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1、Unit4 Drawing in the park教案Period One: Story time教学目 :1能听懂、会 、会 draw picture park flower boat rivereasy difficult2能听懂、会 、会 日常交 用 good idea , sure , it s easy ,it s difficult , but I can try .3能初步运用以下句型what can you see ? I can see来 看到的事物 行交流;初步使用句型 Can you来交流会做的事。4能正确理解 文内容,并 行表演。教学重点:1. 准生 draw pict

2、ure park flower boat river easy difficult2.会在具体 境中使用句型 good idea , sure , it s easy , it s difficult , but I can try .3. 正确理解 文内容。教学 点:1. 生 的 音2. 怎 正确使用句型 行交 。教学 程:Step1 warm up1.Greetings2.Free talkDay,date,weatherWhat lessons do you have this moring?What subjects do you like?T:IlikeEnglish,too.we

3、can sing songs ,we can play games at an Englishlesson. Do you like games?3.Play a game.Answer questions with“yeah, yeah, yeah” or“ no, no, no ” quickly.Step2 Pre-reading1. Teach: picture tree boat river flowerWay:T: I can draw pictures, too. (teach: draw pictures)What can you draw? Where can you dra

4、w?This is my picture. Is it beautiful? Thank you. It s a picture of apark. (teach park)Look at thispark.What can you see?T: what can you see in the picture?第 1页S: I can see ( 逐个教授 tree boat river flower)Step3 While reading1.Let s guess(1)There are anothertwo persons who also come to thisbeautifulpar

5、k.Who are they?What are they doing in the park?2.Watch and choose(1)What are they doing?You canget the answers from thecartoon Letswatch the cartoon ,OK?(2)So Mike and Tim are drawing in the park. (reveal the title of the unit), (3)teach drawing3.Listen and tickWhat does Tim draw?Let s listen and fi

6、nd out the answers. Listen! Have you found the answers?4.Read and judgeT: They can draw the tree,the flowers and the boat in the park .Look atthese pictures, Which can be Tim s pictures? And how do you know?Please find the sentences in the passage , and underline it .(Teach: easy difficult)指 sure ,

7、it s easy . It s difficult , but I can try . Is this a boat ? 出 气5.retell the story(根据板 )6.Learn a proverbT:Ithink Tim isa good boy,because when he meets troubles,hedoesntgive up,he has a try. So .7.Try to imitateYou have known the story.It s time forreading.Lets read and imitatethestoryafterpleasep

8、ayattentiontoyourpronunciationandintonation. Are you ready?Wow, you read very well.8.Happy reading timeNow, boys and girls, it s happy reading time. Choose the way you like to read the story. Ready, go!Which group wants to have a try?Wonderful, big hand for them.Step 4: Consolidation1. Let s act.Now

9、, I think you can read the story very well. So, let s act out the第 2页story. Please practice in groups.OK, time is up. Here are some tips for you. When you act you can use them. Which group wants to act?Big hand for them. Well done!2.Let s showT:Tim draws in the park.Where else can you draw?S: In the

10、 zoo/school,on the farmT:I think you can draw well too,Now please take out your pictures.Show it to your partners.Make up a dialogue and act it out.Step5 homework1.Draw a picture and try to describe your pictures to your friends.完成你的画,并 向你的朋友描述你的画。 一步通 文,并 背。2.Read Story time and try to recite it.读

11、Story time 并 背。教学反思:本 以“在公园画画” 主 展开教学,开始的 free talk 引入游 , 了学生的 极性,复 了 Can you ? 个句型。又从游 中老 也会画画自然 渡到主 Drawing in the park, 接着用出示教 画作的形式把学生 到真 的生活背景中, 学生在有声有色的声音感染中不知不 学 生字 。然后引入 文故事的学 , 中我 由整体入手, 学生搭建了多 次的 言学 平台。即先 学生 看 文 画,听 音找出 Mike 和 Tim 在公园中能画的景物, 短文有一个初步 的印象;然后 短文,帮助学生梳理文本,并指 重点句子的朗 ,体会人物的感情;接着在各种形式 完 文后 了表演故事的活 。 最后, 学生和同伴 自己画的 画并 行表演, 英 与美 行了整合。学生在整 中很投入, 极参与 堂,无 是回答 是朗 表演都很不 ,充分体 了学生的主体性, 着 培养了学生的口 表达和运用能力。第 3页


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