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1、Marketing Plan for:XXXXWritten by:(Name)(Contact Information)(Date)Private and ConfidentialTable of ContentsExecutive Summary3Company Description4Strategic Focus and Plan5Mission/Vision6Goals7Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage8Situation Analysis9SWOT Analysis10Industry Analysis10C

2、ompetitor Analysis10Company Analysis10Customer Analysis11Market-Product Focus11Marketing and Product Objectives11Product and Service Descriptions11Marketing Program12Sales Process and Impact13Financial Data and Projections14Marketing Organization15Implementation Plan16Evaluation and Control17Executi

3、ve SummaryThe Executive Summary “sells” the marketing plan to readers through its clarity and brevity. The summary should present a description of the product/service, its target market, and its need within the market. The summary should also provide an overview of the main points of the plan and sh

4、ould emphasize an action orientation.Company DescriptionThe company description should highlight the recent history and successes of the company or organization, as well as tombstone data about its age, size and geographic distribution. Key partnerships that impact marketing activities should be men

5、tioned. Revenue history can also be included to help clarify the marketing challenge.Strategic Focus and PlanWhile not included in all marketing plans, the Strategic Focus and Plan sets the strategic direction for the entire organization.Mission/VisionThe Mission/Vision statement is a high-level, qu

6、alitative statement that specifies the overall markets and product lines in which a business will compete. A mission statement can dramatically affect the range of a firms marketing activities by narrowing or broadening the competitive playing field. An effective mission statement must be clear and

7、direct, and should speak to the companys commitment to customers, employees, investors/shareholders and partners/suppliers.GoalsThe Goals section of a marketing plan sets both financial and non-financial targets. Goals should be in quantitative terms, where possible, to facilitate measuring the comp

8、anys future performance. Examples of a non-financial goals: “It is recommended that ABC Inc. diversify its product lines to achieve 50 percent of sales revenue in non-tobacco products in the next five years.” And “A critical success factor for ABC Inc. is to increase market share in consumer wireles

9、s devices from current 17% to over 30% within 3 years.”An example of a financial goal (note it is specific and measurable): “It is suggested that XYZ Inc. increase sales from $10 million in 2000 to $15 million in 2001.”Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive AdvantageWhereas the mission defines

10、the scope of a business or business unit and the goals define its strategic performance dimensions, its business unit competencies determine the means for achieving success. An example of a competitive advantage: “McDonalds competitive advantage is its large number of restaurants, more than double i

11、ts competitors, making it more convenient for customers than any other fast food restaurant in the world.”1. Situation AnalysisThe essence of the situation analysis is taking stock of where the firm or product has been recently, where it is now, and where it is headed. The situation analysis is the

12、first of three steps in the planning stage. SWOT AnalysisThe SWOT analysis is an effective short-hand summary of the situation analysis. The acronym is used to describe an organizations internal Strengths and Weaknesses and its external Opportunities and Threats. This analysis provides a solid found

13、ation as a springboard to identify subsequent actions in the marketing plan. The SWOT analysis can be effectively presented in a tabular format followed by a text discussion that elaborates on the information in the table.An analysis to identify internal strengths and weaknesses usually includes the

14、 following areas in an organization:When analyzing:Consider:Managementexperience level, management style, sizeOfferingsuniqueness, quality, price, Marketingtype and scope of marketing planPersonnelquality and experience of workforceFinancesales revenuesManufacturingquality and dependability of suppl

15、iersR & Dplans for continual product improvement, R & D budgetAn analysis to identify external opportunities and threats usually includes the following factors:When analyzing these factors:Consider:Consumer/Socialsize and stability of marketCompetitivenumber and size of competitorsTechnologicalthe e

16、ffect of technology on any facet of the businessEconomiccurrent and projected economic situation of marketLegal/Regulatorythe effect of legal and regulatory factors on any facet of the businessIndustry AnalysisThe industry analysis section should provide the backdrop for a more detailed analysis of

