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1、名校名 推荐永年一中高一英语暑假作业(七)使用时间 7 月 14 号用时 -60 分钟家长签字 -BOOK2 Unit 2单元练习一、单词拼写1.You cannot c_ with others in the job market if you don t have aspecial skill.2. The reporter tried to i_ more people to collect more information.3. The newspaper has lots of a_, which help us to find a good job.4. The suspect(嫌

2、疑人 ) a _ his crime to the police.5. He is an h_ person. You can believe in him.6. The boy made a _诺(言 ) to his parents about his plans.7. The family has many _亲(戚 ) in Canada.8. The _(有魔力的 ) tools are popular with young children.二、 完成下列句子 .1.I went to see my grandfather每(几周 ).2. He decided to travel

3、 by car _而(不是 ) by train.3. He never listens to anything , expect when it _(有关系 )himself.4. Since he has decided to go there, nothing will _(改变主意).5. At last he _成(功解决出 ) this problem.6. I would _(用车接你 ) at the school gate.7. It s said that they _(已经结婚 10 年了 )。8. Tom admitted having cheated in the e

4、xam, _答(应下次不会这样了 ).9. 短语辨析10. be/get used to ; used to;11. I _ enjoy gardening, but I don t have enough time now.12. It took me several days to _ living in this area.13. Wood can _ to be made into paper.14. take part in; attend15. They _ the heated discussion soon., which made me very happy.16. Born

5、 in Guangzhou, he _ high school in Jiangsu.17. Would you like to _ the opening ceremony?18. join; join in;19. Li M ing doesn t like to _ the night club.20. They _ us in complaining about service in this hotel.21. They took no interest in _ the celebrations.22. as well, as well as; also; too; either2

6、3. We _ went to see the film.24. I like walking, and I like watching TV , _.1名校名 推荐25. You might _ stay at home at this moment.26. He didn t get the news, _.27. She _ her parents is leaving for the First Island.28. 语法专练29. Don t worry about that. It _(finish) next week.30. She _(meet) by her friends

7、 as soon as she arrives.31. I hear that more than one million dollars _(spend) on the project.32. Many chances _(lose) if you don t work hard.33. The sports meeting _ (hold) next month.三、完形填空My ears are recently full of joyous remarksfrom my friends such as,“ Oh,Beckham is so handsome, so cool that

8、I can t help falling in love with him!” operfect sills he has!” Yeah,1toI some degree,though I sometimes do want to2 them how much they know about Beckham, apart from his appearance and howmuch they know about football apart from 3goals. It seems funny that we are4 for things, with which we are unfa

9、miliar or about which we are uncertain, but weall, my friends as well as I, consider this one of life5 . sWe need these pleasures to bright up our lives. But that doesn6 to crazinesstor nonsense. As an old saying goes:“ Don t judge a book by its cover7not.” Wejudge anything from its appearance.We sh

10、ould all know, it is onegoods8 andgreat contribution that makes one a star and unforgettable. Therefore we d better9 about Beckham s good looks.If we close our eyes, falling in deep 10, we can find that the things that moveus to be really happy or sad have a clear meaning. If we don t go deeper and

11、are justsatisfied with 11things, sooner or later we will find that we have not really gainedanything because our first 12has blinded and misled(误导 ) us, and we ll remainignorant(无知的 )13 we realize that and make some changes.It is believed that thinking and going deeper than before is sign of great p

12、rogress.If one day we are willing to go deeper into everything, no matter how much it14us, we will finallyprove how much we have 15up, how much more sensible,mature(成熟的 ), and intelligent(智慧的 ) we have become.1 A likeB agreeC hopeD think2名校名 推荐2A askB tellC teachD doubt3A kickingB hittingC scoringD

13、controlling4A thankfulB crazyC curiousD anxious5A aimsB qualitiesC pleasuresD truths6A comeB increaseC amountD rise7A daredB wouldC couldD should8A thinkingB characterC looksD ability9A moreB somethingC lessD nothing10A loveB sleepC senseD thought11A materialB deepC surfaceD pleasant12A conclusionB

14、experienceC lessonD impression13A sinceB althoughC unlessD before14A worriesB painsC satisfiesD offers15A givenB sentC builtD gro四 语法填空Chinese proverbs(谚语) are rich and they are still widely used in Chinese peoplesdaily life.31 these proverbs there are often interesting stories. For example, theprov

15、erb, plucking up a crop_32(help) it grow, is based on the following story.It is said that a short-tempered man in theSong Dynasty (960-1279) was veryanxious to help33rice crop grow up quickly. He wasthinking about_34day and night. But the crop was growing much slower than heexpected. Oneday, he came

16、 up with an idea_35he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches.He did so the next day. He was very tired_36doing this for a whole day, 37he feltvery happy since thecrop did“grow38(high).。His son heard about this and went to see the crop. Unfortunately the leaves of thecrop began towither. This pr

17、overb is saying we have to let things go in their39(nature) course.Being tooanxious to help an event develop often40(result)in the contrary to our3名校名 推荐intention.参考答案 拼写:1. compete 2. interview 3. advertisements 4. admitted 5. honest 6. promise7. relations / relatives 8. magicalI. 完成句子 :1. every fe

18、w weeks 2. instead of / rather than 3. relates to / is related to 4. change his mind 5. succeeded in working out / managed to work out 6. pick you up 7. have been married for ten years 8. promising not to do that next timeIII. 短 辨析:A: 1 used to2 get used to 3 be used toB: 1 took part in2 attended3 a

19、ttendC: 1 join2 joined3 joined inD: 1 also2 too3 as well4 either5 as well asV. 法 :1. will be finished2. will be met3. will be spent4. will be lost5. isgoing to be held / will be heldVI.完形填空 : 1-5 BACBC6-10 CDBCD1115 CDCBD 答案与解析 31. Behind/In,指在 些 的背后,也就是 些 所 涵的故事。32. to help,plucking up a crop to he

20、lp it grow ”的意思是“拔苗助 ”,其中的不定式 to helpit grow 目的状 。33. his,因前面提到的是 a short-tempered man,故此 用 his 表示“他的”。34. it/this/that,用以指代 help his rice crop grow up quickly 件事。35. that,用以引 同位 从句。36. after/from,用 after 可以在句意上得到解 , 指工作了一整天之后感到很累了;用 from可以从搭配上得到解 ,因 be tired from 固定搭配,其意 “因 而 4名校名 推荐累”,其中的 from 表原因

21、,如 He was tired from walking all the way to the station. 他因一路走到 站而 得累。 She was tired from long studying.她因 学 而感到 累。注意: be tried of 与 be tired from 不同,前者表示 “ 感到 或 倦”,后者表示“因而疲倦”。37. but,表示前后意思上的 折。38. higher,根据句意可知,指庄稼比“被拔”之前“ 高”了。39. natural,用于名 前作定 ,故用形容 形式。 natural course 指自然生 程。40. results,因主 名 , 故 要用 数。 result in 固定搭配,意 “ 致 果”,如 His doing things should result in success由.他做的 , 会成功。 Failureto obey theregulations may result in disqualification.若不遵守 章,就会被取消 格。5


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