlifted to a hospital, the two teams took the field again. The Highland teams teammates took a knee and1名校名 推荐didnt start any action, onl

6、y waiting for the game clock to strike zero.Game over.“ What my players did was amazing,” said Colschen. “I wassurprised and encouraged that they were thinking not about themselvesbut about others”.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文, 主要讲述了在一场比赛中发生了双方队员相撞事件后, 其中一方的队员为了尊重对方队员将最后的比赛时间耗尽的故事。1What can we learn from Paragrap

7、h 1?A The match was coming to an end.BThe match would end the football season.CThe Highlanders is a difficult team to beat.DThe Tompkins was confident of victory in the final.答案与解析: A 考查细节理解。根据第一段中的 “With several seconds left in the fourth quarter and the Tompkins High School team up”可知,比赛快要结束了,故选A。

8、2Who was most injured in the collision?A A Highlanders player.BA Tompkins defender.CAustin Brauweiler.DWill Gentry.答案与解析: B 考查细节理解。根据第二段中的 “a Tompkins defender delivered a hit, knocking them both to the ground at the one-yard line ”以及第三段中的 “it was the Tompkins player who got the worst of it”可知,是 Tom

9、pkins的防守队员受伤最为严重, 故选 B。3Why did the Highlanders take no action until the end of the game?2名校名 推荐A Because they had already won it.BBecause one of their players got injured.CBecause they were given an unfair judgment.DBecause they cared and respected their competitors.答案与解析: D考查推理判断。根据第四段、第五段的内容以及最后一

10、段中的“I was surprised and encouraged that they werethinking not about themselves but about others”可知,在相撞事件发生后,Highlanders 的队员们认为在比赛中身体健康才是最为重要的,所以 Highlanders 的队员们在比赛结束前任凭时间一分一秒过去而不采取任何行动,这也是为了安慰因队友受伤而伤心的对方队员们, 表示对对手的尊重。故选 D。4What message is conveyed in the passage?A More haste, less speed.BAll men ca

11、nnot be first.CBetter to be safe than sorry.DFriendship first, competition second.答案与解析: D 考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的 “The Highland teams teammates took a knee and didnt start any action, only waiting for the game clock to strike zero ”和最后一段中的 “they were thinking not about themselves but about others”可以看出,在双方

12、的竞争中,Highland 高中的队员们没有一味地为了追求成功而不顾对方的感受,相反,他们把对对手的尊重置于个人的荣誉之上,这传达出的正是 “友谊第一,比赛第二 ”的精神,故选 D。A 项意为 “欲速则不达”;B 项意为 “不可能人人得第一名 ”;C 项意为 “安全胜过遗憾 ”。B2019 福州练习 If your friends are happy, it turns out youre more3名校名 推荐likely to be happy too. If your friends are overweight, that too ups the chances youll gain

13、weight. Those effects have been shown in studies. And now researchers have identified another seemingly contagious quality: exercise.The researchers analyzed the running activity of more than a million people worldwide who used an exercise tracking device ( 装置 ) for five years. And they used weather

14、 patterns as a way to randomly examine different parts of that global network.“ Cities have different weather patterns , ” Sinan Aral, acomputational social scientist at MIT says. This experiment allowed them to ask: Does a rainy day in New York affect running in San Diego? If the weather in New Yor

15、k causes changes in the running behavior in San Diego, it can really only be happening through the influences of the friends who live between New York and San Diego.And that is exactly what he and his colleague saw: that the behavior of one citys runners could indeed affect the behavior of runners i

16、n another socially connected city. Women tended to be influenced more by the female runners in their networks. And less active runners tended to influence more active runners to run more, but not so much the other way around.Still, this could be valuable for health professionals. “We have to start t

17、hinking of consumers and citizens as networked consumers and citizens. Where they are influenced by and influence their social network in very strong ways, that will change the way a particular intervention (干涉 ) succeeds or fails”.In other words, if your prescription is more exercise, the doctors m

18、ight want to write a prescription for your friends and family, too.体裁: 说明文题材:调查研究主题:锻炼也会传染4名校名 推荐【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了锻炼也会传染。【熟词生义】up 常用义: adv.向上地本句义: vt.提高,增加【难句分析】 If the weather in New York causes changes in the running behavior in San Diego, it can really only be happening through the influences of the

19、friends who live between New York and San Diego. 分析:这是一个复合句。 If 引导条件状语从句,主句中含有 who引导的定语从句, who 指代先行词 the friends,并在定语从句中作主语。译文:如果纽约的天气造成圣地亚哥人的跑步行为改变,那么这种改变真的只能通过住在纽约和圣地亚哥之间的朋友的影响来实现。5Which does the underlined word “contagious” in Paragraph 1mean?A Infectious.BExcellent.CBeneficial.DDifferent.答案与解析:A

