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1、Theme Hotel Design: When the hotelevent themeHoward StutzTheme Hotels emerging as a new form of hotel development, in foreign countries, nearly 50 years, and in our short history, distribution range is also confined to more developed in the hotel industry in Guangdong, Shanghai, Shenzhen to have to

2、return to nature, science, technology, or nostalgic-themed hotel, all reflect the unique operating characteristics. Although the theme hotel in China there are new things, but in the international hotel industry is a kind of new trend. Only a few themes from the domestic hotel business situation, bu

3、siness conditions were better than other hotels.Looking into the future so bright theme hotel, theme hotels it is necessary to carry out planning and design analysis, developing the theme of the hotel to provide some pertinent cannon fodder. 本文从引入主题、定位主题、展示主题、合理配置功能等几部分来阐述。This paper introduces the

4、theme, theme, theme, and a rational distribution of functions of parts to elaborate.1. The introduction of the themeTheme Hotel also known as Featured Hotel, is based on a particular topic, to embody the hotels architectural style and decorative arts, and culture-specific, so that customers receive

5、personalized culture of feeling, at the same time services into the subject, personalized service to replace the generalized service for customers with joy, knowledge and stimulation. 历史、文化、城市、自然、神话、童话故事等都可以成为酒店借以发挥的主题。History, culture, urban, nature, myth, fairy tales can become the theme of the ho

6、tel to play.2. Positioning themeIn doing scenic spot, the first to determine her direction and orientation to the many competitors, bigger and stronger. 同样,主题酒店亦是如此,只不过当其位于景区之内时,更多的是依附于景区的主题定位,与之相呼应,为其服务。Similarly, the theme of the hotel is also true, but when it is located within the scenic area, t

7、he more the subject is attached to scenic location, with echoes of its services. 当她位于城市区或者不仅仅依附于景区而存在时,主题酒店的准确定位显得尤为重要,所要考虑的问题也较多。When she is not only dependent on the city or scenic areas exist, the theme of the exact location of the hotel is particularly important to consider the problems to be mo

8、re. 杭州“梦幻城堡”是个因主题定位不准而失败的典型案例。Hangzhou Dream Castle is allowed to fail due to subject positioning a typical case.3. Hangzhou Dream CastleThe end of 2003 and plans to spend 1.5 billion yuan, known as Chinas first super-star hotel and Dream Castle from Hangzhou Xiaoshan District, the start of the news

9、 came, the person said: As the program changes, Fantasy Castle can not be built. Dream Castle is the original plan of Hangzhou World Leisure Expo 2006, the landmark building, covers an area of 130,000 square meters, more than 100 meters high, the investor is well-known private enterprise Song City G

10、roup. 而其设计者,更是设计过世界最大酒店(米高梅大酒店)的美国著名设计师威尔登辛普逊先生。Its designers, but also designed the worlds largest hotel (MGM Grand) and American designer Mr. Johnson.This ultra-luxurious design, is supposed to be a successful model, but ended in failure. 究其失败的根源,不是说她没有定位,而在于其犯了两个定位上的致命伤。The root causes of failure

11、, not to say that she did not locate, but in their positioning committed two fatal. 一是主题过于超前脱离市场定位:杭州作为休闲之都,又地处于长江三角洲的中心区域,所以定位在长江三角洲地区休闲散客和商务会议客是合理的。One theme too far out of market positioning: Hangzhou as a leisure capital, but also to be at the center of the Yangtze River Delta area, located in t

12、he Yangtze River Delta is why leisure tourist and the business meeting customer is reasonable. 而“梦幻城堡”的主题选择却不支持这一定位,其超五星的建设将远远超出休闲市场的消费能力。The dream castle theme chosen not to support this position, the super star of the building will be far beyond the casual markets spending power. 二是主题过于异类脱离城市定位:杭州

13、是个优美而宁静的江南水乡,是个现代休闲城市;而“梦幻城堡”以“梦幻”为主题,豪华且气势磅礴,与根植于生活的温馨舒适的休闲气氛相反,追求一种远离现实的体验。Second, the theme from the city location too heterogeneous: Hangzhou is a beautiful and peaceful south of Yangtze River, is a modern leisure city; the Dream Castle to dream as the theme, luxurious and magnificent, and roote

14、d in the comfortable life of leisure atmosphere the contrary, the pursuit of a far away from reality experience. 她的错在于没有考虑到所在城市的形象定位和城市规划,那么失败也是理所当然。Shes wrong is not taken into account where the citys image positioning and urban planning, then failure is a matter of course.4.Show topics in depthAft

