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1、名校名 推荐第 5 讲情态动词和虚拟语气一、用合适的情态动词或 “情态动词所给词的适当形式”填空1I should have been there, but I _ find the time.2Helen_ go on the trip with us, but she isnt quite sureyet.3Tom, you _ not leave all your clothes on thefloor likethis!4You cant imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _ be sorude to a lady.5It has been a

2、nnounced that candidates _ remain in theirseats until all the papers have been collected.6Lucy doesnt mind lending you her dictionary. She _.Ive already borrowed one.7John, look at the time._ you play the piano at such a latehour?8_ this book be yours? No, it _ be mine.It _ be Toms.He is looking for

3、 his book.9As a girl, she _ get up at six every day.10. _ he to clean the classroom after school?11You _ be tired after the long trip, arent you? 12Whats the name? Khulaifi._ I spell that for you?13You _ (see) the film, havent you?14You _ (talk) on the phone at that time, for I couldntget through.15

4、They _ (miss) the plane, or perhaps they have beenprevented from coming for some reasons.16_ you pass the College Entrance Examination!17 He had known the matter before you told him, so you_ (not tell) it to him.18 Ididnotcalltomake any airlinereservation butI_.19The light is out.They _ (not work) n

5、ow.20My cat is really fat. You_ (not give) her so much food.21_ such a woman be loved by so good a man?22You _ smoke here.The sign says“No smoking ”1名校名 推荐23You are in uniform.You must be a policeman, _you?24No matter how heavy the rain was, she _ give upattending his lecture.25It _ sound funny, but

6、 it is true.26He announced that he _ walk home.And soon hedisappeared.27You naughty boy! You _ get what you deserve.28At that time they thought the story _ be true.29You _ get the book as soon as I have read it.30 Theres a lot of noise from the bedroom.It _John.He _ (dance)Tell him to stop.二、用所给动词的适

7、当形式填空1If he _ (warn), he _ (not take) thatfood. Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.2When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it_ (break)3I would rather they _ (not hear) of the news.4I wish I _ (have) a room of my own when I was achild.5But for the teacher, I_ (not ch

8、ange) my attitude tostudy yet.6Without air to hold some of the suns heat, the earth at night_ (be) freezing cold, too cold for us to stay.7If I had worked harder at school, I _ (sit) in acomfortable office now.8Her pale face suggested that she _ (be) ill, and hercolleagues suggested thatshe_ (have)a

9、medicalexamination.9I insisted he _ (go) to see a doctor, but he insistednothing_ (be) wrong with him.10He says that he _ (give) an opportunity to explainwhy hes refused to go there.11It is high time we _ (get) down to discuss this plan.12If it were not for the fact that you _ (be) too busy, Iwould

10、ask you to help me do this right now.13Who do you suggest _ (send) to work there?14I would have come earlier, but I _ (not know) that2名校名 推荐you were waiting for me.15 Ifit _ (rain) tomorrow, the outing would becancelled.16I _ (come) too if I had time to spare.17I didnt see your sister at the meeting

11、.If she _(come), she would have met my brother.18 Ifthe hurricane had happened during the daytime, there_ (be) more deaths.19If it _ (rain) tomorrow, we _ (not goout)20_ (be) I in good health, I _ (go) withyou tomorrow.三、语篇填空用所给词的适当形式填空。I am a middle school student.I have many dreams.If there(1)_ (b

12、e) not so much homework, I would have more time to dowhat I like to do.How I wish I (2)_ (listen) to my favorite musicfor an hour a day and (3)_ (play) table tennis for an hour in themorning!Its my desire that we (4)_ (hold) evening parties or(5)_ (organize) some interesting activities at weekends.I

13、 suggestthat there (6)_ (be) not so many tests.You can imagine what life(7)_ (will) be if I (8)_ (realize) my dream.But I mustface the exams.Without good marks, I (9)_ (will) notenter myideal university.Anyway, its high time that I (10)_ (encourage)myself and worked hard from now on.3名校名 推荐第 5 讲情态动词

14、和虚拟语气一、 1.couldnt2.may3.must/should 4.should5shall6.neednt7.Must8.Can; cant; must9would10.Ought11.must12.Shall13must have seen14.must be talking15might have missed16.May17neednt have told 18.should have19cant be working20.shouldnt have given21 Can22.mustnt23.arent 24.would not 25.may/might26.would 2

15、7.shall28.might29shall30.must be; must be dancing二、 1.had been warned; wouldnt have taken2were broken3.hadnt heard4.had had5wouldnt have changed 6.would be7would be sitting8.was; (should) have9(should) go; was10.(should) be given11got/should get 12.are13.be sent14didnt know15rained/should rain/were to rain16would/should come17.had come18would have been19rained/should rain/were to rain; should/would/could not go out20Were; would go三、 1.were 2.listened 3.played 4.(should) hold 5(should) organize 6.(should) be 7.would8realized/should realize/were to realize9would10.encouraged4


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