20、 考查词义猜测。根据画线词前的 “If your friends are happy. youll gain weight”可知,这些具有传染的特征。 故画线词的词义是 “传染性的 ”,故选 A 项。6What can we conclude from the experiment?A Weather changes peoples feelings.BPeoples behavior affects each other.CExercise has something to do with weather.DPeoples connection depends on distance.答案与

21、解析:B考查推理判断。根据第四段中的“that thebehavior of one citys runners could indeed affect the behavior of runnersin another socially connected city”可推知,人们的行为是互相影响的,故选 B 项。5名校名 推荐7What does “this” in Paragraph 5 refer to?A Women are easier to be influenced by male runners.BPeople in the same city affect each othe

22、r more.CFriends tend to influence each other in exercising.DA rainy day in one city affects running in another.答案 与解析:C考查 代词指代。根据 第四段的最后两 句“Women tended to be influenced more by the female runners in theirnetworks. And less active runners tended to influence more active runners to run more, but not

23、so much the other way around”并结合第五段内容可推知, this 指代的是第四段最后两句的内容,即朋友在锻炼时往往是互相影响的,故选C 项。8Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A Think twice before runningBMore exercise benefits healthCWeather patterns affect running behavior DHealthy behavior can spread like illness答案与解析: D 考查主旨大意。

24、本篇文章开篇提到如果你的朋友快乐,那你也快乐的可能性很大;如果你的朋友体重超重,那你体重增加的概率也会上升, 这些效应已经被研究证明。 现在研究人员证实了另一个似乎具有传染性的东西:锻炼。故 D 项最适合作本文的标题。 .七选五2019 甘肃联考 Coming face-to-face with your inadequacies (缺点 ) can be painful, to say the least. _1_ It even makes you question yourself. Your knee-jerk reaction may be to get defensive or e

25、ven dismiss the critique entirely. But handling negative feedback with grace will not6名校名 推荐only make you look gracious, but it could ultimately help you grow as a person. Heres how to do it.1Be objective about the criticismBefore you jump to conclusions and begin to challenge the other persons opin

26、ion, take a step back and look at it objectively.Next time you get a bad review, dont immediately allow your emotions to get the better of you, but rather, take a moment to consider whether the criticism is at all accurate. _2_2Avoid unnecessary conflictIf you decide that the point is valid, it may

27、be hard to take. In your discomfort, you may feel the urge to criticize the other person angrily and defend yourself. _3_3Be open to the idea of change_4_ And it may be because of a concept called “cognitive dissonance” that can prevent us from changing even when thats what we need most.4Ask questio

28、nsIf youre open to using the criticism as a springboard to improvement, you will likely need more information. _5_ Your emotions will be running high, and you may not be particularly receptive to extra information. However, when you feel ready, it could be worth revisiting the subject with the perso

29、n who criticized you. Even if you dont agree with their advice, thank them and promise to consider it.A Most of us are pretty stubborn.BThere is no doubt that change is necessary.CBut its best to avoid getting into an argument.DBeing sensitive to criticism leads you nowhere.7名校名 推荐EIt challenges the

30、 way you believe people see you.FGive yourself a chance to really take in the information and evaluate it.GThe initial moment you hear it may not be the best time to ask formore details.【语篇解读】 听到别人对你的批评也许会很痛苦, 但是如果优雅地处理这些问题,自己将变得更好。1答案与解析: E 根据空后一句话可知, 空处与下一句是递进关系,E 项 “这会挑战你认为别人看待你的方式 ”,所以 E 项符合语境。2

31、答案与解析: F 根据空前的 “dont immediately allow your emotions to get the better of you, but rather, take a moment to consider whether the criticism is at all accurate”可知,空处应讲给自己一个机会真正吸收这些信息并对其进行评估。故F 项符合语境。3答案与解析:C根据该段小标题 “Avoid unnecessary conflict”可知, C 项“但是最好避免陷入争吵”符合语境。4答案与解析: A根据空后的 “And it may be because of aconcept called cognitivedissonancethat can prevent us fromchanging even when thats what we need most”及本段小标题可知, A项“我们大部分人都很倔强”符合语境。5答案与解析: G 根据空后的 “Your emotions will be running high, and you may not be particularly receptive to extra information ”并结合上文可知, 空处应讲最开始听到批评时不适合问更多的细节, 故G 项符合语境。8


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