15、er positioning the hotel to seize the theme, we must consider how to let visitors experience the charm of the hotels theme, which requires self-display of themed hotels. 一个成功的主题酒店能够通过其主题环境与氛围来展示主题概念,换句话说,主题环境与氛围是主题概念的物化。A successful theme hotel theme through its theme of environment and atmosphere t

16、o demonstrate the concept, in other words, the theme is the theme of environment and atmosphere of the concept of reification. 既可以通过主题建筑、主题景观等外在实物的表征来透视酒店的主题,也可以透过主题装饰物等内部的实物表象来展示酒店的主题。Either by theme architecture, landscape theme extrinsic kind of characterization to look into the hotels theme, the

17、me decorations, etc through the physical appearance to display within the theme of the hotel. 但均需精挑细选,严格把关,做到尽善尽美,和谐一致,才能烘托出一个惟妙惟肖的主题环境与氛围。But need to be selective, strictly, to be perfect, harmony, a vivid contrast to the theme of environment and atmosphere.4.1 Architectural, landscape and environm

18、ent in the subjectSubject building is a tangible demonstration of the theme hotel in the customer plays a key role when the first purchase. 主题建筑除了要追求独特外,还应该把握好和周边地理环境的协调性,与周边环境的协调本身也是顾客体验的一部分。In addition to the pursuit of a unique architectural theme, but also should grasp the good and the surroundi

19、ng geographical coordination, coordination with the surrounding environment itself is part of the customer experience. 下面介绍以自然风光为背景的两个主题酒店,其主题建筑和主题景观均与主题环境相符合,被证明是成功的。Heres the background of natural scenery, two themed hotels, theme of landscape architecture and its theme were consistent with the th

20、eme of environment, proved to be successful.Located in the southeast of Austrias Blue hair Rogne Spas motto is subtle difference, it gives the tenant is visually shocking big difference. 奥地利建筑艺术家百水先生(Hundertwasser)的风格在这里发挥得淋漓尽致:一组Wald鄄hofhaeuser公寓群,竟将房舍嵌进了地下,如同一座座土拨鼠的地穴;别墅群的顶端种植着绿茸茸的草坪和灌木,甚至连窗户里都会探出

21、一棵棵的树来,对建筑的认识被彻底颠覆。Austrian Artist Hundertwasser building, Mr. (Hundertwasser) style here on its head: a set of Wald Juan hofhaeuser apartment group, saying that the premises and embedded itself in the ground, like a groundhog in the crypt Block; villas, the top of the plant with soft and thick gree

22、n lawn and shrubs, and even the window of the tree will be unearthed Yi Keke, knowledge of the construction was misplaced. 游客从温泉酒店的游泳池一路游到温泉池,可体验到百水先生设计的无规则水路忽左忽右、忽上忽下的变化,眼前的景致一会儿是波斯宫殿,一会儿又变成了斑马小屋,令你忘记人世间所有的游戏规则。Tourists from the hotel swimming pool spa swim spa pool the way, to experience the desig

23、n of Mr. Hundertwasser Comparative Study and Integration irregular sea, and down changes in front of the scenery while the Persian palace, while he is a zebra cabin make you forget all the rules of the game on earth.Of course, in addition to natural beauty the hotel, there are hotels celebrity cultu

24、re, history and culture hotels, city hotels and artistic characteristics of the hotel features and so on. 各种主题类型的酒店的不同,其所要展现的主题建筑与主题景观亦不同。Various topics in different types of hotel, they want to show the theme of landscape architecture and the theme is different. 但主题景观和主题建筑的和谐一致能够对主题起到渲染作用,达到锦上添花的效果

25、。But the theme of landscape and architectural theme of harmony can be played on the theme of playing up the role, to achieve even better results.4.2 Theme decorationsTo some extent, theme hotels theme park and hotel is the perfect combination of Disney themed hotel is a good example, is a theme hote

26、l development model is relying on the success of the theme park business, Shenzhen Venice Hotel is so. 而作为内部的实物表象,员工工服是主题氛围的重要表现之一,因为员工是流动的主题符号。As the physical representation within the staff work clothes are an important manifestation of the theme atmosphere, because the employee is subject movemen

27、t symbols. 除了员工工服,主题装饰物与灯光和色彩的合理搭配,都能给顾客美好的主题氛围体验。In addition to staff working clothes, theme decorations and lighting and a reasonable color match, can give customers a better experience theme atmosphere.4.3 Rational distribution of functionsThrough the mastery of subject positioning on the theme o

28、f the concept of landscape construction and understanding of the theme, around the theme of this thread to him to break it down, through the rational allocation of functions to improve the planning and design theme of the hotel.Hotel service area divided by the general sub-room area, dining area, pu