17、the competition, the company, and the customer. An in-depth analysis will give both internal and external readers of the plan confidence in the companys ability to understand its own industry.Competitor AnalysisAn effective analysis of the competition should demonstrate that the company has a realis

18、tic understanding of its major competitors and their marketing strategies. As in with the industry analysis, a realistic assessment makes readers feel confident that the marketing actions in the plan are well grounded. Company AnalysisThe company analysis provides details of a companys strengths and

19、 marketing strategies that will enable it to achieve its marketing goals.Customer AnalysisA thorough customer analysis answers the question: “Who are our customers?” Understanding your customers and what they want is critical in satisfying them and providing genuine value. 2. Market-Product FocusMar

20、keting and Product Objectives待添加的隐藏文字内容3Setting product objectives and identifying target market segments significantly increases the chance that a product will be successful. The objectives and goals should be stated in measurable terms so that they can be measured during the program implementation

21、 and control phases of the marketing plan. Target MarketsBecause an organization cannot satisfy the needs of all consumers, it must concentrate its marketing efforts on the needs of specific niches or target markets. In describing the target markets, consider why a particular target market was selec

22、ted and how the product or service meets the needs of the target market. Points of DifferencePoints of Difference are those characteristics of a product that make it superior to competitive substitutes. The greatest single factor in a new products failure is the lack of significant points of differe

23、nce. PositioningA products unique points of difference are communicated by way of a positioning strategy. Product and Service DescriptionsDescribe the Companys products and services. Identify any products or services that will be invoiced to a customer. Provide a look at the percentage of revenues r

24、epresented by each product or service.3. Marketing ProgramEverything that has gone before in the marketing plan sets the stage for the marketing mix actions - the 4 Ps - covered in the marketing plan. Product, price, promotion, and place (distribution) strategies are all detailed in the Marketing Pr

25、ogram section of the plan. When describing these strategies:Include these elements:ProductFeatures, brand name, packaging, service, warrantyPriceList price, discounts, allowances, credit terms, payment periodPromotionAdvertising, personal selling, sales promotion, publicityPlaceOutlets, channels, co

26、verage, transportation, stock level4. Sales Process and ImpactDescribe the anticipated selling process and how marketing programs will work to effectively support the sales teams efforts. Clearly outline distinct roles and responsibilities for both the sales and marketing organizations, including th

27、e role of the distribution channel.5. Financial Data and ProjectionsAll the marketing mix decisions covered in the marketing program have both revenue and expense effects. In this section of the marketing plan, both past and projected financial data is included. A key indicator of what future sales

28、will be is to examine past sales. 6. Marketing OrganizationA marketing program needs a marketing organization to implement it. This section of the marketing plan may include an organizational chart with both current and projected positions represented.7. Implementation PlanThe implementation plan sh

29、ows how a company will turn plans into results. To implement a marketing program successfully, hundreds of detailed decisions are often required. These marketing tactics are detailed operational decisions essential to the overall success of marketing strategies. Unlike marketing strategies, marketin

30、g tactics involve actions that must be taken immediately. For each strategy describe what has to be performed to carry it out. For example, if the plan calls for adding television advertising, implementation might involve contacting an ad agency and arranging a meeting, agreeing on objectives, targe

31、ting audiences, and scheduling a flight of advertisements. If the plan calls for increasing the price, a breakeven schedule of alternative prices might be performed. Evaluation and ControlThe purpose of the control phase of the strategic marketing process is to keep the marketing program moving in t

32、he direction set for it. In the control phase, the marketing manager compares the results of the marketing program with the goals in the written plans to identify deviations. The marketing manager then acts on the deviations to correct the negative and exploit the positive ones. Describe the measurement and monitoring mechanisms that will be prescribed, along with target objectives and timelines for each aspect of the marketing program. Milestone analysis is key to this part of the plan.


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