29、blic activity areas, conference and exhibition area, fitness and entertainment district, administrative and logistical areas. 这些区域既要划分明确,又要有机联系。It is necessary to divide these areas clear, but also organically.From the business point of view hotel, the hotel part and the non-revenue from the income

30、part of composition, when the total building area is established, area of structure should carefully arrange the following sections: some rooms including single rooms, twin rooms, double rooms, all suites and so on. 餐饮部门包括主餐厅、副餐厅、主酒吧、俱乐部、鸡尾酒室、咖啡室等,另外应包括与宴会有关的大、中、小宴会厅;其它营业部门,包括会议室、健身设施、桑拿、美容、游泳池、洗衣部、

31、商业中心等。Catering sector, including the main restaurant, the Deputy restaurant, main bar, club, cocktail room, cafe, etc. should be included with the banquet the other large, medium and small banquet hall; other business sectors, including meeting rooms, fitness facilities, sauna, beauty, swimming pool

32、, Laundry, Commerce Centre. 非收益部分包括,大堂、总服务台、办公室、行李房、电话总机室、电脑室、仓库、更衣室、医务室、职工食堂、锅炉房、停车场、洗车场等。Non-income section includes the lobby, the main desk, office, luggage room, switchboard room, computer room, storage, changing rooms, medical clinic, canteen, boiler room, parking, car wash, etc.A good hotel,

33、in addition to the unique style, beautiful appearance, and the local environment together with profound cultural connotations, the layout of the internal functions of the hotel very reasonable, the location of each share of a feature just right, not only to facilitate the guests to use also facilita

34、te the management of the operator, not a waste of space, but also reflect the hotels services, rich atmosphere, the guests are satisfied, having lived, the operator saves a lot of manpower. 总的来说,就是要掌握酒店内部的功能分配的十分合理,完全具备方便客人和便于管理的要求。In general, it is necessary to grasp the functions of distribution w

35、ithin the hotel very reasonable, fully equipped to facilitate the requirements of guests and manageable. 而其功能布局要注意以下几点:Layout and its features to note the following:(a)staff and guests each his own, do not cross each other, including luggage and guests have separate entrance. 当客人进入大堂,马上映入眼帘的是总服务台,当在

36、总台办完入住手续之后,顺路进入电梯厅,乘电梯到达所住楼层。When guests enter the lobby, immediately greeted by the service center, when the total occupancy Taiwan after finishing the procedures, the give a lift into the elevator hall, take the elevator to the living floor. 而员工呢,从员工入口进入酒店,第一步打卡,第二步更衣,第三步从员工通道乘员工专用电梯进入各自的工作岗位,员工与客

37、人会各自行走,不会发生碰撞现象。The employees do, from the employee entrance into the hotel, first punch, the second step change clothes, the third step from the elevator staff access by employees into their jobs, their employees and guests will be walking, not collision behavior.Arrangements to facilitate access n

38、ot only to separate the staff and guests, employees must also pay attention to people and objects separated channels. 酒店的库房一般都在地下,员工出入拿东西、送货要分成上、下道,不要人物混杂,不然既影响工作,又容易出事故。The hotel is generally in the underground warehouse, employees take things out, delivery to be divided into Upper and Lower Road,

39、not personalities mixed, otherwise it will affect the work, but also susceptible to accidents.(b)various functions, all in their place, not a waste of space, but also very appropriate arrangements. 一家酒店的大堂,应是功能最多的。A hotel lobby, should be the most versatile. 除了总服务台、礼宾部、行李柜台,还有大堂酒吧或茶座,咖啡厅,其至商务中心、鲜花店、

40、书屋、精品店都要安排在大堂附近。In addition to the main desk, concierge, luggage counter, there is the lobby bar or cafe, coffee, and at the business center, flower shop, book store, gift shop near the lobby to be arranged.The restaurant, closed bar, restaurant style arrangement with sauna, swimming pool at differe

41、nt floors, not separated by too close, not arranged in the same floor. 有的酒店把这种不同的功能安排在同一楼层,各种不同的味道相互影响,严重影响了酒店形象,客人也非常不满意。 Some hotel arrangements for the different functions that the same floor, the interaction of different flavors, seriously affected the image of the hotel, guests are very satisfi

42、ed.(c)the continuity of the demand from the customers distribution function. 上述提到的几家酒店都具有这样特点,如将健身房安排在与游泳池较近的地方,西餐厅与封闭酒吧、咖啡厅安排在较近的地方,零点餐厅安排在一楼,中餐厅,风味厅靠近,多功能厅与会议室安排在同一楼层,这种安排充分考虑了客人需求的连续性。 Several hotels mentioned above have such characteristics, such as the gymnasium and swimming pool close arrangem

43、ent where restaurant and closed bars, cafes close local arrangements, zero arrangement on the first floor restaurant, Chinese restaurant, style Office near, multi-function hall and meeting room on the same floor, this arrangement needs fully into account the continuity of the guests. 有些饭店在功能布局上没有相互照

44、应,只是根据面积大小来布局,结果形成同类功能过于分散,不方便客人使用。Some hotels do not have the functional layout take care of each other, but according to the size distribution, resulting in a fragmentation of the same functionality, inconvenience guests.Hotels in China is an emerging theme of things, but in the face of the homoge

45、nization of products and services, competition in the hotel in general has come to the fore, and just take the long way to go in the future. 只有坚持准确的定位主题、深入展示主题和不断的合理配置酒店功能,才能使酒店不断创新,才能在中国大地上继续前行。Only by upholding the accurate positioning theme, the theme in depth and continuous display of the ration

46、al allocation of hotel features, can the hotel innovation to move.生词表:emerging新兴;trend趋势;pertinent相关的;elaborate精心制作的;stimulation刺激;orientation取向;facilitate促进;occupancy入住率;connotations内涵;deputy副的;主题酒店设计:当酒店遇上主题霍华德斯图兹主题酒店作为一种正在兴起的酒店发展新形态,在国外已有近50年的历史,而在我国的发展历史不长,分布范围目前也仅仅局限在酒店业比较发达的广东、上海、深圳等地,有以回归大自然、

47、科技或怀旧为主题的酒店,都体现出与众不同的经营特色。虽然主题酒店在我国的出现属于新鲜事物,但是在国际酒店业中属于一种发展新趋势。从国内仅有的几家主题酒店经营情况来看,经营状况均好于其他酒店。面对前景如此光明的主题酒店,有必要对主题酒店的规划设计进行解析,给正在发展的主题酒店提供一点中肯的“炮灰”。本文从引入主题、定位主题、展示主题、合理配置功能等几部分来阐述。1. 引入主题主题酒店也称“特色酒店”,是以某一特定的主题,来体现酒店的建筑风格和装饰艺术,以及特定的文化氛围,让顾客获得富有个性的文化感受,同时将服务项目融入主题,以个性化的服务取代一般化的服务,让顾客获得欢乐、知识和刺激。历史、文化、

48、城市、自然、神话、童话故事等都可以成为酒店借以发挥的主题。2. 定位主题在做景区规划时,首先要确定她的发展方向及定位,才能在众多的竞争者中脱颖而出,做强做大。同样,主题酒店亦是如此,只不过当其位于景区之内时,更多的是依附于景区的主题定位,与之相呼应,为其服务。当她位于城市区或者不仅仅依附于景区而存在时,主题酒店的准确定位显得尤为重要,所要考虑的问题也较多。杭州“梦幻城堡”是个因主题定位不准而失败的典型案例。3. 杭州“梦幻城堡”2003年年底,计划耗资15亿元人民币、号称“中国首座超五星酒店”的“梦幻城堡”本应从杭州萧山区传来开工的消息,不料却被杭州有关方面宣布其计划流产。”“梦幻城堡”原计划

49、是杭州2006年世界休闲博览会的标志性建筑,占地13万平方米,高100多米,其投资方是著名民营企业宋城集团。而其设计者,更是设计过世界最大酒店(米高梅大酒店)的美国著名设计师威尔登辛普逊先生。这种超豪华的设计,理应是成功的典范,但却以失败而告终。究其失败的根源,不是说她没有定位,而在于其犯了两个定位上的致命伤。一是主题过于超前脱离市场定位:杭州作为休闲之都,又地处于长江三角洲的中心区域,所以定位在长江三角洲地区休闲散客和商务会议客是合理的。而“梦幻城堡”的主题选择却不支持这一定位,其超五星的建设将远远超出休闲市场的消费能力。二是主题过于异类脱离城市定位:杭州是个优美而宁静的江南水乡,是个现代休闲城市;而“幻城堡”以“梦幻”为主题,豪华且气势磅礴,与根植于生活的温馨舒适的休闲气氛相反,追求一种远离现实的体验。她的错在于没有考虑到所在城市的形象定位和城市规划,那么失败也是理所当然。4. 深入展示主题抓住主题酒店定位之后,就必须考虑如何让游客领略到酒店的主题魅力,这就要求主题酒店进行自我展示。一个成功的主题酒店能够通过其主题


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